Caribbean Nights

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Caribbean Nights Page 2

by Tressie Lockwood

  The only positive about the experience was that Dominic seemed just as bothered by all the ploys as she was. Except Dominic wasn’t hiding his grumpy attitude, while Keeta pretended none of it fazed her. She wished she could just turn off her attraction to the bodyguard, but speeches she’d given herself about him didn’t work. The bottom line was that Keeta had no hope of snagging a man like Dominic, but her stupid body wasn’t going for it. From head to toe, she was on fire every time he came within a few feet of her, or she heard his voice. If this was how it would be in Jamaica, all the fun would be sucked out of the experience from day one.

  Three hours, forty minutes after they took off from JFK, they landed at SangsterInternationalAirport in Montego Bay. Keeta’s heart pounded knowing the adventure was about to begin. She stood up to gather her things, hearing the models squealing toward the front of the plane. Exclamations of “I don’t think I like any of the swimsuits I brought. I’m going shopping” made her grit her teeth. Keeta’s plan was to swim anywhere the models weren’t.

  She’d heard there were clothing optional beaches, and she would stay as far away from those too. Her girls weren’t swinging free for anything. But then Keeta’s idea of fun was strolling along the beach at night when fewer people were around, or early morning to collect seashells. She sighed. No wonder she didn’t have a man. Who liked that? No, the girls had been chatting about visiting Hedonism, the world famous hotel where anything goes. They’d even begged her to book them there instead of the Ritz Carlton Rose Hall.

  Her large straw carryon bag in hand, her hat in place, and sunglasses over her eyes, Keeta stepped into the aisle only to meet Dominic stepping out as well. “Oh, sorry,” she mumbled, and went to move past him and tripped. She would have fallen face first if he hadn’t caught her around the waist and hauled her back to his solid body.

  One of the photographers laughed. “You’re such a klutz, Keeta.”

  She squeezed the handles of her bag and righted herself. Okay, she didn’t have the grace of the women in first class, but she didn’t have two left feet either. But being around Dominic took all the coordination out of her body. This was ridiculous because she was around hot men all the time. It went with the territory. None of them made her fall at their feet every time she saw them.

  Annoyed, she yanked herself away from Dominic with a grudging thanks thrown over her shoulder before she hurried off the plane. Outside at street level, limos waited to take them to the hotel. Keeta rode with Ann Marie, and Dominic rode with the models. Keeta did everything she could not to imagine the women throwing themselves on his lap the whole way there.

  The massive entourage piled into the lobby, and Keeta squeezed past all the bodies milling about with mounds of luggage being rolled in on carts. She moved toward the front desk, but a woman with a hotel badge on her uniform stopped her. “You look like the person in charge,” she said with a smile to Keeta. She held out her hand. “I’m Coralee. Welcome to the Ritz Carlton. Are you Keeta?”

  Pleased with her compliment, Keeta smiled. “Yes, how did you know?”

  She shrugged. “A hunch. You moved with purpose. Everyone else seemed to wonder what to do.” Coralee laughed. “I have a thing I do, picking up on the small details that will make our guests more comfortable.”

  “Oh my goodness, I do the same thing.” Keeta wagged a finger. “I think I’m going to like you, Coralee. Are our rooms ready?”

  “Yes, by all means.” She ran off the room assignments, reading her notes. An envelope in her hand held what they needed, and soon Coralee escorted them all to the floor Keeta had reserved for them. Most of the staff had lesser rooms while Ann Marie, Keeta, and Dominic, plus a couple of men on his security staff, would be near the models. Of course the models shared more luxurious suites. Keeta wished she was farther away, but it couldn’t be helped. Ann Marie wanted her close at hand for anything the women or Ann Marie needed.

  When they gathered in Ann Marie’s suite, Keeta stood at her side waiting for instructions. She couldn’t help spotting Dominic’s tall form on the other side of the room, standing alert, arms crossed and feet apart. His dark gaze took in every person in the room before two of the models clung to him and cooed up into his face.

  “Ladies, please pay attention,” Ann Marie snapped. The women pouted and migrated over toward the director. Ann Marie cast a warning glance at Dominic as if it was his fault the women were horny sluts. “Now, we’re free for tonight to do whatever, but the first shoot is at six in the morning. Don’t party all night until you have bags under your eyes and you can’t wake up on time.” The warning this time went to the models. They moaned. “Dismissed.”

  Keeta rushed to her room, showered, and changed into a cool, flowing sundress. She slipped her feet into flip-flops and went down to the lobby. Before she even got to the double doors leading out toward the beach, she caught the sweet scent of mangoes, papaya, and oranges in the air. Palm trees were everywhere, the deep, hunter green leaves hanging low and offering some shade under the hot sun.

  From the hotel’s pavilion, Keeta walked to the beach and gasped. From the plane, she’d thought the water was dark blue, but here she saw that it was, in fact, so transparent the white sand at the bottom was visible and tiny tropical fish swam out from coral reefs nearby.

  “Amazing,” she whispered.

  Laughter caught her attention, and she glanced over her shoulder. The models had gathered at a round bar with a thatched roof. Bartenders coming and going with drinks on trays wore their shirts open and their pants low on their hips to show off their abs. The models, all white except for one African American woman, called out compliments to the buff, dark-skinned men. Keeta rolled her eyes and turned away.

  “Can I get you something, miss?”

  She started at the deep, accented voice so close and looked to see that one of the bartenders stood at her side. His skin glistened. Well, it was a nice view, she acknowledged. The man had an incredible body. She wondered what Dominic’s body looked like naked, and then curbed her thoughts.


  “Oh, yes.” She hoped he didn’t think she was lusting after him, but then again, he must be used to it and probably encouraged it to get more tips. “I’ll have an Innocent Passion if you don’t mind. Thanks.”

  He nodded and hurried off to get her drink. When the server returned, Keeta took the drink with a cute little umbrella in it. She took a sip and luxuriated in the way it cooled her thirst and refreshed her at the same time. She would not be drinking alcohol tonight. As Ann Marie said, they had an early start, and Keeta wasn’t beginning it with a hangover. Besides, she was working, not on vacation, and acting a fool to the point of getting fired was not on her agenda.

  While Keeta dug her feet into the cold, wet sand at the edge of the water, the same two models who had been clinging to Dominic ran past her to splash into the spray. Scantily clad in bright-colored thongs and a strip of cloth for a top, they called out to Dominic to join them. Keeta peeked at him several feet from her.

  “I’m working, not on vacation,” he said repressively.

  Funny enough, Keeta had the feeling the man disliked them, and the more they bounced around showing off their boobs, the more he scowled. Maybe he was gay, she thought. She took a chance to approach him, hoping she wouldn’t trip again. Thankfully, she arrived at his side without incident.

  “So, you dislike models or what?” she asked.

  His eyebrows shot up. “Are you always so direct?”

  “Do you always answer a question with a question?” They both chuckled. “No, I just thought it was weird how the more they show off, the less you like it. I thought all men had secret fantasies of dating a model. Okay, not dating exactly.”

  He shook his head. “You intrigue me. Innocent eyes, but you’re not innocent. How can that be?”

  She smirked. “Did you just insult me?”

  “I promise you, I didn’t.” He held up his palms in surrender. “You look like a tiny, lit
tle sweet thing, but you’re sharp. I saw that with the way you handled those you work with and the efficient way you pulled together this trip with so many fires to put out.”

  “Tiny and little are not adjectives I’d use to describe myself, but thanks. Unless of course you mean height compared to yours, but that would apply to everyone under…six five?”

  “Six four.”

  “Hmm.” She nodded. “Well, don’t let the eyes fool you. I know my stuff, and I’m good at what I do. Maybe it is my face that makes people sometimes think they can take advantage of me. They learn soon enough.”

  “Indeed.” Dominic’s gaze had wandered back to the models. Keeta sighed. Several men had gravitated toward them and were teasing the ladies to come deeper into the water. Keeta had no idea whether they could swim, and lifeguard duties weren’t exactly in Dominic’s job description.

  To Keeta’s shame, she wanted his attention back on her. “So, you’re gay then?”

  “Nothing I’ve done would give such an impression,” he growled. She’d offended him.

  “I’m sorry. I just think it’s weird that they don’t appeal or aren’t at least eye candy for you.”

  “They’re eye candy,” he admitted.

  What she had expected, Keeta didn’t know. How could she be so confident in business, but pathetic with the opposite sex? And why the hell was she even talking to him? The man had admitted that he didn’t have the night off like everyone else. She was serious enough about her position to respect his. Yet, here she was behaving no better than the models.

  She turned to go. “Have a nice evening,” she said as she went.

  He called out behind her. “You’re eye candy as well.”

  Keeta almost forgot how to walk. Her movements were jerky and awkward, but she kept moving. She wanted to say thanks for the compliment, although she didn’t believe him, but she was too scared to turn around. To her disgust, pleasure suffused her body, and stupid hope rose in her chest for more encounters with Dominic.

  Chapter Four

  Keeta waited until the sun went down to change into her swimsuit. The black one piece sported a V-neck with beaded trim, and the back straps crossed in an X. That was as far as she went with design. Not that she preferred it, but the skimpy outfits the models wore, or even other women she’d spotted on the beach, didn’t cover her generous curves enough. She would have loved something sexier, but figured she’d never get it.

  So, with a long wraparound tied at her waist, she ventured out on the beach. The day was still warm, but not so much as it was in the daylight. The sand squished between her toes as she walked, and she ran away from the chilly spray as it chased her higher on the shore.

  “Looks like you’re enjoying yourself.”

  Keeta whirled around at Dominic’s voice. He was barefoot like her, dressed in loose-fitting shorts and a T-shirt. He’d been casually dressed from the start, but not this casual. “Are you off duty?” she asked.

  He fell into step beside her. “Yes, for the rest of the night. The other two guys are watching the models. Should be easy enough with them dancing at the beach party.”

  She peered at him through her lashes. “You didn’t want to go?”

  “Not especially.” He caught her hand and pulled her to a stop. Keeta thought she might faint when he tipped up her chin to stare into her eyes. “Do you have a boyfriend back home ripping his hair out about what you could be up to down here?”

  She laughed. “Seriously?”

  He looked surprised. “Of course, seriously.”

  “No, I don’t have a boyfriend at home. But, it’s weird that this is the second time you’ve sought me out. I can’t understand it.”

  “Is your self-esteem so low that you can’t see how attractive you are?”

  She considered that. “Not really. I know I’m a good person, and I have some great qualities.” She grinned. “It’s just that men like you don’t seek me out. You see where I’m coming from? I just don’t get you. Is it a fantasy thing, like you see an opportunity to check out how it is with a black woman and you’re taking advantage of it?”

  Expecting him to be offended again, she was pleased when he wasn’t. “There you go with that directness.”

  “Maybe that’s not on my good quality list,” she teased.

  Dominic lifted a finger to tangle it in a lock of her hair. Keeta shivered. “Okay, since we’re being honest, no, I’ve never been with a black woman. I never desired to be. So this isn’t about me wanting to fulfill some fantasy. It’s about me finding you attractive and interesting. That’s not so bad.”

  “No, it’s not so bad.” Her eyelids fluttered closed when he began stroking her face. She swayed toward him, but caught herself. When she forced her eyes open, it was to find his mouth descending toward hers. With the barest touch, they kissed. Dominic’s hands slipped to her waist, and Keeta went to her tiptoes. They kissed a second time. She wanted more, wanted to explore his mouth with her tongue, but she held back, afraid. “One more question,” she whispered.

  “Go ahead.”

  “Have you…” She hesitated and then plunged ahead. “Have you ever dated a plus-sized woman?”

  He stilled. Keeta watched several emotions flit over his face from frustration to what she thought might be pain, but wasn’t sure. It was gone in an instant. “No, I haven’t. My last girlfriend was a model.”

  She’d expected him to say a lot of things, but not that. Keeta stepped out of his embrace. “Oh.”

  He reached for her, but she put more space between them. The disappointment in his eyes was obvious. “Keeta.”

  She shivered hearing her name on his sensual lips, but resisted the pull. “It’s getting late, and I should get to bed. We all have to be up early tomorrow.”

  “It’s only nine-thirty.”

  “Yes, well I have a lot of prep work for my duties. I’ll be busy all day and from here on out until we leave.” She turned her back to him. Knowing she was a coward for putting him off just because he’d only ever dated the model type, she didn’t feel brave enough to see where it led between them. After all, she’d have to allow him see her body at some point, and glimpsing disgust in his eyes at her extra flesh would be too much. Better to not even go there in the first place.

  She started forward.

  “So you’re blowing me off?” he called out.

  She spared him a glance over her shoulder, and regret ate at her. The man’s body drew her like nothing ever had. How could he feel the same? “Come on, Dominic. You can have any woman you want. I’m so sure I am not the one.”

  His eyes narrowed. “Say it again.”

  She frowned and stopped. “Say what again?”

  “My name.” He strode up to her, and with gentle hands on her shoulders, turned her to face him. “Call me Nic.”

  Keeta’s mouth fell open. Her entire being vibrated with need. She wanted to rub herself against him, to see if he had massive equipment to match his oversized body. His thumb on one hand massaged her skin, further robbing her of strength.

  “Say it,” he encouraged her.

  A tremor raced through her body. “Nic,” she breathed.

  From somewhere nearby, music started up, slow and sensual. Nic drew her closer, and she no longer had to wonder. His erection brushed her belly, rock solid and seeming to pulse. Nic moved his hands from her shoulders to her waist and lifted her off her feet. When her face was level with his, he captured her in a hot kiss. She had no time to think before his tongue swept her lips and pushed between them. Keeta was lost. She clung to him, wrapping her arms around his neck and driving her breasts into his chest.

  Nic groaned. He crushed her closer with one arm and put a hand between them to drag down her swimsuit. When his large palm closed over her breast, she came to her senses and struggled in his hold.

  “Put me down, please,” she begged.

  Nic didn’t fight her, but let her go. Keeta whirled away to right her clothes. This time, she didn’t
give him the opportunity to stop her. She ran like the devil was on her trail back toward the hotel. When she reached the lobby, she stopped to catch her breath. To her relief, Nic hadn’t followed, and at a more sedate pace, she headed to her room.

  * * * *

  Everything inside of Nic wanted to chase after her, to push her to see him as a potential lover. He’d told her the truth when he said he’d never looked at an African American woman, never mind a plus-sized woman. And yet, from the moment he laid eyes on her, he wanted her. What was it that drew him? Sure, she had extra curves, more than he thought he’d ever want, but when he watched her move, that round ass swaying side to side, he grew hard, and all he could think about was getting his hands on it. And her breasts… He swore, closing his eyes and running his fingers through his hair. Keeta’s nipple had been drawn up into a rigid peak when he pulled her swimsuit down. As he had stroked it, his lust had been fueled into a roaring fire. All he’d wanted at that point was to lay her down in the sand and lick her nipples until she cried for mercy.

  Unable to think straight, he jogged down to the water’s edge and let the cool liquid shock his senses. The move worked, but his shaft still craved entry into her. He had a job to do, and he’d give it his all, but every moment he found free, he intended to work on making Keeta see that she was just as hot for him as he was for her. They weren’t talking love, of course. Nic had no plans ever to love a woman again. However, he was not adverse to an affair with Keeta no matter how long it lasted. She’d see things his way soon enough. The atmosphere of the island was perfect for a seduction.

  Nic’s plans did not go as well as he’d hoped. Keeta avoided him, and unfortunately, the times he caught sight of her, he or she was working. For two days, he waited for the right opportunity, all the time gritting his teeth because he didn’t know how long the photo shoot would last. His time was running out.


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