Jaded by Love: A Single Parent Romance (Written in the Stars Book 8)

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Jaded by Love: A Single Parent Romance (Written in the Stars Book 8) Page 7

by AJ Alexander

  “I need to focus on Love.” I affirm one last time before we hear the bell chime signaling someone has arrived. “You have a class to teach.”

  “You have a class to take. You need to spend some quality time with yourself.” Bristol pats my hand, before rising from her seat and heading toward the front.

  I wish I could find some way for us to have a happy ending, but the cards never lie. I need to end this before either of us get in too deep. I don’t know if I can survive another heartbreak. The one thing I know is I need to make a clean break between Connor and me. We have Jade and Love to think about, I need to end this sooner rather than later to ensure we can at least be civil with each other.

  I know what I need to do, but why does my heart feel like it’s breaking into a million pieces? Heartbreak is something I’ve become accustomed to over the last few years, but right now all I feel is soul wrenching pain at the thought of things changing between Connor and me.

  Chapter Twelve


  Waking up without Audrey lying beside me was a surprise. Last thing I remember was her telling me she was going to the bathroom and would be right back. It wasn’t until I was fully awake that the girls informed me she had to cover at work for Bristol.

  The three of us spent a few hours hanging out, watching movies, and playing board games before I had to head into work for a few hours. I did have a chance to talk to Love about what she thought of me and Audrey starting a relationship together; she was all for it. It seems that both girls believe we would be good for each other.

  With the girl’s seal of approval, I grab them from the house after work and we head to the dance studio. The plan is for the girls to jump in on a hip-hop class Selina is having this evening so Audrey and I can talk things over. I meant every word I said to Audrey last night, but I’m sure it was a lot for her to take in.

  I find a parking spot easily, but am surprised to see Vance, Selina, and Bristol standing outside the door. “I thought your mom said she had to cover for Bristol today?” I question as I shut off the car, a feeling of dread slowly creeping in.

  “She did,” Love responds quizzically as she opens the door and slides out of the truck along with Jade. “Bristol is probably feeling better and came by to check on things.”

  I only nod my head as they hurry toward Selina, quickly gaining her attention and pulling her inside. “Are you here to harass Selina again?” I bump shoulders with Vance before turning my attention toward Bristol and ask, “Are you feeling better?”

  Vance throws his arm over my shoulders, a blinding smile covering his face. “She finally agreed to go out with me.”

  “All that pestering finally paid off,” Bristol giggles before responding to my question, “Yup, feeling much better.”

  “I’m glad,” I can feel something is off, but I don’t want to press her for any information. Bristol has been through enough in the last year.

  “I see the wheels turning in your head, Connor. I know what happened, but I won’t betray her confidence,” Bristol grimaces, “just be careful with her. She’s been hurt so many times, I don’t know if she knows what it’s like to be cherished by someone.”

  Before I have a chance to respond, Jade comes bounding out of the door, “Selina said we could take the class, then Uncle Vance and her will bring us to our house.”

  Vance raises his eyebrow, “We are?”

  “Yup, Selina said so.” Love winks at me, “My mom and Connor have things to discuss.”

  I chuckle, “I guess your date includes two teenage girls, but neither of us want to get rid of you girls.”

  “Some things need to be discussed in private,” Vance says, slapping me hard on the back a few times, “You both deserve some time off every once in a while.”

  “If you’re sure, I’ll go check on Audrey. Don’t be surprised if we’re at the house when you get there.” I give my friends a wave before turning toward the yoga studio.

  I got the impression from Bristol that Audrey didn’t have to work this morning, she ran. I thought I made my feelings for her perfectly clear, but I was wrong. I understand she’s been hurt in the past but if I can take a chance on love again, she can too. I make her understand she is more than a passing fling, but everything I’ve been missing in my life. I reach for the door and pull it open, the small bell chimes signaling my arrival. Audrey is cleaning something in the back of the studio, “Hello, Audrey.”

  Her shoulders tense slightly but she refuses to acknowledge my arrival. “Are you going to ignore me?” I wait a few moments, but still no answer.

  Bristol’s words from earlier filter into my mind. Audrey is afraid of the emotions we shared last night, “I at least deserved a reason for you bolting this morning.”

  “I told the girls I had to open the studio for Bristol this morning. She texted and said she wasn’t feeling well.” She is full of crap and we both know it.

  I stride toward her, pulling the broom away from her hands. “Why did you leave, Audrey?”.

  “I told you, I had to work. Thanks for taking care of Love for me. I still worry when she is home alone,” she responds, looking everywhere but into my eyes.

  “You’re rambling,” I grip her chin, forcing her to look into my eyes, “why did you leave, Audrey?” I stare into her eyes, willing her to see the feelings I have yet to put into words.

  “I told you…”

  “You need to do better than that, Audrey. I saw Bristol down at the dance studio, she’s perfectly fine.”

  Something flashes in her eyes but is quickly replaced with anger as she throws the boom in her hand across the room, “I’m an adult and don’t answer to you. If you think I’m lying about coming into work so be it.”

  I sigh, I didn’t come here to fight with her. Deciding it's now or never, I rest my forehead against her and speak from the heart, “Audrey, I barely existed before I saw you sitting in the coffee shop. You brought a light into my life that I didn’t know was missing. Please, talk to me.”

  “I refuse to be your replacement for Lydia.”

  I release her chin and step back as if I’ve been burned. After everything I’ve shared with her, she still doesn’t see how much she means to me.

  “After everything we’ve shared with each other you can’t let go of the memory of my dead wife.” The words taste bitter in my mouth as I release her chin and step back.

  “You still wear your wedding ring for Christ sake!” Audrey shouts at me, before spinning on her heels and dashing for the break room. I grasp her arm and spin her around to face me, “That’s it? Here take it.” I rip the ring off my finger and place it into her palm. “I don’t know why I still wear it, mostly habit. It was easier to keep ladies from throwing themselves at me when they saw a ring on my finger. No matter what the reason, it’s yours. With you in my life it no longer holds any meaning to me.”

  Tears pool in her eyes and she throws the ring across the room, I step forward wrapping my arms tightly around her. “Tell me, Audrey, tell me what I need to do to make you believe how much I love you.”

  Her body stiffens before she steps out of my embrace, wrapping her arms around herself. “It doesn’t matter, Connor. Last night was a mistake and can never happen again. I hope we can at least be friends, for the girls.”

  My shoulders sag in defeat, unable to process what has happened in the last few moments, “If that’s how you feel, I won’t waste anymore of your time.” Without a second glance, I turn and head out of the studio and head directly to my truck.

  Next thing I know I’m pulling into my driveway, having no idea how I got home. I check the time, thankfully the girls are still in their dance class. Who knew that your entire world could come tumbling down in less than ten minutes?

  Shutting off the car, I shoot Vance a quick text letting him know he is off the hook for watching Jade, at least one of us will get the night we planned. As I step out of the car, gut wrenching pain overtakes my body causing me to crumple to the gr
ound. I thought I knew pain when Lydia was taken from me, but that doesn't compare to the thought of spending the rest of my life without Audrey in it. Audrey was my second chance at a life outside of work and Jade. With that gone, what else is there to hope for?

  Chapter Thirteen


  After getting my emotions under control, I grab the broom and continue cleaning. The pain of losing Connor radiates through my entire body. Any chance of us having a relationship, even a platonic one, ended when I uttered those words.

  “Things didn’t go as well as you planned did it?” Bristol asks as she opens the door, quickly locking it behind her. I scoff, unable to put into words how badly my conversation with Connor went.

  Without a word, Bristol brushes past me and grabs the paper towels and glass cleaner. Bristol and I clean side-by-side in silence until all the cleaning is finished. I head into the break room and take a seat, needing a moment to collect my thoughts.

  She enters shortly after and breaks the silence, “Love and Jade will be done with her hip hop class soon. Vance and Selina offered to take the girls for a while tonight.” Bristol takes a seat beside me and grips my hand, “What happened, Audrey?” I attempt to pull away, not ready to discuss what happened but her grip tightens.

  “I told him I didn’t want to be a replacement for Lydia.”

  “You did what?” Bristol releases my hands, anger evident in her eyes. She takes a calming breath before speaking again. “How do you feel? Are you happy with the decision you made?”

  “I feel like my heart has broken into a million pieces,” I whisper, clutching at my chest. “But it doesn’t matter how wrong this feels, the cards …”

  “How do you feel about Connor?”

  “I love him with all my heart,” I gasp in surprise as the realization of my feelings hits me full force. I’ve been so afraid of being hurt by Connor, I ignored my own feelings.

  Bristol places her hand on top of mine, “Can the cards be wrong?”

  The cards can be wrong, but they’ve foretold any major event in my life. My mom knew I was pregnant from the cards. They warned us about Hurricane Katrina, but everything is up to interpretation. Is it possible that this time is different?

  “I don’t know.” I hang my head in shame, voicing my true feelings for the first time. “I’m scared.”

  “It’s alright to be afraid, Hun. But you can’t let fear of the unknown stop you from seeing the beauty in the world.” Bristol places her hand gently on my shoulder, “Go home. Take a bath, relax. Hell, ask the cards again just to make sure. No matter what you do, you need to decide in your heart what’s best for you. No one else can make you happy but you.”

  I look into my friend’s eyes and see nothing but sympathy. Anxious to get home and have some time to think, I ask “Can you finish up by yourself?”

  “Yes, now go home and take care of you. Vance and Selina will take care of Love.” She wraps me in a tight hug, before pushing my bag in my direction. Taking the hint, I grab it from the table and head home.

  It isn’t until I get home that I let myself think about my feelings for Connor. He’s been genuine with me about his feelings, never avoiding telling me about his relationship with Lydia and how much she meant to him. Even though he still wore his wedding ring, I know it was more of a reminder of the kind of love he was looking for. Casting it all aside for me, to show me how much I’ve come to mean to him. I’ve always been the one to love quickly and deeply, but my heart ended up broken.

  As I climb the stairs and enter my room, I’m no closer to an answer. I know how I feel about Connor but I’m not sure I can survive another heartbreak. I catch a glimpse of my reflection in the mirror and freeze. Laying on my dresser is the Devil card, upside down.

  “If I only would have paid attention instead of letting my fear overtake me,” I whisper into the room before running back down the stairs and out the front door, heading directly for Connor’s. The Devil Card being inverted has an entirely different meaning. There’re no longer any doubts in my mind; Connor and I are meant to be together.

  Next thing I know, I’m banging on his front door hoping he will answer. I don’t wait long before he opens the door, and I throw myself into his arms. “I was wrong. I love you,” I say before our lips come together. A feeling of home settles into my soul as I pour all my feelings into this kiss, hoping he will understand what he means to me.

  We break apart gasping for air as Connor lifts me into his arms, “You aren’t a replacement for Lydia. My feelings for you are more than I ever could’ve imagined them being in such a short amount of time.”

  “I know,” I wrap my legs around his waist, “I love you, Connor.”

  He growls as he slams the door shut and pushes my back against it. I grind my pussy into his cock, and it hardens. “Say it again,” he whispers as he nibbles down the side of my neck.

  “I love you,” I moan as he presses his cock harder into my warm center, pinning me to the door. Connor looks into my eyes, searching for something. “I’m yours for as long as you’ll have me.”

  “Forever,” Connor grunts before his lips crash into mine again. I wrap my arms tighter around his neck, pulling myself into his chest, unable to get any closer. He slides his hand between our bodies, shoving my pants down and sliding his fingers between my folds. My gasp of surprise quickly turns into moans of pleasure as he pumps his fingers in and out of my pussy.

  My hips rise off the door in time with his movements. I unwrap my arms from around his neck and reach for the button of his jeans, “I need you.”

  He pulls his fingers from my pussy and shoves them into his mouth, licking them clean before placing my feet onto the floor. “Turn around,” he commands, helping me turn to face the door and shoving my pants down around my ankles. He rubs his hand along my ass cheeks, giving it a hard smack, before shoving his pants down to his ankles.

  “I love you, Audrey,” he whispers into my ear before sheathing himself inside me. I rest my forearms on the door, as Connor grips my hips tightly, pulling my ass back in time with each thrust.

  “Oh, yes. Right there, don’t stop,” I beg as he continues to pound my pussy into submission.

  He leans forward, resting his chest on my back before releasing one of my hips. Reaching between my legs he grasps my clit between two fingers, “Cum with me,” he whispers into my ear before squeezing my clit. We both cum loudly, shouting each other’s name into the empty space.

  We both hiss as Connor pulls out of me and bends down, pulling my pants and panties back over my hips. “The girls should be back soon.” my cheeks instantly pink, having completely forgotten about them.

  “I’m glad one of us has been keeping an eye on the time,” I squeal as he lifts me into his arms and carries me into the living room.

  “I completely forgot when I saw you standing at the door.” He gives me a bright smile, before sitting down on the couch and placing me in his lap. “My phone just happened to vibrate in my pocket before I fucked you against the door.”

  “Good thing we have considerate friends,” I wrap my arms around his neck and smile.

  “You mean nosey,” he responds before placing a kiss on my forehead.

  We are only able to enjoy silence for a few moments before Vance’s voice booms through the door, “Honey, we’re home.”

  I attempt to slide off Connor’s lap, but he pulls me back into his chest, “They better get used to seeing us together because I don’t plan on ever letting you go.”

  “I like that plan,” I respond with a smile as Vance, Selina, and the girls come piling into the room asking a million questions at a time. The noise level quickly rises as the girls squeal in delight at seeing the two of us together.

  “We’re going to be sisters!” They both chant, bouncing up and down a few times before throwing their arms around both of us. “We knew you two were meant to be together,” Jade says before wrapping me in a tight hug. Tears pool in my eyes at her willingness to
fight for both our happiness.

  “You owe us one hundred bucks,” Love turns toward Vance, holding out her hand.

  “Why?” Connor asks as he places a kiss on both girls' cheeks. “Tell me you three didn’t bet on whether Audrey and I would get together.”

  Vance chuckles, “We sure did. I owe them a hundred bucks and Selina has to go on a real date with me. I call that a win for me.” Selina slaps him in the back of the head before heading right back out the door. “I’ll leave you all to it, it’s time to get my girl.” He flashes us all a smile before following her out of the door and closing it behind him.

  “When are we moving?” Jade questions slightly before Love asks, “Please don’t make us share a room.”

  Connor and I look at each other and laugh, “Can we have dinner first? How does pizza sound,” The girls both fist pump in the air before running into the kitchen to get a menu.

  “Is this how our life is going to always be?” Connor asks as he leans toward me.

  “No, it’ll be better,” I whisper before he captures my lips. We kiss for a few moments before we hear vomiting noises and break apart.

  “We don’t want to see that!” Both girls exclaim at the same time as they cover their eyes.

  “You better get used to it,” Connor says before leaning in for another kiss. As I sink into his embrace, I realize the stars haven’t been against me, they’ve been leading me here to Connor. They took the long way around, but I have finally found my happily ever after.



  It’s been a little over a year since Audrey and Love moved to Dixie Point, bringing us once again to the girl’s sixteenth birthdays. To say that I’m not ready for my girls to grow up is an understatement.


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