Vengeance (Out For Blood Book 2)

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Vengeance (Out For Blood Book 2) Page 23

by CY Jones

  “And the cure. Will you bring it to Remy?”

  “Yes, I will bring The Liberator the cure. I will uphold my side of the bargain if she does hers.”

  “The Liberator,” I say, raising my brow.

  “Yes. The Liberator and the Empress are prophesied to meet for the greater good of our people. They will unite the supernaturals and the humans, but first they must get through their own trials.”

  With that mouthful she turns back to her work on the desk, dismissing me. I will not get anything more from her or the cure, so I leave blinking back to the house.

  Stripping out my clothes I lay naked next to my love. My mate. I love you, Row. For all eternity. There's no where your soul can go that I won't follow. We will be together again.




  After I stomp out the living room, I go back to my room to take a long shower. I want to wash my troubles away, but I know that will not happen. Why Rowen? Why does Death want him so badly? It’s not fair. We came into this world together, and even with our profession, I always thought we will leave together as well. Then there's the other issue that I’ve been ignoring. The guys said they saved Hangman and that he’s in one of the rooms here, but I haven’t seen him, and he has yet to venture out of his room. He tried to save my brother. He actually jumped in front of a bullet to save my brother’s life, because he loved him. If I hadn't seen it with my own eyes I would not have believed it myself. In the end he tried to do good, but it wasn’t enough.

  After I step out the shower I put on some comfortable clothes of yoga pants and a soft cotton t-shirt. Gathering my hair up into a messy bun I feel very basic. For what I’m about to do I don’t need to be dressed up. Walking down the empty halls, I follow the pull to a room three doors away from my own. Stepping inside, I gaze at Hangman asleep on the bed. He’s completely naked with only a twisted sheet covering his lower half. His arm is thrown haphazardly over his face, and one of his legs is tossed out of the sheets. He looks almost normal, and not the trained killer lurking under a pretty shell. On close inspection I see that the massive hole in his chest from before is completely healed, and his body is free of blood. He must have also taken a shower after Cody healed him.

  “Is this a friendly visit, or are you here to kill me?” He asks, making me jump. I did not know he was awake, or that he was aware of my presence in the room for that matter.

  “Depends. Did you do anything to warrant me killing you?” I question.

  Opening his beautiful hazel eyes, he looks my body up and down. He has a hunger inside him, but my well being overrides that hunger.

  “You look well for someone who’s been to the void,” is all he says before sitting up and settling against the headboard.

  “How do you know about that?” I ask curious.

  “I can also dreamscape. I saw you there, but I chose to stay out of sight. I’ve been in a lot of your dreams actually,” he confesses, and I stare at him in shock.

  “I thought only royal Fae can dreamscape,” is all I can say.

  “It doesn’t happen often, but a non royal Fae can if they’re strong enough.”

  “So you know?” I say not really asking.

  “That you are my mate? Yes,” he whispers.

  “And what do you think about that?” I prod.

  “I don’t know what to think. I know you will never accept me. I have done too much, and I do not deserve your love. I will always be there for you, but I do not have any expectations.”

  “Why’d you do it then?” I question.

  “Do what? Save your brother, or work for O’Donnell?”

  “Both,” I answer.

  “I’m not ready to tell you about O’Donnell, but I can tell you that I saved your brother because I loved him, and your words from before rang true in my head. The ones where you asked me how much is enough. Your brother’s death would have been more than enough. O’Donnell had to be stopped, so I thought forfeiting my miserable existence for your brother’s would be enough to save my soul. I’m sorry The Fates deemed me unworthy to die. For you I will happily make the trade.”

  A tears slips past my defenses, and soon many others follow. He doesn’t try to reach out for me, or comfort me by telling me it will be alright, because we both know it won’t. He just stays silent and lets me cry, and for that I am grateful.

  “You’re right, I do not know if I can accept you. If my other mates will accept you, and I cannot make any promises for the future because our future is not certain. We knew that going in the life we chose to live. I don’t know if I can ever forgive you. I need time,” I tell him, and he nods in understanding.

  I leave his room with a heavy heart, and a shite ton of problems. My future may not be certain, but O’Donnell’s is. At first I wanted revenge. Vengeance brought me nothing but pain and uncertainty. Now I seek justice. O’Donnell will pay, and I will be the one to make him.

  To be continued…….


  I love writing this book. The idea for this story came to me one night, and I had to share it with the world. I hold Remy’s story close to my heart. Her journey isn’t an easy one. She goes through hell, but lucky for her she has her mates by her side. I hope you enjoyed her story, and will continue to stay turned to what’s to come. Thank you to everyone who helped make The Out for Blood Series a reality. A lot of people, time, and hours are put into each and every book I write. To my cover artist Veronica, Thank you for making a spur of the moment cover, and putting your crack addicting magic on it. To my editor Dani, you are a God send. Thank you for joining the team when I most needed you. To all my Betas and author friends who took the time away from your own books to read over my thoughts and give me advice, I appreciate each and every one of you. To my fans. Words cannot explain what you mean to me. I am so humbled that you enjoy my work, and I have a couple of die hards who have been with me from the beginning on this crazy ride. I am who I am because of you, and I love each and every one of you. If I had to leave a bit of advice, I would tell you to always follow your dreams, no matter how hard, or how out of reach they may seem, and to never give up. Lastly I would like to thank my children and my dogs for putting up with mommy’s long nights of writing, and sometimes forgetting to adult when I’m so caught up in my stories. Everything I do is for you. You are the fire behind my drive, and the fuel in my heart.

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  Books by CY Jones

  Out for Blood Series




  The Crown of Blood and Frost Series

  The Lost Heir

  Tainted Throne

  Reformed Series

  Diary of a Reformed Mean Girl

  About the Author

  CY Jones is a retired Army Veteran who lives in the suburb of South Carolina with her three children and two German Shepherds, Skittles and Raiden. In her spare time she likes to dream about supernaturals and the stories the voices in her head tell her to write. When she’s not writing she’s busy chasing after her children, her dreams, and the stars.





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