Learning to Love & Submit

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Learning to Love & Submit Page 4

by Eileen Green

Wow! This woman was sitting next to me in my car!

  Carrie wasn’t into women, but even she might have a fantasy forming.

  Mistress Eliza’s eyes settled on Carrie briefly as she walked up to the desk. She smiled at Carrie before her face became serious. Carrie heard snickering by the remaining two women, but she ignored them.

  The striking woman leaned her ass against the front of the desk and crossed her ankles. She let her gaze roam around the classroom as if assessing the students before she spoke.

  “Good evening everyone. I am Mistress Eliza. I will be one of the teachers in this class. You will always call us Mistress or Master, depending on who’s teaching. When one of the submissives is teaching, you will just use their name. Is that clear, everyone?” she asked, her tone inflecting seriousness.

  “Yes, Mistress,” the class answered in unison.

  “Now, I understand there was a learning incident in the lobby,” Mistress Eliza said. “What occurred was a violation of our first rule here at the Tiger’s Lair. There will be no phones, cameras, watches of any kind, allowed past the locker rooms. This is for the safety and privacy of our patrons. We have a vast and varied clientele, and none of us want our lives plastered all over the internet or news. People come here to be with like-minded people. They can enjoy themselves in whatever capacity the Tiger’s Lair can do for them. There are only two people allowed to have phones past the locker rooms. The head of security and the head dungeon monitor, both for emergency purposes only.

  “We offer a place for people to practice whatever kinks they may have. There are play spaces that members can use to live out a fantasy, mete out discipline, or to learn a well-meaning lesson. All types of people are welcome here. Gay, straight, bisexual, transgender. If you are not open-minded, you don’t belong here. Everyone is to be treated with respect, no matter if they are a Dominant or a submissive. Everyone is someone here and speaking harshly or disrespectfully about anyone will have you on the radar. You will be spoken to by myself, one of the other teachers, or a dungeon monitor if you are down on the play floor. You will be given one other chance to change your disposition. If you violate the rules again, your membership will be revoked. Once your membership is revoked, you will not be allowed to return.

  “Now, on your chairs when you sat down were several handouts. The top set are the rules. The second we’ll go over after our first break, and the third is just empty sheets so you may write down any questions you may have to address before we leave.” Mistress Eliza reached around and picked up a burgundy folder and opened it. “Let’s go ahead and go over the rules. You may ask questions, pertaining to the rules, but please keep them to a minimum, and please raise your hands.”

  Carrie didn’t know what the teacher did for a living, but Mistress Eliza really was good at playing a teacher. She should have asked the lady how long she had been teaching here.

  “Next, we are going to talk about the main rule of BDSM itself,” Mistress Eliza went on. “Safe, sane, and consensual.

  The evening progressed as Mistress Eliza had scheduled. There were very few questions when it came to the rules, although there were a few that needed clarification for some people. When breaktime came, the men seemed to stick together, leaving the women to gather in a corner.

  She listened to the women talk, but she didn’t join in as her stomach was churning at the anticipation of seeing the play area. They had already been informed that tonight was a normal night at the club, so her imagination had already been teasing her about what she might see.

  During her studies online into the world of BDSM, she discovered that for most people, it was a lifestyle. Something that they practiced on a regular basis, whether it was something as simple as being dominated in the bedroom when one person tells the other what to do, or someone being a 24/7 slave. Carrie wasn’t sure where she stood on the matter, but she was thinking she was more of submissive, but not someone who wanted to be told what to do all the time.

  After the break, they returned to their seats and Mistress Eliza moved on to the more important rules of BDSM itself. “In BDSM, we put our safety into the other person’s hands, but you retain your strength and your smarts to keep you safe. To begin with, should you meet someone, like you would in the vanilla world, you should meet in a public place. You tell someone where you are going. You don’t play the first time out. Watching to see what you are interested in along with what implements you may need is important. Don’t let your partner tell you what you are going to be doing. Discuss your scenes ahead of time. Negotiate, which will be something we’ll talk about in a different class.

  “You should play in a safe space. As a submissive, you trust that your Dominant has you in a safe place, mentally and physically. You may be gagged so you can’t speak. You would use hand gestures to indicate you are in distress. If you are tied up, cuffed, or suspended, you could still suffer nerve damage if it is done incorrectly. Always find out the true abilities of your partners. If you meet someone here at the club, ask around about their abilities. If they are going to use a whip on you, you want to make sure they know what they’re doing.

  “As a Dominant, you are responsible for someone else’s safety. You have to be able to gauge if they are in danger or uncomfortable. They could be in distress, and you need be able to read their body language. There are safe words to be established between a Dom and a sub, and ninety-nine-point-five percent of time it is the sub that will call it. However, a Dom can call it is necessary.

  “A Dom was working on a sub, whipping her. As he continued, he noticed the sub wasn’t reacting to the strikes, but she wasn’t in subspace. He called ‘red’ which meant all play stopped, and the dungeon monitor came over to help him unstrap the sub from the rack she was attached to. She had passed out. She was a diabetic, and she was slipping into a coma because she hadn’t taken care of herself that day. If the Dom hadn’t called red, she could have possibly died. So, safety is for everyone involved.”

  Mistress Eliza looked around the room as if giving them a chance to ask questions. There were none. She went on. “Sane is being of a clear mind. There should be nothing that will affect your judgment, for both Doms and subs. Playing after drinking, using drugs, including medicinal, or any psychological incidents is not a good idea. It obscures any sound reasoning. If there is ever an incident that is called into question here at the club, there will be a drug or breath-alizer test done. If you are found to have anything that could have caused damage to anyone, you will be asked to leave immediately, and a hearing will be held to determine if you are eligible to stay on as a member.

  “And, of course, consent. You must have verbal or written consent between partners in advance of any play here at the club. You absolutely cannot do something to someone if they didn’t give consent as that adds up to abuse. Consent is a part of the negotiation process. Subs, do not let your Dom do anything to you that you have not given your okay on.

  “Now, does anyone have any questions?”

  Carrie was surprised that no one reacted to Mistress Eliza’s question.

  “One thing I didn’t mention before, but you can contact me if you want to ask questions in private. If you directly ask to speak with another one of the teacher’s, I will have them get in contact with you. I know the subject can be a bit daunting for some people, and they get embarrassed to ask someone of the opposite gender a question.

  “Now, go ahead and leave your papers here, and we will head downstairs to tour the play space. Please do not speak when you are in front of a scene. Respect the groups who are playing as they will all be concentrating on what is happening, and don’t need comments, or critiques, to distract them. Everyone down there deserves respect, no matter their gender, dress, or undress, or sexual orientation. A sub deserves as much respect as a Dom, for if you don’t respect a sub and the Dom finds out, he will question whether the sub did something wrong, or if you are just being a jerk. Act the way you would want to be treated down there. So, let’s go.

  Mistress Eliza headed towards the back of the room, and the group got up and followed her. Carrie found herself behind everyone else as they made their way to the elevator. One of the young women, who looked like she might work as a stripper by her tit size and the amount of makeup she wore, looked back at Carrie and sneered. Mentally shrugging, Carrie ignored her for she didn’t know what she had done to irritate the woman. Since Carrie sat in the front row, and Mistress Eliza had smiled at her earlier, Carrie had probably been branded the teacher’s pet already.

  Apparently, the little interlude wasn’t missed on Mistress Eliza for she stopped in the hallway and waited for the woman to reach her. The others continued on.

  “Shelly, wasn’t it?” Mistress Eliza asked as the woman passed her.

  Shelly looked surprised and stopped. “Yes, Ma’am?”

  “Did Carrie do something wrong to be entitled to your dirty looks?” Mistress Eliza inquired.

  With indignation, Shelly glanced at Carrie before answering, “No!”

  “Well, I won’t tolerate junior high school antics in my classroom. Respect was just spoken about, and here you are being disrespectful.”

  “I’m sorry, ’Ma’am. I thought she had said something as we were walking,” the plastic-looking woman simpered.

  Carrie couldn’t help her mouth dropping open at the woman’s words, but she kept her comments to herself. It didn’t help trying to argue against someone when a teacher was involved.

  An evil chuckle emanated from Mistress Eliza as she swung her arm around Shelly’s shoulders. Mistress Eliza looked at Carrie and the others as they were all now waiting for the elevator. “I need to speak with Shelly for a moment. You guys go ahead and head down to the lobby. I’ll be down to take you into the play space in a few minutes.”

  Nearly speaking out, Carrie took one look at Shelly and decided it wasn’t worth getting in trouble. Snapping her mouth shut, she stepped in with the others, and watched the doors close. Once on the first floor, she stepped out towards the seating area, and stopped short when she saw the red-headed guard back in his seat.

  He looked up at her, and she felt her body react to him. This time, she didn’t have her coat to hide her rock-hard nipples, and she clenched her thighs together to keep any moisture from running down her legs. She felt warmth creep up from her chest, to her neck, and then to her face from his sharp gaze as he swept it up and down her body. It was as if he was caressing her with his eyes.

  She cleared her throat and then moved over to stand next to one of the burgundy winged-back chairs. There was no way she was going to sit and have a wet spot form on her dress.

  Mistress Eliza appeared in a few minutes, minus Shelly. No one murmured like Carrie thought they would, hopefully indicating the rest of the group were adults and would act as such. Carrie did have to wonder what had happened to Shelly though since she didn’t come down the elevator with Mistress.

  “All right,” Mistress Eliza asked enthusiastically. “Are you already to see what your futures might entail?”

  Chapter Four

  The hairs on the back of his neck stood up, and it seemed all the blood in his body was rushing to his cock. Damn, his dick seemed to be ruling his body lately, and Thomas was supposed to oversee all of it.

  From his spot on the stage where he kept his eye out on several scene spaces, Thomas glanced over at the newcomers that huddled at the double doors that led to the lobby. There were four men and two women, one of which was the woman from the lobby that had Gerard going bonkers on Thomas.

  She was a vision in the maroon dress she wore which showed off her curves. Her breasts looked large under the veil of dark blonde hair that hung over them. From where he stood, her eyes looked light, although he couldn’t tell what color they were, and expressive as she looked around, amazement written on her face. Innocence was there also, so why was she here? How had she heard about the Tiger’s Lair?

  When her gaze shifted and she looked right at him, a chill zipped up his spine. She was definitely the woman for him and Gerard. A vision of her between him and Gerard filled his brain, and he had to think of some very mundane things to get his dick to not blow its top.

  A scream echoed through the room, drawing his attention to his job. Looking around, he noticed a woman on the floor in one of the scene spaces, alone. It wasn’t a space that would have a woman lying down on the floor.

  Jumping from the stage as others rushed to the space, Thomas had to bite back a groan for how tight his jeans were from his betraying cock. He rushed over to the woman, having to push his way through the small crowd that had already gathered.

  Lena was trying to get up but fell back to the floor.

  “What happened, Lena?” he asked as he knelt next to her.

  She lowered her eyes but not before Thomas saw the tears in them. Lena was a Domme, so he knew she was in pain.

  “I’m so sorry,” she said sadly. “I didn’t mean to interrupt any of the other scenes.”

  “You hurt yourself, so everyone will understand. Now, what happened?” he asked again.

  “I think something must have spilled on the floor. I took a step, and my foot slipped out from under me.” She looked at her foot that was rapidly swelling and turning red.

  Gently, he removed the woman’s fire-engine-red six-inch stiletto from the injured foot. She winced in pain as a hiss sounded from her.

  “Excuse me,” a booming voice said before the crowd parted. Felix rushed up to the space, since the spaces sat a couple of feet off the floor so people could watch the scene, and knelt next to Thomas and Lena. “What hurts?”

  “Just my ankle,” Lena replied.

  Felix Rodriguez set his duffle bag down which held his medical supplies. He was an EMT but also a member of the Tiger’s Lair and offered his services. He was one of the team that had served together under Alex McDaniels as Navy Seals. They were all brothers, and they all stood by each other through thick or thin.

  Thomas looked around as Felix examined Lena, trying to spot what she had said caused the incident. He spotted a wet area that had been spread by the movement of Lena’s foot. It appeared as if someone’s lube may have spilled and didn’t get cleaned up. He glanced around for a member of the cleanup crew. Spotting one, he motioned for them to come over to take care of it.

  “Well, Lena, I’m sure it’s a sprain, but I think we should take you to the hospital to have it X-rayed. Is Gary here with you tonight?” Felix was speaking as he glanced around.

  “He went to the locker room to change. He should be back any minute.” As she spoke, the crowd parted again, and a tall good-looking man stepped up to the space. When he looked up at her, he realized what was going on.

  “Oh, my gawd, Lena! What happened?” Gary said as he rushed up next to her.

  “I slipped,” she said with a pout.

  “Let’s get her to the locker room so she can get dressed before we take her to the hospital,” Felix said as he stood. Both he and Gary helped Lena to stand, and then Gary picked up his woman and carried her away with Felix following behind. Several people spoke to Lena as the trio moved through the crowd. Several women followed the trio who would most likely help Lena change to her street clothes since men weren’t allowed in the ladies’ locker room.

  “Okay, everyone,” Thomas said as he stepped down from the space. “Lena is in good hands, and I know there are still scenes that are needing their time.”

  People began to move away from the area and on to other scenes. As he headed back to his spot on the stage, he noticed the small group of students had moved to check out what had happened. He stopped when he was in front of the woman from the lobby.

  Gazing into her eyes, he found they were a steel-blue color with a dark ring around the outer edges. They were absolutely stunning. “Hello,” he greeted the woman, hopefully in his best Dom voice.

  The beauty before him stared for a few moments before turning to look behind her, as if she was checking to see if
he was talking to someone behind her, and then back to him. A look of astonishment crossed her face before rosiness flooded her face and neck and a shy smile kissed her lips. Her eyes lowered, either from her shyness, or submission. He wanted to hope for the latter, but at this moment, he was certain it was the former.

  From his peripheral vision, he saw Eliza step up next to him. “Thomas, this is the new class. We’ve already lost two, so hopefully, no others fall by the wayside,” she said in her smooth throaty voice.

  Thomas knew from gossip and from former students, and some she had played with, that her voice was what they dreamt about along with her knock-out body. She was the entire package when it came to being a Domme. Hell, even he had a wet dream or two regarding the Mistress, and he was a Dominant.

  “Class,” Eliza continued. “This is Thomas. He’s our resident dungeon monitor. He keeps his eyes on all the scenes going on here, and if we are really crowded like the weekends, or special events, he has volunteers he can call on to help him out. Any scenes you want to set up needs to go through Thomas so he can maintain the safe, sane, and consensual aspect of it.”

  An older gentleman with gray hair raised his hand. When Eliza nodded at him, the man asked, “What does the resident dungeon monitor mean?”

  “Good question,” Eliza said, smiling at the man. “It means it is a paid position for him. He works five nights a week, and he is the only one with that title. The other monitors are volunteers, but they are well trained.”

  Thomas nodded his acknowledgment to the man before returning his gaze to the woman. “And who do we have here?” Thomas asked, his eyes still registered on the lady.

  “This is Carrie. Carrie is someone I met and invited here. I think she will be a benefit to the club.”

  Thomas was surprised that Eliza had brought the woman into the fold. So, he had to question if she was off limits, if she belonged to Eliza, but he wouldn’t inquire now. He reached out, took Carrie’s hand, and raised it to his lips. He kissed it softly, reveling in how soft and feminine it was in his. It was small and delicate, and fit his nicely.


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