The Soul Thief

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The Soul Thief Page 15

by Kim Richardson

  She’d crossed paths with Michael again that same night. He’d parked his Audi Q7 next to Erik’s car when they had returned to the hall, and she had seen a faint sort of amusement in his dark eyes. It was the same look of amusement she had seen before he disappeared through the chain-link fence. It was a dismissive smile that said he had won. Although her insides had tightened at the sight of him, she had flashed him her own winning smile and mouthed, Darknight.

  Alexa had stayed in her own room that night and had tried hard not to think about Erik lying on his bed in his room down the hall from her.

  She had pulled out the dead girl’s phone and discovered that the victim first encountered Darknight on the dating app, Coffin Singles. The app sounded both creepy and tragic, but it also gave her an idea.

  The only way she could convince them that Michael was possessed would be if she could catch him in the act. If it was proof they wanted, she would get them proof. Her way.

  So, the following day, Alexa went in search of Erik and Matt. She strode down through the hallway excitedly. Her plan was going to work.

  When she came upon the tall wooden doors of the training facility, she smiled at the grunts and shouts coming from somewhere inside. But just as she reached out to pull open the doors, they swung open hard and hit her on the chest.

  Alexa hissed and stumbled back. Her wound had been torn open again, and she felt behind her to assess the damage. Someone had purposely used extra force to push open the doors. Alexa dropped her hand from her back and glared when she saw who had smashed open the doors.

  “Watch it, stiff,” said Rachel as she shoved past her. But then Rachel stopped and looked carefully at Alexa. She had sensed something was off. “What’s the matter with you?”

  Shit. Shit. Shit.

  Rachel looked towards Alexa’s lower back, and Alexa could tell by Rachel’s triumphant look that she had seen the pain on Alexa’s face. It had only been for a second, but it had been long enough. The mortal who hated her had seen that she was suffering.

  “Nothing’s the matter,” said Alexa quickly. “This is just the face I wear whenever I see you. You like it?”

  Alexa felt some small, spiteful satisfaction at seeing Rachel’s beautiful cheeks redden before she composed herself. She looked at Alexa with a cold, collected smile.

  Alexa didn’t know what the mortal girl was thinking. And that was dangerous.

  Before things got way too awkward, Alexa brushed passed Rachel and walked into the training room. She quickly made her way across the slippery floors towards the center mats.

  “I know how to catch the soul thief,” she said as she stepped onto the mat where Erik and Matt were training.

  She stood right between the two young men. They were breathing heavily, and sweat covered their flushed faces. It took some effort for Alexa to stop staring at Erik’s glistening tanned and muscled chest.

  “We use me as bait.”

  “Use you as bait?” Erik panted. She could smell his musky sweat, and she breathed it in.

  Alexa explained that she had found the Coffin Singles dating app on the girl’s phone and had seen her conversation with someone called Darknight. She did not tell them that she believed it was Michael.

  Erik and Matt exchanged a look. And then Erik stretched his arms behind his head with his wood baton and moved closer to Alexa.

  “What do you have in mind?”

  “First, I’ll setup my profile with some random girl’s picture from Google, just in case this demon knows who I am and can recognize me. Then I’ll send him a message. I’m pretty sure he’ll write back. Beggars can’t be choosers. Demons are greedy and predictable. He’ll take the bait. It’s time to stop waiting and lure the killer to us.”

  Erik dropped his arms and kicked the baton with his boot. “And while you’re batting your eyelashes to some demon-possessed guy, what will we be doing?”

  Alexa smiled, “Covering me, of course.”

  Erik gave her a cocky grin and leaned forward. “Of course.” Something fierce flashed in his eyes and it brought heat to Alexa’s face.

  What was it about this mortal that was doing this to her? Was it because they had saved each other?

  For a moment, only she and Erik existed.

  “And what do we do once we catch him?” said Matt, shaking Alexa out of her reverie.

  “We take him back here and beat the demon out of him,” said Alexa.

  All the parts of her plan fit together perfectly, like the pieces in a puzzle. Although she’d never actually performed an exorcism, she knew that if the mortal soul had already been consumed by the demon, then just the vessel would remain. Most mortals didn’t come back. She’d heard rumors that the soul could be rescued, but only if it was still inside the body. A soul that had been possessed only stayed in the body for an hour or so, however. After that there was no hope.

  “But first we’ll need answers. I still want to know where it’s taking the souls and why.”

  “If it is demon possession,” said Erik with a slight nod, “there are ways to cast the demon out without killing the mortal. We’ll need House Sariel to help.” There was doubt on his face for a moment, but then his expression changed. “Are you feeling all right? You look a little tired.”

  Alexa cringed a little and raised her brows. “That’s not something we women like to hear.” She hated that he was so perceptive.

  “I’m serious,” he said, watching her intensely. “Are you sick? Can angels even get sick?”

  “Of course not. It’s probably just the lighting in here. I feel fine. I promise.”

  Although Erik didn’t look convinced, he dropped the subject.

  “You know, that plan’s not half bad.” Matt, nodded. “It might actually work.”

  “Of course it’s going to work.” Alexa locked eyes with Erik again.

  Matt looked over to Erik. “We should get Santo and the others on this—”

  “No,” blurted Alexa. She knew if Santo was told of their plans, Michael would definitely hear about it. She couldn’t risk it. It was her only shot at proving he was guilty.

  “I mean,” said Alexa, recovering, “if I’m wrong, it’s going to look really bad for the Legion. I’m already abusing all kinds of rules and regulations with the two of you on this. I don’t want to get the others involved. At least not yet.”

  The half-truth slipped easily from her lips. And then she thought of something else. “Unless you guys don’t think you can handle a demon—”

  “We can,” said Erik. He looked slightly vexed that anyone would think he couldn’t handle himself in a fight with a demon. Matt’s face mirrored Erik’s.

  Alexa smiled. “Good. I just need a few minutes to set up a new account. Then I’ll send Darknight a message. And then we wait.”

  “How long till he takes the bait?” asked Matt.

  “Not long. If I’m right, I’ll have a date with the soul thief by this time tomorrow.”

  “A date with whom?”

  Rachel strutted towards their mat, like a seasoned model on the catwalk. Everything about her oozed sensuality.

  She ignored Alexa and went straight up to Erik. She gave him a dazzling and seductive smile that made Alexa’s temper flare.

  Had she been eavesdropping there the whole time?

  “No one,” said Erik. His voice was cold and indifferent. He didn’t seem to be affected by the gorgeous, voluptuous blonde. He turned back to Alexa. “Come on. Let’s go somewhere else. Alexa?”

  But Alexa was too surprised by the sudden change in Rachel to answer. Her ivory skin had turned pink, and her expression had twisted into something ugly. Clearly, she had been hurt. Any girl could see that. It was also clear that she felt Alexa had no business fraternizing with mortals, particularly with her mortal.


  “Let’s see how well you can fight, stiff,” spat Rachel, loudly enough for the entire hall to hear. Oddly enough, she seemed taller, thicker, and stronger than before
, like she’d spent half the day at the gym pumping iron. It was as though she’d been planning this.

  Alexa didn’t hide her annoyance at the challenge in Rachel’s voice. She could handle this mortal girl. Either Rachel wanted to make a fool out of her, or she was going to go down fighting for the guy she loved. Alexa was impressed. She looked at the mortal girl—really looked at her. The girl was not afraid to fight an angel who had ten times her strength. The girl had balls. Perhaps Alexa was impressed because she knew she’d do the same.

  “Rachel, what are you doing?” Erik turned to face her. “You need to cool off. Let’s go for a walk and talk, all right?”

  But Rachel stepped around him, staring Alexa down. “Unless you don’t even know how to fight. Oh, no, that’s right. You can’t. It’s against the rules, isn’t it?”

  “I can fight.” Alexa glowered at her. “Bring it, Barbie.”

  Rachel’s smile was radiant. “Let’s use real weapons, shall we?” She pulled out a long sword from behind her back, and Erik stepped out of the way.

  The hall quieted instantly, and all eyes turned in their direction. If Alexa backed out now, they’d think her a coward. She wasn’t a coward, and she was getting tired of miss perfect Rachel. Her M-suit tingled in anticipation.

  “Rachel, stop this.” Erik stepped forward. “We never use real weapons for training. What’s gotten into you? You’re being ridiculous. You don’t understand.”

  “Oh, I understand plenty,” seethed Rachel as she finally looked at Erik.

  It was obvious to Alexa what she’d meant. Even in her fury, there was the underlying hurt in her eyes. And the guilt-ridden expression on Erik’s face meant that he knew he had dismissed her rudely.

  Alexa waved him off. “It’s fine. Let her play her game.” She turned and raised her hand to Matt. “Can I borrow your practice sword?”

  Matt shrugged as he handed her his hardwood long sword. The handle was still warm and clammy, and the weight was unbalanced and too light. Part of her wanted to ask Matt for his real sword, but even if she hated Rachel, she didn’t want to hurt her. She wasn’t allowed to harm a mortal unless it was in self-defense. And she was planning to make sure it would be.

  Alexa twirled her wood sword like a cheerleader’s baton and flashed Rachel her too-bright smile. “Ready when you are.”

  Alexa’s instincts were strong. Maybe Rachel had more years of training than she did, but Alexa was blessed with supernatural strength and stealth. Angels were stronger and faster than mortals, so she didn’t understand why Rachel looked so confident. Did she know something that Alexa didn’t? What was she playing at?

  Rachel gave her a half smile. “I’ve been waiting a long time for this.” Her eyes opened wide, and she lunged at Alexa murderously.

  With a turn of her arm Alexa brought the wooden sword into blocking position. Her legs shook with the impact as she deflected the blow. Rachel was surprisingly strong for a mortal girl. But Alexa was stronger. She grinned at Rachel and parried the silver sword with ease when she charged again.

  Alexa saw the exchange of money among the blur of faces, and her body tensed when she realized they were placing bets on the outcome. But Erik stood apart and watched Rachel grimly.

  Matt, on the other hand, collected money from the others happily.

  Alexa feinted and spun with catlike grace.

  Rachel surged forward again, grunting with the force it required to hold her sword against Alexa’s wooden stick. She aimed the tip of her sword at Alexa’s throat. But Alexa kicked her in the stomach, and Rachel stumbled back.

  She recovered quickly.

  “Cheap shot, wasn’t it?” said Alexa. The fight was turning ugly. “You always fight this dirty?” She knew the girl hated her, but this went beyond jealousy.

  Rachel’s face was the color of blood. She hissed and lunged forward again. Only this time she used her left hand and grabbed Alexa’s wooden sword.

  Just when Alexa thought that the girl had had enough, she was caught off guard.

  It happened so fast that Alexa scarcely had time to register what was happening. Rachel swung her around by the wooden sword and then grabbed a handful of her shirt and ripped it apart, exposing her back.

  Gasps of horror echoed throughout the room. Alexa felt ashamed. It had never been about the fight; it had only been about this.

  Alexa tried to cover her exposed back, but the horrified look on Erik’s face confirmed that he had seen it. Everyone had.

  “See,” panted Rachel with a wicked smile. “I told you she was a monster.”


  AS ALEXA LEFT THE HALL, the only words that kept playing in her head were monster, monster, monster.

  Worse, she couldn’t get Erik’s expression out of her head. His eyes had widened with shock, and then he had turned his handsome features away in revulsion. The image kept playing over and over again like a looping video clip.


  She’d been humiliated. Rachel might just as well have stripped her naked in front of the everybody. But it was worse than that. They’d seen her diseased back. The seeping wound and the web of black veins screamed abnormality. The demon’s poison had obviously infected her dead and inhuman flesh. It was wrong. Who was she kidding? Herself?

  Probably. She was not mortal. Those days ended when she had fallen down those damn steps and killed herself. It hadn’t even been a romantic way to die or even a tragic accident. It was pathetic. Just like her.

  The cool air on her open wound felt like hot wax. She ground her teeth from the pain and hurried up the stairs to the third level. She didn’t belong here, and Erik wasn’t hers. Now she was done playing the mortal.

  She slipped her keycard into the slot and pushed into her bedroom. The once beautiful and inviting room felt empty and stale, just like a real hotel. And in real hotels, guests never stayed for too long. Alexa had overstayed her welcome.

  But before she did anything else, she ran to the bathroom and looked into the mirror.

  Alexa gasped. It was worse than she’d thought. Her entire back was covered in angry black veins that surrounded the wound that was raw and trickled with yellow pus. It smelled like rotten meat. She was rotting from the inside out. She had stopped looking at the wound after she had seen it the first time and hadn’t realized how much it had spread. She had simply tried to ignore the constant pain and throbbing.

  It would do no good to cry. It wouldn’t change anything. She tossed her shredded top on the floor and dabbed the pus on her back with cotton balls to remove as much as she could. Then she found the first aid kit and wrapped her middle and back with gauze. She didn’t bother to put on any disinfectant. She doubted it would work. Lastly, she rubbed some lavender bath oils over her front and back. She hoped it would mask the smell.

  She snatched a new black top from the top drawer of her dresser, pulled it over her head, and checked herself. Apart from her wild expression, she looked…fine.

  She should just leave. Let them deal with the soul thief. Erik and Matt probably wanted nothing to do with her. Perhaps that was best.

  Alexa was done pretending to be human. The pool was only two floors down. She could make it there without drawing too much attention to herself. Then she could just disappear.

  She trembled at the thought of the water going over her head and suffocating her. But there was no other way. She’d known all along that she’d have to go back to Horizon sooner or later. It just was a little sooner than she’d hoped. Still, she was determined to go. She couldn’t face them. She couldn’t face Erik…

  A soft tap echoed from her bedroom door.

  Alexa cursed. Valerie had probably arrived to show her out. Fantastic. Would that woman ever stop pestering her? She had hoped she could slip away unnoticed. Now it seemed she would have an escort. Alexa braced herself and pulled the door open.

  “Can I please, just have a few minutes more—” She hesitated.

  Erik stood on the threshold with his han
ds in his pockets. The soft yellow light in the hallway glowed on his tanned skin and masked his face in shadow.

  “Hi,” he said casually.

  Alexa took in his easy demeanor, the way he leaned on the threshold with the ghost of a smile on his face. As he shifted his weight, she could see he was nervous.

  He looked at her new shirt and when he looked back at her face she could see that his expression was kind and soft. His eyes sparkled, and he did not appear to be disgusted any more.

  Alexa closed her mouth when she realized it was hanging open. “What are you doing here?”

  Those dark eyes narrowed slightly. “I wanted to make sure you were all right.”

  His words made her pause. He sounded very much like he really was concerned for her well-being.

  Alexa’s throat throbbed, but she tried to control her emotions. “I’m fine. I’m just sorry you had to see that. But it’s nothing, really. Thanks for checking on me, but you really didn’t have to bother.”

  “Can I come in?” Before she could answer, Erik brushed past her and came into her bedroom. It suddenly seemed too small, too intimate.

  “Nice,” he said, inspecting the furnishings, peering into the bathroom, and looking out her large window. “The view’s better in this room. Not that I can see much at this hour, but it’s bigger than mine. Figures that Valerie would have picked this one for an angel. It’s probably one of the best rooms in Hallow Hall.”

  Alexa tried not to smile. He was affecting her in ways that he shouldn’t. She couldn’t have any feelings for him. It would be a dangerous mistake. It was wrong. The logical side of her brain struggled to wrestle control from her emotional side.

  Erik flashed her that magnificent smile again, and it made her weak in the knees and forget that she was dead. His eyes shone with mischief, and she wondered if he knew the effect he had on her.

  Why was he here?

  “I’m sorry about what Rachel did,” he said. “It was wrong. She shouldn’t have done that.”


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