Surviving Earth: Makayla's Journey

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Surviving Earth: Makayla's Journey Page 8

by Cora A. Murray

  "Calm down, Mak, or you're going to open those stitches Lainey so painstakingly put in." Logan says as he sits beside me on the bed. "We were all so worried about you, but the pipsqueak wouldn't leave your side. Do you need anything?" He asks running a hand through his hair.

  "Water and my gun." I answer quickly before clearing my throat and asking, "Where are we?"

  "Two towns over at a country doctor’s office/home." He states as he walks from the room.

  "How ya feeling, Mak?" Lainey asks, walking in handing me a pill and a bottle of water.

  "I'm ok, but I don't want a pain pill." I say, refusing the pill.

  "It's not for pain. It's antibiotics." She says, handing it back to me.

  Yawning, I drink the water and swallow the pill then I look at Lainey and ask, "Are there medical supplies here we can use?"

  "Yep, we're set for a while. I'll let you get some rest, it’s my turn to relieve Logan." She says standing.

  Trying to sit, I yelp in pain. "Mak, rest dammit. Please don't tear out your stitches." She says patting my arm.

  I hate feeling helpless. Sighing, I sink back down onto the mattress, my eyes closing as soon as my head touches the pillow. I'm awakened sometime later by a hand covering my mouth. My first instinct is to fight, but my injured shoulder makes it hard to battle for my life. I look up into familiar blue eyes and the hand covering my mouth falls away. "Shhh, Mak. There're zombies outside.” Blu says softly.

  Sitting up, I groan in pain. I look around for my gun, but once again it's nowhere in sight. "Where's my gun, Blu?" I ask sternly.

  "Mak, you're hurt. You don't need to get up. You lost a lot of blood." He says trying to keep me in bed.

  "Blu, where the hell is my gun and how many are out there?" I ask, getting more and more irritated.

  "Your gun is in the kitchen. We figure there are around thirty. They are moving aimlessly around the house." He says, walking out of the room. He soon returns with my Glock.

  "Wake Tessa up then get her, Gage and Ricky somewhere safe. You stay with them. Guard them with your life. Oh, take Survivor and keep him quiet." I say as I get up out of the bed, noticing, for the first time that all the windows have boards nailed over them.

  My waist is grabbed from behind as I start to leave the room. "Makayla, you're hurt. Please be careful." Tessa says in a soft voice.

  "I will sweetie, now go with your brother." I say, pushing her toward Blu.

  I wasn't going to be much good in a fight with my body aching and the places I'd been shot stinging like a mother, but I couldn’t just lay in bed either. As quietly as possible, I walk into the kitchen where Logan stands by the back door. Lainey is by the front, fear plainly showing on her face.

  They both look in my direction as I walk up. Seeing me standing there, they both shake their heads.

  "Stubborn woman." I hear Logan mutter like a curse.

  I choose to ignore him as I address his sister. "Lainey, go hide with the kids. They'll need you if something happens to us." I say, pointing towards the back.

  "No. You and Logan may need my help." She says.

  "Go, Lainey. Someone has to look after Ricky." Logan says, his hand going to his beard.

  Stomping lightly, Lainey walks off to join the kids and Blu.

  Glancing outside, I notice the slow movement of the flesh eaters as they amble by. I’m not sure whether they know we're here or if they are just doing a migration of some sort.

  "I told you we needed to get the hell out of Utah!" I say quietly.

  Putting his foot on the wall, leaning towards a window he checks outside then says softly, "Dammit, Mak, I know, but you were shot and bleeding to death. Tessa was screaming and Ricky was crying, what else were we supposed to do? Hell, to be honest, I thought you were going to die." He says, rubbing his mussed hair.

  "It's ok. I know you did what you thought best." I say, trying to relieve the tension in the room. "By the way, where did y'all get all the boards to cover the windows?" I ask.

  "Mak, we've been here for three days, you slept through two of those. The boards were in a shed out back and we thought it best to be prepared, so we nailed them over all the windows and doors. We also found a root cellar with plenty of jarred fruits and vegetables." He finishes on a sigh.

  Checking the hole in the boards once more, I see that the zombies are no longer moving about, but are just standing around, their moans loud in the night.

  "What the hell are they up to?" I ask.

  "Beats me, they are crazy anyway." Logan replies from beside me.

  "Thanks, Logan, for looking after me and the kids. I would be dead if not for your quick thinking." I say looking into his eyes.

  "You're welcome, Mak. You would have done the same for me.” He replies softly and gently runs a finger down my cheek.

  Moments later we hear loud banging all around the house. Damn, they are trying to get in by hitting the walls. I hear Survivor growling in the back of the house as windows break throughout the house and office, but thanks to the boards they couldn't get in. All along they knew we were here.

  "Mak, are you ready in case they get in?" Logan asks looking at my bandaged shoulder.

  "I'm ready." I reply simply while looking out the window again. A fist rams through the window, barely missing my face and the hand starts pulling at the boards, trying to get in. Oh my gawd, there are freshies mixed in with the older, rotten zombies.

  Raising my gun, I take aim at the one trying to get in and blow a hole between his eyes. He falls to the ground and some others fall on his body, his red blood calling to their hunger. The others continue banging on the walls for whatever reason. The new zombies, or freshies as I like to call them, seem to hold onto some of their intelligence. They know we are inside this house, either from smell or sound I wasn't sure. The others just seem to follow along, maybe after the new zombies or hoping for a chance meal.

  Logan and I both turn when we hear screaming from the back of the house. Running, we find zombies throwing their arms through cracks in the boards, trying their best to get inside. Blu and Lainey have the kids pushed to the back of the room, as far from the windows as possible.

  "I told you to find somewhere safe." I say as calmly as I can.

  "What like your safe attic? Or a basement per chance?" Blu says, frantically.

  Laying a hand on his arm, Lainey pulls him in for a hug. "Mak, he's just a kid, too. He's been handling things like a man, but damn he's only seventeen." She says patting him affectionately on the back.

  "I'm eighteen. My birthday is today, but with everything going on I didn't want to say anything. Sorry, Mak, I didn't mean to explode on you." He says grinning.

  The crash and splinter of wood grabs our attention and we turn to face Logan, who is standing in the hallway with a horrified expression on his face. "They're coming in. What the hell do we do?"

  "Run to the bedroom I was in. We'll bar the door with the wardrobe and the windows with the mattresses." I say just before the hall starts to fill with freshies. They still look human, just the slight discoloration of their skin gives them away.

  Running, we all just about make it to the bedroom when Lainey is pulled from behind, her leg in the hands of a freshie. Logan aims his gun and shoots him between the eyes. He falls dragging Lainey down with him.

  She screams, "Help! Please, please don't let them take me!" Her eyes look for her son. Ricky takes off, trying his best to get to his mom, but Tessa and Gage hold him back as tears fall from his eyes.

  Chapter Seventeen

  Blu and Logan open fire on the zombies spilling into the hallway, each trying to grab at Lainey as she struggles to get away.

  I move out into the hall and yell at them, "Shut the door and lock it." Logan just shakes his head no. "Logan, I've got this. Please protect those kids." I say as I turn, my katana slicing into anything that moves.

  Grabbing Lainey, I pull her behind my body, handing her my gun as we try our best to fight all the zombies and freshi
es that spill into the hallway.

  "Let us in, please. I'm out of bullets and Mak can't fight all of these off." I hear her saying. Her knocks going from insistent to frantic upon the door.

  The door slowly opens and I push Lainey in head first in my rush to get out of the zombie infested hall. Slamming the door shut, Logan and Blu slide the heavy wardrobe back in front of it. I’m not sure if it will hold, but for now we are safe.

  "Should we try going outside since all of them are in here now?" Gage asks softly.

  Looking out the window, I see a few still walking around and I shake my head before sinking to the bed, my body aching from overexertion. My shoulder and back both sting and fresh blood covers the bandage on my shoulder.

  "Dammit, Mak. I bet you tore out the stitches." Lainey says, moving closer to inspect my injuries. Unwrapping my shoulder, she just shakes her head then asks, "Logan, can you hand me the supplies on the other side of you?"

  After Logan gives her the medical supplies she gets to work re-sewing the wounds in my shoulder and back.

  "Thank you, Makayla. You are always putting yourself in danger for us." Lainey says ever so softly.

  "You’re all my family and I was taught to protect family." Is the only answer I can give as a tear comes to my eye.

  The wall shakes as the zombies bump into it and the door rattles and creaks, the weight on the other side almost cracking it open.

  "How much ammo do we have?" I ask, looking to Blu and Logan.

  "Not enough. Not enough by far." Logan answers, a frown upon his face.

  "Tessa, Gage, and Ricky come over here." I say as I grab their small hands. "We're going to do our best to get y'all out of here. Blu, I'll need you to be with them." I say, looking into his eyes. He has grown up so much since I found him, Gage and Tessa; he is now a man hardened by life. Letting go of the kid’s hands, I raise up and stab my katana through the ceiling. I cut out a small hole, just big enough to fit the kids through.

  "Not again, Mak. I don't want to be stuck in the attic with no way out." Tessa whines.

  "Take my katana. Once you're in the attic space cut your way onto the roof then someone bring back my katana and drop it to me." I say looking directly at the four of them. "Oh take the dog with you, but make sure to keep him quiet."

  After the four of them are in the attic, I hear sawing. My katana was sharp, but after this it won't be.

  Sometime later I hear Blu calling my name. "Mak, Mak, here." My katana drops from his hands, hitting the floor at my feet.

  "Lainey, up you go." I say pushing her towards the hole.

  "Hell no, you and Logan can't fight off all those zombies." She says, pain and fury lacing her voice.

  "Don't worry, Logan goes up next." I say.

  "No, Mak. I'm not leaving you here to handle this alone." He says softly, his fingers moving to my cheek, caressing down my neck. Leaning in he brushes his lips on mine. I lean into his touch for a brief moment, relishing in his closeness.

  Smiling up at him, I say, "Please, Logan. They will need you."

  "I need you. You have to come with us. Damn, Makayla, you can't always try to protect us with your life." Logan says, one hand on my back the other dragging me to the hole in the ceiling. Before either of us are pulled up, the crash of wood sounds behind us.

  Lifting me onto his shoulders, Logan pushes me through the hole. Between him and Blu I'm pushed/pulled through the small hole. Once up I reach my hands back down and grip Logan. With Blu's aid, we begin to pull him up when we see the first zombie enter the room and zero in on Logan. Yanking and pulling as hard as I can, my shoulder screaming in pain, he is finally pulled into the attic. I fall backwards on the floor, trying to catch my breath and thanking God for giving us the strength to get him out of there in time. The moans from beneath us get louder by the minute as the room overflows with hungry freshies and zombies alike.

  Lying on the roof, I look down on the yard. It is once again packed with zombies, their moans bringing more in throughout the night. Never allowing myself to sleep, I keep a vigilant eye out. Logan lay on one side of me, his hand gripping mine, and Tessa is on the other. She whimpers and cries out in her sleep throughout the night as I hold onto her tightly. She finally eases into a dreamless sleep.

  Just as the sun starts to rise in the east I fall asleep. "Come on Makayla, wake up." I hear Logan whisper in my ear.

  "Hmmmm, but I was sleeping so good." I say with a grin.

  "I know. You were all cuddled up in my arms. You were nice and warm." He says, giving me a wink. Sitting up I groan in pain, every inch hurt from my shoulder to my tailbone. "Let's go check out the house and get what supplies we can," Logan says lowering a hand, to help me up.

  "Where is everyone?" I ask, looking around for the first time.

  "Front side of the house looking out over the road and path leading here." He says holding my hand tighter. This is something so knew to me, but it feels so right. I feel the connection with Logan down to my toes. My heart beats faster as I bring my thumb up to his bottom lip, rubbing it ever so gently. "Makayla, are we crazy to start this, now?" He asks looking down at me.

  "I don't know, Logan, but I'd rather fight what's out there, side by side with someone than constantly be alone." I reply, turning to go look for the others.

  Once I arrive at the front of the house I look around at the destruction caused by the horde of zombies. We are fortunate to have stayed safe inside for as long as we did. The door hangs from its hinges, the windows shattered, glass lay about everywhere. The bones of the freshie lay in the yard where he fell the previous night, it is a very disturbing sight.

  "Someone is coming. Dust is rising from the road." Blu yells.

  I know the truck and SUV are in the back, hidden away from eyes, but I want to run and jump in them, leaving whomever is coming our way behind. "Come on, maybe they will pass by without stopping," I say motioning everyone to follow me to the back of the house.

  We all lay on the roof, looking out across the road leading up to the doctor’s office. I know the sign for a doctor will draw most in, everyone needs medical supplies.

  "Be prepared." I say as I pull my Glock from the holster at my hip and my katana from the strap on my back. Everyone nods, all of their concentration on the oncoming vehicle. Tessa grips the hand lying beside the katana, she is such a brave ten year-old, I think to myself.

  "It'll be ok sweetie. Just keep Survivor quiet if they happen to come up here, ok?" I ask of her, brushing a tendril of blonde hair back from her face.

  "Ok, Mak, I will. I promise." She says softly, pulling the dog closer to her side. A second later I hear her whispering in Survivor’s ear, " No matter what you have to be quiet. Please, Survivor, we can't let them know we're here." The seriousness of her conversation with the dog, made me want to laugh and cry at the same time.

  I turn to see Logan looking down at me, his always serious face is intact and I can see the worry and concern for all of us within his eyes. I reach up, rubbing a thumb across the worry lines in his forehead. "Logan, as long as we all stick together, we'll be ok."

  "I know." He says, simply, turning to watch the front of the house.

  The black car passes the house slowly, their music turned up to blaring, if it was night it would be calling to the zombies. A light blond head leans out the driver’s window as it passes the house. "That's our cue to get the hell out of here" Logan says, grabbing my hand and pulling me to the hole in the roof of the house.

  "Whoa, wait. That car is coming back." Blu yells, grabbing Lainey and pulling her, Gage and Ricky back to the opposite side of the house. Dropping down to the roof, I pull Tessa to my side, she in turn pulls Survivor to her side.

  "Remember, keep him quiet." I say, rubbing Survivors fur. She just nods and holds her arms over his mouth.

  The black car pulls into the driveway and ever so slowly makes its way to the house. Pulling alongside the house, the blond guy jumps out of the driver’s seat. "So what are we looking
for, Whit?" He asks looking in the car.

  "Antibiotics, pain meds, whatever the fuck we can find." A woman's voice responds.

  "Shit, look at this place. I seriously doubt we'll find anything. Look at the destruction." He says, pulling a gun from his back. God I hope they don't go into the bedroom. With the hole in the roof they are bound to check it out.

  "Yo, Whit, there's no way there's anything useful here. The deads have destroyed the place." We hear him yelling from the door.

  "Makes you wonder why, doesn't it? Let's check this place out anyway." I hear the woman respond.

  "Ok, you're the boss." The blond guy says.

  "That's right, and don't forget it, Chris." She says bitchily.


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