Slipchenko, Vladimir, 379
Sloan, Alfred P., 152
Sloan-Kettering Institute, 152
Slossen, Edwin E., 459n
smallpox, 36, 102, 142, 225
Smith, Adam, 33
Smith, Gen. Jacob, 100–101, 105
Smith, Larry, 144
Smith, Samuel F., 415n
Smuts, Jan, 120
Snipes, Wesley, 370
Solidarity movement, 297
Solomon Islands, 200, 219
Somalia, 385
Somewhere I’ll Find You (movie), 194
Sondheim, Stephen, 260–61
Sony (formerly Totsuko, Tokyo Tsushin Kogyo), 328, 362, 365–72, 380, 477nn
Soong, T. V., 109
So Proudly We Hail (movie), 194
South Africa, 109, 120, 276
South America, 63, 203, 264, 279, 346, 347; see also specific colonies and nations
South Carolina, 5, 77, 82, 467n
Southeast Asia, 63, 230, 234, 265, 276, 283
South Korea, 334, 352, 369
Soviet Union, 19, 168, 171, 218, 220, 224, 229, 246, 287, 329, 362, 378; Afghanistan incursion of, 374–75, 377, 383; dismantling of, 46; English language banned in, 326; German occupation zones controlled by, 295–96; in International Organization for Standardization, 311; nuclear arms race with, 352–53; U.S. radio broadcasts into, 296–97; in World War II, 448n
Spain, 126, 377
Spanish-American War, see war with Spain
Spanish Empire, fall of, 64–65, 70–73, 101–102, 166; see also war with Spain
Spanish flu pandemic, 291
Spanish language, 137, 151, 155, 242, 244, 257, 318, 328; Filipino nursing codes in, 304; worldwide native speakers of, 333
Sparrow, James T., 438n
Spitz, Bob, 368
Springsteen, Bruce, 370
Spurlock, Fred, 439n
Spy Who Loved Me, The (movie), 340
Squanto (Tisquantum), 317–18
Sri Lanka, 326, 332
Stalin, Joseph, 218, 295, 341, 448n
standardization, 18, 264, 298–316, 301, 310, 343, 368–69, 476n; of architecture, 128–29; of aviation, 312–13, 328–29; of language, 318–20, 331 (see also English language); military, 305–10, 361–62
Standard Oil, 372
Stanford University, 70, 81
Starr, Ringo, 358
“Stars and Stripes Forever,” 76
“Star-Spangled Banner, The,” 72, 76
Star Wars (movie franchise), 19
State Department, U.S., 112, 220, 235, 246, 266, 275, 340, 344, 373, 459n
Stephenson, Neal, 215–16
Stevenson, Adlai, 350
Stewart, Jon, 171
Stiles, Charles Wardell, 139, 140
Stimson, Henry, 60
stop sign, standardization of, see traffic lights and signs, standardization of
Styler, Lt. Gen. W. D., 233
Subaru, 369
Sudan, 46, 85, 381
Suez Canal, 216, 338
Sukarno, 230
Sullivan, Louis, 123
Sullivan County (Indiana), 13
Sultan, Prince of Saudi Arabia, 375
Sulu Archipelago, 103, 104
Sumner, Charles, 78
Sun Yat-sen, 109
Supreme Court, U.S., 37, 55, 56, 177, 389, 394, 428n; Insular Cases decided by, 84–86, 104
Swahili, 318, 327
Swan Islands, 346–48, 356
sweatshops, 391
Sweden, 337
synthetics, 18, 262–77, 279, 283, 292–93; medical, 248, 291; for nitrogen fertilizers, 57, 264
Syria, 385, 388
Taft, Nellie, 99, 102, 125–26
Taft, William Howard, 96, 98, 99, 103, 110, 113–15, 126, 129–30, 220
Tagalog, 325–26
Taiwan, 109, 187, 201
Taliban, 383, 384
Tanaka, Tomoyuki, 350
Tanzania, 6, 381
tape recorders, 366–68
tariffs, 84, 142, 157, 159–62, 245, 252
Tawakonis, 42
Taylor, Zachary, 59
tear gas, 256, 259
technologies, 17–18, 33, 262–64, 277, 282–83, 288–90, 295, 341; Japanese, 365–66, 368–69; military, 273, 279, 376–78, 381, 393–94 (see also chemical weapons; nuclear weapons); standardization and, 300, 314–15, 331; see also medical experiments, synthetics
Telmex, 337
Tennessee, 37, 299
Ten Years’ War (Cuba, 1868–78), 65
terrorism, 6, 100, 104, 259, 382–84, 386, 390, 400
Texaco, 372
Texas, 39, 46, 77, 399; annexation of, 41
Texas to Bataan (movie), 194
Thailand, 4, 189, 270
Thanh, Nguyen Tat, see Ho Chi Minh
“That’ll Be the Day” (Holly), 358
They Were Expendable (White), 194; movie of, 194–95
Third World, 263–64, 326; see also specific continents, nations, and regions
Thor missiles, 352
Thornton, Russell, 36
Thule (Greenland), 352–55
Thunderball (movie), 340, 354
Thurmond, Strom, 240
Tillman, Ben (“Pitchfork”), 81
Time magazine, 149, 152, 354, 371, 393
Tinian, 287, 389
Tinio, Gen. Manuel, 92
Tisquantum, see Squanto
Tlingit, 319
Tokyo, 215, 225, 351, 363, 365
Tomahawk missiles, 377, 381, 383
Tom Sawyer (Twain), 344
Tonkin Gulf Resolution, 241
Toots and the Maytals, 339
Tora Bora (Afghanistan), 381
Torresola, Doris, 256
Torresola, Griselio, 254–56, 261
torture, 19, 100–101, 144, 196, 198, 203, 210, 225, 242, 388–89
Tosh, Peter, 339
Toshiba, 369
Total Quality Management movement, 361
Totsuko (Tokyo Tsushin Kogyo), see Sony
Toyota, 361, 369
traffic lights and signs, standardization of, 299, 313–14, 318
Trail of Tears, 38
transcontinental railroad, 41
transistor radios, 367, 368–69, 410
Treasure Island (Stevenson), 336
Treasury, U.S. Department of the, 300, 411n
Trinidad, 217, 220
Truman, Harry, 224, 226, 231, 239, 246, 253, 295, 344; assassination attempt on, 16, 254, 255; Philippine independence approved by, 236–37; protests against postwar military policy of, 232–34
Trump, Donald, 104, 370, 398, 401, 477n
Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands, 229, 262, 345, 349, 391–92, 466n
tuberculosis, 102, 308
Tugwell, Rexford, 246
Tunisia, 217, 220
Tunner, Gen. William H. (“Tonnage”), 285–86, 296
Turin, University of, 139
Turner, Frederick Jackson, 62, 63, 116
Tutuila (American Samoa), 199
Twain, Mark, 93–95, 103, 106, 140, 438n
12 Angry Men (movie), 260
Tydings, Millard, 147, 161–62, 212
typhus, 36, 291
U-boats, 337, 338
Ukraine, 46, 448n
Union Carbide, 274
United Kingdom, see Britain; British Empire
United Nations, 229, 258, 263, 275, 295, 312, 314; General Assembly, 192, 228, 326, 456n; in Korean War, 224–25; logo of, 222, 223; U.S. reports on “non-self-governing territories” required by, 239, 246
United States Magazine and Democratic Review, 35
Uruguay, 220
U.S. overseas bases, 17–19, 63–64, 158, 215, 217–19, 227, 230, 234, 264, 343–46, 369, 382, 472n; in Africa, 284–85; for air attacks on Japan, 287; on Aleutian Islands, 187, 202; for Berlin airlift, 296; in British territories, 218; on Caribbean islands, 120, 346; on Cuba, 72 (see also Guantánamo Bay); drones launched from, 386; in Eastern Europe, 387, 448n; in England, 224, 355–59; English language s
pread from, 327; of “Fireball Express” route, 284; on Guam, 72, 169, 203, 345, 364, 387, 389–90; in Iraq, 386; in Japan, 359–65, 387; Japanese bombing of, see Pearl Harbor; on Micronesian islands, 345, 392; nuclear weapons on, 352–53, 356, 359, 364; on Okinawa, 287, 345, 360, 362–64, 387; in Operation Desert Storm, 376–78; in Panama, 220, 295; in Philippines, 4, 72, 362; in Puerto Rico, 72, 173, 284, 387; in Saudi Arabia, 373, 379–81, 387; technology for, 289
USSR, see Soviet Union
U.S. Virgin Islands, 9, 156–58, 220, 238, 262, 320, 343; annexation of, 17, 114, 120; in Greater United States map, 9; limitations on citizenship in, 86, 399; military bases in, 18; population of, 11
Utah, 77
U Thant, 275
Utuado (Puerto Rico), 145
Uzbekistan, 374, 387, 388
Vancouver, 220
Van Vleck, Jenifer, 284–85
Vatican, 145
VCR, 368, 370
Vermont, 299; University of, 109
Versailles, Treaty of, 118, 206
VHS, 328, 331
Victoria, Queen of England, 64, 111
Victorian age, 93
Vieques (Puerto Rico), 344–45, 387
Viet Minh, 231
Vietnam, 230, 394
Vietnam War, 14, 95, 96, 241, 264, 361, 362, 363, 376–77, 384, 385
View, The (television show), 398
Vilar, Irene, 257
Villadolid, Oscar, 212
Virginia, 29, 39, 50, 59, 319
Viton, Albert, 229
Voice of America, 297, 327
Voice of Freedom, 192
Voice of the Arabs, 373
Voting Rights Act (1965), 241, 399
Wacker’s Manual of the Plan of Chicago, 127
Wacos, 42
Wafd Party, 118
Wake Island, 4–6, 10, 11, 80, 189, 195, 389
Walesa, Lech, 297
Walker, William, 78
Walkman, 368
Wallace, Henry, 223
Wallace, Henry A., 140
Wallace, Henry C., 140
Wall Street Journal, The, 159
War Department, U.S., 74, 119, 232, 234, 235, 433n; War Plans Division, 165–67
Waring, E. J., 54–55
war on terror, 383–84, 386, 390, 400
warplanes, see specific planes
War Production Board, Civilian Supply Division, 267
Warsaw, 215
war with Spain, 14, 66–74, 80, 91, 97, 110, 122, 158, 279, 300, 389–90; annexations in aftermath of, 7, 9, 17, 64, 67, 80, 84, 143, 155, 196, 304, 340; events leading to, 64–66
Washington, D.C., 7, 13, 60, 76, 164, 218, 233, 350; attempted assassination of Truman in, 254; 9/11 terrorist attack on, 6, 382–84; projection of effect of H-bomb detonation over, 350; protest by U.S. soldiers in, 233; standards development efforts in, 302, 307–308
Washington, George, 27–32, 37, 61, 154
Washington, Lund, 28
Washington Post, The, 42, 103, 149, 178, 393
Washington Times-Herald, 228
waterboarding, 389, 481n; “water cure” precursor of, 99–101, 196, 198
Wayne, John, 35, 194–95, 443n
Webster, Daniel, 50–51
Wehrmacht, 268
weights and measures, standardization of, 299, 303–304; see also metric system
Weimar Germany, 267
Welles, Sumner, 5
Wells, H. G., 322, 336
Wenner-Gren, Axel, 337–40
Western Michigan College Training School, 12
Western Territory, 39, 40
West Germany, 369
West Side Story (musical), 260–61
westward expansion, 26, 29, 31, 35, 46, 51, 62; founders’ views on, 29, 31, 35, 46; into Indian lands, 36–45, 79; see also frontier
Whiskey Rebellion, 28
Whispers, the, 363
White, W. L., 194
White Man’s Burden, 83; Kipling’s poem about, 94
white supremacy, 78, 80, 81, 240–41
Whitman, Walt, 53, 75–76, 291
Who, the, 369
Wichitas, 42
Wilder, Laura Ingalls, 41–42
Wilderness Hunter, The (Roosevelt), 60
Wilhelm II, Kaiser, 64
Wilmington, 299
Wilson, Beckles, 416n
Wilson, Woodrow, 7, 70, 111–12, 115–20, 132, 145, 159, 196–97, 220, 238, 321, 335, 425n
Winfrey, Oprah, 370
Winning of the West, The (Roosevelt), 61
Wisconsin, 42
Wister, Owen, 60
Wolfowitz, Paul, 375
Wollstonecraft, Mary, 26
Woman Descending Stairway (Arellano), 133
Wood, Gen. Leonard, 67, 71, 105–107, 112–13, 137, 164, 195
Worcester (Massachusetts), 248, 454n
World’s Columbian Exposition (Chicago, 1893), 60–61, 123, 127
World Trade Center, 9/11 attack on, 6, 382–84
World War I, 17, 112, 117–18, 166, 176, 184, 219, 284; American Expeditionary Forces in, 107; nitrate explosives in, 57–58, 264–65, 267; peace treaty negotiations after, 118, 145, 206, 220; poison gas in, 58, 150, 267, 422n; standards clashes in, 303, 305–307; U.S entry into, 109
World War II, 13, 97, 109–10, 171–212, 215–27, 243, 282–95, 361, 426n; aviation in, 283–86, 291, 295; chemical warfare in, 150–52; communications systems in, 289–91, 295; disease in, 291–95; end of, 238, 263–64; engineering innovations in, 295; intelligence in, 337; language training during, 321; overseas bases during, 17, 219, 264, 344; standardization process in, 303, 306, 311, 315; synthetics developed during, 265–66, 271–75; U.S. Army and Navy joint exercise in preparation for, 278–79; U.S. entry into, 400 (see also Pearl Harbor, Japanese bombing of); U.S. servicemen in Britain during, 355, 357
Wounded Knee, Battle of, 100, 106, 422n
Wyandots, 42
Yale University, 67, 128, 146, 151, 199
Yalta Conference, 290
Yamashita Tomoyuki, Gen., 204, 205
“Yankee Doodle,” 76
Yemen, 382, 385
YMCA (Manila), 128
Yojimbo (movie), 351
Yoo, John, 389, 394
Young America Movement, 75–76
Young Savages, The (movie), 260
Youngs Rubber, 249
You Only Live Twice (movie), 340
Ypres, Battle of, 58
Yugoslavia, 120
Yup’ik, 395, 396
Zaghlul, Sa‘d, 118–21
Zamboanga (Philippines), 128
Zinn, Howard, 13–14, 259
zonification, 454n
Zyklon gas, 58
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