Turning Wheels (Satan's Devils MC #1): A Blood Brothers Spin off

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Turning Wheels (Satan's Devils MC #1): A Blood Brothers Spin off Page 28

by Manda Mellett

  I’m happy that Hank will have such a good send-off. I’m still grieving over his death, but as I remember my conversations with him I hope that somehow he can see how much he was respected by his brothers. The men give the prospects hell, but deep down they’re already members of the club, especially one that had proved himself like Hank. The young man had no parents or siblings to mourn him, yet there will be hundreds of people to send him on his final journey. That was what he’d been looking for; a family where that he could belong. I can only hope that somehow he knows that he found it.

  A week after that terrible night I ride behind Wraith―who’s now fixed a more comfortable passenger seat on his bike and a sissy bar so I feel more secure―in his position at the front of the procession just behind the president who in turn is following the hearse. Up ahead is a police escort, but no one’s out to cause trouble today. Peg’s up beside us with Blade and Dollar behind him, and then the rest of the Tucson chapter. The way to the graveyard is lined with what must be a hundred men on Harleys from other chapters, all revving their engines as we pass. The sound is deafening and, I hope, loud enough to get through to the dead.

  The funeral itself is a simple one. After the coffin is lowered into the ground in one of the plots reserved for the Satan’s Devils, I take out the single rose that I’d carefully kept safe under my jacket and throw it onto the coffin with tears in my eyes. Thank you, Hank. Thank you for protecting me.

  Then, leaning on Wraith’s arm, I pick my way carefully across the grassy ground and back to the bike and we make the return journey, followed by some two hundred bikes, back to the clubhouse, once again escorted by the police.

  By now I’ve learned the full story of how the Satan’s Devils came to acquire the compound where the club is based, and today they must be thankful for it. The large club room which used to be the reception of the old resort opens out into a huge dining room, and after that, there’s the patio area where barbeques have been set up and are now scenting the air with tantalising smells of burgers and other goodies cooking. It’s a lovely day today, with temperatures heading into the eighties, or as I still have to do the conversion, the high-twenties centigrade. The prospects have cleaned and refilled the pool, and splashes tell me there are already a few people taking advantage of it.

  Music is playing, and space has been cleared for a dance floor in the clubroom. I’m in the kitchen mixing up a bowl of coleslaw to take outside when the container is taken from me, as an arm snakes around my waist and I know it can’t be Wraith as I can see him chatting to a member of another chapter outside. Wearing my cut clearly designating me as belonging to my bearded biker, I’m not too disturbed, but swing around to see who it is.

  “Peg! You startled me.”

  In his gruff voice, he tells me, “You owe me! And I’m here to collect.”

  My brow furrows as I try to think what on earth I promised him, but can’t think of anything, so my eyebrow raises in question, “What?”

  The sergeant-at-arms gives what for him passes as a smile, “Your first dance.”

  Dance? I cock my head to the side. A raunchy heavy metal tune is playing, and there’s no way I’d be able to boogie along to that, I’d lose my balance and fall on my arse for sure. Narrowing my eyes I’m just about to tell him when that song finishes, and while not a slow ballad, it’s at least something we can shuffle too. As Peg holds out his hand, I start to grin, realising he’s planned it. My fingers loop around his, and he gently pulls me into his arms. And then I recognise the tune playing, it’s Bruce Springsteen’s ‘Man’s Job.’

  “See,” he starts with a smirk, “I told you I’d get you up and dancin’.”

  Listening to the words, I narrow my eyes, “This song, really?”

  He laughs, “So? I like the Boss. Anyway, just fuckin’ with Wraith.” And then he’s singing along, “Lovin’ you’s a man’s job, baby, loving you’s a man’s job.”

  I laugh. For a moment we dance together. I’m not too sure that description fits the swaying and lumbering that we’re doing, but it’s so much more than, even just a few weeks ago, I thought I’d ever be doing again. Now I’ve become thankful for even the little achievements I make each day. I curl my hand around his head and bring it down so I can reach my lips to his cheek.

  “Thank you, Peg. For everything, you’ve done. I don’t know where I’d have been without you pushing me.”

  “We all need a little help, sweetheart.” Suddenly, his eyes crease, and he gives a laugh. “Reckon your man ain’t too happy with me.”

  “What the fuck, Peg?” comes a holler.

  Suddenly my dance partner is wrenched away by a very angry Wraith, and I stumble and have a problem getting my balance.

  “Wraith!” I yell, to get his attention.

  His fist is pulled back ready to hit Peg, but luckily my scream distracts him, and he reaches me before I fall onto the floor. “Fuck, babe. I’m sorry. You alright?” His eyes stare into mine, “What the fuck you doing lettin’ Peg put his hands on you like that?”

  Why shouldn’t I dance with another man? While being amused at his possessiveness, it also makes me angry, “What shouldn’t I? He’s the one who made it all possible.”

  “I don’t like seein’ you in another man’s arms.” Wraith gives his explanation with a small smile, “Even one of my brothers. And ‘specially this fuckin’ song.”

  “That first day, when he forced me to start exercising, he told me he’d have my first dance with me. I didn’t believe him them, couldn’t see this day coming.” I explain, my eyes narrow not appreciating his jealousy.

  Now Wraith understands, and he smooths his hand over his beard as he makes his apology, “Oh darlin’, I’m sorry I got annoyed. But I’d like to dance with you too. You know I always like you in my arms.”

  And I like being in his. As Peg steps away with a smirk, Wraith takes his place, and we gently move to the music. Then I get the devil in me. My man’s holding me tight, he’s not going to let me fall. Holding up my arms I wave them in the air, leaning back and shaking my hair out. I get a feeling of elation, this is the old Sophie! Wraith’s laughing and getting into it, he turns me round, I bend towards the floor. All the time he’s holding me secure and I love every minute. I love him.

  Then as the song ends he turns me to face him again. His hands run up and down my back, then go down and squeeze my arse. With one hand on his shoulder to balance myself, I move the other down and reciprocate his touch. As he pushes against me, I can feel his hard cock pressing into my stomach.

  Then hear his voice as he whispers into my ear, “I need you. Wanna blow this joint?”

  I thought he needed to be around as he’s the VP and there’re so many visitors. “Shouldn’t you be here?”

  “Yeah, but my patch looks good on you. Been dreamin’ of you wearin’ that and nothin’ else since I gave it to you this mornin’.”

  Hmm, the thought of just the leather vest caressing my skin while Wraith fondles other parts of me sends a tingle down my spine. But just as I’m about to agree we’re interrupted as the music’s abruptly turned off.

  “VP! We’ve got problems!”

  At Drum’s voice Wraith spins round. After making sure I’ve got my balance he leads me to a picnic bench outside where Sandy and Carmen are sitting, he goes off fast to see what’s going down.

  “What d ‘you reckon that’s all about?” Sandy’s noticed him go, her eyes creased with worry.

  Carmen and I both look at each other and say at the same time, “Club business!” And then we both laugh. It’s hard for an independent person like myself, but over the weeks I’ve realised that sometimes I just have to curb my curiosity as there are many things the men don’t want us to know.

  But it seems like this time we’re going to get involved as members of the Tucson chapter rush over to us, telling us to go inside. Men are pulling out guns, and the party atmosphere has completely disappeared. Shots are being fired from the direction of the front
gate, then a silence descends over the compound. Then, only shortly afterwards we hear the roar of bikes going away from the club.

  Sombre men walk flood back in, and not a few of them cast a glance in my direction. So many that I feel my cheeks going red, not happy being the centre of attention. I start to stand, wanting to find Wraith and see exactly what’s going on but before I can move, Wraith, Drummer, Peg and Blade come back together, talking animatedly. I don’t have a clue what they’re saying, but nods are being thrown in my direction.

  Then the group breaks up, and the next thing I know is that the music stops, and Peg steps forward, climbing on a table. As he hollers for silence, gradually all other voices die down.

  Cupping his hands to his mouth, he yells out, “All patched members to the clubroom now. Prospects, Ol’ ladies and kids to go outside.”

  As the men start moving in the direction, he’s told them, I exchange looks again with Carmen. But before I can speak, Wraith comes over and puts his hand on my shoulder.

  “Drum thinks you need to be here for this, Soph.”

  Even though the day is warm, I feel myself going cold. The looks thrown my way left me in little doubt the shots fired had something to do with me. “Has anyone been hurt, Wraith?”

  “Nah,” he reassures me quickly, “We just fired a few in the air to get a message across.”

  He takes my arm, “Here, let’s get you up. They’ll be waitin’ for us.” He patiently waits for me to get my balance, and then holds my arm as I walk across clubroom floor.

  Going into the bar area isn’t something that generally worries me now I’ve got used to all Wraith’s brothers, but it’s a bit different today when I’m entering as the only woman among over a hundred leather-clad bikers, many of whom turn and give me strange looks as I walk in. Wraith puts his arm around me. I move closer to his side and keep my head down. He leads me to the bar which for once isn’t manned by Marsh or Spider, and where the other officers from Tucson are waiting.

  A chin jerk to Wraith, acknowledging our arrival, then without further delay Drum jumps nimbly up onto the bar. Seeing the president of the mother chapter ready to speak, gradually the sound of men’s voice recedes, and the room goes quiet.

  “Thank y’all for giving me your attention. You might have noticed we had some visitors just now, and while I’ve got y’all here, I’m gonna fill you in on what’s been going down in the mother chapter. I’m gonna let our VP, Wraith here,” he indicates Wraith who jumps up on the bar beside him, “Wraith will give you the deets, but I’ll just tell you our fuckin’ uninvited guests were the fuckin’ Rock Demons out of Phoenix.”

  As Drum jumps down, a roar goes round the room, and I take it the other MC is not a friend to any of the Devils, whichever chapter they come from. With the amount of sound it’s hard to make out individual words, but ‘pieces of shit’ and ‘motherfuckers’ come distinctly to my ears.

  Wraith whistles loudly, getting everyone’s attention. Again silence gradually descends, as he begins to speak, “This is Hank’s day, and I’ve no wish to spoil it. We’ll go outside and raise a glass to him in a few, but Drum and I agreed, while his untimely death has brought us together today, we should take advantage of it.”

  I’m impressed at how he’s so good at public speaking; he pauses until the nods and cries of assent die down.

  “As you know, the Rock Demons put Hank in the ground, but the person they are after is my ol’ lady here, Sophie.” He waves his hand down towards me. Now I’m five foot two in a room full of tall imposing men, so it’s hardly likely they’ll be able to see me. But they crane their necks just in case. “Now don’t worry Soph, I’m not gonna ask you to come up and join me.”

  Thank goodness for that―I’d never be able to get up there. But Peg does the next best thing, wrapping his arms around my waist he hoists me up into the air. Now comments of ‘you lucky fucker’ and the like are thrown around, and I feel my cheeks burning red.

  “That’s enough, Peg,” Wraith growls, and I’m grateful when my feet are back on the ground. Drum, showing his thoughtfulness shoves a bar stool my way, and I sit myself down, pleased to take the weight off my feet.

  “Now, Sophie here came to us for protection. There’s a man hungry to get hold of her and he ain’t no ordinary man. He’s put out a fuckin’ bounty on her, a contract to get hold of her.” Another pause, before carrying on, “Just so’s you know, he’s had a hold of her before, Sophie lost half of one leg, and the other was badly fuckin’ damaged that time. You see her on her feet today due to sheer fuckin’ determination. When she first came to us, she was in a wheelchair.”

  Another rumble of voices goes round the room; Peg takes the opportunity to lean over and speak into my ear, “And my fuckin’ bullying. He could have mentioned that.”

  Wraith starts again, “To cut a long story short, she’s become my ol’ lady, and this chapter have vowed to keep her safe. The contract out on her was taken up by the Rock Demons, and they’ve just come to cut us a deal. If we hand her over to them, they’ll kindly split the bounty with us, fifty-fifty.”

  “What’s the fuckin’ amount on her head?” someone shouts out.

  “If it’s gonna make any difference to you, two million dollars.” Wraith replies.

  What. The. Fuck? I gaze up at him, askance. Surely they’ll want to take that offer. No more killing and the club a million dollars richer? My face falls as I accept my fate.

  I turn to Peg who’s still standing next to me, “You’re going to hand me over, aren’t you?”

  Suddenly it’s Drummer’s voice thundering in my ear, “No we’re fuckin’ not.”

  “But be sensible, Drum,” I try to forget the fact it’s my life we’re talking about here, “It’s the only way to avoid bloodshed.”

  An evil looking grin comes over his face, “It’s going to be the fuckin’ Rock Demons’ blood that will be shed, sweetheart. Now listen up and don’t make me regret invitin’ you to our meetin’.”

  Faced with the full blaze of his steely eyes, I shut up.

  Wraith’s grinning down at me, “Now we ain’t inclined to take their very generous offer. But I’m willing to listen to other views, so I’ll ask. Does anyone here think we should take a million dollars and throw my ol’ lady to the fuckin’ wolves? To be tortured and killed? If ya do, speak up now.”

  Not one hand is raised, not one word of dissent. Then a voice shouts out, “Devils protect our fuckin’ women.”

  General snarls of agreement support his words. I start to get a warm feeling inside, yet can’t help thinking it’s not a very sensible decision.

  “Now, Soph here has concerns about whether we’ll be able to take the Rock Demons on.” When the next blast of shouting dies down, he continues again, “She’d rather give herself up then see any of our members get killed.”

  The men stand closest to me throw me looks of respect but shake their heads. One man I don’t know, puts his hand on my knee, “You won’t be doin’ that, sweetheart,” he murmurs.

  Wraith glares down, his eyes flashing with anger, “Hooper, will you kindly take your hand off my woman?”

  A burst of laughter rings out breaking the tension and the man who apparently answers to Hooper steps briskly away. Drum uses the opportunity to jump back up on the bar.

  “I wanted Sophie here ‘cos I know she’s been feelin’ uneasy about the support she’s getting’ from the club. But now I think she’s convinced of our commitment, our protection; I don’t believe she needs to hear any more. Sophie, can you join the girls outside now? And remember, guys, she’s wobbly on her feet so please can we clear a path for her to go through?”

  Cheeks burning, worried I’m going to fall flat on my face, I slide off the stool and start making my way out of the room. When I stumble, an arm comes to support me. I turn quickly; it’s Wraith.

  He’s grinning at me, “Just seein’ you safely outside, darlin’.”

  It takes us a while to go across the clubroom, we’
re stopped every few steps with men I’ve never met before in my live swearing they’ll keep me safe.

  Before I make it all the way out, a hand comes out and rests on my shoulder. As I swing around, I hear Wraith growl, “You and I gonna have a problem?”

  Glancing up I see a bearded rugged giant, a stunningly attractive man although I don’t usually go for redheads. His hair, a deep ginger colour is shoulder length, half pushed tidily behind his ear, and half is flopping over his freckled face. His green eyes sparkle at Wraith, who, despite his tone, is grinning.

  “Just wanted to tell your girl that she’s got our support.”

  Slowly the smile drops from Wraith’s face, and he grows serious, “Thanks, Brother, that’s good to hear.” Quickly he turns to me and explains, “Sophie, this is Red, President of the Vegas Chapter of the Satan’s Devils.”

  Red inclines his head towards me; he has to leave down a long way, “When you’re problems are sorted, sweetheart, get your man to bring you to see us. We’ll show you a good time.” His voice is a sexy growl which does something to my insides, making me feel guilty as I’m hanging off the hand of my man.

  Although I’m starting to feel claustrophobic in the midst of so many large and imposing men, I take the time to spare him a quick smile, hoping he’ll put down the blood that’s rushed to my cheeks to the heat of the room, and simply tell him I appreciate the offer.

  Then, at last, Wraith gets me to the door.

  Chapter 26


  I have to admit I wasn’t totally on board with Drum’s suggestion that Sophie be dragged into our meeting, knowing it would be overwhelming to be the only woman in the midst of a hundred rowdy men. But she handled herself well, and the fact that she was an attractive and tiny little thing had helped sway the others to our side. I was as proud as punch walking her out through the room. Seeing my name on the back of her cut hasn’t grown old yet, and I suspect, won’t for some time or even ever.


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