A Chorus of Cats: A Reverse Harem Siren Romance (Spellsinger Book 10)

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A Chorus of Cats: A Reverse Harem Siren Romance (Spellsinger Book 10) Page 29

by Amy Sumida

  Daphne nodded. “Apollo and I laughed about it for years.”

  I caught a glimpse of Lucifer's hand sliding into Daphne's lap and the subtle shifting of her skirts. Lucifer's sex life didn't concern me; I honestly wasn't bothered by it. That being said, seeing him be intimate with a woman was bringing back memories that I didn't want to face. I focused on my food instead.

  “I'm told that you killed Helene,” Daphne said abruptly to Lucifer.

  Everyone at the high table went still. Despite my determination to focus on anything but Lucifer, I swiveled my stare back to him. His eyes sparked, but he looked perfectly at ease. In fact, he seemed to be enjoying himself thoroughly. But that could have been due to the fact that the Queen's hand was down his pants.

  “I did,” Lucifer confirmed. “Helene came to taunt Queen Elaria and I while we were under the influence of a drug called Bliss.”

  “Oh, yes, I've heard.” Daphne glanced at me, and I tensed. “You were compelled to have sex with each other, correct?”

  My men went tense too.

  “That's not something we wish to discuss,” Darc said firmly.

  “Of course not.” Daphne looked contrite. “I apologize. I just wanted to offer my sympathies to Queen Elaria and King Lucifer for suffering something similar to what my people went through. You know how much we abhor rape.” Daphne swallowed roughly and pulled her hand back into her lap. “I'm so sorry for your pain.”

  Lucifer lifted his hand to Daphne's shoulder. “Helene confessed to helping the satyrs trap and abuse your people.”

  “And she was also the one who told them how to get into the city,” I added.

  Daphne wiped away a tear and looked up at her court. “I love my people dearly. I wish I could have been the one to kill Helene.” She turned to Lucifer and took his hand from her shoulder to grasp it gratefully. “Thank you for bringing us justice when I could not.”

  “I wish I could say it was honorably done,” Lucifer murmured, “but I was nearly insane with lust at the time. I heard Alexander threaten to rape Elaria, and my fury gave me a moment of clarity. I reacted automatically and killed them both.”

  I felt the stares of my lovers settle on me. I glanced at the ones closest to me and nodded subtly. They shared a heavy look. It must have been hard for them to hear that not only was Lucifer blameless in what happened, but he had also defended me when they could not.

  “On the contrary, I find that to be very honorable,” Daphne said gently. “You protected Queen Elaria even when you were drugged. That's the kind of story that should be made into a myth.”

  “I think Queen Elaria and her family would prefer to let it be forgotten.” Lucifer glanced at me again.

  “Why?” Daphne looked at me too. “You were attacked like my nymphs were, but you conquered your foes. That's inspiring. There's nothing to be ashamed of.”

  “No, there isn't,” Darc agreed. “It's a perfect example of how resilient and powerful Elaria is. But we already know how amazing she is; our wife has gone through tragedy after tragedy and come through each one even stronger. The stories are badges of honor for her, but they are also records of pain. Those medals must be worn inside, for her alone to admire or ignore. No one else has the right to be entertained by Elaria's hardships even if they are also triumphs.”

  I kissed Darc's cheek. “Thank you, my darkness.”

  “I understand,” Daphne said gently. “Some scars are for sharing and some are for hiding. But this scar is one that my people also bear, Queen Elaria. I hope that you will share it with us, at least for tonight while we celebrate its healing.”

  “I'll try my best,” I murmured, but Lucifer was right; this was one story that I'd prefer to forget.

  I looked at Luke, and he nodded in understanding. I wasn't the only one who was trying to put that pain behind me.

  Chapter Fifty-Two

  “Blessed bedrock,” Slate hissed. “Someone make it stop.”

  Dinner had concluded, but the Nymphs didn't wait until the end of the meal for their dessert. Hands started sliding beneath clothing then clothing started to come off. Nymphs slipped beneath tables to pleasure their partners in between courses and when the food did arrive, it was delivered by those gilded nymphs who offered themselves along with the meal. Then the dishes were cleared and the real party began.

  Musicians started to play a sensuous melody and several couples began to dance; the kind of dancing that could make a prostitute blush. Undulating hips, roaming hands, and jiggling appendages. It was hard to watch. I tried to focus on my wine but then the Angels joined in and flapping wings are difficult to ignore. Everywhere I looked, people were having sex. Nymphs laid on the tables while others feasted on them. Men bent their partners over chairs or the backs of other people to thrust into them wildly. One enterprising nymph laid a woman over the back of a kneeling man so he could go back and forth between her sex and the man's mouth. Women straddled men with abandon and scissored each other in the middle of the floor. Some knelt over eager mouths and slid their sex rapidly over lapping tongues as they clutched at their breasts. The scent and sounds of fornication rode the air as violently as angels rode their hosts.

  And the worst was what was happening beside me.

  Daphne had started with kneeling between Lucifer's legs. II was able to ignore that as long as she stayed beneath the tablecloth. But then she emerged fully naked and straddled his lap. With only her crown on, Daphne bucked on Lucifer like a cowgirl on a mechanical bull; arms flailing and shrieks flying out of her mouth. Lucifer had his head thrown back in pleasure and his wings curved forward to partially cover Daphne's display but the sparkling feathers only drew more attention to them. Hades turned fully away from the display, but his wife was utterly fascinated and paid close attention as if she were taking notes for later.

  Little known fact; Hades didn't abduct Persephone. Persephone seduced Hades with skills she learned from her nymph friends. She used to hang with the Nymphs a lot and before she met her husband, she had shared their free-love mentality. It took the King of Styx to make her settle down. Hades had fallen for Persephone's seduction routine but then nipped that nympho behavior in the bud and turned the frisky fertility goddess into a queen. But there was still fire in the Queen of Styx. She slipped under the table while Hades was distracted and surfaced in his lap.

  “Persephone!” Hades tried to disengage his wife from his belt.

  “Better this than that.” I waved from his Persephone to Daphne and Lucifer.

  “This will progress into that,” Hades growled.

  “Not if you don't let it.” I shrugged. “Give her something to do or she'll get worse.”

  Hades sighed deeply and pulled the tablecloth over his lap, completely hiding what his wife was doing. Of course, his face said it all. That and the sounds that filtered through the cloth. I did what he'd done with Daphne and turned my back on them. I would have left the high table entirely but the rest of the room looked dangerous. Hell, even Raphael was pounding into a screaming nymph while he simultaneously perused the room for his next partner. I was afraid that if I left the table, I'd be pounced on and brought down like a zebra with a pack of hyenas.

  During this insanity, the musicians played on as if nothing were amiss, some even enjoyed the attentions of passing nymphs. One man played the flute while another man played the instrument between his legs. The dancing around the musicians became an orgy, and I had doubts that we'd ever see the promised play. Hell, maybe this was the play.

  “Can we leave now?” Gage whispered to me. “It's not as if they'd notice.”

  “Do you seriously want to navigate through that?” Slate waved at the court.

  “We could travel directly from here,” Gage suggested.

  I glanced around and considered it. The men looked at me hopefully. I was about to use my contact charm to tell the guys at the other end of the table that we were about to make a break for it, but then I remembered how rude that was. You never leave a par
ty without saying thank you to your host, and our host was currently coming on Lucifer.

  Then the grand doors at the end of the hall flew open dramatically and someone nearly as bright as Lucifer strode in as if he owned the place. Seeing him gave me an epiphany. Daphne and Apollo had been lovers for years; she obviously likes shiny men. Now, here came Lucifer, an actual god who sparkled on top of his divine glow. Lucifer was Apollo times ten. Daphne was looking for an upgrade.

  That being said, the Sun God is sublime. He walked through the writhing tide of bodies like a pirate striding across his ship in stormy weather. His lean legs seemed to know just where to go, his footsteps sure. His golden blond hair swept back from his face as if a loving breeze had styled it and its color enhanced the creamy tan of his skin. Sculpted muscles showed through the deep V of his poet's shirt and a generous bulge in his skin-tight pants betrayed another reason that the Queen of the Nymphs favored this man. And that face; generous lips and baby-smooth cheeks emboldened by strong eyebrows and eyes that glowed like a mountain lake under a midday sun. However, the expression on his beautiful face was not so pretty.

  I stood up, thinking that Apollo was about to attack Lucifer for having sex with his woman, but the Sun God only glanced at the Queen as he came to a stop before Hades. I resumed my seat slowly as I stared curiously back and forth between the men.

  “King Hades, I need to speak with you,” Apollo's voice, clear and resonant like a blown trumpet, silenced the room.

  Nymphs and angels alike stopped what they were doing to stare at the new guest. Daphne gave one last, drawn-out scream and then looked over her shoulder at Apollo. I gaped at Apollo; anyone who could stop a nymph orgy with just a few words was damn impressive.

  “Darling!” Queen Daphne declared. “How lovely to see you. Please, join us.”

  “Not now, Daphne!” Apollo growled at the Queen and the silence went tense.

  “How dare you speak—” she started to complain.

  “I said; not now!” Apollo roared, and Daphne cringed against Lucifer's chest.

  Lucifer gently slid Daphne onto her throne, casually tucked himself into his pants, and stood. “Do not come into this court and disrespect its queen.”

  Apollo turned and took a good look at the man who Daphne had been entertaining. His eyes widened and then narrowed. “Who the actual fuck are you?”

  “Lucifer, true God of the Angels,” Lucifer announced. “Who the actual fuck are you?”

  Apollo blinked then growled, “I am Apollo, God of the Sun and Daphne's main lover.”

  Before Lucifer could respond to that, Hades groaned deep in his throat, his head pressed back against his seat, and then sighed deeply. He straightened his clothing as Persephone climbed back into her chair.

  “Hello, Apollo,” Persephone said brightly.

  Apollo cleared his throat. “Greetings, Your Majesty.”

  “What do you need to speak to me about?” Hades asked Apollo as if he hadn't just climaxed in front of the court.

  “It's your brother, Your Majesty.”

  “Which one?”


  “You have yet to apologize to Queen Daphne,” Lucifer reminded Apollo in a low, dangerous voice. “If you're her lover, you've been especially uncouth.”

  Apollo exhaled roughly and then grudgingly said, “I'm sorry, Daphne, but this is important.”

  “It's okay, darling,” Daphne said graciously. “Why don't you and Hades take your conversation into my private lounge?” She waved a hand behind her at a small door in the wall.

  Apollo smiled softly at her. “Thanks, Daph. I'll make it up to you later.”

  “Oh, I know you will, lover.” She twirled her hand back to her court. “Music!”

  The musicians started to play as Apollo made his way behind the high table. His gaze slid past me then stopped and backtracked.


  “Hey, Apollo, how's it shinin'?”

  “Would you join us? I think this may involve you.”

  “Involve her how?” Darc asked as he leaned forward.

  “For fuck's sake.” Apollo rolled his eyes. “Now, who is this?”

  “He's my husband, another true god,” I delighted in telling Apollo. “King Darcraxis of Kyanite, God of Darkness and Water, meet Apollo, God of the Sun.”

  “You're married?” Apollo asked in surprise.

  “That's what you got out of that?” I shot back with a grin.

  “Yeah.” Apollo smiled back. “I thought you'd never settle down. No, that's a lie. I thought that when you got married, it would be to Cerberus.” He nodded toward my bestie.

  “A reasonable assumption.” Cerberus winked at me. “I'm an awesome choice.”

  “I have four husbands, a mate, and a boyfriend,” I said as I nodded to my men.

  “I suppose that's better than one hellhound.” Apollo chuckled. “Fine, bring them along. They'll want to hear this too, I imagine.”

  I waved my men over from the end of the table, and Cerberus came with them.

  “I'm not missing this,” Cer announced. “Even if it means that I have to miss that.” He waved his hand back at the room.

  “Neither am I.” Persephone got up.

  “Fine. Whatever!” Apollo threw his hands up in the air as he led the way into Daphne's lounge.

  It looked just as I'd expected; chaise lounges scattered about and a dramatic bed with a golden teester on the wall behind it. Pale blue silk draped down from the teester to fall around the bed like a waterfall. A golden table with nymphs carved onto the legs waited along one wall with an assortment of sexual aids atop it, a silken sex swing hung in one corner, and something that looked as if it should be in a gymnasium sat in another. We steered clear of the table and took seats on the chaise lounges.

  “Now, what about Poseidon?” Hades asked as soon as the door shut behind Cerberus.

  “He's lost his damn mind,” Apollo snarled.

  “Care to be more specific?” Hades drawled.

  “Poseidon wants the humans to worship us again. He says it's time to return to the Golden Age of the Gods.”

  “Impossible,” Hades huffed. “Our time has passed. The humans are too strong and too damn smart now. They won't believe we're Gods. They'll think we're alien invaders and turn their weapons on us.”

  “All very good points,” Apollo agreed. “And they happen to be the same things that I said to Poseidon.”

  “And?” I prompted.

  “And Poseidon said that he already rules the Seven Seas.” Apollo grimaced. “Since most of the Earth is covered by ocean, he thinks this means that he rules the world.”

  “He really has lost his mind,” Hades murmured.

  “You said that this might affect me,” I reminded Apollo.

  “Your parents live on an island on Earth, right?” Apollo asked. “Most of your family is there. This can affect you in several ways. Poseidon told me that he'll look to conquer the Beneath before he extends his rulership to the humans. He expects to form an army of Beneathers on Earth and use them to usher in his Golden Age. Basically, he wants us to use our magic to crush the humans into obedience so he can rule all of us.”

  “Fuck,” I whispered.

  “Indeed,” Apollo said dryly. “That's what everyone on Earth will be if we don't stop Poseidon; fucked.”

  “Most of Poseidon's army can't leave the water,” Hades mused.

  “Which is another reason why he will try to conquer the Beneath first,” Apollo huffed impatiently.

  “Yes, but my point is; how will Poseidon conquer the Beneath with a crippled army?” Hades insisted. “I think my brother is blowing bubbles up your ass.”

  “Excuse me?” Apollo gaped at Hades.

  “He's messing with you, Apollo.” Hades grimaced. “You know how much he loves to do that. You can be...”

  “What?” Apollo snapped. “I can be what?”

  “A little tightly wound,” Persephone said gently. “That's why Dap
hne is so good for you. Why don't you go out there and let her relieve some of your tension? She'll help clear your mind, and you'll see that Hades is right; Poseidon is likely playing one of his pranks on you.”

  It's true that the God of the Sea loves to play jokes, especially on Apollo, but this was a serious accusation. Something about the situation felt wrong to me.

  “What if he's not?” I asked softly.

  “Thank you!” Apollo slashed a hand my way.

  “If he's not joking, we'll have proof of it soon enough,” Hades said reasonably. “But do any of you truly think that Poseidon would try to conquer the Beneath?” He looked from me to Apollo and then to Cerberus. “You know him; would my brother even want to leave the comfort of the ocean?”


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