Obsessed (Cunningham Security Series Book 1)

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Obsessed (Cunningham Security Series Book 1) Page 20

by A. K. Evans

  “Oh, Levi,” I moaned again.

  We moved like that for a bit, our pace steady, but it wasn’t long before Levi was rolling to his back and taking me with him. I rode him hard, my body moving effortlessly over his. He gave me time to do my thing, going at my own speed, which was close to matching his when he had been on top. Levi held on to my thighs as I continued to ride him, until suddenly his fingers dug in deeper and he said, “Stop.”

  I froze on top of him and was about to ask what was wrong when one of his hands slid around to my ass and he explained, “Want you to ride me, Elle, but I want to see this ass bouncing as you do it.”

  Reverse cowgirl.


  I lifted off him and turned my body around so I was looking away from him. After settling my legs on either side of him, I put one hand to his thigh, lifted myself, and positioned him at my entrance. As I lowered myself down onto him, I slid my hands down and cupped his balls in my hand.


  I smiled to myself. I loved making him like this.

  Putting both hands to his legs, I leaned forward and began to lift and lower myself on his shaft. This position put him at just the right angle and I was mere minutes into it when I felt myself getting close.

  “I want your eyes, sunshine. When you get there, you’ve got to give me that sweetness.”

  I kept moving.

  “It feels so good,” I whimpered, knowing this was going to hit hard and fast.

  “Give me your eyes and take it, El.”

  I wasn’t sure how I managed it, but somehow, I glanced back over my shoulder as I continued to move and gave Levi my eyes. The second my eyes connected with his, it happened. Pure pleasure shot through my entire body, my muscles quaking with the effects of my orgasm. I couldn’t begin to describe the sounds that came from me.

  I kept my eyes on Levi and watched as he found his release. One hand gripped my ass as the other dug into my calf.

  My movements began to slow until, finally, I stopped. I had no energy left and fell forward as my arms could no longer hold me up.

  “Oh, that was incredible,” I gushed.

  Levi’s body vibrated with laughter while his hand gently stroked along the skin on my ass cheek.

  “You’re quite the cowgirl. I should have known from that first day I saw you in those boots at my place.”

  “What can I say? You’ve got the world’s best saddle.”

  “Feel free to go for a ride any time you’d like.”

  “I’ll be sure to keep that in mind.” My voice was a mix of lazy and sated.

  Levi gave me a minute to catch my breath and come to my senses before he moved, pulled himself from my body, and helped me up.

  “I’m going to go clean up and then I want to fall asleep in your arms.”

  He squeezed my shoulder and softly stated, “Ok, hurry up.”

  After I cleaned up, I was crawled back into the bed and over Levi. As soon as I reached the opposite side of him, he hooked an arm around my waist, hauled me up against his body, and kissed me. When he pulled away, he stared intently at my eyes before whispering, “I love you so much, sunshine.”

  “I love you more,” I replied.

  His hold around me tightened and he pressed a soft kiss to my forehead. A few minutes later, when I was nearly asleep, I heard him whisper, “Not possible.”

  Warmth spread through my body.

  Just before I fell asleep, those two words were repeating over and over in my head and I knew in that moment that I hadn’t ever felt so content before in my entire life.

  The next day, Levi and I slept in. We had a lazy morning, filled with some slow love-making, followed by breakfast in the form of room service. Levi asked me how I wanted to spend the day.

  “At the pool, doing nothing but sunbathing,” I answered.

  He stared at me.

  “Is that ok?”

  “Yeah, Elle, it’s ok. You just surprised me with that. I thought you’d be taking me all over the city today.”

  “I like to keep you on your toes,” I teased. “Besides, I have a show tonight and tomorrow night. Yesterday was enough Vegas excitement for me; I want to just spend the next two days relaxing.”

  He mumbled under his breath, “All of it.”


  Levi shook his head and answered, “Nothing, sweetness. I’ll let the guys know they are off the hook today. You and I can spend the day at the pool before your show tonight.”

  I gave him a big, bright smile and said, “Thanks, love.”

  Several hours later, my body was glistening under the hot, desert sun. It was late afternoon and I had successfully spent nearly my entire day soaking up the sun’s rays. I did take a dip or two in the pool to cool off throughout, just to keep from overheating. The day couldn’t have been more perfect.

  I was in the lounge chair, decked out in my yellow bikini, a pair of shades, and a hat when I saw Dom and Pierce walking our way. They both were wearing a pair of board shorts and nothing else.

  Holy crap.

  They were both in phenomenal shape. They were both one hundred percent solid muscle, but where Pierce was lean and trim, Dom was jacked. Sure, I had seen lots of fit people throughout the day at the pool and, of course, I had Levi beside me all day long, but there was something different about Dom and Pierce.

  They weren’t like everyone else at the pool.

  They carried themselves differently.

  They were like Levi.

  They exuded confidence.

  It was like they knew not only what their bodies looked like, but also what they were capable of. The people they passed on their walk toward us couldn’t take their eyes off them. Those people were mostly women. The few guys that noticed them were mostly feeling intimidated. I couldn’t say I blamed either group.

  “Elle?” I heard Levi growl from beside me.

  “Yeah?” I asked, nonchalantly, not taking my eyes off the sight in front of me.

  “You can stop drooling any time now.”

  I turned to look at Levi and exclaimed, “I am not drooling!”

  “I’m sitting right next to you, El, and I can see behind your shades. You haven’t blinked once in the last two minutes. Not to mention, your mouth opened the minute you saw them and it still hasn’t closed.”

  I snapped my lips together and narrowed my eyes at him. Of course, he couldn’t see that I was doing that since I was wearing sunglasses, but it made me feel better.

  Dom and Pierce made their approach, so I didn’t continue the conversation with Levi any further.

  “You’ve been out here all day?” Pierce asked, clearly shocked.

  “Yeah,” I responded. “That’s the whole point of making it a lazy day of sunbathing.”

  He shook his head in disbelief.

  “Where were you guys all day?” Levi chimed in.

  “Shooting range,” Dom started. “We spent a couple hours there after we checked out the venue for tonight, grabbed some lunch, came back and got a workout in, but this fuckin’ heat is ridiculous. Figured we’d take advantage of the pool. I’ll take the snow any day of the week over this shit.”

  “The shooting range?” I repeated in a questioning tone.

  They nodded at me.

  “You mean, shooting guns?”

  They nodded again, only this time they laughed, too.

  My head jerked to Levi and I asked excitedly, “Oh, please, can we do that tomorrow?”

  “I thought you wanted to relax and sunbathe?”

  I waved my hand in the air and affirmed, “Yeah, but we did that all day today. And I said that before I knew that a shooting range was an option.”

  “Have you ever shot a gun?”

  I shook my head.

  He just stared at me.

  I pulled down my shades, gave him sexy, bedroom eyes, and begged, “Please?”

  “Fuck,” Levi hissed under his breath.

  “Boss, I do not envy you. Pierce, bro, make
sure I never end up in a position where a woman looks at me like that and I just cave,” Dom joked.

  I bit the inside of my cheek trying not to laugh. The eyes worked.

  Levi stood from the lounge chair next to mine and held his hand out to me. “Ready to go up to our room and get ready for your show tonight?”

  He was removing me from this situation. I was ready to go up, but I wasn’t going to just leave.

  “Not yet,” I began, digging through my bag at the foot of my chair. I pulled out my phone, opened a social media app, and looked to the three men in front of me. “We need to go live now.”

  “Now?” Levi asked.

  I sighed and stood up. “Levi, love, it would be incredibly selfish of me to not go live right now.”

  “Selfish?” Pierce questioned.

  “Seriously? I can’t deny the ladies the perfection that stands before me. So, put your happy faces on, boys, and get ready to say hello.”

  I switched the setting to ‘live’ on my phone and pressed the button to start recording. Within a few seconds, I had several hundred followers tuning in and the number was steadily increasing. I spoke to them.

  “Hey everyone. As many of you already know from posts I made yesterday, I am here in Vegas. Today, I have spent my entire day lounging poolside. I am about to head up to my room to start getting ready for my show tonight, but knowing how many of you feel about my security team I couldn’t possibly keep this from you.”

  I flipped the camera around and Levi, Pierce, and Dom came into view on the screen. None of them looked happy.

  Comments poured in; I could barely keep up reading them.

  I glanced back up at the guys and, noting they were still not amused, I flipped the camera back to front-facing. When my face took up the screen I explained, “I’m sorry they aren’t looking very happy. I think the heat has gotten to them.”

  My eyes peeked over the top of the phone at them. I could see that it was not, in fact, the heat that was bothering them. I didn’t want them irritated with me, so I knew I needed to smooth things over. I turned my back to them and scooted closer so they were now on the screen standing behind me.

  Pierce was first. I thought back to the time in the hotel room where I received the voicemail message from my stalker. Pierce was so calm and took control of the situation, immediately reassuring me that everything was ok. He also single-handedly took down that guy in the parking lot back in Tucson while getting a read on a partial plate for the getaway car.

  “This is Pierce. He might be all kinds of good-looking on the outside, but that’s not all there is to him. He is very smart and anticipates things before they happen. This guy has a huge heart and I’m incredibly lucky he’s been there on at least two occasions to help me in situations where I might have otherwise fallen apart. Out of the goodness of his heart, he chose to stay on this tour with me to make sure I remain safe, even though he was scheduled to return home after the LA show.”

  Dom was next.

  “This is Dom. Yes, he’s huge and built like a Mack truck. Anyone would be crazy not to feel safe around him. And yes, ladies, I know…the beautiful smile and the dimples. I get it. But again, just like Pierce, he’s so much more than what he looks like. He’s funny and knows how to have a great time. I’m told that when it comes to the work he does, he’s a badass, crazy motherfucker. I don’t exactly know what that means in his line of work, but it makes me feel safe. Dom is a ‘life-of-the-party’ kind of guy, but he also knows when to be serious. When we get back to Wyoming, he is going to be giving me lessons in self-defense.”

  I moved to Levi and tilted my head up to look at him. I beamed a smile up at him. He looked down at my smiling face and his softened.

  “This is Levi, a real, live superhero. He’s my boyfriend and, not taking anything away from Dom and Pierce, he’s the hottest of the bunch. What you see on the outside pales in comparison to the person he is on the inside. He is the owner of a well-respected, highly-sought security firm and is smart, talented, and very protective. Beyond that, he’s incredibly loving and sweet. He makes me feel like I’m the most beautiful woman in the world and I’m proud to admit that I never thought I could ever feel as happy as I do when I’m with him. He’s changed my life and he loves me like I never thought possible.”

  I paused a moment and glanced back up at him. The corners of his eyes had crinkled with adoration. When I turned to look at Dom and Pierce, I was happy to see that they were no longer moody.

  Mission accomplished.

  “So, there you have it. Now you know there is more to these guys than them just being a bunch of gorgeous bodies and pretty faces. Levi is spoken for, but I hope whoever ends up with Dom or Pierce will consider themselves extremely fortunate to have found such a great guy. I’ve got to get going now, but I hope you all have a wonderful weekend. If you’re in Vegas, I’ll see you at my show tonight. Later, loves.”

  I ended the live session and turned around to face the guys. They were all smiling at me. I smiled back.

  “Ready, sunshine?”

  I nodded.

  With that, Dom and Pierce stayed behind and used the pool to get a reprieve from the desert sun. I’m convinced a few women were more than happy about this fact.

  Levi escorted me up to our suite where he insisted on showing me what my words to my fans meant to him.

  Chapter 18



  “Hey Trent. I got your message from earlier, but Elle insisted on spending the entire day sunbathing. You said it could wait, so I figured I’d wait until we came back to the suite for her to get ready so I could talk. What’s happening?”

  “Hey, Levi. Yeah, as it turns out, our stalker is only slightly more than a bit jealous of your woman.”

  Fucking wonderful.

  “How so?”

  Trent laughed. “Considering you’ve been in ninety percent of the posts Elle has made lately, I’m surprised you didn’t just expect this. On the bright side, Becky is playing right into our hand.”

  I was growing frustrated. “What is she doing now?” I asked, my patience gone.

  “Elle’s been doing a great job with showing just how great life has been lately. Between the road trips and the live session with you to the fun and games last night on the Las Vegas Strip and even the live session with you, Dom, and Reynolds roughly an hour ago, Becky is livid that Elle is happy. The posts on all of Becky’s social media accounts are her taking shots at Elle.”

  I found this surprising. Putting herself out there directly like that didn’t make sense to me. “Wait, she’s calling out Elle directly?”

  Trent went on to explain, “No. Unless someone managed to make the connection between Becky Blunt and Elle Blackman, it wouldn’t seem obvious to the average person. Knowing what we know, it couldn’t be more obvious. She never uses Elle’s name, but I’d like to think she’s expecting Elle will see this at some point. Essentially, after the road trip to San Francisco and all the festivities that Elle posted about from your night on the town last night, Becky ended up posting something today about people who lived life disorganized and chaotic. She also made statements about people who thought they deserved to have it all and how they’ll trample over everyone else to get it.”

  I took a minute to process what Trent was saying. Elle wouldn’t take lightly to this. She was successful, but she worked hard for that success. Trampling on people was not something Elle could or would do. She was kind and generous. She cared about people and she adored her fans. Despite how much she loved singing, she would never purposely set out to hurt someone to accomplish her goals and realize her dreams. I also didn’t like what hearing this meant from an investigative standpoint, but I wouldn’t make any assumptions or bring that part of it on Elle until I was certain.

  “Elle’s going to be hurt hearing this,” I told Trent.

  “It’s not even the worst of it, boss.”

  Damn it.

  “What do y
ou mean?”

  “Well, had I spoken to you earlier it would have been the worst. Now that it’s been roughly an hour since Elle went live with you and the guys, Becky’s jealousy is skyrocketing. It probably would have been enough for Elle to show she was hanging with the three of you, but then she went on to talk about what each of you has done for her and how there’s something to all of you beyond just your looks. Becky just posted a direct response to Elle’s live session.”

  Trent paused a moment. He knew he had to tell me what was said, but I’m sure knowing whatever it was made it not such an easy task.

  I gave him some time, but when he didn’t say anything I lost my patience. “Just say it, Michaels. I get it, but whatever it is I’m sure I’ll need as much time as I can get to figure out how to give this all to my woman.”

  “Be alert the next two nights, Levi. This psychopath is calling Elle’s character into question. She’s making mention of people who act like whores. I’m convinced she’s jealous that Elle’s surround by a bunch of men who would lay down their lives to protect her. The fact that those men are good looking, according to Elle and ninety-nine percent of her followers, is adding fuel to Becky’s fire. She actually said, and I quote, hopefully promiscuous acts won’t lead to devastating consequences that someone’s asking for.”

  “Are you fuckin’ telling me that this bitch is hinting at Elle being sexually assaulted or raped?”

  Trent let out a sigh.

  “I wouldn’t put it past her. To be safe, don’t let Elle outside of arm’s length of you or any of the guys at any point in time.”

  “Jesus Christ,” I bit out. “Can you give Dom and Pierce a briefing? I don’t want to have repeat this shit a second time. It’ll be bad enough having to tell Elle, let alone needing to have her listen in while I tell them about it.”

  “You’ve got it. Anything else?”

  “Is Cruz around?”

  “Yeah,” he started. “Want me to transfer you?”

  “Please,” I responded. “Thanks, Michaels. Keep watching those accounts.”


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