Tied to a Boss 4

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Tied to a Boss 4 Page 8

by J. L Rose

  Zoe Papi saw Jean Paul’s 325I BWM as soon as his E-Class pulled up in front of the trap house. He watched his lieutenant leave the front porch where a few men and some workers stood watching Jean Paul walking out to the Benz. He pulled out a pre-rolled blunt as the chauffeur opened the back door and Jean Paul climbed inside.

  “What’s up, Zoe Papi?” Jean Paul said as the driver closed the car door. “What you need me to handle, boss?”

  “You still got that kid out there watching the boy Rob?” Zoe Papi asked as he blew a cloud of thick weed smoke.

  “You never gave me the word to move ’im, so he’s still on the Rob guy,” Jean Paul answered, just as Zoe Papi dug out his cell phone and stared down at the screen.

  He read the text that just had come through from Alinna.

  He then slid the phone back into his pocket as he looked over at Jean Paul and ordered, “Call the young kid and find out exactly where Rob is, because he has visitors.”

  “You mean Dante’s back?”

  “I said visitors, not Death himself!” Zoe Papi told his lieutenant.

  While staring at Jean Paul and seeing the understanding slowly creep into his eyes, Zoe Papi added, “Alinna Blackwell and her girls are back in Miami!”

  “She’s just as bad!” Jean Paul started, but paused, seeing the neighborhood streets light up as if the sun was rising back into the sky.

  Zoe Papi stared out the back tinted window and watched as an Escalade made its way up the street, followed by a second Escalade and the Benz. Zoe Papi slowly smiled as he recognized the Rolls-Royce Phantom that made its way up the street with a second Benz truck following behind.

  “What the fuck!” Jean Paul said, staring out the back window at the two Escalades that were now blocking the opposite end of the street.

  Zoe Papi turned in his seat and looked out the back window to see what Jean Paul was talking about. He looked back outside again just as the doors opened to the Escalades next to the Phantom and out poured a team of suit-wearing Asian men, some carrying semiautomatic rifles.

  “What in the hell?” he said out loud to himself.

  He then looked at the Phantom, just as a slim but sexy Asian female climbed from the backseat.

  “Who the hell!” Jean Paul started, but then stopped once he saw Alinna Blackwell climb from the backseat of the Phantom. “Ain’t this a bitch! It’s Alinna!”

  Zoe Papi smiled a bit as he lightly tapped the window announcing to the chauffeur that he was ready to get out. He then climbed from the back of his E-Class after his door was opened for him.

  “The queen has returned!” Zoe Papi said with a big smile.

  However, his smile quickly froze as the path between him and Alinna was instantly blocked by more than ten Asians who all had guns and looked ready to use them.

  “Yasmine!” Alinna called as Yasmine spoke in Japanese, causing the guards to step aside and clear the path between her and Zoe Papi.

  “I’m impressed!” Zoe Papi said, smiling again as Alinna and the Asian woman walked over to him. “Who’s your new friend?”

  “Where’s Rob and Fish Man?” Alinna asked, ignoring the question.

  Zoe Papi smiled wider and looked behind him at Jean Paul. He also noticed the look on the faces of all the men who worked for him who were standing a few feet behind.

  “Jean Paul, come over here!” Zoe Papi ordered.

  Alinna watched as Jean Paul made his way over to stand beside Zoe Papi. Alinna then returned the nod that she received from the lieutenant.

  “Where is Rob at now?” Zoe Papi asked Jean Paul.

  “My guy Edwin says he’s at his trap spot over in Brown Sub!” Jean Paul answered, looking back over toward Alinna as he spoke.

  “What’s the address?” she asked, holding Jean Paul’s eyes.

  * * *

  “So what are you planning to do, Dante?” Carmen asked as she, Dre, Dominic, and Roosevelt all sat inside Dominic’s home office, with both Mr. Sutter and Mr. Goldmen on the speaker phone.

  “Well, right now I’ve got James and Tony T driving out to eastern Arizona looking into the address we have,” Dante began as he pulled out his ringing phone to see that Kerri Cook was calling him.

  Dante told the others to hold on and walked from the office while answering the phone, “Yeah, Kerri. What’s up, shorty?”

  “Hi, Dante. Alinna asked me to call you and let you know that we all made it to Miami.”

  “Where is she now?”

  “Left with the others to go and handle the business we came back for. I’m on my way to pick up your sister from the motel she’s staying at.”

  “Kerri, make sure you check out Melody from that motel and tell her I want her at the house with everyone else, and also assign two guards to her! Matter of fact, take her to pick out a car.”

  “I’ll take care of it, Dante!” Kerri told him, but then asked, “How’s everything going out there with you all?”

  “It’s about to get real-lived out here, shorty! But let me get back in this meeting. Tell Alinna to call me when she gets home or gets some free time.”

  * * *

  Rob stepped outside onto the front porch of the apartment that he used for a trap house. He was followed by his right-hand man who he hired as his gunman since the beef with Dante and Alinna Blackwell really jumped off. He knew that the Blackwells had left Miami and left power in the hands of Rafael, the crazy Jamaican. As such, Rob still wanted to stay on point just in case anything else was to jump off.

  Rob’s cell phone rang just as he was saying a few last-minute words to his workers. He nodded to them as he dug out his phone and walked off the porch.

  Rob saw that Fish Man was calling him. He started to answer the call when his gunman grabbed his arm before he stepped out the front gate. He looked up and over at his gunman, but his attention quickly turned toward the street, when he saw his gunman’s face staring in that direction.

  “You expecting company?” the gunman asked Rob.

  They watched as two Escalade trucks and a Benz truck pulled up in front of the trap house.

  “Hell no!” Rob answered, staring at the three SUVs, only to see two more Escalades and another Benz truck pull up from the opposite end of the street. “What the hell!”

  Rob felt his gunman grab his arm and pull him backward at the same time the driver’s and back doors opened. Rob was surprised to see Vanessa and Tony T’s lady, Harmony, climb from the truck.

  “What’s up, Rob?” Vanessa called out, smirking at Rob as she and Harmony closed the truck doors.

  Keisha, Maxine, and Amber walked around from the other side of the truck.

  “What the hell are y’all doing here?” Rob asked, noticing the look on Keisha’s face. “I heard y’all left town!”

  “Well, we decided to come back!” Vanessa replied, but then said, “Somebody wants to talk with you.”

  “Naw, I’m good!”

  “That wasn’t a request, nigga!” Keisha spoke up, spitting her words at Rob. “You either come with us or we’re just going to snatch yo punk ass up!”

  Rob slowly smiled as his gunman smoothly pulled his banger from his waist. Rob saw Vanessa pull out her phone and make a phone call. He watched the he-she bitch until she hung up, and then noticed a smirk appear on her lips.

  “Today’s your lucky day!” Vanessa told him. “We can handle this right here.”

  “Handle what?” Rob asked, just as something caught his attention from the corner of his left eye.

  He felt his heart speed up at the familiar sight of the Rolls-Royce Phantom that was pulling up behind the Benz truck out of which Vanessa and the others exited.

  Rob watched the driver climb out and walk to the back and open the door. He was confused when he saw the Asian woman climb out. He then swung his attention over to the four Escalades and saw suit-wearing Asian men with big toys in their hands climb out.

  “How’s it going, Rob?”

  Rob recognized the Spanish-accented vo
ice and looked over at the Phantom. Alinna was standing beside the Asian woman, who was now gripping a Beretta 9mm in her right hand against her thigh.

  “Alinna, what are you doing here? Where’s Dante?” he asked.

  “Worry about what’s happening now, Rob!” Alinna told him. “I need some answers, and you’re going to give them to me! Let’s go!”

  “He’s not going!”

  Boom! Boom!

  Rob barely saw the Asian woman when she moved her right hand that held a Beretta. He looked to his right as his gunman stumbled backward, dropped his banger, and grabbed his chest that was pumping blood across his front. Rob then watched his gunman as he fell to his knees trying to breathe.


  Rob jumped away from his gunman after seeing his face blown open. He then looked back at a now-smiling Alinna while the Asian woman calmly stood beside her, staring her dark-colored eyes at him.

  “Are you ready to go now, Rob?” Alinna asked, still smiling at him.


  VICTOR ELIJAH CLIMBED FROM his lim-ousine once the chauffeur parked and opened his door, and he started toward the front door of his mansion. His cell phone rang just as his front door slowly swung open. He saw that it was his wife calling. He then looked inside the door and stared straight at a handsome young man, with gold teeth staring at him.

  “Who the hell are you?” Victor asked, both confused and with growing anger. “How the hell did you get into my house?”

  “You may wanna answer your phone!” the stranger calmly told Victor, in a voice that was just louder than a whisper.

  Victor first looked at the man in his house and then down at his phone, and then answered, “Oliva!” Hearing his wife scream out his name right before the line went dead, Victor looked back at the stranger.

  “Oliva is fine for the moment, Victor. How long she stays that way is up to you!” the stranger info-rmed.

  “Who the fuck are you?” Victor asked angrily as he walked up to the stranger. “What the hell do you even want?”

  “Edward Randolph and everybody that has any type of business dealing with him,” the stranger told him, staring the drug lord directly into his eyes.

  Victor slowly nodded his head in understanding, and with a calmer voice said, “You’re Dante Blackwell, right? Dominic Saldana’s son-in-law, correct?”

  “I take it Samuel Atlas, I mean Samuel Randolph must have told you about me?” Dante asked him.

  “The man thinks you’re the devil himself!” Victor told Dante with a smile on his lips. “I’ll admit that it’s been real good seeing the cocky bastard afraid for a change. What am I supposed to be able to do for you, though?”

  “It’s simple!” Dante replied. “I want to know who’s all involved with both Edward and Samuel, and I need accurate locations and names.”

  “And if I help you, will you release my wife?”

  “Let’s deal with Edward and Samuel first, and then we’ll discuss your wife’s release,” Dante told him as he stepped back and motioned for Victor to step inside his mansion.

  * * *

  Alinna listened and watched as both Keisha and Maxine worked Rob’s body, moving from body part to body part until he was willing to give up Fish Man’s location. Alinna then saw Vanessa step up beside her on her left side, but she kept watching the twins at work.


  “What ’Nessa?” Alinna answered after a moment, after feeling her sister’s eyes burning into the side of her face.

  “Look! I know you wanna find Fish Man. We all do! But do you really think Rob knows?”

  “Vanessa, you saw Fish Man’s number inside his phone.”

  “Yeah, I did,” Vanessa interrupted. “But really, Alinna. Look at the boy. He’s pissed and shit on himself at least four times. If the nigga knew anything, he would have told by now.”

  “So what do you say we do, Vanessa?” Alinna asked, turning to face her sister. “We came to Miami to finish this bullshit with Fish Man and—!”

  “Alinna!” Maxine called out.

  Alinna looked from Vanessa over to the twins and saw them both standing back away from Rob, whose head was down and his chin against his chest. Alinna walked over to the girls, with both Vanessa and Yasmine following behind her.

  “What the hell happened? Wake his ass the fuck up!” Alinna ordered.

  “Alinna!” Yasmine said as she stepped beside Rob. She pushed his head up by the forehead and stared into his dead eyes. “He’s dead, Alinna!”

  “You’re joking!” Alinna said, even though she could see that Rob was seriously dead. She shook her head and cursed under her breath.

  “What now, Alinna?” Keisha asked while still staring angrily at Rob’s dead body.

  Alinna shook her head, turned away from Rob’s body, and walked out of the room. She locked eyes with Harmony as soon as she stepped out into the front room, walking upon the others waiting and smoking.

  “What’s up, Alinna?” Harmony asked, seeing the look on her face.

  “Y’all, let’s get outta here! We’re leaving!” Alinna told the whole room, just as Yasmine, Vanessa, Keisha, and Maxine walked into the front room. “Yasmine, have a few of the girls get rid of the body.”

  “I’ll help!” Keisha spoke up, nodding to Yasmine.

  Alinna turned and headed for the front door with the others right behind her. She stepped outside and was met by a team of four guards, two on each side of the door. She walked away from the apartment and headed for the stairs with a guard on each side of her and two following behind. Alinna then pulled out her cell phone as she walked down the step. She was surprised that he answered after three rings.

  “Who this?” Dante inquired.

  “You must be busy?” she asked as she walked out to her Phantom.

  “Pretty much! You good, though?”

  “I’m fine. But I was—!”

  “Alinna, if you good, then I’ma have to call you back, shorty. I’m in the middle of handling something right now!”

  “Call me later!” Alinna told him, hanging up the phone as Yasmine was climbing inside the Phantom.

  “Was that Dante?” Yasmine asked as the car door was shut.

  “Yeah! I’m guessing he’s most likely about to kill somebody.”

  “Why doesn’t that surprise me?” Yasmine said, earning a smile from Alinna.

  * * *

  Dante kept in the shadows, sprinting up the sidewalk after hopping out of the Yukon truck as it passed the mansion. He ran straight up to the tall red brick wall that surrounded the home he was about to enter. He leaped off his right foot and grabbed the top of the wall. Dante then pulled himself up and quickly over. He remained squatted in a dark corner along the wall and began looking around the front grounds.

  Dante eyed three armed guards on the same side of the wall, maybe five or ten feet apart from each other. There were also three more guards along the far wall. Dante pulled out his KA-BAR knife from its leather sleeve wrapped around his forearm. He stayed low but moved quickly and surprisingly silently as he crept up on the first guard that was less than four feet away.

  “Wha!” the guard started, only for Dante to cut him off, grab him across the mouth, and slide the KA-BAR knife across his throat.

  He slit his throat, killing off all sound and life.

  Dante gently laid down the guard on the grass. He then shifted his eyes around the grounds again, making sure he wasn’t seen before he focused on the next guard, who stood close by smoking a cigarette.

  Dante took off in a sprint and made it up to the guard just as the man looked his way. Dante saw the surprised look in his eyes, just before dropping into a squat and kicking his legs out from under him with a sweep kick. He followed that up by slamming the KA-BAR knife down into the guard’s chest with his left hand while covering his mouth with his right.

  Once the second guard was dead, Dante looked around once again. He was just about to turn his attention to the third guard when something ca
ught his eye from across the far side of the grounds. Dante spied a fight between Gage and one of the guards. He then heard a yell and looked at the guard closest to him take off in the direction of Gage and the other guard.

  “Fuck!” Dante cursed under his breath while pulling out his Glock from its holster on his left with his right hand firing away.

  Boom! Boom! Boom!

  * * *

  “What the!” Bruce Capri started, after jerking awake at the sound of gunfire.

  However, he instantly stopped in the middle of what he was saying after finding himself staring down the barrel of a chrome gun.

  “Shut the fuck up, bitch!” James said to the dark-haired, white female who lay in bed beside Capri.

  James then shifted his eyes back to the drug lord once the woman balled up.

  “How the hell did you get into my fucking house?” Capri asked, only for the young white male to remain silent and stare straight at him. “Did you hear me, you son of a bitch? Answer me!”

  James continued to ignore the man while he lay in the bed yelling and demanding to know who he was and what was going on with all the gunfire in the mansion. James then looked at his Cartier watch and saw that they had already been inside the mansion longer than they planned on being.

  “Sit the fuck down!” James demanded Capri as he watched the middle-aged drug lord climb from the bed.

  “I demand to know what the hell is going on!”

  “Get back in the bed!” James told him, cutting him off as he began to speak.

  “You will tell me!”


  “Agghhhh!” the woman screamed after the gun went off, and Capri instantly dropped to the ground as she rushed to his side.

  James stared down at the woman and Capri, who he had shot in the thigh. He shook his head wondering how someone so weak could run half of Arizona. He then thought about how Dante would have reacted if he had been in Capri’s place getting shot, and James figured Dante would have killed him already.

  “Having a problem in here?”


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