Who is She

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Who is She Page 8

by Glina Fastiv

  "I was going to ask if you wanted to meet your brother for dinner as a family, but I guess not." She sighs, almost sounding upset. I take it that she is aware of the tension between Danny and Leah.

  Leah rolls her eyes and shakes her head, "I'm not having dinner with him. Even if Jennifer wasn't here I wouldn't go anywhere with him." She sasses.

  I look at her and give her a look that says "shut the hell up" and she cools it.

  "I'm- I'm sorry. There's just a lot of tension right now, more than usual... I'm happy you're home, we'll be upstairs." She says to her mother, turning on her toes and walking away.

  We go back up the stairs and Leah stops halfway up. "You want wine?" She asks. 1

  "Mm, please." I grin.

  She nods and heads back down while I go to her room. Leah comes back with two glasses and a bottle and I smile widely. Bless her.

  "Gimme." I say and she laughs and hands me a glass. "So, as I was trying to say... show me your pictures." I say.

  She raises her eyebrows and sits on the bed in front of me, "why?"

  "Because, I want to see what you do." I say.

  "No one ever asks to see them..." she laughs.

  "Well, I am. Now show me?" I demand.

  She shakes her head and goes to grab her MacBook from the desk. She opens it and goes to her files and then slides it to me. "Scroll away..." she says, unenthusiastically.

  As I go through her pictures I'm very impressed. She's a damn good photographer. Most of the pictures are of buildings, bridges, lakes, etc. the basic travel stuff. Then I get to a section that's much different.

  There are lots of pictures of a girl with pretty blonde hair and a super bright smile. I click one to make it full size and point at the screen.

  "Who is this?" I ask. She comes around behind me to see what I'm looking at and she closes the photo.

  "That... is my ex." She says and deletes the pictures one by one.

  "Wait..." I say. I open another picture of the girl and notice her hand. "Were you serious?" I ask and look over my shoulder at Leah.

  "Serious enough for me to propose to her." She laughs and shakes her head.

  "I didn't know that."

  "There are a lot of things you don't know, Jennifer." Leah sighs, continuing to delete photos of the blonde.

  "I want to know... I love knowing things about you and seeing stuff like this. You said no one ever asks about your pictures and work and stuff, but I do. I'm not asking to pass time or make conversation... I'm asking you because I care." I say.

  She smiles softly at me and kisses my shoulder. "I'm glad you care, but this...this isn't what you should care about." She says and pushes the computer closed.

  I've figured out that Leah is very closed off... she doesn't open up very easily and just when you think you have her figured out, she goes and shows you another side or piece of her. She's like a never ending mystery, but I kind of like that about her.


  "I don't want you to go." I whisper as I hug Leah tightly.

  "I don't want to leave, but you have a big day tomorrow and you need to be prepared." She says and squeezes me even tighter.

  "Can we have lunch tomorrow then?"

  "Anything you want. Just call me when you get a break, okay?" She says and cups my face.

  I nod and she kisses my lips slowly and very gently, "get some sleep." She says.

  I watch her walk out the door and as soon as she leaves, my sister comes in.

  "Well hello, you look depressed." She laughs and drags her bag into the apartment.

  "I'm just tired." I say and force myself to act happy.

  "Right... you going to bed?" She asks me.

  I nod my head yes and she stops me, "look at me." She says. I raise my eyebrows at her and she shoots me a look, "you sleeping with her?"

  "My god.... why does everyone keep asking me that?! It's not any of your damn business!" I laugh and shake my head, slightly frustrated.

  "Seriously? I'm your sister, Jennifer. I was asking a simple question. Don't act like I'm going to grill you for sleeping with another woman." She gripes, "when have we even not shared these types of things?"

  I take a deep breath and calm myself down a bit before I say anything else. "Yes, I'm sleeping with her. I swear if you say anything smart-" I hiss.

  Jackie smiles and folds her arms over her chest. "I had a feeling you were. What is it? Just for fun? Are there feelings involved?" She asks me.

  "Too soon to tell." I say and walk towards my room.

  I know. It's not too soon. There are lots of feelings involved and it makes me nauseous thinking about it. I get so overwhelmed so quickly... it's ridiculous.1

  * * *

  I walk into my new job with a smile on my face. Today is gonna be a good day... I really hope so anyway.

  I go up to my new boss's office like he told me to and I catch him at the door.

  "Hi, Aaron." I say and he smiles and shakes my hand delicately.

  "Jennifer, so good to see you." He says.

  "You too."

  "I wouldn't normally do this, and I'm definitely going to make some people angry, but I actually have a small office that's waiting to be filled right now. Would you like it?" He asks.3

  "I- I- I don't want to step on anyone's toes... it's my first day." I say shyly.

  "You've already done that, you have the job that more than a few of these people in here have tried to get." He laughs and points down the hall. We start to walk and he leads me to the office he mentioned. I open the door and go inside, this place needs something. It's so bland.

  "You're totally sure about this?" I ask and bite my lip.

  "Absolutely, it's yours. Decorate it however you like." He says.

  "Thank you, I really appreciate it." I say with a smile.

  "You're very welcome. Now, I'll give you time to get settled, but first I'm gonna need you to give me a hand with a document. I'll forward it to your email and if you could proofread it and get it sent out that would be amazing." He says.

  I nod my head and he leaves the office. This job is going to be great if it keeps going like this... I love having my own area. It's so... private.

  Several hours later and I end up having to cancel lunch with Leah because my boss wants to take me to lunch. Leah wasn't too fond of the idea, but I was not shocked at all. She gets protective I guess. I'm not even 'hers', but still...

  * * *

  I've never been so happy to see my own bed in my life. I kick my shoes off and leap onto the bed and just lie there, totally still, for several minutes.

  I nearly fall asleep and then I hear... and feel... something that quickly wakes me up.

  "Long day?" Leah mumbles as she hovers over me, running her hand up the back of my exposed thighs.

  I look at her quickly and smile and she smiles right back. "What the hell are you doing here?!" I gasp.

  "I wanted to see you." She grins and I lay my head back on the bed. "How was it?"

  "It was good, really good actually." I say.

  "I jus-" I am stopped mid-sentence when her hand goes underneath my dress and touches my panties. "Ohh- Leah." I say and try rolling over.

  "No, be still." She insists and kisses my shoulder.

  Her fingers apply more pressure to me and she moves them back and forth.

  "Why do you do this to me?" I groan and my back arches a little bit.

  "Because I like the way your moans sound." She whispers in my ear and kisses on my neck.

  "Uh- okay. At least go close that door..." I say and she grins, but doesn't stop. This goes on for several minutes and then she pushes my panties to the side.

  "Okay- that's enough. JACKIE!!" I yell and force Leah off of me, rolling onto my stomach.

  "What?" My sister asks and pops into my room.

  "Close my door, please." I say and she shoots me a look, then looks at Leah.

  "Gross. Wait until I turn my music up loud enough to drown you two out." She says and closes the d

  Leah laughs and looks down at me, "now you... come here." She hisses and grabs my waist and slides me to the edge of the bed. This is the best part of my day, hands down.2

  About an hour later Leah and I are both laying here naked and happy.

  "You know something?" I mumble as I lay on her chest.


  "Eating you out is so much better than giving a blow job." I say and she busts out laughing instantly.5


  "You're so stupid." She says and I look up and kiss her jaw.

  She looks at me and we lock eyes for a few seconds. "Leah, you've been making me really happy." I whisper and drag my hand over her collarbone.

  She reaches down and tucks some hair behind my ear, "I'm glad then." She says and kisses me slowly. Me too.


  After one of the longest days of my life, Leah picks me up in front of my work.3

  I quickly jump into the car and she smiles at me, "in a hurry?"

  "Yeah, get me the hell out of here. I wanna go be lazy with you." I gush and she shakes her head.

  "I'm glad it's Friday. I've missed having you all to myself during the day." She says and starts to drive.

  My little sister has somewhat figured this out... I mean, Leah comes home with me all the time and a lot happens behind closed doors. She's not an idiot, nor is she deaf. So she's got an idea. I haven't really had a talk with her that says "hey, I like girls." But I obviously do. Whatever, she doesn't care and neither do I.1

  Leah and I go into the apartment and find my sister sitting on the couch with a guy. He's young and cute, looks like trouble.

  "Oh, hi." I say and Leah closes the door and waves too.

  "Jennifer, I want you to meet Hunter." She says.

  I smile and give him a look. I'll kill him if he hurts her.

  "You two staying in?" I ask my sister.

  "Um, maybe. We might go out."

  "Okay. Be safe, call if you need me. It was nice meeting you." I say to the guy.

  He nods and Leah and I disappear into my room.

  "Who is he?" Leah asks and closes my door while I undress.

  "Who knows? I've never seen or heard of the guy." I roll my eyes and throw my dress onto the bed.

  "Your sister isn't dumb. She wouldn't get close to anyone sketchy." Leah says, sensing that I am nervous about the boy. She's right, but I still get weirdly protective. I'll always be that way when it comes to Jackie.

  "I don't even care right now. Throw me a t-shirt?" I ask her and pop my bra off, cupping my boobs.

  I turn around to grab my shirt off she threw and then I look at Leah.

  "You think you're funny?" I ask and pick up the super sexy lingerie top she tossed at me.

  "Kinda..." she laughs and then grabs an actual shirt and tosses it my way.

  "Thank you. I need to get rid of that shit." I say and walk to my closet. Leah stands behind me and squeezes my ass one time.

  "Really?" I gripe.

  She laughs and then makes me look at her. "You'd look hot in it...." she whispers and slides her hand into my underwear.

  I push her off and shake my head, "I'm not into it." I say and she raises her eyebrows at me, confused.

  "Not into...?"

  "Any of it. I don't want to wear lingerie and I don't want to be touched right now." I say dryly.

  "You okay?" She asks me, already knowing the answer to that. I nod my head and she sighs and grabs my hand, "Jennifer."

  I roll my eyes and lay down on my bed beside Leah and she stares at me, waiting for me to talk.

  "I just- I want to get away from that person I used to be. Leah, I felt like being with your brother was all just some sort of role or act... I- I don't want to say that about a relationship I was in for so long, but the more time I spend away from him, the more true it becomes. After being with you and getting to know myself more I've realized what makes me happy and serves me a purpose, versus what is just another meaningless thing in my life. With emotional shit and sexually." I pause and shake my head, "I know you probably don't want to hear about it, but my sex life with Danny was a lot different from my sex life with you. I regret my sex life with him." I say.2

  She puts her hand on my head and plays with my hair, "keep going..." she says. Her voice is so calm and soothing.

  "When I would have sex with Danny it was always on me. I had to start it and I had to play a part for him. I acted like I was only there to satisfy him sexually. Don't get me wrong, he did what he had to for me, but it wasn't passionate. That's what I missed out on for so long. When I'm with you... you're so spontaneous and caring with everything you do. From the way you kiss me and look at me until you're between my thighs. That's what I like, Leah. I feel passion when we have sex. I don't have to worry about if I'm being sexy enough or if I'm doing my 'job' well enough to please you. I hate those fucking outfits in there... that isn't me. I just want to have that good, effortless, passion filled sex. That's what I have with you.... but never with him. So when you threw that damn top at me it resurfaced some of those feelings I had when I was with him. I just don't want to deal with it anymore." I finish off my rant and Leah nods and smiles slowly.

  "First of all, thank you for opening up to me. Secondly, Jennifer I understand that. I totally get everything you just said. You're sick of playing a part and you should be. I want nothing more than to see you genuinely happy and as yourself. I'm sorry for doing that, you're perfect with or without it. And another thing, please don't ever think it's your 'job' to satisfy me... you do that every time you look at me a certain way or kiss me or hold my hand. I just want us to be us... no acts or games or anything. Be yourself and nothing more." She says. I smile slowly and she pulls her hand across my jaw. "And I'm happy you enjoy our sex life as much as I do." She giggles and kisses my lips.1

  I laugh and she looks at me, "go throw that shit away." She says and points at all of the lingerie I have.

  Once I'm back and feeling level-headed, I crawl onto my bed and lay on my stomach, messing with my phone. Leah crawls over me and sits on my ass while she starts to massage my back.

  "Mm, that's good." I giggle and she laughs and keeps going.

  "I wanted to talk to you about something while we have the time..." she says.

  The tone of her voice makes me nervous, so I look over my shoulder at her. "What?"

  "Don't seem worried. It's a good thing!" She laughs.

  I lay my head down again and she laughs and starts explaining herself. "While I'm back home someone asked me to do a special article with some pictures about what it's like coming home after being gone for such a long time. So, basically what I wanted to ask you is if you would be part of this since I've been with you since I got back home. It's totally up to you, but I feel like making it about you is the most honest way to go about this." She explains.

  "How? Like, you take pictures of me?" I ask.

  "Mm, yes. That's part of it. Not only pictures, but I have to write a short article to go with the photos. The only issue I can think of would be the whole 'publicizing' us. I know you wanted to keep things under the radar, but this gives it a time limit. The article and photos are being published in three or four months." Leah says.

  I think about everything she said and I'm flattered that she wants to do this with me. I'm happy to be such a big part of this, but I'm also nervous about it. I keep telling myself to just do it. Stop being scared and take it and run with it. You're not going to grow as a person by sticking to what you know, do it.

  "Okay, I'll do it." I say.

  Leah stops moving her hands and looks at me, "you will?"

  "Sure." I say with a smile.

  She leans down and kisses my cheek and laughs, "I was expecting a big fat no. I was fully prepared to take my camera into the city tomorrow and take pictures of buildings." She laughs.

  "Well, now you're stuck with me." I grin.


  Leah wakes me up when I hear her standing outside my
bedroom talking to my sister. I open my eyes and look at the door and see her standing in the doorway wearing sweatpants, a sports bra, and her hair is in a giant messy bun. God, she's so hot.

  She laughs quietly at something my sister says and then looks at me. "Whoops. Did we wake you up?" She asks and walks into my room and closes the door.

  She then makes her way to the bed and crawls on top of me. "You're fine." I say and close my eyes, still half asleep.

  "You ready for pictures? I can go make breakfast or something first?" She offers.

  I shake my head no and reach up and put my hand on her stomach and she laughs and leans down to kiss my forehead.

  "Someone's sleepy..." she says.

  I nod my head yes, eyes still closed.

  Moments later my sister walks into the room and leaps onto my bed. Leah stays sitting on top of me and I open my eyes and sigh, "how was your night?" I ask my sister.

  "It was good. He's a nice guy..." she says.

  "You had sex with him." I mumble.

  "What?! I did not!" She snaps back at me.

  "Yeah, you did. If you didn't you wouldn't have said 'he's a nice guy' with a smug grin on your face and you also wouldn't have a hickey on your boob." I say, being the smartass that I am.

  She rolls her eyes and looks at me and Leah, "who cares? You have sex with Leah all the time and-"

  "woah, okay." Leah laughs and I look up at her and grin.

  "I wasn't bitching about it. Go do whatever you want, I was just stating what I know is true." I shrug.

  Jackie rolls her eyes again and I slide my hands up and down Leah's thighs. "Get off. I'm gonna go shower." I say to her and she does what I ask.

  * * *

  Hours later and I'm ready to have a few photos taken of me. Leah talked to me more about this and explained that it was just going to be her and I, nothing big.

  I'm glad about that, I don't want to be surrounded by strangers with cameras. She says the reason it's only us today is because it makes it more personal and the article is meant to be a personal thing.

  She told me to wear what I would normally wear out so I threw on some jeans, a long white t-shirt and Chucks. I left my hair down and did the minimal for make up.


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