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by Marianne Spitzer

  “I know you’ll do your best.” Kellie ended the call.


  Taylor seemed calm when she met Kellie in her drive at ten that morning.

  “Hi, I’m glad we’re meeting the volunteers at Lydia’s house today. Andrea called and said Cole is loading both of their cars full of donations,” Taylor smiled.

  Kellie looked up at the bright sunshine. “It’s a perfect day for heading to the property. Most of the new staff members will be there, too. We’re ready to open. They can go through the donations and whatever is left over; we’ll take to the monastery building. Bill said one room has been cleaned and painted for donation storage.”

  Maybe,” Taylor said, “We could use it as a permanent donation room. I’m sure people will still want to donate after we are up and running. I can’t wait, let’s go.” She slammed the car door and buckled her seat belt.

  The excitement in Taylor’s eyes was catching and soon Kellie pushed the thoughts of Wills out of her mind as she drove toward Lydia’s property.


  When they pulled up in front of Lydia’s house, they saw three other cars parked in front.

  Taylor suggested, “We need to have an area paved and marked for parking.”

  “I agree, and another out back for the staff,” Kellie added.

  They saw Cole carrying two large bags up the stairs, and Andrea waved from where she stood holding the doors open.

  “She looks happy,” Taylor mused. “I wonder when Hunter will feel it’s time to have a child.”

  “He’s still not ready?”

  “Well, each time I think he might be considering it, something odd comes up. Wills escaping did it this time. All he can think about is what if I’m kidnapped while pregnant.” She dropped her elbow on the armrest and held her head up with a balled fist against her cheek.

  “That’s understandable,” Kellie said. “I think Wills is gone, and Hunter will come around again.”

  Taylor laughed, “Maybe I can help convince him with my black teddy.”

  Both young women were laughing as they climbed the stairs to the front door.

  The front sitting room was filled with bags and boxes. Lily and Shawna, two of the new day care workers, were busy sorting through the donations.

  “Hi,” Lily said and waved. “You wouldn’t believe all the cute things people have donated. We have clothes in almost every size for boys and girls.”

  Shawna bubbled, “You should see all the baby things. People are kind.”

  Cole dropped off two more boxes and said, “That’s the end of it. I can’t believe we had so much in our spare room until I had to move it.”

  Andrea giggled.

  Taylor spun around taking in all the goodness the town had bestowed upon their charity when the front doors flew open. A cold wind blew in and scattered loose papers and plastic bags.

  Cole rushed to shut the doors. He turned and said, “They won’t budge.”

  A disembodied voice filled the house. “Leave, you are not welcome here.”

  Kellie stood and yelled back. “No, we are staying. You leave and never return. You are not wanted here.”

  The wind died; the doors flew shut, and the warmth returned to the house.

  “What was that?” Andrea asked.

  Without waiting for an answer, Cole grabbed her by the arm and said, “We’re not waiting to find out.” He opened one of the doors, ushered Andrea out, pulled her down the stairs, helped her into their car, and sped away.

  “Andrea had a valid question, what was that,” Lily asked still seated on the floor.

  “A ghost, of course,” Shawna added. She looked at Kellie. “Do you think it’ll come back?”

  Kellie shrugged, and her cell rang.

  “Hi, Claudia, you heard that? Okay, we’ll be here.” Kellie ended the call and slipped the phone in her pocket. “Claudia said she sensed his presence all the way to her house. She’s on her way here with something that’ll help.”

  Kellie and the other young women sat in the dining room while she explained who she believes was the entity that caused the disturbance and why.

  “His name was Luther, and we believe his spirit killed Clarice.”

  At that revelation, both Lily and Shawna turned pale. They reached out for each other’s hands.

  “He could kill us, too,” Lily stammered.

  “Yeah, he could,” Shawna echoed.

  “No, his power seems to be limited to the monastery. I dealt with him here once and thought he was gone. This time he only used his voice to threaten us. Don’t be afraid. Wait to see what Claudia has to say.” She smiled and tried to sound convincing.

  Taylor hid her fear well. She sat on her hands to stop their trembling. Smiling at the two young women, she said, “Don’t worry. With Kellie around, you have nothing to fear. I think Luther is afraid of her.”

  Lily and Shawna shook their heads in agreement, but their eyes showed fear. Both kept looking over their shoulders as if they were expecting something to attack them.

  Everyone looked up when they heard a car door slam.

  “It’s Claudia,” Kellie said as she stood to walk to the front doors. The other three young women followed her.

  Claudia entered with her usual flourish. “Hello, hello everyone.” She handed Kellie four crystals. “Place one in the basement and one on each of the three floors. It doesn’t matter where you place them. It will keep him away. You are right; it was Luther’s spirit. Got to run.” She left as quickly as she arrived.

  Kellie looked at the four crystals. She placed one at the back of a shelf in the library. The four young women walked to the second floor, and Kellie put another crystal on the top of the window in the master bedroom.

  On their way to the attic, she said, “We have to tell everyone where these are, so no one moves them. I have to put them up high to keep them away from the kids.”

  She placed the attic crystal on a window sill since the door was going to be kept locked. She and Taylor went into the basement. Lily and Shawna waited by the door. Kellie placed the last crystal on a metal work shelf.

  Kellie turned to Taylor, “That should keep Luther out of here until we can get rid of him completely.”

  “We,” mumbled Taylor.

  “Sure, you’re my right-hand girl,” she smiled.

  “Right, I’m the one who faints from fear.”

  They laughed as they walked back to the kitchen.

  Lily and Shawna met them at the door. “Umm, we finished all the sorting. Is there anything else you need today?”

  “No, you can go home. Someone will be here Monday when you come back, and you can move things to where they’re needed. Box the extras and someone will store them at the monastery,” Kellie told them.

  “Okay, great,” Lily said as they hurried to their car and drove away.

  Taylor said, “I think they’re scared.”

  “Me, too, but those crystals should keep Luther away. I’m not sure anything will keep him away from the monastery. We have to go there now. Ready?”

  Taylor let out a deep breath. “As ready as I’ll ever be.”


  Kellie and Taylor’s walk through the monastery was uneventful. It was quiet, and they found the room designated for donations beautifully done. A new replacement window overlooked the backyard. Kellie was able to open it easily. The old windows were painted shut.

  The walls were painted a cheerful blue with a bright white ceiling. White floor tiles with splashes of blue covered the floor.

  “I love this room. The guys did a great job. We can have the donations stored here until needed,” Taylor said.

  “Not much else to see, do you want to go home?” Kellie asked.

  “Yes,” Taylor said as she hurried toward the door.

  They spent the rest of the day doing Saturday errands.

  Chapter Eleven

  It was Sunday, and Kellie began the day the way she did each week during good weather. She
and Rufus went for a run. She came home, showered, changed into dress slacks, and put on a pretty blouse. Kellie attended church and then went to Springs Cemetery. She sat cross-legged on the grass next to her mom’s grave and spoke to her. She also spoke to her birth mother. Kellie knew she didn’t need to visit the cemetery to speak to them, but it was something she did each week. In a small way, it made her feel as if she enjoyed part of the day with them.

  After thirty minutes, she walked back to her car. Kellie hated leaving the cemetery since it was one place she didn’t have to worry about being contacted by spirits. She pulled out her phone and called the Pizza Pub to order a sausage and pepperoni pizza. Drew was in prison, and Kellie didn’t worry about running into him. She was able to enjoy the Pizza Pub’s pizza again.


  Kellie kicked off her shoes, set the pizza box on the counter, let Rufus out to run in the yard, opened the pizza box, and grabbed a beer. She sat down at one of the counter stools when the front door chimes rang.

  She peeked out the window and saw Cole’s car in her driveway. Opening the door, Kellie was surprised to find a distraught Andrea on her doorstep. Tears streamed down her cheeks, one hand on her stomach and the other gripped her purse.

  Kellie opened the screen door.

  “Andrea, come in the house. Are you okay? Should I call your doctor or 911? Where’s Cole?” She reached out and hugged her friend.

  “No, I’m fine physically.” She hugged Kellie and cried.

  “Let’s sit down, you look pale,” Kellie said as she took Andrea’s hand.

  She settled Andrea on the sofa and hurried to get a glass of water.

  Andrea drank half the water and handed the glass to Kellie.

  “I’m worried about you. What’s wrong?”

  Andrea wiped her eyes and balled her fists. “Cole is a jerk and his sister is worse.”

  “Oh no, let’s talk. It’ll help.” Kellie stared at Andrea hoping her stress wouldn’t cause problems with her pregnancy.

  Andrea rubbed her stomach with her right hand as she spoke. “Cole and I went out for my birthday lunch with his mom, dad, and his sister Casey.”

  “Lunch sounds good. Wasn’t it fun?”

  “Lunch was wonderful. We went to a new country style restaurant near the county line. I had roast turkey, garlic mashed potatoes, corn, and soft, warm bread with whipped butter.”

  “That’s your favorite meal,” Kellie said. “No one loves turkey more than you.” She smiled at Andrea trying to help her relax.

  “I know and the baby loves it, too. We ate every bit, and I thought about ordering chocolate cream pie for dessert. Cole and I were having a pleasant time saying this was a pre-baby birthday celebration. Who knows what we’ll be doing next year.” Her mouth curved up into a tiny smile.

  “Something happened. Did Cole hurt your feelings?”

  “No, it was Casey. She’s a little … well, she’s awful.”

  “Oh, no. What happened?”

  “The restaurant has a cute country store and while we were waiting to be seated, Cole’s mom took a picture of a small sign with a funny saying. After we had eaten, she shared the picture with all of us.” She pulled out her phone and held up an image that she received via a text.

  Kellie laughed at the cute saying on the wooden plaque.

  “Then Mom Burnett said we should go to their house for coffee and cake because she had a gift for me. A minute later I heard my phone and Cole’s chirp. I knew we both received a text, and I checked it thinking it might be work. Children’s counseling needs doesn’t take Sunday off. It wasn’t work, but Casey thinking she texted her mom, but she accidentally texted a reply to everyone who received the picture.”

  “Oh dear,” Kellie bit her lip. “Something happened.”

  Andrea nodded, began to cry again, and handed the phone to Kellie. She read Casey’s text: Mom. Don’t let them come over. Andrea makes me sick talking about having a baby. If I have to put up with her longer, I WILL DIE!!!

  Anger rose in Kellie, and she could feel her face flush. How dare a nineteen-year-old girl with the supposed maturity to have attended college for a year be so cruel? Casey lived in the dorms and was seldom home to see Andrea.

  Kellie took Andrea’s hands, “Don’t let an immature girl do this to you. She may be your sister-in-law, but she can’t hurt you if you don’t let her.”

  Andrea looked up at Kellie. “It’s not just her; it’s Cole. He laughed. He laughed! When I protested, he said to get a grip on my hormones. I glared at him, and he looked at his mom and said ‘Ignore her; she has all sorts of odd ideas. She thinks she’s going to help Kellie with Lydia’s house as if I would let her.’ Let me? Let me? He thinks I need permission? I got up to leave, and he laughed again, so I did leave and took his car.”

  Andrea dropped her head in her hands and sobbed.

  Kellie scooted closer and put her arm around Andrea. “It’ll be okay. Cole loves you, and Casey is still a child. You can stay here as long as you need to feel better.”

  “Forever?” Andrea smiled.

  “If that’s what you need. I think you and Cole will be fine. He’s worried about you after what happened to Clarice. I understand it, and I wouldn’t want you near the monastery either. The house is safe now, but after yesterday’s disturbance, I understand Cole’s misgivings. Besides, you delivered all of our donated items. We still need you to manage new donations.” Kellie smiled hoping Andrea’s mood would improve.

  “I smell pizza; did I disturb your lunch?”

  “No, I didn’t start yet.” Kellie laughed.

  “You eat; I’ll keep you company.”

  Kellie and Andrea sat at the table. Kellie let Rufus back into the house, and Andrea petted him with one hand while picking sausage off a piece of pizza with the other.

  An hour later the door chimes rang, and Kellie said, “I bet that’s Cole.”

  “Tell him I’m not here.”

  Kellie smiled, “That will be hard. His car is in the drive.”

  “Okay, you can let him in, but if Casey or the Burnetts are with him, I’m locking myself in your bathroom.”

  Kellie nodded.


  Kellie opened the door to find an ashen-faced Cole standing on her porch. He looked at her and brushed a tear from his eye.

  He whispered, “I screwed up Kellie, big time. Andrea must hate me. Will she see me? Please tell her I had a good, long talk with Casey, and she is going to stop picking on her.” His brown eyes resembled a lost puppy.

  Kellie opened the door and said, “She’s in the kitchen.”

  While Cole walked to the kitchen, Kellie called Taylor.

  “Hi, do you want to go out to the monastery with me? I have a few things I want to check out. Cole and Andrea had a tiff, and they are here. I’d like to give them a little space. Okay, I’ll wait out front.”

  Kellie popped her head around the corner and asked, “Is it safe to come in?”

  Andrea nodded wiping tears away.

  “Taylor and I have some things to do,” she continued. “Can I trust you two here alone,” she smiled at them.

  Cole said, “Yes, Andrea and I agree I was an ass, so all is well.” He grinned at Kellie.

  “Okay, stay as long as you want where no one will bother you. Please lock up when you leave. I’ll get the key next time I see you.” She dropped her extra key on the table, grabbed a small duffel containing jeans, hiking shoes and a sweater, and waved as she hurried out to Taylor’s car.

  Kellie explained Andrea’s plight to Taylor as they drove to the monastery. “I’m glad I don’t have to deal with anyone like that,” Taylor confided.

  “Me, too.”


  Taylor parked in front of the monastery and asked, “What do you want to do here today? I thought we looked it over yesterday. None of the workers are here.”

  Kellie turned and looked at Taylor, “I want to find Luther and make him leave. He can’t be here if we’re
going to finish refurbishing for the kids.” She reached for the door handle.

  Taylor dropped her forehead against the steering wheel. “Not again, but you can’t fight him alone. We’re stronger together. Let’s go.”

  As Taylor slammed her car door, she whispered Kellie’s name.


  “Look at the edge of the woods. Do you see them?”

  Kellie looked and shook her head.

  “They’re gone.”

  “Who’s gone,” Kellie asked.

  “I saw two figures just inside the tree line watching,” Taylor said. “I could see through them; they were misty. Do you think they are ghosts or the evil Claudia warned us about?” She leaned against the car searching the area with her eyes again.

  “I don’t know. Could you tell whether they were human or in another form?”

  Taylor swallowed. “They looked like teenage boys.”

  “Let’s handle one at a time. Luther first, then the evil in the woods.” Kellie bit her lip and walked up the monastery steps.


  As they stepped off the bottom step into the cellar, Adelaide appeared in front of them.

  “Leave, run, and never come back. Luther is evil. He was bad in life and worse now. I never killed the monks. You know that. Luther killed your friend. He will kill you,” Adelaide said.

  Taylor stepped behind Kellie.

  Kellie spoke, “Adelaide, please listen to me. You need to leave here. You must go into the light. You’ll be safe, and Luther cannot follow you. He’s evil. You’ll be protected. I promise, but you must hurry before he finds us.”

  The white light appeared at the end of the cellar. Adelaide’s eyes grew big as she looked at it. She turned to Kellie.

  “It has never come before and I couldn’t leave. I can go now?”

  “Yes, hurry before Luther comes.”

  Adelaide pulled up the long dress she wore and ran into the light. It shimmered for a moment and faded.

  Taylor smiled. “I think Adelaide is happy now. Did you hear her call Victor’s name just before she disappeared into the light? I think she saw him.”


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