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Warrior Page 17

by Jana LaPelle

  Alaric’s words ring ominously throughout the study, until Millie’s voice calls out from the kitchen. “Hot browns are served! Come and get’em while they’re hot!”

  “Come on everyone, let’s continue this conversation over dinner. I love my hot browns, but they are best served… hot.”

  Chapter 23


  Dinner was a quiet affair. Even Dagda and Lugh seemed unusually subdued. Which drove home the urgency of the matter at hand. After dinner, we decide to meet back here in four days-time. Dagda is off to meet up with his succubus girlfriend who resides here in The Mortal Realm, shockingly enough, I think he is entirely smitten with the dark fae female. Lugh decides to head back to Faerie, and it is agreed that Dagda will come for him when the time is right, once we all return to The Otherworld. The rest of us are scattered about between Lexie’s house and mine, some have even decided to head back to Glenndale Loch for the time being. We have a few days to reconnect as a family before we head back to Faerie. As thankful as I am for this time, I want more.

  How can I have ascended to become a goddess if I’m so selfish? Not for the first time, have I begun to doubt my role for all the realms. My family has become my whole world, and maybe that’s the key. I will do anything to protect them from what I somehow know to be on the horizon. They are all precious to me, that includes everyone here tonight, my Keepers, my Guardians, my kindred, my children, my friends.

  Watching from the kitchen, I see that Alaric is finally reconnecting with the twins since his return from The Underworld. It’s only about time, and I can’t help the smile that curves my lips as I watch this utterly obnoxious crew of mine. I’m tidying up in the kitchen when my attention is caught by an early newscast. Reaching for the remote, I turn up the volume and walk around the island over to where Alaric, the guys, and Jasmine are playing with the twins, in order to tucker them out before bed.

  “Hey guys, I think we need to watch this.” I say, gaining their attention, pointing to the scene about to play out on the television.

  The pretty redheaded reporter appears standing on the cold cliffs of Ireland with the iconic Dunluce castle in the background, the tendrils of her hair riding the obviously chilled wind that buffers her form. Her cheeks and nose are a rosy red, obviously, the footage was shot earlier in the day. The blue caption at the bottom of the screen reads, Unexplained red glow has been detected in Mermaid’s cave below Dunluce’s remains. All heads in the room turn to listen to the reporter as she begins, her Irish accented voice announces, “Earlier today a local fisherman reported to authorities that they had sighted an eerie red glow, pulsating from the cave below the ruins of Dunluce castle, known as Mermaid’s cave. Evidently, word got out about the mysterious red light and all matter of tourist and locals flocked to the sight to see if they could catch a glimpse of this unheard-of phenomenon before the local authorities descended on the scene. Since then, the coast guard has begun patrolling as well as other unnamed authorities. At this point, no one, but the authorities have been allowed entrance to the castle or the cave below, and no one is talking to the press. The closest anyone has been able to get to the cave since the authorities have taken over is by air. As you can see, the sun is about to set behind me, and as always, the ruins are picturesque, but tonight the sky is marred by multiple helicopters as well as ships surrounding the area. All attempting to get a glimpse of this mysterious light that has yet to be explained.” The footage switches from the reporter standing on the cliffs to a camera shot zooming in on the cave below the ruins, and sure enough a reddish, pulsating light can be faintly seen coming from the depths of the dark cave. She continues, off camera, “I have never seen anything like this before, and can only speculate as to what could possibly be the result of this unknown phenomenon. We will do our best to keep viewers abreast of the situation. For now, this is Dawn Walsh reporting from Dunluce castle, Northern Ireland. Back to you.” The local American news anchor picks up where the reporter leaves off, speculation is running high, and apparently no one knows what to make of the recent discovery, so the anchor turns the broadcast over to the weatherman as they discuss our total snow fall over the last several days.

  As much as I don’t want to say it, I know I must, I voice what the others are thinking, “Guys, we may need to move up our timeline. The rift has broken through to The Mortal Realm. That’s the only thing it can be, that pulsating glow looks just like the rift left behind in Cú Chulainn’s crypt.”

  Tarron hands over Lachlan and we all gather around, Alaric wraps his free arm around me, pulling me close, each of us with a child on the opposite hip, leaning into one another. He places a kiss on my temple and sighs, “We should move up our timeline. Instead of four days, let’s cut that in half. It will give us a little extra time to plan. The rift will not grow as quickly here as it has in The Otherworld. Once we get back to Faerie we will need to head out. Tarron, I can never repay you for coming with Ashlinn to The Underworld, thank you for being here for me and my family, your support means everything. I’m going to be okay now thanks to you all, but Tarron, I think that it's time for you to go be with your Horde. Time to rally the troops, if you know what I mean. Whatever happens when we go to meet with the dwarfs will lead us to battle with The Morrígna’s army and their allies. The Otherworld is about to go to war. We need to be prepared for that. Camoryn can trace you back to Raven’s Claw Keep. Our armies will need to be ready. We will need to march toward Lár Domhain. We decide where this war will take place, and it’s only fitting that it should be on neutral ground between the four territories of The Otherworld.”

  Tarron reaches for Alaric and he pulls his arm away from me to clasp Tarron’s forearm in his own. “Then I will make it so, Alaric. We will fight together… as brothers. It’s good to have you back.” Tarron looks from Alaric to me and smiles, “Mo solas…,” he sighs, “I will miss your bright presence, and your sass.” Looking between the two of us, he smiles, “When I get back, I’m going to contact Justice, the Sky Sentinel, I’m going to try to sway his kind to our side. They will be a worthy ally. The Morrígan will not expect their defection, they have always been hers to command, but in this, we may be able to sway their allegiance.”

  “Thank you, Tarron. Anything you can do to add to our numbers. Although, I’m not sure that I’m ready to see that Sky Sentinel again, any time soon. I hope that Justice understands.”

  “Now, now, mo solas, is that any way to make friends within the lands of Faerie?’ Tarron teases with a wink.

  “Do what you must, you incorrigible incubus.” I huff with a sly smile.

  Alaric pulls me close and nuzzles my neck, by all that is holy, I love him so.

  “Okay, everyone, we meet back here in two days, ready to head back to The Otherworld. Enjoy this time of reprieve. It may be the last we have for a while.” Alaric’s tone is ominous and before long we are left alone as everyone traces away to leave us on our own. Looking around our quiet house, I look down to see that Lachlan has fallen asleep on my shoulder, his chubby little hands clutching at my turtleneck sweater and my hair. My left-hand hovers over the crown of his tiny head, before settling on his dark brown curls as I hold him close to me. I look over to see that Lillie is also sound asleep. Alaric and I quietly make our way back up to their crib and settle the two for the night. We quickly change them into their sleeping gowns and get their two furry companions settled with them for the night, before breathing a sigh of relief.

  Looking over at Alaric, I reach out to pull him to me, and sigh, “Finally. We’re alone. I think that these two are down for the night. I’ve missed you Elf-Man.”

  “I’m sorry, mo grá.” Alaric holds me close as if I’m a fragile doll that he’s afraid of breaking.

  “What are you sorry for, Alaric?”

  “I’m sorry for putting so much distance between us.”

  Pulling him in to our bedroom and closing the door behind us, I say, “Don’t you dare apologize for grieving. You have ev
ery right to grieve the loss of Pip in any way you see fit.”

  “Ashlinn, it wasn’t just Pip and you know it. I became withdrawn from you when I began to question my role in your life and that of our children once the binding cuffs were placed on me. I should have been stronger, not physically, but mentally and spiritually.” He sighs, pulling me to him and kissing me gently on the top of my head.

  I hold him tightly in my grasp before looking back up into his mesmerizing blue eyes. I search their clear depths before reaching up and taking his face in my hands, to say, “You are not and never have been weak. You had it all wrong when you said that I alone was the glue that held us all together. I’m not whole without you. Alaric, we are the glue. There is no glue without you and me together. I need you and you need me, it is the way of our kindred bond, and don’t you ever forget it Elf-Man.”

  His eyes twinkle as he leans down to kiss me. “You’re right. Not ever again, álainn. I seem to remember telling you, what seems like ages ago, that I would be sticking to you like glue. I’m over the self-doubt, mo grá. I promise. I love you. I love our two babes, and I adore our life together. I will never again allow myself to succumb to insecurities that are unfounded. I’ll admit that The Morrígan and The Underworld did a number on me, but you deserve better, and I intend to be better. For you and our children.”

  Standing on tip toes, I pull his mouth down to meet my own, and whisper against his lips, “That’s all I need, all we need from you, just be yourself. You’re perfect just the way you are. Now, Elf-Man, just kiss me. We’re not complete without you. I need your touch. I need you to love me.”

  He sighs and pulls me closer and I melt into him. “Whatever you need, Ash. I’m here for you.”

  “Love me, Alaric.” I sigh into his touch and relax into my mate, “Just hold me, I’ve missed you so much.”

  “And I have missed you, more than I can bear.”

  Our need for one another takes precedence, and Alaric quickly takes control. In moments I’m on my back, Alaric poised above me with a wicked smile on his lips, his dimples popping out, God, how I’ve missed those dimples. Our bond is now one hundred percent open to one another. Closing my eyes, I just allow his emotions to wash over me. In this moment, I’m so happy that tears spill from my eyes. My Elf-Man is back.

  “Shhh, yes mo grá, I’m back. I intend to show you just how much I adore you. Just how much I have missed you.”

  “We’ve got all night.”

  Chapter 24


  I know that I’ve only slept for a few hours, but it feels so good to have finally put everything that has happened behind me. Lying here with Ashlinn curled around me is perfection. We have a little more than twenty-four hours here in The Mortal Realm before we need to head back to Faerie, back to the fray of things as Ashlinn said only yesterday afternoon. Then we thought we would have more time than we do. Reflecting back on our time here, I realize that I’ve wasted so much of the time that we could have had together. Last night, she loved every inch of my body. Scars and all. It was like she paid homage to all my pain and suffering, acknowledging what happened to me while we were apart, all the while imparting tender loving attention to all the ragged scars left on my back from my time with The Morrígan. Loving me as only Ashlinn can. I plan on making up for lost time to Ash and to the twins, but right now in this moment, I need Ash again. The last few hours have not been nearly enough to satisfy my longing. I know that she’s tired, but I crave to be inside her again, making love to her, over and over again. I will never get enough of my kindred.

  Gently, I roll my mate over to her back and begin trailing kisses from her twitchy little ear, down the column of her alluring neck. I intend on worshiping her beautiful full breasts before claiming her again. I know now that I have denied my need for her too long. Palming her generous breasts in my rough hands I lower my mouth to lick, nip, and suck her tip to a taut nub. Her reaction is immediate, and her hands are at the back of my head, threading her fingers through my over long hair. Ashlinn’s moan of pleasure is all I need and within an instant I’m poised above her and whisper, “I need to be inside you, Ash. I need you quivering around me like I need air to breathe.” Ashlinn’s sleepy amber eyes flicker open, and she smiles up at me as her hips lift in invitation. That’s all the sign I need as I ease into her. My need has taken over and I can no longer control myself. My rhythm becomes frantic in my need to find release within my kindred mate. My need to give her release, for both of us to come together to that beautiful precipice of pure oblivion wrapped around one another. I flood our bond with everything that I’m feeling. My need. My love. My desire. My utter devotion and I receive all that back and more through our link.

  Ashlinn is always so responsive to my touch, and I know all her telltale signs of her impending release. I slow my rhythm just before to draw out our pleasure before hitting her sweet spot one last time. I feel her the moment she shatters around me and that is all it takes for me to find my release. Holding her close to me, I collapse on top of her as I continue to shudder inside her fluttering walls. In a gruff voice, I say, “By the goddess, Ashlinn, I’ve missed this. I’ve missed us. You would think that after that I would be spent, but I need you again.”

  Ashlinn smiles up at me, her eyes hooded, her cheeks flushed, and her beautiful caramel colored hair tousled and says, “Then by all means Elf-Man, have your fill of me. I assure you it is no hardship to be on the receiving end of your need.” Her voice is sultry, and a teasing smile plays upon her kiss swollen lips as she arches upward. “We have more than enough time to sate your and my desires this morning.” She then slides her hands down to my ass and presses up into me as we begin gently rocking together.

  Taking her mouth with my own we both begin again. Pulling away, I rain kisses down on her and whisper, “Once more will never be enough, mo grá.”


  We spend the day making it a game to see how many times we can get away from the others to get lost in one another’s arms. By late afternoon, our disappearing acts have not fooled anyone, and as we enter the sitting room in the back of the house, all eyes are on us. Everyone has a shit eating grin on their faces and Tolin just shakes his head sadly before saying, “Seriously?”

  I look down at Ashlinn and the two of us bust out laughing. Looking around the room, I say, “Well, I guess the jig is up, but don’t think for one moment that it won’t happen again.” I wrap my arms around Ashlinn and pull her to me to kiss her soundly on the mouth before pulling back and smiling down at her. Speaking to no one in particular, I say, “I’m making up for lost time.”

  Ash swats me on the arm before saying, “Stop it, you’re incorrigible,” she grins back up at me. “On a little more serious note, why don’t we bundle the kids up and take them outside in the snow. I haven’t taken them out and I would love to see what their reaction is.”

  About that time Lexie sweeps into the room holding a fussy Sammy. They are both covered in melting snow, and she announces, “Well don’t count on them liking it. I thought Sammy would love it. He has fussed all the way over here. I thought it would be fun to walk, which by the way really was not as fun as I would have thought. The snow is up to my waist in some spots. Ash, I’ve never seen snowfall like this, and the weatherman is calling for an additional four inches tonight. What gives? It’s not like we haven’t already gotten a foot and a half already.” She huffs as she hands Sammy over to Jasmine, so she can get out of her winter coat.

  I can’t help but ask, “Where’s Declan?”

  “Oh, he went back to get the car.”

  “Hold that thought,” I say as I rush from the room to the front door. I step out onto the porch to find Declan’s retreating back as he is about to disappear into the trees, and call after him, “Declan, get back here. When you two are ready to head back Ashlinn and I can trace you back home.” I watch as he turns and trudges back my way.

  As he gets to the snow-covered steps, I hear him mutter,
“Damn, I forgot about that. Glad you caught me before I got too much farther. The temperature is definitely dropping out here. It’s probably best that we are heading out tomorrow.”

  I clap Declan on the shoulder and usher him inside before turning back to look around the property. He’s right. It’s downright frigid out here. Heading back in, I secure the door behind me and make my way back into our gathering spot back by the kitchen. Reaching for the TV remote I quickly find the weather channel.

  “Hey, I was watching that -” Jasmine quips.

  “Shhh, Jaz. Give me just a minute.” I watch as the forecast pops up for this area. Sure enough, they are calling for an additional six to ten inches of snow and the temperatures are going to continue to fall into the single digits. Evidently, extreme weather is being reported around the globe and from the extended forecast more bad weather can be expected over the next two weeks.

  Ashlinn comes up beside me and says, “That can’t be right. That forecast looks like it should be for the Arctic Circle, not Kentucky.”

  “I think Declan is right, it’s probably best that we head out tomorrow. The Mortal Realm has a lot more to worry about than the rift between the realms. Extreme weather is being reported around the globe. Some areas are experiencing heat waves, the likes of which have never been recorded, along with drought, while other areas are being subjected to blizzard like conditions crippling nations. We should enjoy the rest of the time we have here before we leave out tomorrow afternoon. We can see to it that Declan, Lexie, and little Sammy get home without having to trudge back over to their house through the coming blizzard.”

  From the kitchen Millie announces, “A perfect night for a pot of chili. Who wants to help me throw it together?”

  Jasmine and Lexie are quick to volunteer. Ashlinn makes to step forward, but I wrap my arm around my mate and quietly sidestep toward the door. The twins are entertaining everyone in the middle of the carpeted floor, so I know that we are good to sneak away. Ashlinn smiles her naughty smile back up at me, and we’re off.


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