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VP Page 1

by Sienna Valentine

  Desperados MC


  by Sienna Valentine

  Copyright © 2014 Sienna Valentine

  All rights reserved.

  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, dialogue, and everything else are products of the author's imagination. Any resemblance to people or events, living or dead, is purely coincidental.

  Author's Note

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  The wind was whipping through Madison's long blond hair as the motorcycle roared down the freeway, the familiar vibrations between her legs keeping her alert during the drive. The first time she had ridden on one she had gotten off, and she could probably do it again now even though she was getting use to the feeling. She was amazed at how quickly she had grow accustomed to this, and everything else in her new life. After all, it had been less than a week since she had met Dax. Five days, to be exact. Not that she was counting. She just knew because her mother had pointed it out when she called her this morning. Five days since she took up with that hoodlum. And her parents wonder why she only stopped in quickly a few days ago to pick up some clothes, not having returned since. They just didn't get it.

  She leaned her head to the right, letting the wind hit her full on the face now instead of being blocked by the broad shoulders of the VP of the Desperados Motorcycle Club. Her hands were wrapped around his body and clutching his chest tightly. She could feel the VP patch underneath her palm. At least she was allowed to touch it now.

  The wind was stinging her eyes, the helmet she wore having no visor, but she loved the feeling regardless. It was freeing. The rushing air hitting her skin made it feel cool and alive, a sharp contrast to the stifling feeling she always had at home - bored and safe. She was an adult now, free to make her own decisions even if her parents vehemently disagreed with them. And boy, did they disagree with this one. Her mother had reminded her of that again on the call this morning. Madison resolved to set her phone to block her parent's number. She didn't need the guilt. This was her life, not theirs.

  Pulling her head back and tucking it behind Dax, she lay her helmet down against his back as they rode, closing her eyes. The safety she felt with this rough and powerful man was much different than the safety she felt at home for the past 19 years. Her life may be more exciting and dangerous now than it ever had been, but she knew Dax would protect her in a way her parents never could. Their version of safe was keeping her sheltered and away from the world. Dax brought her out into it. Let her live. But still offered the same protections.

  Of course, the mind blowing sex that she had with him didn't hurt either. She no longer had to be satisfied with fucking boys, and blowing little dicks after dinner and a movie only to be left unsatisfied on her doorstep afterwards. Now she had a real man, with a real cock. One who never failed to leave her unfulfilled. Just thinking about that cock made her start to get wet, although the vibrating motor between her thighs probably also had something to do with that.

  Madison smiled devilishly to herself and let one of her hands drop down into Dax's lap as he rode. Feeling nothing at first, she pushed against the tight jeans until she was greeted with an emerging stiffness. Within seconds her man was fully erect, and she rubbed her fingers up and down his clothed shaft. There wasn't much she could do to him on the bike other than play the tease, but whenever she did that it set them up for some fun times later on. Although in this case it would have to be much later, since she didn't imagine they were going to have a lot of opportunity to do anything about it once they got to the club. This was a serious run, and she only got to tag along because she could hang out at the bar while Dax did his business. Even still, he had made it clear that she wouldn't be able to do that without an escort.

  As if on cue, two more motorcycles pulled alongside Dax, pausing for a moment and then pulling ahead. Madison looked up and around the leather jacket in front of her to see that they had arrived. The building was just as dark as it had been the first time she had been here, looking more like an abandoned, if well maintained, warehouse than an underground casino. But she imagined that was the point. Only the full parking lot around the back and big bikers standing in front of the doors would tip someone off that the place was still in use.

  Dax pulled his bike around back and cut the motor after he pulled alongside the other bikes. Troy was already off of his hog, standing next to it and pulling off his helmet. Guts was still sitting on his, scowling at her and Dax as they pulled up. He was always in a bad mood. According to Dax, that was nothing new, but it had become worse since he'd been outvoted for the VP position. Losing to Dax had only served to give his sour mood more of a focus. Madison hated having to spend any time with the man, but he was still favored by the Prez who had been his biggest supporter, and the Prez had demanded he be part of this trip.

  Dax swung his leg over his bike and stepped off, Madison following closely behind. They both left their helmets on the bike and then turned to walk around the building to the front door. Madison caught another unpleasant look from Guts at being ignored, and she had to force herself from grinning. It would only make things worse if she showed that she thought it was funny that Dax would ignore him unless he absolutely had to interact for some reason. It drove Guts crazy, and made Madison admire Dax even more. Some people were afraid of Guts, apparently the details of him earning that nickname were pretty gruesome, but Dax showed no fear when he dealt with the man - often going out of his way to intentionally provoke him. It may not be the smartest move to have an enemy like Guts, but Madison knew that Dax was really just asserting his newly acquired authority. He was showing Guts, and the club at large, that he was VP and regardless of anyone's feeling about that, he would take no shit from anyone. He demanded respect, and he expected to get it. From what Madison could tell, most of the club fully supported that position. Guts didn't have a lot of fans, but he did have the one that counted. She wasn't clear what the president of the Desperados saw in the man.

  The four of them walked along the side of the building, coming around to the big doors that held the noise and light of the club away from the prying eyes of the street. Not that there were many eyes around other that people that wanted to come here anyway, the street and surrounding area were mostly deserted.

  As they came up to the two big bikers standing in front of the door, one of them smiled behind his big black beard as he greeted them. "Hey Veep, business or pleasure?"

  Dax scowled as he punched the big man in the shoulder. "Shit, that name better not stick."

  The bearded man laughed, rubbing his shoulder. "I think it might. Sarge is paying everyone twenty bucks every time they can prove they used it. I wonder if this bruise would be proof enough."

  Madison couldn't help herself, a burst of laughter flew from her mouth and now she was on the receiving end of Dax's scowl. Dane was the new Sergeant-at-arms, the spot Dax had vacated to become VP, and had inherited the nickname Sarge along with it. It had never stuck when Dax held the post, probably because he usually discouraged nicknames of his own, but it seemed to stick with Dane. In return, Dane had started referring to Dax as Veep. He had mentioned it as a joke one time and Dax had hated it, and apparently that had been enough for Dane to make it his mission to ensure that it stuck.
Dane's ol' lady was Trish, who Madison had become unlikely friends with after an initial rocky meeting.

  "Just open the fucking door, Thunder," Guts snarled from behind Dax. Thunder shot him a glance and then nodded, the smile fading quickly from his face. As far as Madison could tell, Guts had no sense of humor and thus never had time for jokes. The bearded biker named Thunder reached forward and grabbed the big door, heaving it open.

  Loud music and bright lights immediately flooded around the group, spilling into the night from the club within. Guts pushed past Madison and entered first, followed by Troy. Dax reached down and gave Madison's butt a little smack to get her to follow. She shot a quick reassuring smile at Thunder and then went in, Dax following closely on her heels.

  She'd been to the club a couple of times since that first night, when the prior VP of the Desperados had been shot and killed. She still felt uneasy being back, but each time it was a little better. A few drinks always helped, and she knew that Dax was going to relegate her to the bar anyway so she just started to walk towards it immediately without waiting for him to tell her. She didn't look back until she'd reached it, sliding her jeaned bottom up onto one of the stools and signaling to Lucy, the bartender, that she wanted to order something.

  The men were talking amongst themselves, barely having noticed that she'd left that. She still wasn't use to the biker culture of women being cut out of everything important, but she knew it wasn't something she was ever going to change. It was a constant battle just to be allowed to accompany Dax anywhere that had anything to do with club business, although she knew she wasn't the only one. Trish would often ride along with Dane, so she knew that the precedent had already been set. She'd wished Trish had come along tonight. She would have liked her company. She and Dane had been sent to do something else, though. As usual, Dax had been stingy with the details and she hadn't had a chance to ask Trish directly before she'd disappeared.

  "Hey Madison, whatchya havin'?" Lucy was one of the bartenders at the club. Each one of them looked very similar to Madison herself, actually. All of them had big tits, long hair and a penchant for loose tops and tight pants.

  "Whiskey sour," she said. Lucy nodded and turned away to make her drink. Ever since hooking up with Dax, Madison had been trying to get a taste for whiskey since that's mostly what he drank. It was foul stuff, but she found that when it was mixed with the sour taste of lime it actually wasn't half bad. Of course, Dax laughed at her every time she ordered it, calling it a girlie drink, but at least she was drinking whiskey. Baby steps.

  Lucy put the drink down in front of her with a smile. "How've you been, girl?"

  "Good, how about you? Things back to normal around here?"

  Lucy nodded. "For the most part. The police made things shitty for a couple of days, and I honestly thought they'd shut this whole place down, but all of sudden everything just went away and everything went back to normal."

  "Weird," Madison agreed, concentrating on her drink until Lucy left to go serve other customers. Madison wasn't supposed to tell anyone, but she knew why things went back to normal. The Desperados had paid off the police to leave this place alone. They generally would have kept the whole thing a secret but when the shots fired, multiple customers called 911 so there was no chance of hiding the murder of Magnum, the old VP. But the cops that showed up were ones that the club had dealt with in the past, and they were able to convince them to change a few details regarding their investigation. She didn't know all the particulars, but apparently the official story was that Magnum was shot in an old abandoned warehouse a block away. And those cops now had enough money to put their kids through college.

  "You drinking one of those fruity girl drinks?"

  Madison looked up to see Troy walking towards her, eyeing the glass on the bar next to her. She ignored his comment. "Where's Dax?" She scanned the crowd but her man was nowhere to be seen. He was likely in one of the backrooms.

  "Attending business, and guess who gets to babysit you?"

  Troy glared at her and then walked up to the bar, slamming his palm down hard to get Lucy's attention. "Whiskey," he barked when she looked his way.

  Lucy brought him his drink and he grabbed her hand as he set the drink down. "Hey now baby, what time you done tonight? You want to go for a ride?"

  Lucy pulled her hand back before he could get a good grip, smiling in a way that Madison could tell was forced. "Tempting Troy, but my boyfriend is usually here to pick me up when I get off. I doubt he'll want to wait around for me to take a ride. Thanks though!" She rushed away before he could respond.

  He picked up his drink and slammed it back and then dropped the glass down onto the bar with a thud as he sat down on the stool next to Madison. "That girl needs to feel a real cock, then she wouldn't be so anxious to get back to her little boyfriend." He said the word boyfriend with disdain.

  Madison said nothing, picking up her drink and bringing it to her lips to cover a smile she could feel starting to form. At the mention of the word cock, her mind couldn't help but conjure up the image of Troy naked, with his long thin dick that matched his wiry frame. If he thought Lucy needed to feel a real cock, surely he can't be suggesting his own. Although Madison hadn't fucked him, she did suck his dick that first night that she'd met him and Dax, before she'd become intertwined in the life of the other biker. She couldn't imagine that skinny dick satisfying anyone, though.

  Troy's eyes were staring at her chest again, as they often were. He was enamored with her huge tits, and took every opportunity to ogle them, especially if Dax wasn't around. She was sure that her tight white t-shirt wasn't helping much, or the fact that she had taken to not wearing a bra very often anymore. She liked the feeling of her unconfined tits up against Dax's strong back whenever she had her arms around him on the bike.

  "You know, it's a shame you and I didn't get a chance to bump uglies that first afternoon," Troy said, his eyes still firmly fixated on her chest as he spoke. "It's too bad that Dax became VP so quickly, or we may have had another chance," he continued, his voice a bit lower now as if he was talking more to himself than to her. Madison grabbed her drink and downed it quickly just as Lucy was approaching with the whiskey bottle to refill Troy's glass.

  "You want another one, hon?"

  Madison nodded and watched as Lucy refilled her drink as well. Troy's gaze had finally pulled away from her and was now back staring at Lucy's chest. Hers was more pronounced, since she was wearing a very low cut blue top, an obvious attempt to garner more tips.

  She picked up her now filled drink and took another big gulp, wondering how long it would be until Dax returned. She hated when he felt like he had to leave her with a chaperone, and it was worse that he chose Troy. In a way, it bothered her that he didn't care that she had sucked Troy's dick. Shouldn't he be more jealous, or worried about leaving the two of them alone.

  Right then, Troy let out a huge belch and then chuckled to himself.

  Clearly Dax knows he has nothing to worry about, she thought.

  The two of them sat quietly, both of them watching the crowds in the pits as they yelled and laughed, throwing dice and watching cards fly as money changed hands over and over. By the time Madison had finished her third drink, she was starting to feel tipsy and annoyed at having to wait for so long.

  Was he talking to the owner of the club, Yamada? They'd just gotten their payment less than a week ago, and she didn't think they would need another so soon. She looked down into her empty glass, contemplating getting another one. She turned her head to see if Lucy was nearby and saw her at the other end of the bar talking to someone. She then handed him something small and he pushed some bills into her hand in return. Whatever she gave him definitely wasn't a drink. Madison thought back to the first time she'd been at the bar. Drugs. Lucy was still selling drugs to the clientele. And unless she had gone all entrepreneurial and decided to branch out on her own, that meant that drugs were still on the menu at this place. She'd thought Dax had cleaned
that up already. She needed to tell him what she had seen.

  "Is Dax with Yamada in the office?" she suddenly asked Troy.

  The skinny biker turned his face to her, the scar that extended from his left eye to his lip stretched as he scowled. "I told you, club business, which means none of your business. Know your place, woman." Troy picked up his whiskey and drained it again, turning back to continue staring out into the crowd.

  Madison's face grew red but she held her tongue. No good would come in fighting with Troy. She found it annoying, though, that he had dismissed her so readily just to stare blankly out at a bunch of strangers.

  She watched him a bit longer and noticed that his eyes weren't really looking at the crowd in front of him so much as above them. She followed his gaze and saw they were actually fixated on the two big double doors that led back into the VIP Lounge. She knew from last time that VIP Lounge was just a fancy name for strip club. Of course Troy would be staring at that. He was probably hoping the doors would suddenly open and he'd catch a glance at some tits. All he cared about was the club and getting laid, not necessarily in that order.

  Madison watched the door for a while as well as she thought about that. Was Troy really watching the doors to see some stray boobs? Or was he watching because something else was going on.

  "Dax is back there, isn't he?"

  Troy said nothing, just continued to stare at the doors.

  Madison was annoyed now, the alcohol in her system fueling her irritation. Why had Dax gone back there without telling her, and why was Troy not saying anything? Could Dax have gone back there to carry on the tradition of the old VP? Her first - and only - trip to the back had led her to the Champagne room where Magnum had been double teaming a couple of strippers. The thought of Dax doing the same thing back there now, while leaving her to sit at the bar with Troy, was making her head being to spin.


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