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Warrior Page 3

by Jana LaPelle

  “Ah, alas, I cannot, and neither could Morríganna. She placed the cuffs on him without the means to remove them.”

  “What do you mean? If she placed them on him, surely she can remove them.” My beautiful mate’s eyes flash in frustration.

  By the goddess I have missed her, just standing next to her I can almost feel a tiny bit of my strength return, and my breath comes a little more easily before saying, “These cuffs are my burden to bear until we find a way to remove them. Ash, I was there when Luc asked The Morrígan for the key. She was very smug in the fact that she did not have a means to remove these shackles. I believe that once they were re-forged and put back into use, she never intended to release any that pose a threat to her and her ambitions. Therefore, it did not serve her purpose to have a means to remove them.”

  I watch as the wheels turn in her mind, her jaw clenches as she tries to work through the problem at hand before she turns back to Luc and demands, “Then release him. What good is he to you in The Underworld with his abilities nullified?” She asks, and I can tell that she is close to tears and that’s when I notice the dark smudges under her eyes and the strain on her face, she looks tired like she hasn’t been sleeping and I swear under my breath.

  Before I can intervene, Luc answers her question, “My Lady, I cannot just release him. I have a reputation to uphold as the almighty Prince of Darkness as you just stated. I will take your precious Alaric to The Underworld with me and you my dear will follow. You will find me, and we will discuss the terms of his release in my realm away from prying eyes and ears. Do you understand?” I have to wonder what he means by prying eyes and ears.

  “Ash, mo grá, please, don’t do this, I’ll find a way out. Trust me, okay?” I reach out to take her hand, and for a split second, I can almost feel her touch before my hand slips through her ethereal form.

  “I can’t let you do this alone, Elf-Man, I know in my heart and soul that you need me during this time, and I will not turn a blind eye to your need. I love you, and I’m coming for you.” Turning her attention to Luc, she asks, “How do I gain access to your domain?”

  “No, Ashlinn!”

  “This is not your decision Alaric. You know that once I’ve set my mind to do something that’s what I’m going to do. The last three days have been unbearable without you, and I will not be separated from you a moment longer than absolutely necessary. Now, Luc, how do we gain access to your realm?”

  Luc looks between us before imparting, “Through the rift, little Keeper. Look below. The rift between the realms that was wrought the night Cú Chulainn was resurrected continues to grow. Take a look for yourself. That is how you will find your way to Hell, and that is how Hell will find its way into this realm and the next. This was not my doing and balance must be restored. The solution to this enormous problem will have to come from this realm.”

  Before I can say anything further, Luc takes hold of my elbow, and he traces us away from the Isle of Tears. As we step out of the trace trail, I’m taken aback by the coolness that surrounds us. It’s not uncomfortable but unexpected. The skies are a dark red and the land around us is a dark grey or black, it’s hard to tell in the eerie reddish light. There is little to no vegetation. I’m surrounded by what looks to be a barren wasteland.

  Snapping my head toward Luc, I grind out, “You could have given me some warning that we were about to go, time enough to talk Ashlinn out of coming here for me, time to say goodbye.”

  “I think not. Welcome to the Fields of Punishment, Alaric. Here you will wander aimlessly until your kindred finds you. You will be at the mercy of all who dwell here, and you should know, there are many souls here. The living and the dead.” The wind whips about us mercilessly, sand, dirt, and grit finding their way into the open wounds on my back. The abrasiveness reminding me of the damage done to my backside that has not had time to heal without my healing ability. I immediately reach around to sooth the ache, and the wounds break open once again causing me to drop to my knees and to suck in my breath, and gnash my teeth together as the pain ricochets through my entire being. Breathing through the pain and steadying myself, I stand to listen to Luc as he continues all the while the wounds on my back weep furiously. I ignore the fact that I continue to lose blood, knowing that his words are important and require my concentration. I tune in to listen, “Alaric, you and Ashlinn now have a role to play in all the realms and I intend to see to it that you understand exactly what is at stake. Take a look around you. All hell will soon break free of its confines if she is not dealt with, and as the god of life, you need to bear witness to what Hell has to offer the realms of the living. I have accepted my place in the universe. I have embraced my dark tendencies. I am the opposite of my Father, and I create balance. You know the whole yin and yang thing. That’s what I was created for, I just wish that I would have realized that before I fell, and my wings were stripped from me. You and all those who stand with you need to understand that everything is about to go to hell in a handbasket if Morríganna succeeds and especially if the rift cannot be sealed.”

  I watch this powerful entity before me, and for a moment he looks regretful, and I take pity on him, “You know he would forgive you if you just asked for his forgiveness.”

  Luc chuckles and an ironic smile lights up his face and brightens this tenebrous, strange place before he says, “Yeah, well that’s not going to happen. Did you know that there are thought to be seven princes of hell? The Underworld became my dominion to reign over because I represent two of those said princes, Lucifer and Satan, pride and wrath. Need I say more? Besides, I’m where I need to be, and I have quite a bit of power as I am. You should know that you may come across the other five here in the Fields of Punishment if you are unlucky enough. Asmodeus may actually be able to help with the cuffs that bind you. He has had experience being bound by iron wrought from angel fire. But beware of the prince of lust. He is a tricky bastard, and not at all what you would think. He goes by Dez or Desmond nowadays.”

  “So, you’re just going to leave me here to wander the perils of Hell with my back laid open and no food or water? Is that your plan? Because I’m here to tell you, I think your plan sucks huge dragon balls.” I mean every word that I say as I survey at my surroundings. Luc’s hearty laughter takes me by surprise, and I turn back to him, his features are lit up, and I can see why he was once referred to as the morning star or bringer of dawn and not at all what I expected as the Prince of the Fallen of The Underworld. I’m beginning to wonder if I’ve had a mental break that I’m in no way ready to acknowledge. I can’t help but stare at the male before me as I contemplate the state of my mental being.

  “What? That was funny. I like you Alaric. Don’t tell anyone but I’m pulling for you and Ashlinn, the other five princes here in Hell may not understand at first, they have been removed from Morríganna’s plans, and that was by my design. The less they know, the better. You should know that I reign supreme everywhere in The Underworld, but here in the Fields of Punishment, there are seven levels of hell. They are tied directly to the seven deadly sins, and although I rule over pride and wrath, I share these fields with my brothers. I certainly hope you know what they are and can recognize them. In order to find your way to the rift and back to your kindred, you will have to navigate the pitfalls of The Underworld and possibly the deadly sins. The pitfalls and the deadly sins are not so much levels of hell, but tests that will be on your horizon. I expect that envy and pride will be where you falter. “Pride, now I understand pride.” Sighing he continues, “Here you are at the mercy of your surroundings. Try to keep a low profile and keep on the move. Once I’ve spoken with Ashlinn she will be joining you here. Oh, by the way, here is a granola bar and a skin flask of water. Go easy on it, it’s all you have. The Fields of Punishment are not all bad, and you may find safe harbor at times and nourishment but beware and don’t trust too easily. Not all is what it may seem.”

  I take the proffered food and water and mumble, “Gee, tha

  “Good luck Alaric,” and with that, he winks out of sight, and I’m suddenly alone in this alien wasteland. I have no idea as to what awaits me and absolutely no idea as to which way to venture. Turning I see what looks like a mountain range. I begin walking in that general direction hoping that I can find shelter from the driving wind and possible answers as to where the rift between realms can be found. I miss Ash, but I’m resolute in my determination to get out of this ginormous mess and begin trudging along, my footsteps heavy but steady. I have a long way to walk to get to the mountain range on the horizon before me.

  Chapter 4


  Oh, hell no! First, I have to deal with The Morrígan taking Alaric and binding his abilities and now Lucifer, Prince of The Underworld? And what was that burst of life in our kindred bond? How did that happen? The inked-up bastard didn’t even let us say goodbye before whisking Alaric away from me and this realm straight to Hell. It’s almost too much for me to bear to think of Alaric in what I can only imagine being a horrid place. He’s being tossed around like he’s someone’s possession to do with him what they please. Morríganna certainly wasted no time using Alaric as her whipping boy. I tried to keep my expression neutral when I saw the state of Alaric’s back and arms, but I’m sure that I failed miserably on that front. The rage boiling inside of me is not something that will be contained for very long. My handsome Elf-Man looked exhausted and haggard, my heart weeps remembering the haunted and resigned look in his eyes from just moments before. There was an almost hopelessness that resided there, and it’s been only three days. I have to find him and find a way to remove the cuffs that bind him, I can tell that they are not only suppressing his abilities but are literally weighing him down as if he is carrying a lead ball around with him. I love him so much. Even with all that he has been through he is still trying to protect me. Well, screw that. I’m coming for you Elf-Man, just hang in there for a little while longer.

  Inhaling slowly to calm myself, I take a moment to look around me, the sunlight is bright and lends a different feel to the ruins of this place from the last time I was here just days ago. In the midst of so much chaos from before, I find beauty in the ruins. The bluebells are in bloom on the gentle slope that leads up to the tree line, and the tender white flowers of the Shamrock plant are swaying in the breeze coming off the waters that surround the island. I spin around as I listen for something, anything other than the sound of the wind and there is not a cricket, the buzzing of bees, nor the chirping or calling of birds. The island is utterly silent, and a shiver runs through me, it’s as if all matter of creatures has removed themselves from this place. Remnants of the battle remain, but that is all I see, there is no wildlife in the area, and I’m now officially spooked.

  Luc is right I need to take a look below. He apparently wants me to see the rift before I leave. I should have been back here before now. It’s time to see what The Morrígan has wrought. Now that Cú Chulainn has been brought back from the dead, the entrance to the crypt below remains open, a large round gaping dark hole that is just waiting to swallow me up, in the blink of an eye, I’m underground standing before the shadowy chamber. Memories of what happened here rebound around my mind, and everywhere I look I see ghostly images as I relive that night all over again. I realize that I could have gone a thousand lifetimes without ever seeing this place again. Inhaling deeply, I move forward into the chamber, and that’s when I feel it. The signature of leftover dark majic, but it’s something more than that. There’s an eerie crimson pulsating glow that is illuminating the back of the chamber, and I find that I’m pulled toward it. I know that this is how I will get to Alaric and gain entrance into the realm of the dead, I can feel it. The angry looking fissure runs along the opening of the tomb but looks as if it has moved upward along the back wall in its jagged intent to expand and grow. What I’m seeing is a tear between the realms. It’s an abomination. We have to find a way to stop this rift from growing out of hand, but for now, it’s my way into The Underworld, my way to Alaric. With every moment of every day that passes this rift will continue to grow, and I have no doubt that The Mortal Realm will be brought into the war that looms in our near future. I need to plan, and I need to get to Alaric, I allow my dream walker form to head back to Glenndale Loch as quickly as absolutely possible, and the world around me blends to ribbons of color as I speed back to my physical form.

  I wake with a start, sitting bolt upright. I look around me to see Lexie and Jasmine hovering over me with worried expressions. “How long have I been out?”

  Lexie looks at me, her green eyes flash with concern, “Not more than an hour and a half, but your heart rate picked up, and we became worried, but we couldn’t wake you. Where have you been?”

  “I found Alaric, and you are not going to believe this. He’s now with Lucifer or Luc or whatever the hell he goes by nowadays. He took Alaric from The Morrígan as payment for what she took from him the other night, mainly Cú Chulainn. He has taken Alaric to The Underworld. Gather everyone together. I leave here as soon as possible to go after Alaric. He’s hurt. He’s been tortured just like I feared. The Morrígan has flogged him repeatedly over the last several days. His back… I swear I’m going to hurt her; his back is laid open and is one massive wound from all the whippings she has delivered. I need to get to him. I need to bring him home!”

  Lexie and Jasmine look at one another and Lexie nods, “Okay. We’ve been preparing for this. Not for The Underworld but for going after Alaric. I’ve already informed Declan, and he’s calling everyone together.”

  Jasmine flutters over to my side, “I’m going with you, Ash. Cam and I are in agreement on this, besides a satyr and a sprite could come in handy where you are headed. On a more serious note, Lillie, Lachlan, and the pups, do you want them here or in Taisclainne Anam.”

  I stop to slip out of bed and pad quietly into the nursery. My little angels are napping, and their constant companions lift their furry little faces to look up at me, their ears twitching as if waiting for instructions. I reach down and pet both Cara and Bán and say quietly, “I need you two to look after Lillie and Lachlan while I’m away. I’ll be back to make the necessary arrangements, you will be going with them to The Twilight Realm, that way I know you will all be safe. Rest easy for now, I’m so happy that they found you both. The two nuzzle into my hand licking my palms and fingers before settling back down beside the sleeping twins. Turning back to Jasmine and Lexie, “I’ll follow Alaric’s wishes on this, they go to Taisclainne Anam with their protection guard. Now is everyone ready?” Looking down at my attire I think that I should probably change into something more appropriate than jeans and a yellow halter top, but I don’t have time. “Come on let’s get downstairs.”

  As we make our way to the outer chambers, I spy the letter that Alaric left for me, and I’m steadfast in my determination. Looking toward Millie, I say, “I know where he is Millie, and we’re going to get him and bring him home. Can you prepare to take the children to Taisclainne Anam until I get back with him? I’ll be back after I meet with everyone to prepare for our trip to The Underworld.”

  “By the gods, The Underworld? How, Ashlinn?”

  “That’s a long story, and we’ll bring you up to speed in a bit, I promise. I’ll be back soon to spend some quality time with the twins before I have to leave out. I have no idea as to how time runs in The Underworld, but I have a feeling it will be different from what we are used to.”

  Lexie and Jasmine round on me and take both my hands as we make our way down to the library, our meeting place. I look over to Lexie and ask, “Morgwais, have you heard from her?”

  “It’s so strange, no one has heard from her,” Lexie relays as we rush down the stairs to the main level of the Keep, our footfalls echoing around the open stairwell.

  “There is something there that we’re missing here, mark my words.” I look around as we rush into the library and see that everyone is in attendance, and I look bac
k to Lexie and Jasmine, “We need to find her. I feel it deep down in my being that she is key to our winning against The Morrígan. That and a few dozen other things.” I inhale deeply before turning and addressing everyone in attendance, “I know where Alaric is!”

  “Well, Little Bit, don’t keep us waiting. Where is he?” Tolin’s voice booms out.

  I can’t help the sob that escapes me when I answer him, “T…, Alaric has been taken to The Underworld.”

  “Bloody Hell!” I hear several people exclaim around the room.

  I quickly relay my encounter with Luc, and Alaric’s current predicament to everyone in the room, then shifting my focus to Dagda and Lugh, I implore, “I need to assemble a small team to go with me to extract Alaric from Luc’s realm.” I turn to look to see who all are assembled, before asking, “Is Tarron here? Was he called to this meeting?”

  “I’m here now, mo solas.” I hear his resounding voice from the hallway.

  I turn to see the handsome incubus stride into the room. He’s sporting his leathers, a bare chest with crisscrossing sword harnesses. He is a vision of pure masculinity and will make some lucky female a sexy as hell mate. I smile before blurting out, “Tarron, I need you to go with me to The Underworld to collect Alaric. Luc has him. Luc, Lucifer, whatever the hell he is going by these days, he has retrieved Alaric from The Morrígan and taken him to The Underworld as retribution for her taking Cú Chulainn from him. I’m supposed to navigate the rift between the realms to find him and negotiate the terms of Alaric’s release. I know you are supposed to be gathering your horde, but I feel as though I need you on this quest. I have no idea as to how time will run in The Underworld, and I have no right to ask this of you, but he needs us, all of us that are closest to him and that includes you, Tarron.”

  “Of course I’ll go with you Ashlinn, and don’t worry about The Horde. I’ll send word to Jericho to continue his directive and lead The Horde in my absence. I may have to head back to speak to my counsel, but it shouldn’t take any time at all if Dagda can trace me there and back.” Tarron takes my hand in his own and gently squeezes my fingers, “We will get him back, mo solas.”


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