Hide And Keep

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Hide And Keep Page 7

by K. Sterling

  “Not like that, genius.” Lane grumbled as he squeezed Aiden’s thigh.

  “On the mouth?” Aiden asked and Lane nodded. Aiden turned back to the window. “I’ve never done that.” He admitted and Lane’s eyes widened.

  “But that’s first base! How can sex be your “thing” but you’ve never kissed?” He asked incredulously. Aiden laughed softly as he shook his head.

  “You don't have to kiss to have sex.” He pointed out. Lane was about to defend the necessity of kissing when Aiden turned back to him. His eyes went to Lane’s lips and narrowed as he stared. “It scares me, if I’m honest. Kissing is intimate. The mouth… that’s where words come from. Pleasure and emotions are expressed through the mouth. Those are intimate things. You can have sex without intimacy. I’m good at that. I’ve never done intimacy. It’s too vulnerable and too easy for me to mess up.” Aiden went back to the view outside the car and Lane could only nod as he turned into his driveway.

  There’s your complex reason.

  Suddenly nervous, Lane blushed as he let Aiden into the house.

  “Lock that, please.” Aiden said as his head jerked toward the door. Lane slid the bolt and set the alarm and Aiden looked less taut. Aiden smiled as he took the bag from Lane and he watched as Aiden toed off his shoes.

  “Should I make us some lunch?” Lane asked and Aiden shook his head as he went to the stairs.

  “Later.” He said as he went up. Lane’s eyes were wide as Aiden pulled his hoodie over his head and went into Lane’s room.

  “So, we’re going straight to that…” He mumbled, dazed as he reached down and pulled off his shoes, his eyes staring in the direction of his room.

  When Lane walked into his room, Aiden turned and slid him a cocky grin. There was a towel and the bag on the bed and Aiden was barefoot and shirtless, his jeans gaping open. Having a beautiful man, in his bedroom, in the middle of the day felt so decadent and unlike Lane’s life. He quickly tossed his holster and badge on the dresser and unbuckled his belt as Aiden reached for Lane’s tie. Aiden dropped it and fisted his hands in Lane’s shirt and ripped the halves apart causing buttons to ping against the dresser and the mirror. Lane quickly unbuttoned his sleeves and was pulling his shirt off when Aiden dove for his neck. Lane gasped as Aiden’s mouth attached to the corner of his neck and sucked hard. Lane slid his hands into Aiden’s hair and heat roared through him when he felt Aiden’s hands attack the front of his trousers.

  A few moments later, Aiden pushed Lane onto the bed, naked and panting as he waited for Aiden to strip off his jeans and boxer briefs. A thrill rushed up Lane’s spine when Aiden pulled the condoms and lube out of the bag. He saw Aiden’s hands shake slightly as he ripped the box open and drop a condom on the bed before he tossed the box on the bedside table. Aiden put his hands on the bed and crawled over Lane’s body until they were nose to nose. Lane’s body flinched as he fought the urge to reach for Aiden’s lips. Aiden blinked down at him before he lowered his head and his lips slid along Lane’s cheek, gliding warm and soft toward his ear.

  “Do you want me to fuck you, or do you want to go first?” Aiden whispered before he pulled Lane’s earlobe between his lips and sucked. Lane moaned as he wrapped his arms around Aiden, gripping warm, sleek flesh as his hands roamed.

  “Oh, God. Please, fuck me.” Lane begged as he slid his hand into Aiden’s hair. Lane felt a deep rumbling groan vibrate within Aiden’s chest as it pressed against his and Aiden’s tongue slid along Lane’s jaw before he raised his head and smiled down at Lane.

  “Now is not the time to beg.” He winked and Lane’s body jerked again when he stopped himself from stretching for Aiden’s lips.

  Aiden covered Lane’s body with his and his face fell into the corner of Lane’s neck. Lane growled and dragged his fingernails over Aiden’s back when he felt Aiden’s teeth graze his skin as goosebumps cascaded down his body. They rolled on the bed as they licked, sucked, pressed, pulled and thrust against each other. Lane felt occasional flashes of frustration and he kept braking every time his lips reached for Aiden’s. He understood Aiden’s discomfort and didn’t want to force it. But it was like an itch in the brain, knowing that he wasn’t supposed to caused his mind and body to fixate on Aiden’s mouth. If there hadn’t been a prohibition, Lane would have been intoxicated by the feel of Aiden’s body, agile and electric, restless and urgent against his.

  Lane’s eyes widened in shock and he froze when Aiden’s hand closed over his mouth. Heat slid through his veins and all the muscles in his body locked. Except for Lane’s cock. It pulsed furiously and jumped between them. Aiden rose on his other elbow and grinned down at Lane as his eyes searched his. He ground his hips against Lane’s and his eyes flashed.

  “What’s this, Lane?” His voice was low and smooth and curled through Lane. Aiden’s hand pressed harder against Lane’s mouth and Lane’s erection throbbed and began to leak in anticipation. “I block you here and it escapes there.” Aiden murmured as he rocked against Lane. “Stop overthinking. If you want, I’ll give you something else to do with your mouth.” He smiled when he saw Lane’s eyes grow wide. “Or maybe a gag? Are you into bondage?” Aiden removed his hand and Lane shook his head.

  “Not particularly.” He whispered. “You’re just really sexy when you get aggressive.” Lane admitted. Aiden smiled as his head dropped to Lane’s nipple.

  Lane bucked off the bed as Aiden bit then sucked. Aiden was very aggressive as he made his way down Lane’s body. While he had never been into masochism, Lane enjoyed a little bit of rough and just enough pain. The occasional sting of Aiden’s teeth, blended with the soft, wet wash of his lips and tongue drove Lane out of his mind. Aiden bypassed Lane’s cock and tenderly feasted on his balls before he bit into the muscle on the inside of his thigh. Lane arched on the bed, clawing at the sheets as he gasped Aiden’s name. Aiden chuckled wickedly as he laved beneath Lane’s sack and spread his thighs wide before he pressed his lips against Lane’s hole. Aiden’s tongue was relentless and Lane thought his brain would break. So much profanity… Lane fisted his hands in the bedding as he writhed and panted.

  “What's the thread count of these sheets?” Aiden asked as he raised his head and stared up at Lane from between his thighs. Lane’s face scrunched as he tried to think.

  “A thousand.” He breathed as Aiden’s finger swirled in the pool of pre-cum on Lane’s stomach.

  “Good. They may hold up.” Aiden said before his tongue swept over the head of Lane’s erection.

  “Aaaaiden…” Lane sighed as the finger Aiden had coated in his pre-cum pressed against his tight hole as Aiden took him deep into his throat.

  There was a slight sting as Lane’s muscles clenched around Aiden’s finger before they relaxed and it slowly slid in. Lane’s jaw fell and he stared unseeing at the ceiling as heat and pleasure pooled in his groin. Lane’s limbs became heavy and that warm pleasure spread as Aiden continued to suck and finger Lane’s ass. There was the clicking of a plastic lid and cool, wet pressure before Aiden slid another finger into Lane. It only took a moment for Lane's body to soften around Aiden’s fingers and he moaned in delight as Aiden continued to suck. Lane felt like he was drifting on a gentle, warm current yet his body ached and craved faster and harder. He panted Aiden’s name as he clenched and thrust but Aiden kept to a smooth, deliberate pace. Lane’s legs shifted restlessly on the bed when Aiden worked a third finger into him and Lane hissed as Aiden lifted his head and began to stroke Lane's painful erection with his free hand.

  “I’m so close, Aiden.” He whimpered as he looked down. Aiden’s eyes were focused and calculating as he watched Lane. “I’m so close but I want you in me when I come.” Lane begged. Aiden shook his head.

  “I’m not ready for you to come yet. Be patient.” Aiden said firmly.

  Lane moaned weakly as Aiden rose to his knees between his thighs. He was glorious and Lane’s entire existence centered around the flexing, twisting muscles of Aide
n’s forearms and stomach, the rise and fall of his chest and the exquisite pressure that was building in the base of Lane’s cock and sack as Aiden kept taking Lane to the verge of his orgasm and backing off just before Lane could let go. Every time Lane drew in a gasping breath, arched and strained toward his release, Aiden’s hand moved to the base of Lane’s cock and twisted while the fingers, deep and stretching within Lane’s hole slowed until Lane’s nerves uncoiled and his body relaxed. Lane lost count of how many times Aiden took him to the edge and dangled him over the cliff just to pull him back until he couldn’t take it anymore.

  “Aiden, I can’t… I need…” Lane’s voice was shredded as his body shook, weak and slick with perspiration. He almost sobbed when Aiden nodded and withdrew his fingers. He felt Aiden’s hands close around his hip.

  “On your stomach.” He ordered and Lane’s head was light as he rolled over and pulled his knees under him. He sighed in relief when he heard the tearing of the condom wrapper. Warm hands slid up his back then down and caressed his ass reverently. “You’re so beautiful like this, Lane.” Aiden’s voice was husky and deep as he pulled Lane’s hips back. Lane felt the head of Aiden’s cock sliding up and down along the cleft of his ass.

  “Please.” He begged and Aiden laughed gently.

  “I have to warn you, I can go forever in a condom. It’s very rare that I can get off with one on.” He said as he pressed against Lane’s puckered hole.

  “Christ.” Lane groaned as he pushed back against Aiden.

  Despite all of Aiden’s preparation and the generous amount of lube he’d used, Lane had to hold his breath as Aiden pressed forward and stinging pressure radiated from Lane’s tight passage around Aiden’s thick length. Aiden slid all the way home, slowly, and waited for Lane to relax. Lane took a deep, cleansing breath and shivered when he felt the Aiden’s fingertips brush lightly up the back of his thighs. The tingle traveled up through his groin and the muscles that clenched tight around Aiden’s cock relaxed. Aiden sighed as he withdrew and Lane moaned and let his head drop.

  It didn’t take long before Aiden was riding Lane smooth and deep. Lane panted Aiden’s name as his body vibrated with desperation and pleasure. Lane couldn’t remember anything feeling this good. Aiden’s erection was so hard and hot, Lane felt so full and his nerves sang with each stroke. Aiden was everywhere inside of Lane and each thrust massaged his prostate, sending electric waves through Lane’s body. Then, Aiden pulled Lane’s hips back and angled his strokes so that the head of his cock struck against Lane’s prostate. Lane raised his head and shrieked as Aiden thrust faster.

  Lane was sure his brain was melting and his eyes crossed as his prostate and balls tightened and incredible heat and pressure surged through his pulsing length. Color and light exploded behind his eyes and his nerves flared before pleasure rolled through his body. Lane’s shaft stung and the slit in the head of his cock burned as it stretched when a thick torrent of come burst from him. He convulsed violently beneath Aiden and screamed his name as he reached for the edge of the mattress. Lane sobbed as another wave of heat and pleasure rolled through him and more come streamed from the head of his erection onto the towel beneath him. Fuck, he’s brilliant, Lane decided and babbled incoherently as his body jerked and writhed.

  Aiden should have stopped. Lane murmured his name but he didn’t respond. Lane tried to raise his head but Aiden’s hands pressed his shoulders to the bed and he just drove harder and faster. Lane pressed his face into the mattress and moaned as he felt his cock getting hard again as Aiden rode his prostate. And, God, he was so deep and the pleasure was so intense, Lane swore he could feel it in his eyelashes. Aiden’s pace became almost mechanical, it was so steady and fast, Lane knew Aiden was lost in it. Lane groaned as he felt his legs start to shake.

  By the time his body flew apart and shattered again and the last of his soul spilled onto the towel beneath him, Lane was nearly delirious. Every bone in his body dissolved and his muscles turned to jelly. His arms were limp and extended over his head as his chest pressed against the mattress. The bed was wet beneath his cheek and Lane knew he was drooling. He didn’t care. He was completely fucked out. He might die, at the least, he might never walk again. But Lane didn’t care.

  Aiden must have noticed and decided to take pity on Lane. He whispered Lane’s name as if he had just woken up before he pulled out. Lane felt Aiden’s hands on his hips, turning him so he fell on his back. Lane hummed and his head lolled drunkenly on the bed as he tried to make his eyes focus. He saw Aiden sit back on his heels and rip the condom off. Aiden’s hand wrapped around his cock and he began to stroke urgently. Lane wanted it. He sat up and got his knees beneath him again and reached for Aiden’s hips.

  “Yesss.” Aiden hissed as Lane’s mouth closed around his cock. Lane moaned around Aiden’s thick length as he felt Aiden’s fingers sliding though his hair. “You felt so good, Lane. I could fuck you for days, you’re so perfect.” He groaned as his hips thrust jerkily against Lane’s mouth. The smooth control was gone as his breathing became urgent and thin. “Oh, God… I’m about to come!” He whimpered. Lane’s fingers dug into Aiden’s flesh as he pulled him deep into his throat and sucked greedily. Aiden hauled in a desperate breath as his head fell back and his body arched. Lane saw them out of the corner of his eye, in the mirror. Lane's chest burned at the beauty of Aiden’s body, straining and paralyzed as Lane kneeled before him, waiting to receive his release. The crushing perfection of their bodies, connected and glowing as Aiden started to shake and chant his name made Lane’s heart stop. Aiden’s cock swelled and a molten burst of sweet, salty seed filled Lane’s mouth. He shut his eyes, letting go of the breathtaking reflection and drank Aiden’s essence until Aiden’s body became loose and he swayed over Lane.

  Aiden’s fingers caressed Lane’s face and he whispered Lane's name as he pulled free and sat back. Lane collapsed back on the bed and flung an arm over his eyes. He felt Aiden fall onto the bed next to him and Lane reached over and blindly searched for Aiden’s hand. When he found it, he pressed their palms together and intertwined their fingers. Aiden tensed for a moment before he sighed and his body settled onto the mattress. Lane felt his lips curving into a goofy smile. His whole body tingled and his legs were still shaking.

  “That was… unbelievable.” He announced as he let his head flop toward Aiden. “But it can’t be like that every time. You’ll kill me.” Lane said. Aiden’s eyes were shut and he laughed softly.

  “I usually save that for birthdays and holidays but I thought that since it’s been so long, you deserved some Fourth of July Birthday Sex.” He mumbled as he rubbed the back of Lane’s hand against his chest. Lane snorted as he stared up at the ceiling.

  “I feel like you’re going to be disappointed when it’s my turn.” Lane sighed and Aiden rose on his elbow and propped his head up with his hand.

  “I don’t consider this a competition, Lane. And I’ve found everything that we’ve done so far to be very satisfying.” He insisted. Lane smiled up at him.

  “I wasn’t being serious. I won’t fuck you like a jackrabbit but I do all right.” He winked and Aiden grinned. Lane took Aiden’s hand and kissed his palm. “Those condoms are good. No taste.” He murmured against Aiden’s skin. Aiden nodded as he traced Lane’s lips with his thumb.

  “No. And I like that they’re thin and never break on me.” He said softly. Lane smiled and Aiden brushed his fingertips over it like a blind person reading braille.

  “I can see how that would be a problem for you.” He kissed Aiden’s fingertips. He wanted so badly to kiss Aiden’s lips and promised himself he would soon. Aiden lowered his head to Lane’s chest and rubbed his cheek against Lane’s skin. The soft stubble tickled gently and Lane sighed as he shifted and wrapped his arm around Aiden.

  “Can we take a nap? I’m tired and I like sleeping with you.” Aiden whispered. Lane felt warmth spread in his chest and he nodded as he kissed Aiden’s hair.

bsp; “That sounds perfect.” He said as he pulled Aiden closer. “I like sleeping with you too. When we get up, I’ll make you anything you want.” Lane promised as drowsiness washed over him. Aiden hummed softly.

  “Pancakes?” He yawned. Lane chuckled weakly.

  “All the pancakes you want.” He murmured as his eyes became too heavy to keep open.

  Chapter 9

  Their “nap” lasted until 8 p.m.. Lane’s head snapped up and he swore as he squinted at the alarm clock. Aiden was still draped over him and Lane heard Aiden's stomach growl. He prodded Aiden awake and drug himself from the bed and downstairs to make pancakes. Lane made a mental note to get more syrup. At the rate they were going through it, Lane considered a warehouse membership so he could buy it in bulk. He froze in the middle of whisking the batter. What are you doing? He’s leaving in a few days. Stop making plans, he scolded. Lane pushed the thought away and focused on Aiden. He was lying on the sofa reading witness statements. All he had on was a pair of sweat pants and his headphones. Every now and then he hummed along with whatever he listened to and Lane thought it was adorable.

  They sat close to each other as they ate. Aiden kept his left hand wrapped around Lane’s thigh and every now and then Lane would rub his cheek against Aiden’s shoulder. Lane was too preoccupied with his bulk syrup fantasy to tempt Aiden from his own musings so they remained silent. After dinner, Aiden took his work and headphones upstairs while Lane cleaned up the kitchen. When Lane went upstairs, Aiden was in Lane’s bed, stretched out on his stomach, studying a crime scene photo.

  “Not in here.” Lane said as he moved toward the bed. Aiden’s eyes were uncertain as he looked over his shoulder at Lane. “I have a rule. No work in bed.” He said as he crawled over Aiden’s body. He kissed the Eye of Horace on Aiden’s shoulder before he dropped onto the bed next to him.

  “I can live with that.” Aiden murmured as he scooped up the pile and tossed it on the bedside table. He turned onto his side and pulled Lane against his chest.


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