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Warrior Page 7

by Jana LaPelle

  Clearly, he is mistaken, I have Tarron and Tolin with me, and that’s it. Sighing, I sprint up the staircase with Tarron and Tolin on my heels. I call after Luc, “Hey… Wait up.”

  He calls back down to me, “We’re almost there, little Keeper. I would appreciate it if you and your hand-picked protectors would keep up.” As he reaches the top of the staircase, he enters a room that appears to be at the top of a turret, and I can sense that it is heavily spelled. He motions me inside. I hesitate for just an instant before pushing forward. I race up the last few steps to the landing and enter the room after Luc with Tarron and Tolin not far behind me.

  Once inside, I demand, “What’s up with you? Why all the secrecy?” I shrug out of my backpack and toss it aside. As it hits the wall and falls to the ground, I hear a grunt and muttered cursing. Looking over at my pack, I mutter, “What the hell? Surely she didn’t…” I take a couple of steps toward my discarded bag as the flap flies open, and out flops an utterly disheveled Jasmine, I have never seen her in such a state, and she is fit to be tied. I can see it in her eyes.

  “What the hell, Ash? Are you trying to kill me?” Her crystalline blue eyes flash in anger as she pushes to her feet to take off flying straight for my face.

  “My trying to kill you would require me actually knowing that you were hitching a ride in my backpack. What are you doing here, Jasmine? You are not supposed to be here! I wanted you nowhere near this realm. What is Cam going to think?” Suddenly, I run out of steam when I realize that I’m actually glad to see my sprite friend, I couldn’t stand it knowing that she was so angry with me. I hang my head in defeat, and with a heavy sigh, I ask, “Jaz, seriously... are you okay?” She nods but is looking seriously freaked out, and I ask, “What’s wrong?”

  Her eyes are huge, “I can’t shift to my faerie size. I’ve tried.”

  Luc steps forward, “As long as you are here, you will not be able to shift from one form to the other. Certain abilities are nullified here in this realm for some of you. Although, I do believe that your pixie size will carry more weight here. Now that the third party in your group has been revealed, Ashlinn, can we get down to business?”

  “Not yet,” I hold up my hand and glare at Luc before turning my attention to Jasmine, “Does Camoryn know what you have done?”

  She bows her head in dejection and whispers, “He will. He’s seriously going to kill me when I get back.” Tears gather in her eyes, “He may even renounce our binding after what I have done. I promised to behave myself, and I’m pretty sure that meant not stowing away in your bag and coming here with you and without him.”

  “Oh, Jaz… Why would you risk so much?” I sigh for like the umpteenth time before smiling at my dearest little friend to impart, “For what it’s worth, I know that Camoryn will forgive you. I fear that you will need to work for his forgiveness. You left him behind. I wouldn’t be surprised if he tries to push past the sentinels to get to you here in this realm. He will be frantically worried about you. You really shouldn’t have come, my dear friend.”

  “I couldn’t let you do this on your own. I know you have Tarron and Tolin, but there is such a thing as girl power, ya know? What kind of friend would I be if I let you come to The Underworld without me, I promised you that we would get Alaric back. We, as in you and me, and this is me making good on my promise to you.”

  “You know I love you, right? As angry as I am with you at this very moment, I love your spirit and your intense loyalty. That being said,” turning to Luc I inquire, “Can you send her back?”

  “What? No! I’m here to stay. I leave when you leave after we have gotten what we have come for.” Jasmine glares back at me. I can tell that I’ve just pissed her off again, but I have to know.

  Luc looks between us and shakes his head, “No. I believe that she is here for the duration. She, as your other companions, has chosen to stand by your side. You should be flattered that you inspire such devotion from your minions.” The prince of darkness smirks darkly before turning his back on us. He casually saunters over to a well-stocked bar to pour himself a drink.

  I take offense at my friends, my family being called minions and fire back at Luc, “First of all, these individuals that are here with me are my family. They are not my minions. They are special to me, and I will not have you stand there and belittle the reason why they are here.” At some point, I shifted my stance, and my hands are firmly on my hips as I square off with Luc. He glances over his shoulder and flashes me a thousand-watt smile, and the room seems to light up. I can tell that he enjoys getting under my skin. For a moment, I’m taken aback as I take him in, like really take a good look at him. Yes, there is a darkness within that he willingly embraces, a part of him that he does not deny, but there is also a radiance that shines from him that is throwing me off balance, and I’m not sure what to make of him. The contradiction is baffling.

  “Drink, anyone? Ashlinn, I do believe that this bourbon is distilled in your home state in The Mortal Realm.” I recognize the liquor bottle behind him to be Maker’s Mark Private Select. The bottle is about two-thirds of the way full with the amber colored drink, and it sports a red wax capped top. It’s their signature, every bottle is hand dipped in red wax sealing the bottle.

  Tarron steps forward, “I’ll have a drink, I take mine neat.” I slap his arm, and he just grins at me, “What, mo solas? It will take the edge off.”

  Tolin strides forward, “I’ll have mine on ice if you have any. Come on Ash, lighten up. I believe that we have just reached the negotiation phase of our trip to this realm. Let’s relax and hear what Luc has to say. A drink couldn’t hurt.”

  I sigh and look at Jasmine. She just hovers beside me and shrugs. Apparently, she is settling in for the long haul. I have to give the girl credit. She is loyal to a fault. Looking back at the males in the room, I watch as they get cozy over their Kentucky bourbon. Sighing, I realize that if you “can’t beat ‘em, join ‘em.” I walk over and say, “Two fingers, neat. Now… Let’s get to it.”

  Luc smiles, turns to pour my bourbon, and motions for us to take seats on the terrace overlooking the mountain range that we just came from. I opt to walk over to the railing for a better look around me. The rift shines brightly for all to see nestled up in the dark mountain, it shines with the intensity of a star. Its light is a bright white with hues of blue, and it pulsates with life drawing your eye to it. In the time that we have been here, the dark red sky has not changed its hue, which showcases the rift in all its glory. I can’t imagine what he thought when that atrocity appeared, wreaking havoc here in his domain. I walk toward the stone railing and lean on it as I casually look around me. I startle when Luc appears beside me suddenly, holding out my drink to me. I stare down at it and take the heavy crystal highball and toss the bourbon back down my throat in one swallow, and hand the glass back. “Thank you. Now, I have a few questions. How do I find Alaric? I know he’s here.” I point to the mountain range, and say, “He’s over there passed the mountains. How do I get to him?”

  Luc’s eyebrows are raised, but there is a quirky grin that lights up his handsome face, “Well now, I didn’t expect that. Would you care for another?”

  “Not particularly. Answer the question, Luc.” I press.

  Sighing, Luc walks back to the bar and refills my glass. Tolin and Tarron are watching me, concern etched on their faces, and I shake my head, indicating that I do not want them to interfere. Not yet anyway. Luc turns back to me, “Alaric’s time here is not yet complete, and neither is yours. You have only just arrived. Little goddess, you and he both need to understand what it would mean if The Underworld found its way to the realms of the living. Not that this realm is strictly designed for only the dead. As you have seen firsthand, there are quite a few beings here that are part of the living, but their souls belong to me. They are part of The Underworld, and only I have dominion here. You may be the Keeper of Souls in The Otherworld, The Mortal Realm, and in Taisclainne Anam, but not here. In this
realm, you are not permitted to reap a single soul. All souls in this realm belong to me and to me alone. If you attempt to reap even one soul, then you will forfeit either your soul or Alaric’s to reside forever here in The Underworld. Do you understand?”

  I stare at him defiantly, “Why would I want to reap any souls here in your domain? If what you say is true, then how is it that The Morrígan was so easily able to rip Cú Chulainn’s soul from your grasp?”

  He regards me as if I’m a petulant child, and I guess that I am for all intents and purposes, he has been around since the beginning of time. I don’t fail to notice the hard glint of his eyes before he responds to me, “What Morríganna did was no easy feat. Lest you forget how many souls gave their lives for his.” He motions toward the rift, “It was not without consequences, not a single solitary soul was ushered into my realm.” His tone is reprimanding, “Little Keeper, do you think that all souls here in The Underworld are souls of the damned? The living and the dead? Souls that you would never long to reap?” He asks, studying me, waiting for my answer.

  “It is The Underworld.” I take my refilled glass and eye it warily before glaring back up at Luc defiantly.

  “You may be surprised, little one. I’m curious. What did you think you would find here in this realm? Chaos? All matter of demons running amok? Please indulge me.”

  “I really had no idea as to what to expect. My Guardians here tried to prepare for any and all possible threats, but I saw that as pointless. We had no idea as to what we would find here. I know that I did not expect the civilized town that we rode through not that long ago. I’m curious to know if there are others like that one and if that is where I can find Alaric.” The need to know where my kindred is has begun to nag at me now that I’m so close to getting him back.

  “Ashlinn, I need for you to focus on the question at hand. I can assure you that Alaric has found temporary sanctuary. He is healing, and he is safe for now. He has made an unlikely friend. He is well.” Luc, studies me before continuing, “I know this won’t sit well with you, but you will not be allowed to leave here for a few more days. Alaric has much to discover as do you.”

  My anger boils to the surface, “You said- “

  “Little goddess, you and your companions are going to get a crash course in all things Underworld. Yours truly will be your guide. Alaric has found a pure of heart soul to guide him, and I have no worries as to his wellbeing. You will need to trust me on this.”

  Through gritted teeth, I respond, “Trust you? I barely know you. If it were not for you, Alaric would not be here in The Underworld.” I seethe.

  “If not for me, your precious kindred would be rotting in Morríganna’s dungeon, and you would be no closer to finding him than you were before I broke him out of there. At least here, he has had a chance to heal and recuperate from his time with his deranged captor. On top of that, as long as he remained in The Morrígan’s clutches he could be used as leverage against you and The Tree of Life. You should be thanking me.”

  “Way to go, Ashlinn. You have just pissed off the prince of darkness.” Jaz whispers in my ear nervously.

  I had all but forgotten that she was here. I take a deep, steadying breath before looking back out over this strange land. I know he’s right. I just don’t approve of his methods. I find myself absently rubbing at the ache that has settled in my chest. I look back at our host feeling almost defeated when I say, “You were correct in your assumption. Not going directly to Alaric does not sit well with me, Luc. It goes against my baser instincts. I know that Alaric needs me, and we need him back. I need him back, damn it!”

  “I expected no less, but you will obey me on this. Ashlinn, The Underworld is a primitive and dangerous place, and most beings here react on pure instinct when their very existence is at stake. That shadow demon that you encountered in The Otherworld? That’s just the tip of the proverbial ice burg. Those greater demons reside in the depths of Hell. They were placed there for a reason and a purpose, under lock and key. The Morrígan could care less as to the destruction her actions will wreak. Her primary focus is attaining power and control. She cares not who or what suffers in the wake of her actions. That’s why it’s so important that you are here Ashlinn. She is ready to unleash the wrath of hell upon The Mortal Realms, and you and those that stand with you need to understand what that means for your precious worlds. Here on this side of The Great Divide, we are more civilized, but over there…” He motions toward the mountain range that runs for as far as I can see with his drink in hand before he continues, “Here there is order. Here they follow me because I see to their needs. The greater demons resent the hell out of my control over them. They relish any time that they are freed from their imprisonment.” Luc points again, his glass almost empty now, just one swallow remains, “That abomination will unleash Hell on Earth. For now, it only appears to those that are content but soon that beacon of light will grow and once it reaches the other side of the divide, be ready, little Keeper. If that rift cannot be contained, then all matter of demons with soon spill forth and walk in The Realms of the Living. So yes, Ashlinn, I intend to keep you here until you have a firm grasp on just what it will mean for all hell to break loose on the other side of that rift.”

  Sighing, I look down at the drink in my hand. Instead of tossing it back, I sip the contents and wait for the alcohol to relax me before looking back at the prince of Hell. I’m still pissed, and thus far, I’m far from relaxed and having a hard time reigning in my anger at once more being separated from Alaric, before biting out, “Then, by all means, Luc, give me the CliffsNotes version. So far, The Underworld has not been all that daunting. Alaric and I were able to banish a shadow demon back here. So please spill.”

  Luc sighs, “That’s because you have only seen about a tenth of what this realm has to offer if that. Trust me Ashlinn, I’ll know once Alaric begins the second leg of his journey through the Fields of Punishment. Once that has happened, I will send you forth to collect your kindred. For now, you remain here as my guest.”

  I make to argue with the male in front of me when my vision begins to bleed to black around the edges. I stumble, righting myself and think dear God, what’s wrong with me? I look over to see Tarron and Tolin slumped over in their seats. Realization dawns on me as my fingers lose their grasp on the crystal glass in my hands. I watch numbly as the glass slips from my fingers to crash to the stone floor shattering and spilling the liquid contents within to pool on the tiles in a glittering mess. I blink a couple of times trying to clear my head.

  I hear Luc speak as if from down a far away tunnel and his voice warbles, “I’m so very sorry, my dear guest, I had no choice. I knew you would resist my attempts to keep you here. The effects will wear off soon, and then we can talk once more. Jasmine, watch over your friends, they will be made comfortable shortly.” My vision fades as he easily catches my useless form. All my senses are shutting down under the influence of whatever drug Luc has slipped in our drinks. Luc gently pulls me up into his grasp and carries me from the spelled room and down the hall. I’m helpless but to look around me drunkenly. He enters a room and deposits me on a soft surface pulling a cover over me. As everything fades to black, I hear, “Rest easy, little goddess. No harm will come to you or your friends while under my protection.”

  But what of Alaric? I wonder, unable to murmur the words aloud before darkness claims me.

  Chapter 9


  Paynga noticed my unrest several days ago when she caught me absently rubbing the spot just above my breastbone. After explaining to her that the cuffs I wear nullify not only my abilities but my kindred bond as well, she suggested that I try meditation. Her theory is that, if I’m able to reach a level of spiritual enlightenment that I could override the physical binding of the irons I wear and reach out to Ashlinn. So here I sit in the lotus position on my sleeping cot. Everyone has gone to bed. It feels as if I’ve been sitting here for hours while everyone around me sleeps. My det
ermination to connect with Ashlinn is pushing me hard to succeed. I just need to let her know that I’m okay so she will not worry so much about me. The last time she saw me, I could read the concern in her eyes. That and I just need to feel her through our bond. I miss the feel of the brush of her mind against mine, the support she sends my way, and the raw emotion she so willingly shares with me. My need for my kindred makes me a pathetic, selfish bastard, but that changes nothing. If I can find a way to connect with Ash, then I will. I’m not really sure how many days we have been parted now, but it has to be at least a week, probably much more.

  Exasperated with my lack of success, I decide to quietly step out of the dwelling where I have been staying with Paynga and Pip. I think that my restless mind will be calmed near the water, I’ve always loved the peace that the waterfall back home has brought me and decide to seek out the waterfall here. I slip into my boots and tiptoe past a slumbering Pip. He hangs from his sleeping post like a bat, his clawed feet clasping his post tightly. His arms are folded over his chest, and his wings are wrapped tightly around his small frame. As I slip out of their hut, I look around to see that there is little to no activity at this time in the borough. I quickly make my way to the sound of the waterfall toward the bottom of the cavern. My leather soled boots make little to no noise in my wake as I traverse the gently sloping alleyways. No one stops me, and before I know it, I’m standing before the waterfall that feeds the cavern’s underground lake. I can already feel myself relax standing here next to the falls, listening to the thundering rushing water, and staring out over the lake. I close my eyes and imagine myself back home, for just a moment my mind lingers on the thought. Sighing, I look back up toward the archaic town, the lighting in the borough is dimmed this time of day. There are street lanterns that are lit providing just enough light to navigate the streets and paths through their town, but the rest of the cavern has been plunged into a darkness that is so extreme in its intensity that it makes me uncomfortable. Looking up at the cave’s ceiling, I always expect to see stars and for them to be absent seems wrong and reminds me yet again that I’m in a foreign place.


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