The Dungeon of Depraved Beasts (An Erotic Horror Novel)

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The Dungeon of Depraved Beasts (An Erotic Horror Novel) Page 7

by Bellucci, Bree

  Olivia hurried to her feet, trying to brush the dirt off her hands and knees, only to look down and see the thick rivulets of semen running down her legs and the white globs on her boots.

  Other than the boots she was completely naked.

  Choking on a sob, Olivia lurched to her feet, hurrying past Leo’s cage. She knew it was too late, though. He had seen her in all her glory: naked, dirty and covered in monster cum. To her immense relief, Rurik took her back to his room and deposited her into his large tub.

  “You pleased me even more today. You exceeded every expectation.”

  He disappeared, and Olivia was finally able to cry. She sobbed silently into her hands, her body wracking with weeping. She sloshed water over her skin, scrubbing until she was raw. Nae appeared and Olivia began to cry again.

  “Shh. Shh,” Nae soothed, running a comb through Olivia’s wet hair before helping her out of the tub. She had a robe and slippers for Olivia and she helped Olivia put them on. “You’re done for the day. Let’s get you out of here,” she crooned, guiding Olivia out of the room.

  Olivia had stopped sobbing, but she couldn’t help the tears that continued to pour out of her eyes. Just as they were about to exit the stairwell by Room Eight with the bed, Samuel appeared.

  “What the fuck?” he growled, his eyes raking over Olivia’s haggard appearance.

  “Get out of here!” Nae spat.

  “What did he do to her?” Samuel demanded.

  “Go away!” Olivia cried, she had had enough for one day; she couldn’t handle Samuel now.

  “What did he do to you?” Samuel implored. Olivia shook her head with shame and looked away. Nae pushed Olivia through the door and into the brightly-lit hallway. She then turned back to Samuel.

  “He took her to Errgor,” she said flatly, before guiding Olivia to her room. Olivia risked a small glance back and saw Samuel standing, looking dumbfounded.

  “Don’t know what his obsession is,” Nae muttered, helping Olivia into her room. Olivia couldn’t dwell on Samuel, she was too upset and too sore. As if reading her mind, Nae fumbled in her pocket for something and pulled out two bright green pills.

  “Take these,” she said, thrusting the pills into Olivia’s hand and handing her a small bottle of water that was sitting by her bed. Olivia didn’t ask any questions and quickly swallowed the pills. “They will help with the soreness. After Rurik and now Errgor, your body will hurt.” Olivia nodded and climbed onto bed. “You’ve been rewarded again today. Another ninety minutes after dinner.”

  Olivia nodded again. Before, she was eager to see Leo to discuss their plan and share her new knowledge, but now she felt sickened by the thought.

  “How about I bring you dinner in your room tonight?” Nae asked. “After that, I’ll take you to the Rec Room.”

  Olivia nodded again and waited for Nae to disappear; she needed to be alone. After Nae left, Olivia found that she couldn’t sleep and instead she was alone with her thoughts. Only days ago she had been on top of the world, ready to start her painting career and waiting for the right man to come along. Olivia had wonderful friends, an amazing family, and great professors. She had it all, and now she had lost everything.

  Time passed slowly and Olivia seemed to go through the motions as though she were underwater. Nae came with her dinner and Olivia had managed to eat a few bites. She had robotically dressed in her pajamas, there had been no normal outfit from Rurik tonight. Her stomach filled with dread, Olivia followed Nae to the elevators to the Rec Room. What would she say to Leo? How could she explain what had happened and her disgusting appearance?

  To her relief, the Rec Room was completely deserted. She didn’t even bother looking out the windows, and instead went directly to the art easel, which happened to be stocked with paints. She didn’t know if it was a coincidence or not, but she didn’t care. She began to paint and quickly became engrossed in her painting.

  The elevators opening tore her away from her work, and her stomach turned as she saw Leo move out. His eyes seemed beadier than normal and his fur looked scruffier. His eyes met Olivia’s immediately and she quickly looked away. Once the doors closed, Leo was at her side.

  “You have amazing talent,” he said.

  Olivia stared at her work, which was different than her normal paintings. This piece was dark and moody. It was filled with large, hulking shapes, some with yellow eyes, and a bright wilting flower that was lost among the darkness.

  “About earlier,” Olivia began, her eyes downcast.

  “Please, don’t,” Leo said, his voice seemed strained.

  “I had no choice, and they drugged me,” she explained.

  Leo held up a furry paw to stop her. “You don’t need to. I understand. I know why you have been brought here. You are a sexual toy. A distraction. A thing to be lent out to monsters for others’ pleasure. I know the complexities, and the shame and horror that comes along with it. You’ve already suffered enough. Please don’t make it harder on yourself by thinking you owe me an explanation.”

  Olivia nodded gratefully, her eyes filling with tears, but she blinked them away. She had cried enough today.

  “I have good news,” she said, trying to make her voice sound bright.


  “I have info on Mastiv.”

  Leo’s eyes widened. “Come on,” he said, heading to the couch. He sat down and he motioned for Olivia to sit next to him. Olivia hesitated; Leo was still a monster, after all.

  “I won’t bite,” he teased. Timidly, Olivia sat next to him, her face only inches away from his snout and pointy ears. Taking a deep breath, she began to fill Leo in on how she learned that Mastiv was “vaulted” and that he was taking nymphs to the water.

  Leo nodded as she spoke, and a few times he closed his eyes, as if trying to picture the exact locations. When Olivia finally stopped talking, Leo’s eyes were still closed.

  “I know what we need to do now. It will take a little time, but I think we can manage it.”

  They spoke in quiet whispers, their heads close together. Leo’s raggedy fur and Olivia’s long brown hair. They didn’t even notice when the elevator doors opened and closed. A cold laugh rang out and Olivia and Leo looked up to see Michael standing before them, his face twisted into an ugly grin.

  * * * * *

  Chapter 3

  * * * * *

  “Well, well, well,” Michael sneered, “If it isn’t Beauty and the Beast.”

  Leo shot Michael a dirty look and got up. “We can work on our French another time,” Leo said pointedly, staring at Olivia. Michael’s head swiveled back around to Olivia and she felt his gaze on her.

  “Umm, yes, okay,” she said slowly, catching on. “I appreciate you helping me.”

  Michael narrowed his eyes. “You’re giving her French lessons?”

  “Yes,” Leo said, raising his head, “I might as well put my language knowledge to good use.”

  Michael snickered. “A lot of good French will do you in here.”

  “Well, at least it’s something that takes our mind off everything else,” Olivia said defensively, jumping up.

  Michael smiled a sick smile at Olivia and took a step closer. Nervously, Olivia swallowed and sat back down. Michael seemed to look between the two and then finally believed them.

  “Alright, let’s go!” he barked at Leo. “Your little lessons are over for the day!” He hustled Leo out of the Rec Room and left Olivia alone.

  Once they were gone, she sagged with relief. She and Leo would need to be more careful. Olivia passed the rest of the time quickly, waiting for someone to collect her. Nae came for her and the trip back to her room was uneventful. Olivia expected Nae to let her into her room and then leave, but instead, Nae came in after her and pulled the door closed behind her.


  “You need to watch Samuel,” Nae whispered quickly.

  Olivia rolled her eyes. “I don’t know what his problem is.”

  “His proble
m is that he likes you and that’s going to get you both killed.”

  Olivia’s eyes widened. She didn’t realize it was this serious. “What are you talking about?”

  “Samuel is a respected servant here. He chose to come here for whatever reasons and Gorside regards him highly. Samuel is rewarded for good behavior. If Gorside ever learned that Samuel had feelings for a prisoner, he would be killed and so would you.”

  “But I haven’t done anything! I don’t want him to like me!” Olivia cried desperately.

  “It doesn’t matter! Stay away from him! I’ve already told him to do the same.”

  “But I do try to stay away from him! He follows me!”

  Nae nodded her head gravely. “I know. You just need to be very careful.”

  Olivia sank on to the bed, her head in her hands. “I hate this place,” she said, her eyes filling with tears.

  “We all do. And we all need to do whatever it takes to stay alive.”

  Nae looked at Olivia one last time and closed the door, leaving Olivia alone with her thoughts.

  * * *

  The following day, Olivia went through the motions that were becoming all too familiar to her. She went through breakfast like a zombie, barely noticing Emily’s fresh and ugly bruises. Calista and Daphne’s cheerful chatter couldn’t pull her out of her funk and she barely noticed when they finished making her up.

  “Olivia! Pay attention!” Daphne scolded.

  “I’m sorry,” Olivia said, smiling apologetically. She took a real look at herself in the mirror. Her auburn hair hung in loose waves down her back. Her makeup looked almost ethereal today. She was dressed in yards of creamy silk that draped beautifully across her body and fanned down her legs.

  “You both did a great job,” Olivia said kindly, “Thank you.”

  “Oh honey, you don’t have to thank us,” Calista said, “We just wanted to make sure you were still in there.”

  Olivia smiled weakly at the nymphs. They had become almost like friends to her.

  “Come on,” Daphne said gently, “Let’s get you upstairs.”

  Olivia nodded and waited to be collected. Part of her wanted Michael to come for her because she wouldn’t have to worry about any awkward encounters with Samuel, but she knew that Samuel would be gentler with her. The door opened and there was Samuel.

  Calista tossed her long blonde hair and rolled her eyes. “Just take her to Rurik,” she told Samuel. He nodded and motioned for Olivia to follow him. Obviously the nymphs talked because Calista and Daphne seemed to know all about Samuel’s feelings for Olivia.

  “You look beautiful,” Samuel said out of the corner of his mouth. Olivia nodded curtly as she followed him to the stairs. Once inside the privacy of the staircase, Samuel grabbed Olivia’s arm and turned her to him. “Olivia,” he said urgently, “Please!”

  “What?” she asked angrily, wrenching her arm away. “What do you want?”

  Samuel moved in to kiss her and Olivia ducked. “What the hell are you doing? Do you want to get us both killed?”

  Samuel looked stunned. “No! Of course not,” he stuttered.

  “Well that’s what you’re going to do!” She began to hurry up the stairs by herself. Samuel ran to catch up.

  “You’re right,” he panted, “I’m sorry.” He paused and Olivia thought that there was more he wanted to say.

  “It’s just that you remind me of a girl at home. A girl I loved,” he finished.

  Olivia felt her face soften. Samuel had a heart after all. “Samuel, I’m sorry. I’m sorry that you feel this way for me and I don’t feel the same way about you. I’m not sure why you are here, but I’m sorry that you miss whoever you loved.” Olivia didn’t know Samuel’s circumstances, but she was somehow sure he hadn’t come here on his own accord the way that Nae believed. Samuel nodded, and finished guiding Olivia to Rurik’s room. He pushed the door open and gave Olivia a small smile before closing it shut. She was alone again.

  Quietly, Olivia made her way to the couch, waiting for whatever horrors were in store for her. She looked at the ugly walls, desperately wishing there was a window so she could see some semblance of a world again. The glances in the Rec Room weren’t enough for her. Nervously looking around, Olivia wondered when Rurik would step out. She waited for a while and then began to fidget.

  “Rurik?” she called quietly. Nothing. “Rurik? I’m here. I’ve been waiting.” Still no answer. Olivia timidly went into the bedroom and pushed open the door, wondering if Rurik could be in there. There was no response. Olivia walked towards another door that she had never entered, nor had she ever seen Rurik enter. Quietly, she pushed it open. Nothing happened, and all she saw was a dark tunnel.

  “What the...” Olivia followed the tunnel, her hands running along the damp earth that lined the walls. After a moment, she thought she heard running water. She began to run faster until she nearly ran right off a cliff. The dark passage dropped off, and thirty feet below Olivia was a rushing river. She realized that this could be the river that led to the portal to escape. Part of her wanted to jump off the cliff, but she knew she could never figure it out on her own. She would probably be caught and killed.

  It suddenly dawned on Olivia that if Rurik found her or knew what she had discovered, he might kill her. Terror gripped her, and she turned and ran quickly up the passage, bursting wildly through the door into Rurik’s room. All was still quiet and she hurriedly shut the door. There was still no sign of Rurik. Olivia tiptoed out of the bedroom and back to the sitting room. Just as she was about to sit on the couch, she heard a bang. Olivia moved towards another door, that she had assumed was just another bathroom or closet. It was covered in warped wood and looked just as decrepit as everything else.

  Olivia pushed the door open and clapped her hand over her mouth. Nae was strung up to the ceiling, her eyes closed shut, and her mouth moving quickly in a nearly silently incantation. Upon closer look, Olivia saw her hands were bound with leather straps that hung from the ceiling. While it should have been painful, Nae appeared in no pain. And standing in front of Nae, driving his massive cock into her, was Rurik. His back was to Olivia so he didn’t notice her standing there, and Nae was too deep in concentration. She was completely naked, her bare breasts bouncing and Rurik’s large hands were pawing at them as if they were toys.

  Olivia couldn’t stifle her gasp, and she ran from the room, pulling the door behind her. She ran to the bathroom and retched into the toilet. She had walked in on Rurik with one of her nymph friends, not once, but twice.

  “Olivia!” Rurik roared, and she wiped at her mouth and slowly came out of the bathroom. Rurik was standing before her, stroking his large erection. “You saw!” This time he sounded angry.

  “I had been waiting. I didn’t know where you were.”

  “Arrgh!” roared Rurik, tearing through the room. Olivia ran behind him and saw him burst back into the room where he had been fucking Nae. Nae was now sitting on the floor, a thin blanket wrapped around her. “She had been waiting!” Rurik screamed at Nae, standing to his full and frightening height. His face was twisted so that he looked even more reptilian than he normally did. His cracking skin quivered with anger.

  “I tried to tell you,” Nae said in a quiet but steady voice.

  “Arggh!” Rurik screamed again, bashing his hand into the wall. The wall crumpled under his strength and bits of stone and dirt fell to the floor. Olivia cowered in the doorway and began to slowly back up.

  “You are mine!” Rurik screamed, turning to her and pointing at her. Olivia stood motionless. She didn’t know how to respond. “You come before anyone else! I always want to fuck you first!”

  “If you had only listened,” Nae said quietly.

  “Silence!” Rurik turned on his heel and strode past Olivia. He then turned back around to her. “Get in the bedroom!” he ordered.

  Olivia gave Nae an apologetic look and scurried back to the bedroom, her heart hammering. What was going to happen now? She he
ard Rurik burst into the hallway and scream for Samuel. Olivia’s heart began to race even faster. Did Samuel do this? Would they all be punished? Olivia sat on the bed, straining to hear. She saw Nae standing in the hallway, the blanket still wrapped around her. Nae turned to look at Olivia and put her finger to her lips to remind Olivia to stay quiet. Samuel must have come because Olivia could now hear Rurik shouting at him.

  “Who told you to bring her to me at this time?”

  “It’s on the schedule!” Samuel said defensively.

  “That’s what the nymph tried to tell me!!” Rurik yelled. “Where’s the schedule.” Olivia heard the rustling of paper and then Rurik cursed. “Out of my sight!” he barked, and Nae scampered away.

  Suddenly, Rurik came bursting into the room, dragging Samuel with him. Their eyes locked for just an instant and then Olivia looked down quickly. Olivia wished she could disappear into the bed and sink into the floor. She was humiliated enough as it was.

  “Do you see her?” Rurik asked Samuel menacingly.


  “She is by far the best human fuck I have ever known.” Olivia looked up quickly to see a flicker of anger on Samuel’s face. “She comes before anyone or anything. When you bring her to me, make sure you find me first. I don’t want to waste time fucking those little magicked pussies, when I can be here fucking this sweet cunt.”

  “Yes, Master,” Samuel said obediently.

  “Isn’t she beautiful?” Rurik asked quietly, admiring Olivia. Olivia looked up and met Samuel’s eyes.


  “Don’t you wish you could fuck her?”

  “Yes.” Samuel’s eyes bore into Olivia, conveying all the emotion and feeling behind those words.


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