Ryder Men of Clifton, Montana Book 5

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Ryder Men of Clifton, Montana Book 5 Page 1

by Susan Fisher-Davis



  A Men of Clifton Montana Novel

  Book 5

  Susan Fisher-Davis

  Erotic Romance


  Copyright © 2015 Susan Fisher-Davis

  First E-book Publication: October 2015

  Cover design by Amy Valentini

  Edited by Amy Valentini/Romancing Editorially

  Proofread by Toby Schuler

  All cover art copyright © 2015 by Susan Fisher-Davis

  ALL RIGHTS RESERVED: This literary work may not be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, including electronic or photographic reproduction, in whole or in part, without express written permission.

  All characters and events in this book are fictitious. Any resemblance to actual persons living or dead is strictly coincidental.

  PUBLISHER: Blue Whiskey Publishing

  Susan Fisher-Davis



  A big Thank you to Kenolivier Gisbert for being Ryder.


  To Neuf Neuf Photography for the amazing shoot you did for me.


  You both are amazing and I love you!

  To my readers. I do this for you. Without you, I wouldn’t be here.

  Chapter One

  Ryder Wolfe knew trouble. Most of the time, he knew how to handle it but as he turned to look in the direction which had drawn the attention of every other man in the place, he wondered if he’d met his match. Taking a deep breath, he spun on the bar stool, and set his elbows on the bar behind him. Like every man in the bar, his gaze settled on the angelic looking beauty standing in the doorway. Yeah, she was definitely trouble. She was tall, at least her long legs made her appear so. He couldn’t really tell…yet. Blonde hair swirled around her face, falling onto her shoulders like a halo. She stood with her legs slightly spread. His gaze traveled over her, from the top of that beautiful blonde hair to a face that could stop traffic or at least cause a few accidents. Her nose was pert and below it, she had the most kissable mouth he’d ever seen. At thirty-three, he was a loner, but he loved women. Respected them, or at least tried to but he usually loved them then left them. He had run away from home when he turned sixteen so he grew up fast, and he grew up hard.

  Once more, his gaze swept the room. His mouth twitched in irritation. The men in the bar looked like a bunch of hungry dogs waiting for a bone. A fight was coming. Ryder could feel it in his bones. He looked back to the woman. Finishing where he left off, his scrutiny settled on her chest. The top three buttons of her white blouse were unbuttoned just enough to tease a man. She had nice cleavage. Her stomach was flat too. The white blouse she wore was tucked into what had to be the tightest, shortest, red skirt, he’d ever seen. Any shorter, and she’d be arrested for indecent exposure. Ryder had to shake his head on that one. There wasn't anything indecent about it but it sure was inciting indecent thoughts.

  Down his eyes went to those long legs. He almost smiled. Always having been a leg man, he thought hers were great. The shoes on her feet had him biting the inside of his cheek to hold back a groan. Red stilettos. Good God, his mouth was watering. He felt his groin tighten. He spun back around on the stool and took a long pull on his beer. He shook his head. You never let a woman get to you. Don’t start now.

  He made the mistake of looking her way again. She was walking toward the bar. Her hips swayed just enough to draw attention, and no more. Ryder watched another man walk up to her. She graced him with a slight smile but moved past him. The guy looked like he’d just lost his best friend. Ryder covered his smile by taking another drink. She walked past him. He could smell her perfume. Light, not too strong. Just enough that it teased his nose, and made him want to bury his face in her neck. He watched her by way of the mirror behind the bar. She sat on a stool three down from his, but Ryder kept his eyes on the mirror.

  She glanced up, and in the mirror, her eyes connected with his. He felt like someone had sucker-punched him. She really was the most beautiful woman he’d ever seen. He watched as Keith, the bartender, stepped up to ask what she wanted to drink. Ryder didn't hear her response, but Keith nodded and handed her a beer. In a bottle yet. She looked at it as if she didn't know what to do with it. Keith set a glass in front of her, bringing a smile to her face. She had a perfect, white smile. When she smiled, deep dimples appeared in her cheeks. Ryder couldn't stop looking at her mouth.

  Ryder watched as she poured her beer into the glass. She was pouring it too fast, and it was going to be all foam. As the beer reacted as he predicted, the foam rising high above the top of the glass, she set the bottle on the bar top and leaned down. She quickly took a sip and Ryder did all he could not to laugh. He was sure he was the only one who saw the face she made when she tasted the beer. The smile left his face though when he saw her small pink tongue come out and lick at the foam on her upper lip. Squeezing his eyes shut against the image, Ryder turned around on the stool to watch the pool game going on behind him. He kept his eyes on the game, paying no more attention to the woman. He watched as Big Earl came strolling over to her and tried to squeeze in between two bar stools, but failed. Jesus! Didn't the big ox know how big he was? Ryder kept his eyes on the game, but Big Earl’s voice carried over the noise in the bar.

  “Hello, honey. Heaven must be missing an angel.”

  Ryder nearly choked on his beer. He found it hard to believe that any man would still use that sorry excuse of a pick-up line. He mentally shrugged. He wasn't getting involved. She wasn’t his problem. He raised the bottle to his lips and took another sip, but almost spit it out when he heard her speak.

  “That’s nice of you to say. I’m looking for a man.”

  Big Earl let out a loud laugh. “Well, honey, you came to the right place.” He leaned closer to her. “I could be the man you’re looking for.”

  Ryder turned back around and watched them in the mirror. He watched as the woman leaned forward as if she was going to whisper in Big Earl’s ear. He listened closely, hoping she was going to be creative in her rejection of the jerk.

  “You might be. Are you Ryder Wolfe?” She spoke in a soft, smoky voice.

  Ryder slammed the beer bottle down on the bar. He felt every set of eyes, in the bar, except hers, settle on him. He picked up his cowboy hat, from where he'd laid it on the bar, and slammed it on his head. He’d almost gotten to the door when Keith called his name.

  Shit! He turned around slowly, and looked at Keith. When Keith didn't say anything, Ryder raised an eyebrow. He heard Keith clear his throat. Ryder narrowed his eyes at him, letting him know he'd done the wrong thing. No one bothered Ryder unless he wanted to be bothered. He was well-known as one mean son of a bitch when things bothered him. He was a tough man. He saw Keith swallow and move his eyes toward the blonde, who was now looking in his direction. Ryder shifted his gaze to her, and swore under his breath.

  Ryder walked toward the woman. Every step felt like he was walking to the electric chair. He stopped in front of her. She slid off the stool, settling easily on those sexy shoes. She was tall in those heels but at six four, he was taller. The top of her head came to his mouth. Without the heels, she would barely reach his shoulder.

  “You’re Mr. Wolfe?” she asked him, looking everywhere but at him.

  “Who wants to know?” Ryder almost kicked himself for using such a childish comeback. She didn't seem to notice.

  “My name’s Kelsey Sullivan.” She stuck her hand out. He ignored it. Her brow furrowed in reaction to his obvious insult. She too
k a deep breath before continuing. “Frank Sanders told me to contact you when I got to Clifton. He said you would help me.”

  Ryder was so angry, he was sure steam was coming out of his ears. Damn it, Frank! He took her elbow in his large hand, and led her to a table away from prying eyes. He nodded for her to sit down. When she did, he removed his hat, took a seat across from her, and stared at her over the small table. He couldn't seem to keep his eyes off her. She, on the other hand, wasn't having any problem keeping her eyes off him. She didn’t seem to want to look him in the eye. She was nervous. He sat back in the chair and folded his arms over his chest. He was getting impatient.

  “Why would Frank send you to me? I’m not a damn babysitter. I’ll let Frank know that too.”

  “Babysitter?” she asked. Even as she diverted her eyes, he knew she waited for his answer.

  “Yes. Well, I don’t have time for this.” He told her with a wave of his hand. He stood up, and looked down at her. “You might want to go home and see who else Frank can get to help you. I’m not that man.” He spun on his heel and headed for the door.

  Ryder was still fuming even after he reached the parking lot. Frank had no right to send someone to him. He was beside his truck before he knew it. He reached into the inside pocket of his coat, and pulled out his cell phone. He punched in Frank’s number, cursing every time it rang. Finally, he heard Frank answer.

  “What the hell were you thinking, sending someone here? I’m not a fucking babysitter, Frank, and God damn it, you know that!”

  “Are you done yelling at me?” Ryder heard Frank ask in a calm voice. This made Ryder angrier. He opened his mouth to tell him he was just getting started when Frank continued to speak.

  “I didn't know what else to do, Ryder. I've known Kelsey, and her family, for years. In fact, I’m her godfather. I've always told her to call me if she ever needed anything. Well, she does and she did. She needs to disappear until her stalker is caught—again. They had him once but when he posted bail, he bolted. Your ranch is the best place I could think of.”

  Ryder swore under his breath. “You didn't think to call me and ask first? I’m supposed to hide this…this woman for God knows how long. How long has he been on the run?”

  “A week. They’ve got a BOLO out on him. She’s scared, Ryder,” Frank said in a low gentle voice.

  Ryder sighed. How could he turn down Frank's request? He owed Frank too much to refuse a favor since he and his wife had practically raised Ryder.

  "But how long am I supposed to let her stay here?” Ryder asked, and then listened as Frank went into the details. Ryder swore when Frank pulled the trump card.

  “You owe me, Ryder. I swore I’d never call you on it but in this matter, I have to."

  Ryder was royally pissed off and intended to let Frank know. He swore up a blue streak for the next few minutes and wouldn’t be surprised if Frank had set the phone down while he did. Finally, Ryder took a breath as he listened to Frank continue.

  “Look, I know you don’t want her there but…Kelsey’s my goddaughter. I've known her since she was born. Her parents are like family to Grace and me. You, of all people, know how we feel about family.”

  Ryder sighed. He knew Frank had a smile on his face even though he couldn’t see it. Frank loved him like a son, and although he had never said so, Ryder loved him, and his wife, Grace. They had taken him in when he was sixteen. A lonely teenager on his own, with nowhere to go, no one to watch over him—until Frank and Grace.

  “I know I owe you. I’ll take her to the ranch, but they need to find him. Fast.” Ryder didn’t wait to hear Frank’s response, but instead hung up the phone and stuck it back into his pocket. He turned to head back into the bar when he saw Kelsey standing outside of the door, looking his way. He walked toward her, stopping a few feet from her. He put his hands on his hips, and looked at her. He saw tears in her eyes. He swore softly, and glanced away, then back to her. He didn’t do well with emotional women.

  “I spoke to Frank. I’ll take you to my ranch until your stalker is found.”

  “Thank you. I hope you’re right about that,” she said softly. Ryder nodded, and motioned his head for her to follow him. He started walking toward his truck but when he didn’t hear her behind him, he turned back around. He saw her walking from the bushes with a suitcase. He realized she’d hidden her suitcase there, rather than carrying it into the bar. She caught up to him, and smiled up at him. He frowned at her and walked away.

  Behind them, the bar doors swung open and Ryder heard Big Earl yell at them. “Where the hell you think you’re going with my woman, Wolfe?”

  Ryder hung his head and swore. He told Kelsey to get into the truck. He was grateful she did what she was told. Ryder watched as Big Earl stomped toward him with fire in his eyes. Ryder stood tall for sure. Big Earl wasn’t Big Earl because he was tall, but rather because he was wide. Wider than a Mack truck, it seemed to most people. Not to Ryder. He folded his arms over his chest, and waited for the big ox to get to him. When Earl got close enough, he put his head down, and charged at Ryder. Ryder was ready and stepped aside when Earl got there. Earl fell to the ground face first. Getting up slowly, he glared at Ryder. He let out a growl when he saw Ryder smile. He stood in front of Ryder, and took a swing but he was ready. Ryder leaned back quickly, and then faster than lightning, his fist shot out, hitting Earl square on the chin. The big man went down like a ton of bricks, and didn’t get back up. Ryder made sure he was all right, and then walked to his truck. He got in, rubbing the knuckles on his right hand. They were going to be sore tomorrow. He glanced over at Kelsey. She was just sitting there staring at him. He mumbled under his breath.

  “What did you say?” he heard her ask.

  “I said I knew you were trouble the minute you walked into the bar.” He started the truck, and after another look at her, shook his head, put the truck in gear, and headed home.


  Kelsey sat quietly in the truck looking out the front windshield. She nibbled on her bottom lip. He certainly wasn’t much of a talker or very friendly. What had she gotten herself into? She supposed she had to trust this Ryder Wolfe. If Frank told her she could trust Ryder, then she would. She knew he wasn’t happy about the situation, but she wasn’t either. She wasn’t happy about anything in her life right now.

  Two months ago, she’d started receiving emails, and then it escalated to letters sent to her place of work. When she started receiving mail at her home too, she knew it was time to report it. The police found the man and arrested him but then he made bail, and ran. After she told her parents about it, they suggested she call Frank since he used to be in law enforcement. Frank sent her to the silent and disagreeable man beside her.

  Kelsey sighed and looked out the windshield. She was shocked to see snow highlighted in the headlights. She glanced over to Ryder. His big hands were leisurely holding the steering wheel as if he were out for a Sunday afternoon drive. The snow didn’t seem to bother him at all.

  “It’s snowing,” she said, continuing to stare at him. He didn’t take his eyes off the road when he spoke to her.

  “Brilliant deduction. It’s been snowing since we left the bar.”

  Kelsey's eyes widened. “It’s late September.” Did he have to be such a smart-ass?

  Ryder glanced at her then back to the road. “You’re in northern Montana. Of course, it’s snowing. Where are you from?”

  “Georgia. Born and raised.” She looked at him. “Have you always lived in Montana?”

  Ryder shook his head, but didn’t supply anything further. Silence filled the space once more. Fifteen minutes later, he slowed the truck and steered it onto a dirt road. The only light illuminating the road was coming from the headlights of the truck. He drove slowly until they arrived at a gate. There he stopped the truck and stepped out.

  Kelsey watched him as he pushed the gate open, and then walked back to the truck and climbed in. He put the truck in gear and drove through the gate
then stepped out, and repeated the action only closing the gate this time. After returning to the truck, he drove it further down the road until she could see lights up ahead.

  Ryder steered the truck into an area in front of a log home, shut off the engine, and nodded for her to get out. She opened the door, and the scent of snow filled her nose, she carefully climbed down from the truck fully aware of her high heels, and then reached for her suitcase from the back seat. She looked up at the yard lights. Still amazed at seeing snow in September, she stood there watching the snowflakes dance through the light. It started snowing harder. Suddenly, Ryder was there beside her. She glanced up at him, his hat shading his eyes. He took the suitcase from her.

  When he started walking toward the house, she followed him to the back door where a light on the porch made the trek easy. Ryder opened the back door and reached inside to turn the kitchen light on. The warmth from the house came out to greet them. She hadn’t realized how cold it had gotten and shivered a bit from the change in temperature. He motioned for her to go inside so she stepped into the house.

  Kelsey glanced around the kitchen. The countertops were black marble. The appliances matched, including the smooth-top stove, with a built-in black microwave above it. The floor reflected the color scheme in its large square tiles. A kitchen table sat to the left of the entry door, under a window with white plantation blinds. Kelsey fell in love with it. She turned to tell him she thought the kitchen was beautiful, but meeting his gaze straight on made her speechless.

  She found herself gazing up into moss green eyes lined with thick black lashes. Slowly, she took in this obstinate man’s good looks as he removed his coat, from the top of his brown cowboy hat, sitting low on his forehead to his nose, which was straight and narrow. He had high cheekbones and a wonderful, sumptuous mouth. Stubble covered his lower face, neck, and jaw. His hair was black, pitch black actually, and touched the collar of his T-shirt. She watched him hang up his jacket on one of a row of hooks on a wall leading away from the kitchen, and she couldn’t resist perusing his wide chest, the T-shirt stretched tight over it. Next, her eyes took in his flat stomach, which led to the snap of his jeans. Jeans, he seemed to fill out most impressively, covered long legs. On his feet were well-worn cowboy boots. The words to describe this man, which sprang into her mind, were cowboy, sexy, and dangerous. Kelsey lifted her gaze and met his stare. She found a tight-lipped expression.


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