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Sold to the Alien Mobsters: A Curvy Girl Alien Reverse Harem Romance (Rogue Aurelians Book 2)

Page 13

by Corin Cain

  I realize with horror that they’re going to grab me, press me against the wall, and fuck me hard and deep until they both fill me with their seed, one after the other. The thought scares me…

  …but deeper than that, it turns me on in a way I didn’t think possible.

  This isn’t the Bond talking. There’s some sick, twisted part of me that’s hopelessly aroused by the thought of trying to fight off two Aurelians in the midst of the mating rage… and losing.

  “Stop,” I gasp, and Daran shudders, as though he’s trying to regain control of his mind. Riff is panting like an animal and Daran’s breath isn’t much slower. Kreos hulks forward, still naked, and he stands behind Daran – forming his fist into a hard ball.

  “Why?” Daran demands. “You ache for this, Petra. You need this.”

  His voice is dark and dominant. I hate that he’s right. I hate that every inch of me aches for Daran to ignore my pleas and force me to be his.

  Kreos looks like he’s about to take the head off his battle-brother, though, and I realize I have to stop this before it turns to violence.

  “I don’t want this!” I try to push Daran away. His immense body quivers as he uses all of his willpower to let go of my hand. I can tell the alien beast is losing himself to his mating rage – and that if I don’t get away now it’s going to be too late.

  I run to the door, slamming my open palm against the button to close it behind me.

  I rush away down the hallway and quickly duck into the clothes room – hoping no one sees me.

  As the door slides shut behind me, I fall to my knees, trying desperately to regain control of my thoughts.

  Tears comes to my eyes – not of sadness, but of being completely overwhelmed. I’m utterly naked and I can still feel Kreos’ seed inside of me, dripping hotly down my legs.

  I don’t regret it. Not with him. It’s so strange feeling him in my mind. His aura is slowly getting fainter in my head, but he’ll always be there. Right now, his presence is exactly like the pictures I’ve seen of chilled pyroclastic flows… But at any moment, I know the old stone could become liquified again, red hot and bubbling.

  That beast has strength, but Kreos has gentleness as well. He could rip the head off a bear, but still be the one who stands up and grabs the honey from the fridge for breakfast.

  Riff… Riff is okay. He seems younger than the other two Aurelians. Maybe he is. He’s rebelling against his own identity – and I can’t blame him. Imagine being an exact clone of a low-life loser. He’s achieved so much more in his life already, but he still feels he can’t escape his roots.

  Daran, though? Daran is scary.

  There’s a deep anger to him that boils up inside. I know he almost snapped back in the gym… and I know how good it would have felt to let him take out that anger on me. I wish I could blame it on the Bond, but there’s something wrong with me. I ache for him to take me hard and make me his.

  The door hisses open, and I barely stop myself from falling backwards.

  Thank the Gods. It’s Tiana.

  “Oh, my Gods! Petra! Are you okay? What happened?”

  “Close the door,” I motion, but before the words even leave my mouth, she’s already hit the button to close us off from the outside world.

  My cheeks burn bright red with sudden embarrassment. Tiana knew exactly where to find me, because I had to run by the lounge to get here. “Did anyone else see me?”

  I see the awkwardness in Tiana’s face. “They’re all jealous. Rebecca wanted to come and get the scoop from you, but I knew if you were running that fast something bad happened.”

  Tiana grabs a huge shawl from the row of clothes and gently wraps it around my shoulders.

  Great. So, I just ran past a group of women who are now gossiping about me – led, almost certainly, by the ringleaders of their little clique.

  Rebecca and Brandy.

  The worst thing? Everything Brandy said was true. It makes me sick that the man who is supposedly Bonded to me lay with that trollop beforehand.

  I know I shouldn’t judge her, but it’s impossible not to.

  “I know Daran has a harem, but that was all before he met me. He slept with Brandy after he already knew me.” I know it doesn’t make sense, but I need to put my thoughts into words.

  Tiana’s eyes go wide. “You slept with Daran?"

  I sigh deeply. “No, no… Not Daran.”

  Tiana clicks the button on the door to lock us in. “Details. Now.”

  I can’t help but feel lighter in her company. It feels like I’m gossiping about a guy I liked back in art school, and not like I was nearly taken by three huge alien warriors – one after the other.

  “I went to the gym to work off some stress. It was working… until Kreos came in.”

  Tiana holds my hand gently as I talk. I can feel myself calming down already. “Anyways… Fuck, I couldn’t keep my eyes off him. He went into the boxing area and fought the AI – and holy shit, the big man can move.”

  “He’s full of surprises,” Tiana answers, sitting down in front of me.

  I shrug. “Well… He kissed me – and things kept going and… and we’re… We’re Bonded, Tiana.”

  My voice turns to a whipper at the last word.

  Tiana shrieks in excitement. “Oh, my Gods! My Gods, no way!”

  I cock my head. I’m so confused. “But… But don’t you understand? My life will never be the same again!”

  Tiana grins at me. “You are the luckiest girl in the world. That man will live and die for you… You get to live for thousands of years – with a hot guy who is going to be obsessed with you until the day you die! Don’t you get it? This is the best news you ever could have got! You get to be young for like, ever!”

  It starts to really hit me. I need to talk to Kreos and work through this.

  “But what about Riff and Daran?”

  “I think the way it works… I don’t know for sure, but I think you’ll be connected to them, as well. Can you feel them in your head?”

  I shake my head. “No. I can only feel Kreos, and not very well. He’s like this… I don’t know how to explain it. It’s like he’s stone, but he melts into fire when he’s with me.”

  “That’s hot.”

  “I don’t know, Tiana. This is all so much!”

  I need to get my mind straight – and, more than anything, I need a hot shower without running into Brandy and Rebecca!

  “Is the coast clear?”

  Tiana stands up and presses the button to open the door an inch. She pauses. “Not exactly.”

  “What does that mean?”

  “It means everyone is out there waiting to ask you a million questions.”

  Matter of fact. Just like that.


  So, I’ve got a bunch of annoying women who are going to want to ask me a million questions - when I’m already asking myself a million more.

  It’s so confusing figuring this all out. All I want right now is a hot, soothing shower – and to lose myself in the steam. I’m so damn sore between my legs from Kreo’s huge…

  I shouldn’t think about that baseball bat right now!

  “I just need to get to the shower before they pounce on me.”

  “I’ll run interference,” says Tiana, opening the door completely. She walks out. “Girls! I’ve got incredible news… you won’t believe it. Come into the lounge with me, Petra’s picking out clothes before she can talk.”

  When I hear them all hustling back to the lounge, I rush out, grabbing a pair of sweats and a hoodie on the way. I’m surprised and delighted to find them there – the type of clothing that you wouldn’t think would get a lot of use when the primary aim of the wardrobe is to dress seductively.

  I’m glad whoever came before me on this ship left it there for me!

  I run to the dorms, rushing past the rows of bedrooms, and slip straight into the shower. When the hot water cascades down on me, I feel instantly better. I have to get my min
d straightened up, and the steaming hot jets shooting down against me are a start.



  The mating rage cools down inside of me. I nearly snapped and did something I could never forgive myself for. Now, all that’s left is broiling anger... I clench my hand into a fist.

  “Easy. You’ve already smashed a table,” Riff quips, but I know he’s feeling the same frustration as me. He just lets his frustration out with little jokes and jabs.

  “Kreos. Why did she choose you?” I ask, but the hulking warrior just slowly puts his sweaty clothes back on and brushes past me.

  “I chose her,” comes his thought as he leaves, as inscrutable as ever. The words echo in my mind as he stomps back to his chambers to shower off.

  I could push him for more information, but part of being a good leader is knowing when to back off. Envy roils in my belly, though. He can feel her in his mind right now.

  By the Gods… What I would trade to have her voice in my mind! To feel her beautiful aura inside of me.

  I hop into the boxing ring, taking off my Orb-Rings and pocketing them. Riff follows behind me. We begin to spar each other, starting off lightly, darting back and forth and exchanging low-powered jabs meant to test each other’s defenses.

  It’s not much of a distraction, but it’s all we have. We both know that following Petra when she left in such an angry huff would be a bad move.

  “Why? Why did she refuse us?”

  Riff snarls, ducking a blow and grazing my cheek with a swift hit. He’s always been faster than me in unarmed combat. The man moves like a jungle cat, all lithe movement. He steps back to answer my question: “I don’t fucking know.”

  Not much of an answer.

  “She caught a glimpse of me with my shirt off and her eyes nearly popped out of her head,” Riff snorts. “It was when you were kissing her that she… snapped.”

  The bubbling black oil of anger surges inside me again. Soon, I will be sating my rage against the men of Don Slip’nak. Soon, I will have a place to put all of my hatred...

  The Bond. The Bond gives strength, intelligence, and clarity. With the Bond, I could rid Taton of our rivals once and for all. How dare this woman refuse me my born right!

  I give Riff a nod to let him know the fight is back on. Then I rush forward, slamming my fist forward in a hard hit that he barely dodges. Riff counters with a punch to my ribs that knocks the breath right out of me. I turn with a snarl, frustrated...

  …and then it hits me like a splash of ice-cold water, just as Riff’s fist suddenly hits me like a stone.

  “Gods, you should have dodged that!” Riff steps back, unsure why I couldn’t get away from his hard jab. My lip is busted open, but I suddenly know what I have to do. The boiling rage cools inside of me, and I grin like a loon.



  I nod. “Brandy. That’s why our mate refused us. It was my fault, not yours. She must think I slept with Brandy.”

  Riff laughs. “You would have, if your body craved her.”

  I growl at him, and he backs off, feeling my aura shift. Petra has me off balance. I feel volatile. “My body did not crave her, and I did not have her. I’ll talk to Petra.”

  Riff grins like a schoolboy. “No, I’ve got a better idea. I overheard Brandy bragging about the size of your cock – only because she hasn’t seen mine yet, mind you.”

  My eyes narrow and the rage boils up. “She didn’t even see me naked!”

  Riff jumps over the ropes, holding his hands up. “I know boss, I know. But Brandy’s been telling the girls she has. Now you see where our dear Petra got those ideas from? Let me handle this. I know exactly what to do.”



  The second I step out of the bathroom in my big, fuzzy robe, Brandy ambushes me. I’m nearly knocked down by her hug.

  “Petra! I’m so happy Kreos chose you.”

  I pull myself away from Brandy and give her a weak smile. I just want to sleep. I’ve got no time for drama – and I’ve got no space left in my emotions to even hate her right now. “Thanks, Brandy, but I need a rest.”

  Rebecca and the rest of the women are behind Brandy, looking at me eagerly. Rebecca snorts: “They really tire you out, don’t they?”

  How bloody crude! But don’t say anything, Petra. There’s no reason to start drama when all you need is rest.

  I push past the horde of women, into my room. I close the door behind me and breath a huge sigh of relief. Tiana is relaxing in bed. She gives me a look of sympathy, as if to say she tried her best to keep them off me.

  “Thanks for running interference.”

  Tiana grins. “It comes at a price. I need to know more!”

  I look skyward. The last thing I want to do right now is think about what just happened. I can still feel Kreos inside me. Every step I take is a reminder that the brutal alien warrior took me hard and deep, and made me cum like I’ve never climaxed before.

  But I owe Tiana something.

  “What do you want to know?”

  “What’s it like, having someone in your head?”

  Bloody hell! I’d almost managed to forget the presence of Kreos in my mind. It’s so strange that I want to reject him, but it’s real.

  He’s this piece of rock in my head. He doesn’t talk much, and apparently his emotions are slow and steady as well. I can feel him, though – calm, and powerful, and steadfast.

  “It’s… it’s so bizarre. It’s hard to explain, Tiana. It’s like I’m sharing my mind. I can feel him – strong, steady…”

  Then it hits me.

  “Fuck, that means he can feel me!”

  I blush, realizing that the torrent of emotions washing over me must have transferred through the Bond – and if I start thinking of the way he made me feel when his body was claiming mine hard in the gym…

  …he’s going to feel the surge of arousal through the Bond and know I’m aching for him.

  I try desperately to force the thoughts of Kreos and his powerful physique from my mind; but it’s difficult to erase the memory of his commanding presence. Ugh, it’s been over a year since I slept with a guy – and I’ve never slept with a guy like Kreos!

  I sigh, pulling myself up into my bunk and lazing back. The ceiling is colored a light blue, and my eyes find patterns in the little cracks and bumps. “You know, Kreos… He was the first guy to ever give me an orgasm.”

  “Get out of here!”

  I laugh. I can either let myself get completely overwhelmed by this whole process, or I can try and relieve the stress by gabbing with Tiana. I’m going to choose option two and get a little control back over my mind.

  “Yeah. I’ve only ever slept with two guys before. I met them both at art school… and they were kind of… Um… The polar opposites of Kreos.”

  Tiana laughs. “So, built like string-beans?”

  I nod to myself. “Exactly.”

  Kreos is the only man to ever make me feel small.

  I’m brought out of my thoughts by the sound of the main doors to the dorms opening.

  “Good afternoon,” comes an Aurelian voice, unmistakably Riff. He always sounds like he’s cracking a joke only he understands.

  “Good afternoon,” comes a chorus of simpering female voices.

  I just wanted to sleep. Now I bury my head in my pillow. Less than half an hour after I refused his advances, he’s already moving on to another woman. It stings.

  “Brandy, I need some… Help from you,” says Riff, his voice dripping with cocky arrogance.

  Great. Fucking great. He’s found his fated mate, and yet the only thing Riff cares about is a quick fuck.

  “Anything, Mr. Riff,” Brandy’s voice makes my skin crawl.

  “I’d like a massage. Daran said you’ve got magic hands. Oh – and one other thing. I’d like you to not pretend you slept with me afterwards.”

  There’s shocked silence. My jaw drops.

Did you hear that?” Tiana hisses.

  I can just see Brandy’s face.

  “What… What do you mean?” Brandy asks, and there’s a tremor in her voice.

  “It has come to my attention that you’ve been bragging about sleeping with Daran. When you give me the massage, I just want to make sure you’re not going to spread similar lies.”

  You can’t slam the automatic doors to our bedrooms, but if you could, I bet the ship would have rattled. I hear Brandy’s heels clicking as she shuts herself away in her room.

  “So, no massage then?” Riff’s laugh is like music, and I can tell he enjoyed taking Brandy down a couple of pegs. It’s cruel, but I get satisfaction out of it as well.

  “So, she didn’t sleep with Daran?” I ask, voicing my thoughts out loud.

  Tiana jumps out of bed, looking up at me. “No, she didn’t. She must have been chasing clout, or felt like she needed to – in order to keep her pride. You know what that means, though, Petra?”

  I look at her and shake my head. The information has me reeling. “What does that mean?”

  “It means that when Daran saw you, he couldn’t be with anyone else – and he didn’t even know you were his mate at the time. You have to go to them.”

  I just wanted a nice, long sleep. I don’t know if I can handle the intensity of the three alien warriors right now. Riff is nice and light, but when the mating lust comes over him, it’s like he just loses his personality to the overpowering instinct to breed.

  “I… I don’t know. Things got pretty intense.”

  “You want me to come with you?” Tiana’s words are gentle and kind.

  I swallow hard. “No. No, I think… I think I need to talk with these guys alone, and figure out what the hell the Bond really is.”

  I’ve heard all the rumors. Some say it grants eternal life. Some say it turns your brain into mush, and that all you can think about is Aurelian cock once you’re a Bonded woman. One thing is for certain, though. I’ve seen pictures and holo-vids of Queen Jasmine. Her triad uses her like a toy for their own pleasure, and the breeding process changes her into the perfect vessel for their seed – but her swollen body looks so out-of-proportion with those enormous, milk-filled breasts and an impossibly-huge, pregnant belly.


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