Learning to Love & Submit

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Learning to Love & Submit Page 9

by Eileen Green

  “Sir, I know we want each other,” Gerard began. “But I want to wait for Carrie.”

  Thomas swallowed hard and nodded. “I know. I want the same thing.”

  Gerard smiled and stepped towards fridge. He began removing items he would need for the omelets and setting them on the counter next to the stove while Thomas removed the caps from the beers. He handed one to Gerard before the man opened a cabinet next to the stove and pulled out a skillet.

  Pushing himself up, Thomas sat on the counter and watched Gerard prepare their meal. Muscles flexed and contracted beneath the cotton shirt. Gerard’s ass tightened and relaxed in the sweats since he wore them tighter than most. Thomas knew what Gerard looked like naked, and he wanted to see him that way again, but they had agreed to wait for Carrie.

  Regimens had been a big part of Thomas’s life for a long time while he was in the service, and he had kept many of them. He hated to admit it, but he had spent a lot of time in the past few days staring off into space, thinking about Gerard and Carrie. He hadn’t been to the gym for three days, and that surprised him. He wanted this little family, and he really hoped she hadn’t changed her mind.

  Gerard tilted the skillet up slightly like an expert, and the yellow egg, meat, and vegetable mixture slid onto one of the plates he had set out. He put it into the microwave which was above the stove before pouring more of the eggs into the skillet. When he had finished cooking that, he placed it on another plate, and then poured a third.

  Thomas had been so caught up in his thoughts and in watching Gerard’s movements, he hadn’t realized there had been three plates stacked next to the stove until that moment. Confusion reigned within him, until the doorbell chimed through the house.

  Chapter Eight

  It felt as if bumper cars were darting about in her stomach as she stood before the dark wood door of Gerard’s place. When he had texted her and told her that he and Thomas were upset because she hadn’t texted them all night, she felt bad. He had gone on to say that they were going to his place for a bite to eat and he would like to know if she would like to come and join them.

  She had been home for only about forty-five minutes when Gerard had texted her. After grabbing a shower, she was going to eat a quick bite, watch something she had recorded on her DVR, and then go to bed. Instead, she was now agonizing briefly about what she was going to wear. She finally settled on a pair of blue jeans that hugged her ass, and a plum-colored cable-knit sweater. She hoped her panties and bra were sexy enough in case she ended up getting naked because she didn’t buy clothing with the thought of being alluring. A pair of black suede mid-calf boots adorned her feet, and she had on a puffy black and white parka.

  After taking a deep breath, she hit the doorbell and waited.

  God, I hope I’m doing the right thing.

  With each second that ticked by as no one came to the door, her nerves became more frayed. After a count of ten, a sick feeling took form in her stomach. She had to wonder if Gerard had changed his mind, or perhaps, the two of them were upstairs already making love.

  She glanced around and spotted what appeared to be Gerard’s work car since it had the security company’s logo and name on the door. He was here. Was Thomas?

  Muffled footsteps from the other side of the door got louder right before the door swung open. Her eyes went wide at the sight of Gerard in his sweatpants and T-shirt. He looked as enticing in that tight shirt as Thomas did in his. She had to wonder how she had gotten so lucky to have two deliciously handsome men as them.

  A wide smile lit up his face as he stepped aside and held out his hand. “Come in. Welcome to my home.”

  Taking his hand, Carrie stepped inside, feeling the warmth of the heater. She was still getting used to the cold winters here, but she didn’t mind the beauty of the snow.

  He closed the door behind her. “Oh, your hands are like ice. Let me take your coat, sugar.”

  She shrugged out of her parka. Gerard released her hand and hung the garment on a hook on the wall. He then took her hands in his and rubbed them together. “You should be wearing gloves out in this weather.”

  “You’re going to need to take care of yourself, little one,” Thomas said, drawing her attention to the back of the room. He was leaning against the door jamb, his muscular arms crossed against his chest. She did like the way he looked in his T-shirt also. He had removed his boots, and his feet were bare. He was the epitome of sex on a stick.

  Thomas was larger through the chest, shoulders, and arms than Gerard was, but Gerard held his own. Both men had slim hips, and Carrie could tell their thighs were muscular. She had seen Gerard in all his glory the other night, and his abs were dreamy. Rods of muscle met ribbons of valleys along with that luscious ridge separating them. A thin line of red hair trailed down from his navel to the patch of hair at the base of his cock.

  Carrie’s mouth watered at the last thought, and her pussy moistened and spasmed slightly. Her face heated with embarrassment as she lowered it, hoping her men wouldn’t notice. Looking up through her lashes, she knew they had.

  “That must have been quite a thought, Carrie,” stated Thomas as he pushed himself off the door jam and began walking towards her. He stepped lightly, but it appeared as if he was stalking her. He stopped just inches away from her and lifted a hand to her chin. Gently he pressed upward until she was looking into his gorgeous face. “Don’t be embarrassed by anything we say or do, and that includes you. And most importantly, don’t discount your own thoughts. Do you remember what I said the other night? About the rules?”

  There had been so much going on that night she tried to think of something specific. The rules. Safe, sane, consensual. Then she remembered.

  Nodding, she answered him. “Communicate.”

  “So, what was it you thought about just a few moments ago?” Thomas asked, his warm breath fanning her face.

  Was she really that cold? Then, heat flooded her body from the closeness of the men, and her memory. “I”—” She cleared her throat. “I was thinking about the other night, and what Gerard looked like without his clo-clothes on.”

  A smile grew on Thomas’s face. “Yeah. He was pretty hot.” He ran his thumb along her bottom lip. “I can only imagine what you look like under those clothes, little one. But Gerard did make food for us.” Thomas’s voice dropped an octave. “We’re going to eat, then clean the kitchen. After that, we’ll see what happens.”

  “But nothing will happen that you don’t want to. You are the key to all this, Carrie. You are the one to give Thomas your trust by submitting to him, and me the offering of your affection and trust not to hurt you.”

  “How does that sound, Carrie?” Thomas asked quietly, as if he was afraid of her answer. “Will you give us a chance? Give this a chance?”

  She had done a lot of thinking while she was driving earlier. For so long she had worked to make sure she didn’t turn out like her mother. She had given up having fun. She had lived in Denver for several years, and she hadn’t explored the area. She hadn’t made any friends except those at work and her roommate. It was time to live.

  “I’d like that,” she answered, her voice strong and sure.

  Thomas leaned forward and covered her mouth with his. His lips were soft as they moved against hers. His hand still cupped her chin as he held her still. A moan escaped her as she reached out a hand to find Gerard. He had said she was the foundation for the relationship, so she wanted contact with him.

  A hand touched hers, and the next thing she felt was Gerard’s hard chest against her palm, his hand still covering hers. It felt so right being with both of them, and a giddiness blossomed within her.

  * * * *

  Gerard couldn’t believe that Carrie was with them. She was kissing Thomas, and her hand was on Gerard’s chest. It felt so good. Her hand was still cold but warming quickly between his own and his chest. He wanted nothing more than to strip her down and warm her entire body with his.

  Soft moans from
both Thomas and Carrie as they drank from each other’s lips were speaking volumes to Gerard’s cock. It was straining painfully against material of his pants as it throbbed with need.

  Finally, when the two separated, Thomas looked at him, desire flashing in his dark eyes before he blinked. “We’ll finish this up after we eat. Carrie’s stomach is growling.”

  Chagrin covered Gerard’s face for neglecting one of his soon-to-be lovers. It was time to begin his servitude even though they hadn’t discussed boundaries or protocols.

  “Of course. Let’s eat while everything’s still warm,” Gerard said as he moved his and Carrie’s hands down to his side. He led her to the kitchen with Thomas following behind.

  Dinner was eaten at the table in the small dining area. While Gerard and Thomas had their beers, Carrie opted for soda. Gerard had noted her shivers when he had asked if she wanted a brew.

  “So, Carrie, tell us about yourself. Why did you act strange when I asked if you wanted a drink?”

  The table was a small rectangle thing. It was out of place for this dining room, but Gerard really didn’t have it here for entertaining. It was functional for moments like this. Carrie sat on one end and Gerard sat to her left while Thomas sat to her right. Gerard glanced over at Thomas who was watching him. Then, both men looked back at Carrie.

  In between bites, their woman spoke of her childhood as if she was remembering a story. Her inflection was sad to hear as was her story for Gerard. Growing up with a great childhood, surrounded by family, love, and encouragement, was apparently not something everyone experienced.

  When Carrie spoke of her mother and her alcoholism, there was pain in her voice.

  “Did she hurt you?” Gerard asked, placing his hand over hers on the table. He couldn’t bear it if the person who was supposed to be providing for Carrie financially, and emotionally, had hurt her.

  Carrie’s hair bounced on her shoulders as she shook her head. “Not physically.” She took another bite of her omelet. When she didn’t speak after she swallowed, Gerard looked at Thomas who looked just as irritated as he was. As the silence filled the room, he let his gaze slide back to Carrie who was looking between the two. A small sigh sounded from her before she elaborated. “I was hungry a lot, and lonely. She would tell me I wouldn’t go anywhere in life so I shouldn’t even try.” She shrugged. “I proved her wrong.”

  “Do you still talk to her?” Thomas asked, pushing his empty plate away from him.

  “I try to avoid her calls. She only calls when she needs money.”

  “For liquor?” Thomas had to ask again.

  Sadly, Carrie nodded. “And for the bills because she spends so much on the booze. I don’t give any to her. She gets mad at me and yells over the phone, but I won’t enable her anymore. I have my own life to lead.”

  “Of course, you do.” Gerard smiled. Before he could go on, Thomas intervened.

  “You have a new life now, little one. You have two men who want to help you, any way you need it. But, most of all, we will support you, keep you safe, and love you.”

  “I don’t need your support,” she said, venom seeping into her words. “I’ve already told you that once I pay off my loans, I’ll be able to breathe again and have a life”

  It was no surprise that she would protest, but she needed to understand that what they were offering wasn’t just financial. There had been no structure in Carrie’s life, and she had never been shown how a true family worked. Gerard and Thomas had a difficult road ahead of them to get her to see what they were truly about.

  * * * *

  “That’s not what we meant, Carrie,” Thomas snapped causing Carrie to jump. He reached out and cupped her cheek. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean for you to get upset.” He turned in his seat until he was facing her.

  Carrie watched Thomas. His jaw clinched as his eyes wandered over her face as if he was trying to read her thoughts. She knew she had hurt him with her statement. However, that was the only way she knew how to live, to survive.

  “Do you want to try to make this work?” Thomas asked softly, his head cocking to the right a bit. His brow creased. It was because of her that that look was on his face.

  For two days, Carrie had thought about what she wanted. For her entire life she had been alone. She had worked, refusing to have make friends with her fellow coworkers. There was no time for fun.

  At the club, she had seen how groups had banded together, no matter what the dynamic was. Straight, bi, gay. Dominant, submissive, slave. Friendships also abounded. After the club had closed, the owner and his friends, his chosen family, had eaten together and held a camaraderie that had brought jealousy to Carrie. She had wanted what they had, for the first time in her life. She wanted that with Thomas and Gerard.

  Oh, there were going to be times she would screw up and try to push them away. There had been nothing in her life to show her how a family worked. She suspected, but she had never seen a family work from the inside out.

  “I’m afraid,” she whispered. “I don’t know how to do this.”

  “We’ll be patient, sugar,” Gerard said to her left. “The lifestyle takes time for a person to find their niche.”

  She cleared her throat and looked into Thomas’s dark brown eyes. Flecks of gold swam in the darkness, providing a near swirling effect. He was incredibly handsome, and his eyes were mesmerizing. “I don’t have any friends,” she choked out. “I don’t know how to be a normal person.”

  Gerard was on his knees in an instant, his hand moving to her thigh. Thomas scooted his chair closer. “Sugar, it stands to reason you have might have some reservations in getting close to people with all you went through with your mother. It’s not uncommon. We believe you are a wonderful woman, and all our friends thought so also. You just have to give all this a chance, not just the lifestyle.”

  “Gerard’s right, little one. I want all three of us to give this our all, including helping you to see your potential as a friend to everyone. Will you let us help you?” Thomas inquired, hope written all over his face.

  Carrie did want this. She wanted the normal life she had secretly prayed for so long ago. Was that finally in her grasp? Looking between both men, she knew her answer.

  Nodding, she replied with confidence, “Yes. I want to try.”

  Thomas gathered her in his arms, hugging her tightly. To her side, Gerard pressed up against her, and she found what it felt like to have the attention of two men.

  Skin, muscle, and clothing surrounded Carrie, her body well aware of their hard cocks as well. She wanted them, wanted to feel their mouths and hands on her, but she didn’t know how to ask, so she reveled in their hugs until Thomas stated with a shaky voice, “Let’s take this to a bedroom.”

  Carrie could feel his body tremble before he pulled away from her and stood. He held his hand out to her as Gerard stood also and headed for the kitchen. She took Thomas’s hand while Gerard turned off the light in the kitchen, and then as Thomas led her over to the staircase and then upwards, Gerard extinguished the lights on the first floor and made sure the front door was locked before he followed her and Thomas.

  As they approached the top of the stairs, Carrie heard Gerard say, “Around to the left.”

  Thomas pulled her along as they made the turn and entered a bedroom. The room lit up when Thomas flipped the switch, revealing a rather plain room. A king-sized bed was centered between the two windows that faced the street while a tall dresser stood against the wall the door sat on. Sliding doors were further down one wall, most likely the closet. Gerard took a small remote out of a holder on the wall next to the light switch and hit a button. Blinds descended from the top of the windows, hiding the trio from the rest of the world.

  In an instant, both men converged on her again, surrounding her with their luscious bodies. Warmth surrounded her, and she knew she wanted to have this for a lifetime.

  As she savored the feeling of being pressed between two men, Carrie let her head fall back to her
shoulders. It wasn’t long before she felt hands begin to roam on her body.

  The boy she had dated in college had been handsy, groping wildly at her clothes. He had missed her breasts several times before he finally found one of them, and she was well endowed. As he closed his hand over it, he had pressed his mouth to the side of her neck. His tongue was lapping at her as if he were a dog as he squeezed her tit so hard it hurt. She had the feeling he was inexperienced. Pushing him away from her, she had been able to grab her coat and rush out of his dorm room before she had made a big mistake.

  Now, gentle hands slid over her sweater and her jeans. It felt as if they were letting her adjust to the feel of them. The men knew she was a virgin, and it touched her that they were taking it easy.

  Thomas’s lips pressed against her jaw before he raised a hand to wind into her hair. He pulled on her head gently so she faced him right before his lips covered hers. They kissed for several moments before his tongue was licking at her lips.

  Anticipating a heady experience, she grasped his shoulders as she opened to him and felt him thrust inward. His tongue slid across hers before he swept through her mouth. Moans escaped her as she reveled in the kiss. When he moved his tongue back to hers, she sucked on it, savoring the groan that emanated from him.

  Gerard had slipped his hands under the hem of her sweater. They were warm as he began to slide them upward along her sides. Soon, his fingers touched the undersides of her breasts. The lace of her bra was impeding them from touching her flesh there, but he was being gentle and loving, and slow.

  With senses reeling, Carrie felt her body heat from her core and her breasts outward. Having two men love on her was fantastic.

  A whimper escaped her when Gerard’s hands moved away from her breasts, but then she felt them move to her back. Deftly, he undid the hooks of her bra. Her breasts sprang forward despite the material still covering them. It wasn’t long before Gerard’s large hand were covering the fleshy globes as he began to kiss the side of her neck and her shoulder.


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