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Warrior Page 9

by Jana LaPelle

  “Gah… You are infuriating.” I sputter as I begin to calm down.

  “I have been told that a time or two. I have nourishment that has been prepared for you and your companions. We will take our meal in my study. It will be easier to show you what I’m talking about from there.”

  Tolin steps forward, coming over to me, he grins broadly, “Little Bit, you should see his enchanted table. It is really cool.”

  I look up at T, shaking my head in consternation, “How are you okay with all of this, T? He drugged us. Just to keep us here longer, to keep us away from Alaric. I swear I don’t understand why you are not mad.”

  “I was at first, but Tarron and I have been awake longer than you Ash. We’ve had time to talk to Luc and calm down.”

  I turn away from everyone in the room and see the state of the far wall and floor, which instantly puts me in my place. Turning to Luc, I ask, “Do you have a mop and broom. I have a mess to clean up before we head to your study.”

  Sighing, he takes in my destructive actions, “Ashlinn, I see that you are going to wreak havoc on my crystal. From here on out you have been downgraded to mundane glass. Either way, you should not concern yourself with that, it will be taken care of, I’m curious though, how did you know that Alaric was heading out to find you and the rift?” He eyes me curiously.

  “I was about to ask Tarron what he meant when he said that you were showing them where Alaric was?” I retort, Jasmine takes that moment to nimbly land on my shoulder.

  “It would appear that we both have information to share. Come, little keeper, you need to eat. I have much to show you and I will confirm for you that Alaric is alright for now.”

  I concede, “Alright. I am hungry, but so help me, if you try to drug me again, I will not be responsible for my actions.” With that I march out of the room and wait patiently on the landing for my escort.

  Jasmine’s wings flutter, reminding me that she is still on my shoulder, I look over at my friend to see that she is as skeptical as I am. Looking around my surroundings, I realize that I have absolutely no clue as to where I am, and I have no idea as to how long I was knocked out in my drugged stupor. I follow Luc, Tarron, and Tolin at a bit of a distance. In a whisper, I ask, “How long have I been out?”

  “Honestly, Ash, I have no idea. This place, what I have seen of it, is so bizarre. The sky has no sun, it’s always just an eerie red glow, kind of like a perpetual red twilight, but without stars. Where does the red glow come from? It’s really freaky. That, and I haven’t been able to track the passing of time. I have noticed from the city below that the inhabitants there do retire for what I would consider an evening’s slumber, and then are back at it again. It’s as if they are in sync to when morning rolls around, but I have no idea as to how that is determined. I’ve not seen one clock anywhere.” She shrugs her miniature shoulders and stares back at me with wide eyes.

  “So, you noticed the town seemed to sleep. During that time did I sleep through one or two of those cycles?”

  “At least three. You were out a long time. I was worried that you had become our very own sleeping beauty.”

  “Very funny, Jaz,” I quip, but then can’t help but ask, “While I was out, did you do a little investigating?” My curiosity getting the best of me. We reach what looks to be the second level of this massive place and turn down a hall. Luc disappears into a double door entry way. I pause to hear what Jasmine has to say.

  She whispers, “Yes, but this place is locked down tight. The She-demons come and go at Luc’s bidding. From what I have gathered, they are his royal, bad ass, army.”

  “Little Bit? You coming?” T sticks his head out of the room and pins us with a curious look. His excitement is evident, he can barely contain his grin, he looks like a kid on Christmas morning, “Come on,” he urges.

  My exasperation at this situation is still riding me hard, but I take a deep, calming breath, and ask, “What can possibly be so-”

  T grabs my hand and pulls me forward, saying, “Trust me Ash, you have to take a look at this.”

  He pulls me into Luc’s study. I’m reluctant to follow him, but it is physically impossible for me to resist. I look over to see Tarron and Luc studying the table in the middle of the room. On the far wall, I see several large, flat screen monitors playing out scenes that look to be recorded here in this realm. They look out of place here and I wonder if they operate on electricity since nothing else in this realm appears to run on a type of power that I’m familiar with. My gaze swivels back to the table. Luc waves his hands over the ornate table and then his hands and arms raise upward and then the scenery changes. Suddenly, I’m looking down on Alaric as he exits a tunnel. I look up to find Luc, “How? How is it that you…” My breath catches. “Is this real?”

  “Yes, Ashlinn, it’s real. What you are seeing here is happening in real time in this realm. Alaric is just now making his way back out into the Fields of Punishment. From here I can monitor what is going on and where. I can send you to your kindred at this moment, but you and Alaric need to understand this realm. I need to show you the underbelly of The Underworld. Before that though, you need nourishment. You have been sleeping for a while. Come, we will eat, and then you will get an education on The Underworld.”

  I fight my need to argue, and inhale deeply calming myself. This is happening whether I want it to or not. At this point it is probably best not the fight the prince of darkness.

  Chapter 11


  I know I did the right thing by allowing Paynga to deal with Pip without my interference. She is better equipped to deal with his hurt feelings, after all, she is his mother. As a father, it just doesn’t sit right with me. I broke my promise to him, and now I’m never going to see the little guy again. I don’t want to be that male. The type of person that walks away from someone that means so much, but Paynga really didn’t give me much of a choice, not that there really was one. I just wish that things between us had ended differently. In a very short period of time, that little imp got under my skin and became very important to me. I know if he hadn’t found me when he did, I wouldn’t have made it this far. I hear the brush behind me rustle, pulling me out of my reflections. Snapping my head around, I look to see if there is something or someone behind me, but once more I don’t see a single thing out of the ordinary. That’s the second time that I’ve heard the brush rustle in my wake. Stepping behind a large tree trunk and then another and another, I quietly move to hide myself from view within the shadows. I stare out into the darkened woods behind me, I watch and wait. Nothing. I shrug it off, my mind must be playing tricks on me.

  Above me is another story, the nocturbeast have been circling overhead off and on for what seems like hours. I feel as if they are somehow tracking my progress. Since leaving the safety of the caves, I’ve gotten a good look at the beast in the sky. They are a cross between a raven and a panther, my guess is that they are some type of griffin. They look massive and from my hiding place in the forest, I have seen that, at times, there are a few that are being ridden. From this distance I have been unable to make out the figures riding the beasts. The branches of the massive trees of this forest have kept me hidden from their view, and so far, out of their clutches. I’m not sure how long I will be able to rely on this wooded place to cloak me from their scrutiny. Every so often I hear them screeching overhead, and I have to admit that the sound unnerves me. I have very few weapons. None of which are exceptional. By the goddess, I miss my own swords, at least The Sword of Light did not end up in The Morrígan’s clutches, and I’m thankful for that. I know that Ashlinn would have retrieved it the moment I relinquished it.

  Turning back to the path in front of me, I begin trudging along once more. This place is strange and just a little creepy. The trees grow at odd angles and the shadows here are disconcerting. The undergrowth is dead and rotting in some areas, but in others seems to thrive. The tenebrous woods is a contradiction with every step I take. Since entering
this place, I have yet to hear the expected sounds of birds or insects, there is just an odd quiet that surrounds me creating a sense of unease. Looking around, I push forward. The undergrowth and trees give way to a rocky path that winds through the forest. It quickly becomes obvious that this path is traveled frequently to keep the undergrowth at bay. In the distance, I hear some sort of commotion and make my way forward. It sounds as though an argument is taking place. I step back into the forest and navigate the trees away from the path, keeping it in sight as I draw closer to what appears to be a small clearing to take in the horrifying scene in front of me.

  The gaggle of creatures are arguing amongst themselves. They appear to be some sort of humanoid. Their skin is pale and a pasty grey, what hair they have is stringy and in patches, they are emaciated to the point that they are little more than skeletal looking creatures. I watch as they bicker amongst themselves, shoving and pushing one another away from a large beast that lays dead upon the ground. The one closest to the kill turns away from the others and knells down to… By the goddess, it’s mouth opens and begins to elongate displaying razor sharp teeth. It begins to tear into the flesh of the beast with a ferocious intensity. Blood and flesh are plastered to its face and cling to its teeth. The others see that their companion has abandoned the argument and roughly pull it away and toss him to the side. Honestly, I’m not sure if its male or female. The others begin tearing into the creature. I watch in horrific fascination as they devour the beast. It’s as if they are piranha, not stopping until they have stripped the meat down to the bones and even then, they beat the bones on nearby rocks to break them open to devour the marrow within.

  “More. I need more.” One of them moans. Its agonizing cries unnerve me.

  “More. More. It’s not enough. It’s never enough.” Another one rasps out. Its bloody hands clutching its concave belly as if in pain.

  “Nothing satisfies. Nothing…” Another one groans, before it screeches into the sky above, “Moooorre…”

  They continue to gobble up the remains of the large creature until next to nothing remains. I watch their ghoulish behavior and wonder how I can get around them without drawing attention to myself. Then, as if by majic, an enormous banquet table appears in the clearing. It’s laden with all matter of fruits, vegetables, meats, pastries, and desserts. It’s as if someone or something heard their cries. The clearing is overrun with more of these ghoulish creatures as they crawl over one another to get to the food laden table. One races past me toward the table before registering that someone other than its brethren is here. It turns it sunken, black eyed gaze back toward me, it’s head cocks from side to side before it screeches, “Fresh meat!” His call is shrill and grating to my ears. They all freeze their gluttonous consumption of the banquet before them. Some with their jaws unhinged as they try to stuff more and more food into their mouths. They turn and look my way as if trying to comprehend that I’m actually standing there. Each in turn cocking their heads assessing me. For one crazy moment I think that they look like zombies. Their movements are jerky, but after watching them descend on that table I know that they move quickly when it suits them.

  “Mister, it’s time to run now.” I hear a familiar little voice whisper behind me. His voice wobbles with fear, “The gorgers are nasty creatures. Please, follow me. Now!” His voice rings with finality as he turns to run.

  With one last look at the clearing in front of me, I take off after Pip. His retreating back is heading in a direction that we have not come. His red wings are tucked in close to his back so that he can run through the forest. His talon clawed feet gain traction kicking up dirt and debris as he weaves in and out of the trees. The gorgers are shrieking after us. I can hear them chittering and fighting with one another to get ahead of the other as they crash through the forest behind us. I chance a glance over my shoulder and see that they are gaining on us. There are too many of them for me to stop and stand my ground.

  “Where are you taking us, Pip?” I call after my little friend.

  “Never you mind Mister, just follow me.”

  If we get out of this mess, I’m going to have a serious talking to Pipperton. What was he thinking following me? We continue to crash through the forest toward what sounds like a rushing river. I can hear the gorgers gaining on us as we burst out of the forest. I quickly realize that we are running out of ground, the river is about twenty feet below the cliffs. Unsheathing the sword at my back, I turn to face our attackers and yell, “Take to the sky Pip!” The first of the ghoulish creatures burst through the forest. In one slashing movement, I remove its head from its body. Black blood spurts from its neck as it drops to the ground, its body still twitching. Several more come for us before seeing the down body on the ground in front of them. They drop to the earth beside it and begin ripping and tearing at the gruesome flesh. It’s as if they can’t help but consume anything they perceive as edible. My stomach turns at the sight.

  “Mister! Take to the water. They can’t follow you there. Now! Before the rest of them get here. I’ll follow you downstream.”

  I look up to see that Pip is riding the air currents above me, and think, at least he’s safe. Turning back, I see the rest of the gorgers break through the tree line. Several approach me, cocking their heads at me, their soulless eyes assessing before they lunge for me. My sword slides effortlessly into the gut of one taking it down in a cry of agony. Unsheathing my bloodstained blade from the abdomen of my assailant, I whirl on another, slicing it in half. They keep coming, more and more spilling from the woods. With each gorger I take down, I buy myself time as the others cannibalize their own fallen. Hissing and screeching and fighting ensue before others spill over the growing pile of gorgers. Just as I’m about to jump into the river below, two of those heinous demons land on my back, pushing me over the ledge of the cliff. A growl escapes me on the way down when I feel both creatures bite into my back and shoulder. We tumble ass over end into the cold water of the river. The two immediately let go of me as we surface. Their screeches of agonizing pain are all I hear as I make to swim as far away from the hungry demons as possible. I turn back to see that the two are writhing in agony, their bodies have erupted in black blistering sores that begin to bubble and foam. The water around them is boiling and eating away at them. I watch in horrified fascination as the two literally dissolve in the water right in front of me.

  The water current begins to pick up taking me downstream, and I’m quickly swept away from the gorgers. They peer over the cliffs edge, screeching and crying in frustration as I’m taken further away from them. It takes all my concentration to remain afloat in the turbulent waters. I’m tossed about in the rapids and nearly miss hitting boulder after boulder as the river carries me away from those monsters. The water is turbulent around me and I can tell that I’m picking up speed. I fear the reason for that is there is a waterfall up ahead. Bobbing like a cork in water, I continue to make my way downstream at an increasing pace.

  “Mister, you need to grab a hold of that downed tree.” Pip calls from above me. I can hardly hear him over the roar of the water.

  For an instance, I’m submerged before I struggle back to the surface. I see the tree. I know that I only have one shot at this, the water is moving too rapidly and if I mess this up, I’m going over the falls. There’s one branch that is lower than any others and I angle myself toward it. My position is just about perfect. I reach up and clutch the branch. Got it. Grinning broadly, I begin pulling myself up. Then I hear the branch snap with a loud crack. I scramble to reach the trunk before the branch gives way. Just as I’m close enough to reach the trunk, the branch tears away from the rest of the tree before my hand finds purchase. Bloody hell. Suddenly, I splash back into the water below and I’m being carried away by the fast current of the rapids. Well hell. I’m done.

  Chapter 12


  Luc proved to be a gracious host. He’s actually very charismatic, witty, and funny. As the meal wore on, I re
alized that his intent was to put me and my companions at ease, and maybe even to keep us distracted. Once I caught on to his motives I just sat back and watched him in action. Tarron and Tolin are completely enthralled with his story telling. I watch as they hang on his every word. Laughing at his jokes and even comparing battle scars of all things. It makes sense. Tarron is The Horde King and appointed ruler of the dark fae. Then there is Tolin, who is Fomorian, each have their own dark tendencies. I get it. They have a lot in common.

  Clearing my throat, I decide it’s time to move on, I interrupt their banter, “Hello? I believe there is a tour of the depths of hell that we need to take before I can leave here.” I cock my head and pin the three of them with a glare. “Guys, feel free to stay here and hang with your new buddy. I get it, you guys are connecting. I’m so happy for you,” I say, sarcastically. “Honestly, guys, the bromance can continue later, after I get my education of Hell. I can see you three are becoming new BFF’s.”

  Jasmine lands on my shoulder and smiles, “By the goddess, I love your sass. I’m with you, let’s get to Alaric and get out of this god forsaken realm. I honestly don’t like it here.”

  “I agree, Jaz,” standing, I push away from the table, “You guys are useless. Why I thought I needed either of you here is beyond me. I should have brought Lexie and Jasmine. Why don’t I leave you to your little boy’s club and I’ll go out there after Alaric, because he’s the reason why we’re here. We haven’t seen him since we got here. Not in person. All we’ve seen is what Luc has shown us, and even then, he was emerging from the cave, from his safe haven. We have no idea as to where he is now or what he has run across in his time on his own, but by all means, continue your little bonding exercise. You coming, Jaz?” I call over my shoulder as I walk toward the door of the study.


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