A Kingdom Falls (The Mancer Trilogy Book 1)

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A Kingdom Falls (The Mancer Trilogy Book 1) Page 19

by Alan Scott

  “Thank you, kind sir,” replied Joanna as she plucked the left eye from the decapitated head and looked at it. “It is a wonderful shade of icy blue,” she commented before popping it in her mouth. “Mmm, delicious,” she said with a full mouth.

  “You may go!” commanded Aaron with a wave of his hand.

  “My lord,” the man bowed to Aaron before turning and walking back to the packed crowd. As he walked, he lifted up the pouch into the air and a loud cheer sounded out.

  Joanna leaned slightly towards Aaron as she plucked the second eyeball out. “Are you enjoying yourself, beloved?”

  “Yes,” replied Aaron as he took another drink of his drug-laced wine.

  Joanna popped the last eye into her mouth and crunched down on it as she looked around the cavern at the revellers. The man who had given her the present of the eyes was being pulled along by his stiff cock by a brunette dressed only in stockings. As the pair vanished into the crowd, Joanna turned her attention to the seating area. In there were the most senior members of the Red Bank or the Brethren. At a table near the front, she could see Maria Clough and Tania Stone, along with Alicia Saunt. At the table next to them were the vampyre twins, Maud and Marc. What a gift they were to the Brethren; the pair were known for their violent excess in all things.

  More tables and more names, and then finally, at the back, what was left of the original thirteen vampyres from the exodus. At the table sat seven vampyres in their original monk’s robes, Brothers Gideon Sandhu, Fredrick Vast, Carl Maylot, and Keith Larrs, along with Sisters Miriam Gregorious, Lesley Dreef, and Chloe Tarric. All had their hoods up and had been still as statues for the entire evening.

  Moving her gaze back to the main area, she saw the revellers enjoying themselves - gluttony, drink, drugs, sex, and violence - it was all happening somewhere within the cavern. It was truly a wedding to be remembered.

  “Wife-to-be?” The words interrupted her thinking. “Wife-to-be.”

  Turning to Aaron, she said, “Yes, Husband-to-be?”

  “How long now?”

  “Not long, darling.”

  “Good,” replied Aaron as he lifted a wafer-thin slice of the meat from the platter with his fingers and popped it in his mouth.

  “How are finding Charlotte?” asked Joanna.

  “Very tasty. Her thigh is to die for. Do you wish a taste?”

  “Please, Husband-to-be,” said Joanna as she opened her mouth wide.

  Aaron picked up a slice of meat, folded it, and gently popped it into Joanna’s mouth.

  “Mmm, delicious,” said Joanna. “It practically melts in your mouth.”

  “That’s because it’s so fresh, darling.” Aaron turned his head to look behind him and, in a small side room, a woman was tied to a table, a bloody space where her left thigh should have been. The chef noticed Aaron’s glance and piped up, “Do you care for some breast, my lord?”

  “That would be nice, don’t you think, Wife-to-be?”

  “Oh yes, Husband-to-be?”

  “It’s confirmed then - breast meat, please.”

  “Certainly, my lord,” replied the chef as he sharpened up his blade and turned to the still-alive woman.


  Tania Stone stopped a serving maid. “More wine for this table.”

  “Yes, Mistress.”

  “And some food,” added Maria.

  “Yes, Mistress.”

  “I really want to know when the fight is going to happen,” whined Maria.

  “It will be shortly,” responded Alicia.

  “How do you know?”

  “I just do,” Alicia smiled sweetly.

  “Mmm,” said Maria as she turned to look at the crowd.

  “I do like people-watching,” stated Tania, “especially at weddings. There is always so much going on.”

  “Like a five-way sex session over there,” pointed out Alicia.

  “Or a fist-fight over there,” said Maria.

  “Your wine, Mistresses.” The serving maid interrupted the women’s thoughts, as she placed down four bottles of wine.

  “And your food,” a man’s voice added as he lay down a platter of bread rolls, cheese, and cold meats.

  “Do you have any grapes?” asked Alicia.

  “Yes, Mistress.” The man turned to the helper behind him and took from him a bowl of grapes. Placing the bowl on the table, he uttered, “Your grapes, Mistress.”

  “Leave us,” commanded Tania.

  “Yes, Mistress,” the servants said before moving away.

  Tania reached for a grape. “These look...” she began before the deafening bang of a gong sounded throughout the cavern. Alicia smiled as the gong sounded out a second time. Maria’s eyes went wide as she bit down on a warm roll.

  By the sound of the third strike, Fredrick Vast had moved to stand before the high table. He waited until the ringing had died down before speaking. “There are none left of the first Brethren. Father Jacob was the last, and he sacrificed himself to ensure that our ideas and people would survive this harsh world. I am one of the few to belong to the second Brethren and, of the second Brethren, I am one of the few that actually was touched by the Midnight Man.”

  A low roar of “He cometh! The Midnight Man Cometh!” followed Fredrick’s words.

  “So it has fallen to me to arrange suitable entertainment to celebrate His return, and the marriage of Lady Joanna and the Dark Paladin, Aaron Power - to reflect the life and death struggle of our organisation, to show the fine line there is between the two, to honour the happy couple, and to celebrate His return. Long may He watch over us.”

  “- for he lives within us all!” the crowd said as one.

  “I give you a death match between Major Dracko Lewis, late of the Midnight Guard and now bodyguard of Alicia Saunt, and Captain Vaziono Trent, currently serving in the Midnight Guard!”


  “Nooo!” shouted Maria as she turned to Alicia in shock.

  “Oh, yes,” smiled Alicia as she popped a grape into her mouth.

  Maria watched, dumbfounded, as Dracko made his way to the front. “Did you know about this, Tania?” she asked.

  “No, Maria, I did not,” replied an equally shocked Tania.

  “Imagine the power I will gain if he wins,” boasted Alicia with a smirk.

  ”What do you get if he loses?” asked Tania.

  Alicia shrugged. “A new bodyguard.”


  Dracko stopped before the high table and bowed shallowly from the waist. From the opposite side of the room, another giant of a man walked in, stood next to Dracko, and bowed before the couple.

  “Dracko and Vaziono, I trust you will give us a good show,” said Aaron.

  “Yes,” came the joint reply.

  “Make Him proud,” added Joanna.

  Again, the joint reply of, “Yes.”

  Stepping to one side, Fredrick Vast called out, “Take your places!”

  Both mammoth men turned and walked ten paces before drawing the huge swords that they were carrying on their backs. Fredrick moved behind the top table and shouted, “In His name – begin!”

  The two Midnight Guards roared at each other and charged. Sparks flew as the swords clashed and the two men began their fight to the death.

  The circle of light acted as an informal ring and both combatants moved expertly around it, as they feinted, slashed, and whirled at their opponent. It was quick to see that both men had the same razor-sharp reactions and power; however, Vaziono was slightly quicker with his footwork.

  The pair neared the edge of the light where a mass of screaming spectators stood. Vaziono, with his back to the crowd, parried a number of ferocious attacks from Dracko. He rolled away as Dracko launched an overhand slice. The sword missed Vaziono and cleaved its way through a male spectator’s shoulder. Blooded sprayed everywhere and the crowd went wild.

  The two men continued to circle each other, searching for a weakness in their opponent’s defences. It was Vaziono who
first managed to break through and score the first wound - a quick feint to the left, a flurry of strikes to the right shoulder and head area, and then, using his superior footwork, he spun round, slashed across the tops of his opponent’s legs, and nimbly sprung back. Dracko staggered backwards as blood started to seep from the deep wounds across his thighs, causing streams of crimson to flow down his legs and stain his trousers.

  Vaziono smiled as he slowly circled his wounded prey. He launched a couple of half-hearted attacks, which Dracko barely managed to parry. Moving slowly, Dracko positioned himself in front of the high table facing the crowd and his opponent, and sank to his knees, his sword lying on the ground by his side.

  “It does not matter how powerful the warrior, if you cut the legs from him, he will always fall. As their life blood leaves them, so they shall weaken!” shouted out Vaziono. “My Lady Joanna, with your permission, I will end the life of the once-great, but now pitiful, Midnight Guard, Dracko Lewis!”

  “Bring me his eyes, Vaziono,” purred Joanna.

  “As you wish, my lady.”

  Vaziono walked to within a foot of Dracko. “Bow your head and I shall end this fast.”

  Dracko spat at the feet of Vaziono and screamed, “For the Midnight Man!”

  Rage blazed in Vaziono eyes and he raised his sword over his head in a two-handed grip. “Die!”

  Dracko swept his sword up from the floor and powered it forward with a massive twist of his body, plunging it into the groin of Vaziono.

  The crowd went silent.

  The sword fell from Vaziono’s numb hands as Dracko, with a mighty scream, drove himself upwards, causing his sword to slice up and through Vaziono’s body, opening him up from groin to neck. Vaziono fell backwards onto the floor and started to fit, as his insides tumbled out. Using his sword as an aid to help him walk, Dracko made his way to Vaziono, knelt down, plunged his hand into his chest, and ripped out his heart. Standing with great difficulty, he raised the heart high above his head. “This is the Midnight Guard way! We take! We do not ask. We do not beg. We do not offer mercy!” With that, he crushed Vaziono’s heart and threw it down on the bloody carcass, which once was Vaziono Trent.

  Turning his attention to the Lady Joanna, Dracko said, “I would not offer you the eyes of a weak coward, my lady. They would ruin your appetite.” Joanna smiled and nodded.

  “My lord.”

  “You fought well, Dracko. You honour us all.” Aaron Power raised his glass. “I salute you.”

  “My lord.” With that, Dracko painfully made his way to the side, where servants waited with bandages, narcotics, and sewing thread.

  Fredrick Vast moved back in front of the table. “Get rid of that rubbish.” A number of servants rushed over and pulled Vaziono’s body from sight.

  “Vaziono did only one thing wrong. He showed mercy. The world out there will show us no mercy, so we are forced to show none. They do not like nor agree with our ways, but how can they, when they refuse to understand our ways? “However, very soon, we shall be able to show them our way, the true way, the only way, the Midnight Man’s way!”

  “He cometh,” the crowd whispered.

  “The Midnight Man, He cometh!” intoned Fredrick.

  “- and He shall RULE THE WORLD!” Joanna added, fanatically.

  “I will now leave the centre stage to allow Lady Joanna Harris and the Dark Paladin, Aaron Power to say their vows.” Fredrick bowed his head and made his way behind the top table.

  “Shall we?” asked Joanna as she stood.

  “Why not,” replied Aaron as he, too, stood up.

  Holding each other’s hand, the pair walked in front of the top table and faced the hushed crowd.

  “For many years, we have been without Him,” began Joanna. “We have been without His guiding light, His wisdom, and His passion. He has been forced to only talk to us through our dreams and darkest nightmares. I dare not imagine His frustration.” Joanna bowed her head. “However, that is about to change. My husband-to-be and I shall give birth to Him and He shall return to lead us all into glory.”

  “THE MIDNIGHT MAN COMETH!” The screams from the assembled cultists was deafening.

  “My wife-to-be and I will help this great sect return to where it belongs, for we shall bring back the Midnight Man!”

  “THE MIDNIGHT MAN COMETH!” -again the chant boomed out.

  Aaron turned to Joanna. “Joanna Harris, will you, before these witnesses, be my wife?”

  “I shall,” replied Joanna. “And do you consent, Aaron Power, before these witnesses, to be my husband?”

  “I shall.”

  “Then we are finally husband and wife,” grinned Joanna.

  Those present clapped and cheered; then the lights started to flicker.

  “What is happening?” asked Aaron, looking round.

  “Ah,” responded Joanna, her smile getting wider, “He is here. Our Lord is here.”

  The lights flickered again and the ring of light that had surrounded the top table began to shrink.

  “What does it mea...” began Aaron, but he was stopped by the impact of a dagger being buried in his chest.

  “Sshh, my husband,” soothed Joanna as she twisted the knife. “Birth can be a painful experience.”

  Aaron opened his eyes wide, questioning her words.

  “Do you really think that a dead creature like me could give birth? Or that the Brethren could wait for fifteen years before He could lead them? No, my husband. Oh, no.”

  Aaron gasped as Joanna withdrew the knife, and he sank to the ground. Joanna knelt down beside him and nestled his head in her lap. Aaron looked up and saw the seven Brethren from the original second sect were standing round him. All were wearing their monk’s habits.

  The lights flickered again, and more of the torches and candles failed and went out. As one, the Brethren called out, “Pray to Him! Call out His name! Go on bended knee and grovel, as you mouth His name!”

  Those in the cavern fell to the floor and began to intone in a low voice, “The Midnight Man cometh. The Midnight Man cometh.”

  “Jo... Jooanna... Whaaat issss happening?” stuttered Aaron.

  “Shhh, Aaron; birth is a painful thing. Just remember to breathe.”


  “Yes, breathe, and it’s okay to scream, if you need to.”


  “Yes, scream, darling.”

  Aaron look round in disbelief as the room got darker and darker. Then, from the darkness, smoke appeared - smoke that was drifting towards him. “What is... is that?”

  “Ah, that is our Lord.”

  “No... no,” declared Aaron, weakly.

  “Ah, but yes, my husband. You must be brave.”

  The smoke drifted up and lingered at the wound in Aaron’s chest. “Oh shit! Oh shit,” breathed Aaron before he screamed long and loud. The smoke had entered the wound. With her unnatural strength, Joanna easily pinned Aaron’s shoulders down as he weakly thrashed about.

  “That’s it, darling; scream, if it helps. No one said birth was an easy thing to do.”

  Aaron screamed one last long agonising scream before going silent. It was then that all the lights went out, plunging the cavern into utter darkness, and in the complete black, all that could be heard was the combined cult intoning four words again and again, “The Midnight Man cometh.”


  Maria Clough blinked rapidly as a number of torches sputtered back into life around the top table, creating a dimly lit area of light around which ancient deep pools of shadows gave way to their dancing and prancing offspring. In the small island of light, she saw Lady Joanna Harris on her knees, kissing the feet of a new arrival who was dressed in a monk’s habit. His hood was up and His face was lost in the shadows of the hood; however, even from where she was kneeling, Maria could feel the power radiating from Him.

  Behind Him in a semicircle stood the seven from the Second Brethren, each with their own hoods up. Maria watched as the
new arrival took three paces forward and looked over the kneeling crowd. Then, without warning, she heard within her head, “I am the Midnight Man and I have returned!” The power of the man swept through her body like a tsunami. She wanted to cry and laugh, to scream, to offer praise, to cower in fear - all at the same time.

  “I have returned, as foretold. Now stand and make merry!” the Midnight Man commanded. “Celebrate my life from death.” Maria lifted herself off the floor and reached for her glass of wine, as the band struck up once more and the singer’s husky voice filled the room. Looking round, she could see people still lying on the floor; others were wiping away blood that was trickling from their noses.

  Seeing Tania and Alicia, Maria lifted her glass to the other women, who returned the salute. “To pleasure and pain!” decreed Maria with a wide smile.

  “To pleasure and pain,” Tania and Alicia responded.

  “To the Midnight Man,” proposed Alicia.

  “To the Midnight Man,” repeated the other two, as they downed the wine.

  For a second, the three just looked at each other; then they broke out into loud and uncontrollable laughter. The Midnight Man had returned.


  In Aaron Power’s old room at dawn

  Joanna Harris sat on the chair next to the bed and watched the Midnight Man as He stood by the window. His hood was down and it was strange to see the face of Aaron Power look out that window. However, it might be the face of Aaron Power, but it was not his eyes, nor his stance, nor his presence. All those things were now the Midnight Man’s; Aaron Power was dead and the Midnight Man was alive once more.


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