Vengeance (Out For Blood Book 2)

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Vengeance (Out For Blood Book 2) Page 6

by CY Jones

  When we walk inside the sweet scent of smoke and sex assaults my nostrils. The club is not what I was expecting. For one thing, it’s huge. A single story structure decorated in an expensive, modern motif. What stands out the most is the bar and stage. They’re both gorgeous, made from some kind of clear crystal, giving it an appearance of solid ice. Large black iron cages hang from the ceiling, with scantily dressed women dancing inside in various colors of feathered wings strapped to their backs that reminds me of the fashion shows Victoria Secret put on every winter. The waitresses serving the rich clientele uniforms aren’t any better. Those consist of barely there tuxedos so tight they snugly button over their large busts. Black briefs are the only bottoms they have on, with netted tights, and tall stiletto ankle boots. Rabbit ears and a fluffy rabbit tail secured to the back also complimented the uniforms.

  I hate this place already. Everywhere I look women are in various stages of undress, or in these ridiculous outfits like the one I have on in different fairytale themes. Some women were even on their knees out in the open sucking off the clientele, or stuffed in dark corners in a series of sexual acts. I don’t know how much O’Donnell pays the police to look the other way, but it must be a fortune, because it’s blatantly obvious in here, if you have enough money, you can do whatever the fuck you want.

  “Go mingle, lass. I have business to conduct. Someone will come get ye when it’s time for you to perform,” O’Donnell orders, giving me a stern look. There’s no need for him to tell me to behave. He knows damn well I will as long as I have this stupid shock collar around my neck.

  I stomp away careful not to trip on these death trap they call heels. Instead of mingling, I decide to stake the joint. I want to know every exit, and all the weak points this building has, or better yet, any means to help me to escape. My room back at the tower is unsurprisingly weapon free, but maybe I can find something here of use. Anything sharp is probably being kept behind the bar, which to my dismay is heavily guarded, so no luck there. The stage is a bust too, since it’s nothing but a big clear solid structure in the middle of the club. Walking away deep in thought, I don’t notice when someone reaches out for me until they grab my arm, yanking me onto their lap.

  “Bella, it’s been awhile,” Gabriel’s smooth voice whispers in my ear.

  “Not long enough,” I say dryly, trying to push free from his lap. With my supernatural strength currently gone, Gabriel's vampire strength easily overpowers me.

  “Now that’s not nice, bella. In fact, I think I rather like having you in this position instead,” he says, pushing me onto the floor, until I’m on my knees in front of him.

  Chuckling he says, “Didn’t I warn you that you’ll be in this position once O’Donnell gets his hands on you?”

  Scowling at him I try to rise, but he pushes me back down hard on my knees, holding me there. “You’re making a scene, bella, and I’m sure with that new piece of jewelry around your neck, you do not want to garner O’Donnell’s attention.

  “What do you want?” I spit out, grinding my teeth.

  “Besides this luscious mouth of yours around my dick, I have a proposition for you.”

  “No thanks,” I immediately answer, ready to bolt. I don’t want to hear about any proposition he has for me. He’s the reason why I’m here in the first place.

  "Now, bella, that’s where you're wrong. You’re going to want to hear everything I have to say, especially if you want to save your mates,” he taunts, and for the first time since this conversation started, he has my undivided attention.

  “What are you talking about?” I question, raising my brow.

  “I know about Silas and Hatter. What they are to you. And before you try to deny it, remember, I know when you’re lying.”

  “Ok, what do you want?” I ask again.

  “When I handed you over to O’Donnell, things didn’t exactly go as I planned. O’Donnell failed to mention he wasn’t really your father, or how deep your involvement with the Valentine family ran. Now I have a price on my head, and my own people, my family have turned their backs on me. I want my life back, and since you’re the one to destroy it, you’re also the key to getting it back.”

  I couldn't help it. At the end of his explanation, I’m dying laughing until tears start to run down my face. Luckily my makeup is waterproof, or I’d look a hot mess right now. “Let me get this straight. You made a deal with the devil, and you’re pissy things didn’t turn out the way you wanted,” I choke out through my laughter. “You’re a fool. O’Donnell always finds a way to come out on top. You claim to be able to see through lies and glamours, yet you didn’t see this coming?”

  “It’s not funny, bella,” he growls. The green in his eyes start to glow, and I can see the tips of his sharp fangs protruding over his lip. It’s enough to set me straight, and I immediately stop laughing. “He did not lie to me, he just omitted a lot of details. I admit, I do rely a little too much on my ability to see the truth, so I did not look into his story.”

  “Look, let's be truthful. O’Donnell was able to get one over on you because he used your ability against you. That and your cockiness. You thought you were dealing with a simple human, instead of the mastermind O’Donnell truly is. He’s the mistro of deceit. Make one move, and he’s already three steps ahead of you. Trust me when I tell you, you’re not the first to make this mistake, or the last,” I tell him, being candent. He needs to know what he’s dealing with since it’s apparent he’s tragically ill informed.

  “Whatever. All that doesn't matter. You need me, bella, especially if you want to keep your mates alive,” he threatens.

  “Let’s get this straight right now. You need me as much as I need you. Threaten my mates again, and I swear on everything I am, I will kill you,” I growl. I can feel my wolf stirring deep inside, and I know without looking, that my eyes are glowing a starling blue.

  “Calm down, bella. We wouldn’t want, O’Donnell to find out that trinket around your wrist is losing its power. We’ll all be screwed, and any hope I have of getting out of this mess will be lost,” he says, swallowing hard.

  “What?” I frown. What does he mean this stupid bracelet is losing power?

  “Look, I don’t have time to explain right now. I will come to you, bella, and then we'll talk,” he answers before moving his hand on top of my head, and pressing down hard enough that my face lands onto his crotch. I’m about to bite him when a cold familiar voice stops me.

  “O’Donnell wants her now,” Victor says, bringing on a barrage of memories of fear and pain. Suddenly I’m a little girl again, trapped in the basement. I haven’t seen O’Donnell’s enforcer since Rowen and I moved out of O’Donnell’s castle. Both of us too old to be punished, and wise enough not to cross O’Donnell.

  “Just when we were getting to the good part,” Gabriel groans. “Go tell your boss, he needs to honor our deal. I expect to see this little whore in my bed,” Gabriel says, pushing my head away, and I fall hard on my ass.

  “Tell him yourself,” Victor states, yanking me off the floor, and pulling me towards the stage.


  Fucking Wicked Fairy Tales. Why the hell am I at this club? At first when I received the invitation to come, I put it aside and didn’t think nothing of it, but a feeling deep down kept on nagging me, and I’m never one to ignore my gut, so here I am. Tossing my keys to the valet, I enter the club. Color me curious, maybe it’ll be worthwhile to find out what the hell O’Donnell wants.

  Usually, I would avoid that man like the plague. He’s a nasty, sick fuck of a human, and his current trouble is reason enough to stay away. I try to keep my distance from supernatural affairs, preferring to stay Switzerland with them and the humans. O’Donnell is on the verge of starting a war, and being seen here isn’t exactly one of my brightest ideas.

  Heading to the bar, I order an expensive bourbon, and take everything in. Everywhere you looked scantily clad women and men are in various stages of debauchery. It’s an
all out fuck fest where the rich and powerful types like myself can do whatever the fuck we want. This place would have it’s merits if I didn’t already know the servants here are all slaves. Tail O’Donnell kidnapped, or stole off the streets, and tricked into working for him. I’m an attractive man. I do not need or want forced pussy.

  Swallowing my drink, I relish in the taste of the smooth liquid burning it’s way down my throat, when a voice that could only come from the heavens itself grabs a hold of my attention by the balls. Slowly, I turn my head to the stage, where I’m struck by the most beautiful women I have ever seen. Her silky long hair the color of dark chocolate, her angelic face with features so sharp hides the killer I can sense deep within. Her luscious body barely covered in the tiny outfit she’s wearing, and her long, toned legs, that I’m dying to have wrapped around me as I pump in and out of her. She pulls me in like a siren to sea, and I know right then and there, I’m fucked. There is no mistaking this feeling. My once dead heart starts to beat again, frantically thumping in my chest. The only women who can ever have all of me is singing her heart out on the stage. My heart. My undoing. My soul bound mate. Fuck.

  “Mr. Kosta,” a man’s deep voice breaks me from my shameless gawking.

  “Yes,” I grumble, pissed I have to take away my gaze from the beauty on stage.

  “O’Donnell will like to speak to you at his private booth,” the man answers.

  I can tell by his tone this isn’t a request, not that I’m scared in the least. O’Donnell holds no power over me, but I do not want to give away my interest in the girl on stage, so I comply and follow the man through the club to a roped off section in a secluded corner. It’s far enough away to keep whatever conversation is being had private, but more importantly, it has a perfect view of the entertainment on stage.

  “Atlas,” O’Donnell says, nodding his head towards me, when I take a seat at the table.

  “What is it you want?” I ask, not bothering to pussyfoot around. We run in two separate circles, and I am way too powerful for him to try to take over like the other fools who are unlucky enough to cross his path.

  “Do I have to want something? Can’t I just invite a friend to my club?” He answers, smoothly.

  “You can, but we are not friends. So I have to ask again, what is it you want?”

  “The girl on stage, isn’t she beautiful?” He replies, instead of answering my question.

  Fighting my urge to turn my head, I try figuring out what his angle is. There is no way he could know what the girl is to me. Finding my soul bound mate here is pure coincidence. An unlucky coincidence.

  “She is beautiful, but so are a lot of other women here. What makes her so special?” I question, raising my brow.

  “She’s special because she’s my daughter, and I would like to propose a beneficial arrangement for us both,” he answers.

  “Your daughter, really,” I mock. “I find it hard to believe when rumor has it the girl you’re claiming as yours was actually stolen away twenty-one years ago after you murdered her mother. You know I do not get in the middle of supernatural and human affairs, and dealing with you will only put me in the thick of it.”

  “I know you’ll deal with me. In fact; I will stake my whole empire on it,” he says undeterred. He’s so sure of himself, and I can clearly see the shrewd businessman front and center, ready to jump on any weakness I let slip out. I don’t know why my kind always seems to underestimate him. I trying scanning his mind. I want to know what he knows. Why he’s so sure of himself, but his thoughts are blocked, and even I cannot break through. This man is interesting.

  “Then you’ll lose,” I say just as casually, holding my own poker face.

  “I had my people follow ye in as soon as ye walked into the club. Your words claim you’re not interestested in my daughter when your actions prove otherwise. I will even go as far as to say you’re enchanted by her.”

  Laughing a full belly laugh, I retort, “maybe you should employ better workers. The ones you have are blind or delusional. No woman can ever hold my attention, especially that one,” I spat. “I do not care for drama, and she is nothing but.”

  “I assure you, my men are very reliable. Even now I can tell you’re fighting your urge to look over at the stage. Ye sit here laughing in my face, but your body is tense. You’re a smart man, if I were ye I will take what I’m offering seriously, because you’re not the only one interested in her.”

  Right on cue the Senator's son steps in front of the girl as soon as she steps off the stage, and grabs her around the waist. She tries to pull away, but his hold is firm. Pulling her to his chest, they sway together to the house band. Biting back a growl, I turn my attention back to the man in front of me. He has me, and he knows it, but I’m a stubborn man, and will not be forced into anything, especially by a human. Two can play this game.

  “As I already stated. That girl is drama. You’re sitting here like I need you, when in fact, it is you who needs me. You’re on the verge of a war you’re not prepared for, and my spies tell me not even your own allies are ready to fall down that rabbit hole with you. You humans are so alike, so predictable. Always ready to sacrifice one another. You’ve made a powerful enemy, and you need me to get you out of it. The Senator will not be able to help you.”

  His face may be calm, but I can see the flush of red on his neck as he takes in my words. He’s used to dealing with pawns when I am a king, and that girl is my queen. The only piece that can topple me.

  “I don’t need you. I have enough people working under me to take care of that slight problem with your kind. I’m a powerful man, and have powerful friends. If you choose to not take the girl, then I’ll give her to someone else. Someone who may not treat her as kindly,” he replies.

  “Tell me, what kind of man sells their own daughter?” I question.

  “A man that can see the bigger picture. I did not get where I am by being sentimental. I’ve raised that girl since she was a wee babe, she is mine in every way. I will do whatever benefits me, and selling her off is what’s beneficial.”

  “Spoken like a true psychopath, but now I’m curious. What exactly are you offering? If I take the girl there will be no doubt about it, your claim over her will be no more and she will be mine,” I counter.

  “I want her gone, I could care less what you do with her, as long as those in the supernatural community know you’re the one who has her. I also want a vow in blood you will not come after me in any way, neither physical, or business wise. Lastly I want an open business arrangement.”

  “Not happening,” I growl interrupting him. “Making a deal for the girl is one thing, but my business is, and never will be, on the table.”

  He rubs his chin, thinking about what I said. “I don’t know. I’m not getting much in this deal,” he finally answers.

  “You’re getting a free pass to the mess you made,” I spit out. “I agree to your previous terms, but my business is not on the table,” I tell him crossing my arms over my chest.

  “Then I will weigh my options, and let you know what I decide,” O'Donnell responds, as he rises from the booth. “Enjoy your night, I have other business to conduct,” he says before walking off.

  Fuck, what have I gotten myself into? As if in answer, I turn my eyes and lock my golden gaze onto a turquoise blue one that has the power to end me. Her gaze is like blue fire, and it consumes me, burning me to the core. There across the room is my Juliette, and I, her Romeo, and we all know how that story goes. Right then and there I knew I would give O’Donnell whatever he wanted for her. No price is too high as long as I had her in my arms.


  Victor drags me harshly through the club, and away from Gabriel. I don’t know what to think about what he just told me. My mind hasn’t fully wrapped itself around the gravity of his words. He decided to deal with the devil, and got burned, now he has the power to topple my mates, just like we can destroy him. It’s a position none of us want to be in. I hate i
t, but I do need him, but he needs me too.

  I almost trip over my sky high heels when Victor lets go of my arm, and shoves me at the DJ booth. “She’s next,” he grumbles, before walking off.

  Glancing down at my arm, purple bruises are already starting to blossom where he gripped my arm, and I clench my teeth in agitation. Giving me a sympathetic look the DJ turns his attention to me. He’s cute, and in a way reminds me of Maddie with his emo look.

  “O’Donnell has you lined up to sing Ariana Grande 7-Rings are you ready?” he asks, giving me a small smile.

  “I’m not singing that shite,” I spit out.

  “Oh?” he smirks, raising his brow. "Then what are you going to sing?” He questions, curious over my blatant defiance. O’Donnell might think he owns a performing monkey, but this is my show, so I’ll do it my way.

  So, I answer, “I’ll be singing Rise by Katy Perry.”

  “Are you sure?” He asks, looking at me like I’m insane, and yeah, I probably am, but I don’t care. I am Shadow, no one owns me but me.

  “Positive,” I answer.

  “Your funeral, sweetheart,” he responds, chuckling to himself.

  Stepping onto the stage, the lights dim, and a bright spot light shines on me, heating my skin. The setting is intimate, and I can’t see the rich arseholes I’m performing for around me. Once the music starts, I close my eyes, losing myself to the music. Like before I feel free. The music consumes me, taking me hostage, and I happily go along disregarding the dangers. My wolf stirs inside me, and her power washes over me like a warm blanket, letting me know she is here with me.

  Halfway through my song, I feel a pull tugging at my soul. Almost faltering over my words, I open my eyes, and gaze towards the source. For a second, I thought Cody or Hunter are here, but I know that’s impossible. The last time I had a feeling like this was when our bonds weren’t established yet, so that could only mean one thing. My fifth mate is here somewhere, and for the first time since finding out that I had five of them, I hoped he didn’t know what I am to him. No way in hell will I ever be bonded to a someone that comes to this place and deals business with a man like Patrick O’Donnell.


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