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Warrior Page 24

by Jana LaPelle

  Alaric mounts Tempest and together we take off as everyone in the courtyard follows our lead out of the gates of the Keep. Once everyone clears the gates, they swing shut behind us. I hear over the clattering of hooves the locks of the gates sliding into place. We’ve left a small group behind to defend the Keep with instructions to surrender if they are attacked, not wanting them to suffer any casualties. Sighing, I think, I’m not ready for this. How can anyone be ready for this? My heart is about to beat out of my chest when Alaric reaches over to take my hand in his own, through our link, he says, “Easy, now mo grá. You are the high princess of this realm and a Queen in your own right. We’ve got this, together.” He smiles, his dimples popping, and I can’t help but relax at his comforting thoughts.

  “Thank you, you always know just what to say to talk me out of my internal panic.”

  “Once we hit the meadows, everyone will fall in behind us. We will lead the way through the forest. Once we reach the end of the tree line, we will allow everyone to fall into formation behind us before meeting up with Tarron and The Horde. Our scouts have told us that the southern army marches to meet with The Morrígna and their army as they march from the west. My father’s army marches from the north and we should all converge about the same time in Lár Domhain.”

  I nod and squeeze his hand before removing mine to spur Storm forward. We both pick up our pace as we reach the end of the bridge that spans the loch to the Keep. The meadow before us has completely transformed in no time. The tents have come down and now all those that support us in our vie to deliver Faerie from the clutches of The Morrígan stand ready to follow us. Alaric looks to me encouragingly and nods. Together we urge our mounts forward to canter toward the forest. I raise my hand and wave as we pass the troops and I’m rewarded with their call to arms. Trumpets sound as we pass, and their call resonates around the meadow as we make our way toward the forest boundary.





  The legion that has sworn its fealty to our cause is quick to fall in behind us as we set out. We ride through the meadow toward the forest that provides the perfect barrier around Glendale Loch Keep. It is nestled away from the rest of the realm. Unfortunately, I have time on the ride to reflect and ponder how we have gotten here, and for a moment I miss Garrik. It doesn’t matter how he came into my life. He chose to be a better Fomorian. He chose to follow the light on the first day that I was able to view Faerie upon my waking. We’ve not had near enough time to mourn his loss, and now we are marching toward a battle whose outcome could spell certain disaster for us all. Cú Chulainn has the Spear of Lugh, which means we’re in trouble. Morgwais is not here, we have no idea as to where she is, but she promises to be there when we need her. There is so much we stand to lose, and I’m not sure how to deal with it all. My mother has been sidelined by my father due to her pregnancy. She was none too pleased about it but relented, because it was the right thing to do. She promised me to look after the twins and Sammy and that does give me some solace. Her fire balls pack a serious punch. They will all be tucked away in our Twilight Realm, so they should all be safe.

  During my internal ponderings, we have traversed the forest that I have come to love. Deep within the forest are the most wonderfully enormous trees that I have ever seen. Before I know it, we are standing on a knoll as we watch the rest of our company exit the narrow path from the ginormous woodland. The trees reaching upward to the sky like skyscrapers. The troops behind us fall into formation, and for the first time on this crazy journey, I take note of just how many warriors are to accompany us to our first stop, Tarron’s territory. I’m speechless at the sheer number of those that are following us to war, and my throat clogs with emotion. I have no words. I nod to acknowledge them all, knowing that my acknowledgement is not enough.

  With a resigned sigh, I turn Storm to face Alaric and Tempest, he nods before spurring Tempest forward and they take off toward Tarron’s Keep. Tempest’s hind haunches bunch as he launches the two of them westward. We are quick to follow his lead, Storm bounds after them as we set the pace. The further we travel from Glendale Loch the more I steel my resolve. We are doing this. The Morrígna must be brought down, especially The Morrígan. I will have to trust that Morgwais will be there when we need her. Looking up I see Dray’s dragon detail, which gives me comfort. It took some time to gain their numbers as most of them were coming out of hibernation, but now their numbers are strong, and I can’t help but wonder at what their purpose will be going forward. I’m just glad that they are on our side. Hopefully, it will help turn the tide.

  As we approach Tarron’s strong hold, I’m amazed to see that the dark fae that have joined him outnumber our own light fae. They are ready for us as we march toward Lár Domhain. Tarron joins us and his ranks fall in behind us. Next, we will meet up with Alaric’s father’s northern territory army. We should meet them in a couple of hours. This is getting real, and I fear for The Realms if we do not succeed. No one has ever won against anyone who has wielded the Spear of Lugh, and I’m left to wonder how we can possibly win this war now? Can faith and sheer will be enough?

  Chapter 33


  Looking over to Ashlinn, I see her fear, her resolve, her determination, and her indecision. We have been traveling for hours now. We will soon meet up with my father’s forces and we will call it a night. Tempest ambles toward Ashlinn’s mount, as I move closer, I reach for her hand. Pulling her fingers to my lips, I gently kiss her knuckles and ask, “What has you so vexed, Ashlinn? You have been upset for days.”

  She looks at me with wide eyes before inhaling deeply, “Do you remember when Morríganna swooped in just before she executed Garrik? Shortly there-after she said, and I quote, “You don’t even remember me. Yet you seek to challenge me.” What do you make of that? Her words have been playing on a re-loop over and over in my mind for some time now.

  Sadly, I look into her whiskey colored eyes and say, “I believe you two were close, before you chose your different destinies. I believe that you were once so close that you chose to forgo your memories so that you could complete the task at hand. I’m so sorry Ashlinn.”

  She looks back at me and says, “Don’t be. It’s not your fault. This is something that I need to figure out, but I think that you’re right. That’s why this has been so personal to her all this time. It makes sense. Once she realized who I used to be before this life, it was like it was game on. Her bitter resentment is so suffocating. If anyone should know, it would be my mother, supposedly we were very close in The Overworld. I wonder why she has not offered up any information.”

  “Ash, not all gods and goddesses appeared at the same time in this world. It could have been that once Danu made her choice, you were left behind and found solace in another. You know how wacky time is between The Realms. You could have had more than enough time to forge a friendship in The Overworld before she made her choice to leave her angelic status behind to become a goddess here in Faerie. I don’t know, I’m just making assumptions here.” I squeeze her fingers lightly as we are about to crest a hill. We’ve ridden the whole day through, and I can see that she’s tired. We’ve taken breaks throughout the day so that Ashlinn and Lexie can trace back to the children to see to them for their feedings and reassure them. They are safely tucked away in Taisclainne Anam, no one can get to them, and yet as parents we are on pins and needles.

  The sun is on the horizon as we reach the top of the rock-strewn grassy knoll. I’m not surprised to see the troops that are waiting for us in the valley below. We will camp here for the next few days and blend our troops. The dragon shifters have formed at outlook around the valley. They stand as our silent sentinels to keep watch for us as we descend into the valley below. There is a clear crystal stream that feeds a small lake below. It’s the perfect place to camp and wait for intelligence on the progress of our enemies.

  Ashlinn gains my attention, “Ho
w long has your father been here. It looks like they have been here for days. Everything looks so cozy and welcoming. The tents are so colorful, it looks like a scene out of a medieval movie. Why don’t they make tents like this in The Mortal Realm? I would go camping in that.” She laughs, her eyes twinkling when she looks up at me. “Look, they are even singing and dancing. It sounds like an Irish jig.”

  Dagda takes that moment to move to Ashlinn’s other side, he takes her other hand in his own and smiles brightly before raising her knuckles to his lips. He gently kisses the back of her hand before saying, with a twinkle in his eye, “My dear wee lass, where do ye think the Irish got their superb taste in music. Why, it be from the realm of Faerie.” His voice booms across the valley. The strain of the violins, flutes, and other string instruments waft up towards us and we watch as my father’s foot soldiers perform a complicated dance. Their nimble forms dance to the rhythm, they clap in synchronicity, and chant, “Hi…Hi…,” as they dance. The tempo slowly begins to increase from one song to the next and Ashlinn watches in utter fascination. Everyone in the camp below begins to clap as they watch the dance before others join in. The pace begins to quicken and before long everyone is dancing and clapping and joining in the festivities.

  I watch as Dagda and much of our group moves to join in on the merrymaking. I turn to Ashlinn and see that she is utterly fascinated but she is also distancing herself from what is to come. Squeezing her hand, I say, “Ash, let’s enjoy the night for what it is. Look, everyone here is celebrating life. We should do the same.”

  I look around to see that we are the last to descend on the camp below. It’s at that time that I hear a screeching caw overhead.

  Ashlinn whispers, “Justice. He’s here. We need to go to Tarron to see what news he brings. Come on.”

  “That can wait for a few more minutes, come with me.” I encourage her with a grin.

  Our mounts amble down the hill to the valley below and I watch the smile that grows with each passing step. I can see that she is enjoying the music and our people as she watches the men and women dance, those that are here. We dismount and in a burst of unreserved exuberance, she pulls me to those that are dancing, and we join in as the music swells to an exciting beat. Everyone has joined in now and I can feel the fever pitch of the lively tune as does everyone else as we dance with a wild abandonment. One that we will pay for on the morrow, but not a moment before. Ashlinn and I just dance enjoying the moment. For one infinitesimal instant, we are happy.

  Justice cries out again, and I know that our moment has passed. Looking for Tarron, I see him leaving the rest of us behind to make his way to Justice. Ashlinn takes my hand and we follow suit. I watch as Justice nimbly lands on the ridge above us. He has several companions with him that circle overhead. The bird is black as soot and rivals the dragons in size as he waits patiently for us to reach him. The last rays of light behind him casting long shadows across the valley below.

  Tarron looks over his shoulder and smirks, “Mo solas, I wasn’t sure if you would be joining us.”

  “You are a very funny Incubus. Justice is not quite as intimidating when he’s not snatching me up and carrying me away. No offense, Justice.”

  Justice cocks his head to assess Ashlinn before nodding with a loud, caw, acknowledging her.

  Dagda, Lugh, my father, Āemarick, and Ashlinn’s father, Rhespen all join us to hear the exchange that is about to take place. Dagda bows low, and his deep voice rings out, “Welcome, sky sentinel. What news do you bring? Will your kind join with us?”

  Justice cocks his head several times before bobbing it a couple of times, and then says in mind-speak, “You ask a lot of our kind. The Morrígan has been our mistress for eons. You ask that we break from tradition. You ask us to betray our mistress.”

  Tarron speaks first, “I think that I can speak for all of us when I say that I understand your reluctance to break your mistress’s trust, but your mistress has lost her way. She seeks to rule not only this realm but The Mortal Realm as well, but you know this. We have already discussed this. What say your kind to joining us in an alliance in our effort to save both worlds?”

  Justice eyes us all curiously before saying, “You know that I respect you Tarron, but my kind will not break trust with our mistress. There are not many of us now, we are a dying race. There are but twenty of us left and all have chosen to follow their mistress. Come what may. All except for me and my brothers that keep watch above. We will follow you. We will help in the war to come.” He bows deeply before us and then continues, “I’m sorry that I could not convince more of us to your side. We will do what we can. We bring news from the sea of Hope. The tear between the realms continues to grow and an army from The Underworld is heading this way. They should be here to meet up with you by morning light.”

  “Are they friends or foes?” I can’t help but ask.

  “Friends. The prince of The Underworld leads them, and they are making good time. They mean to aid you in the battle to come.”

  Ashlinn mutters, “Thank the Creator for that.”

  There is a rumble that rolls across the very ground that we stand upon. Looking to the west I see a shimmering mirage for just a moment. I squint to decipher what I just saw and realize that for just an instance, I saw a city from The Mortal Realm.

  Beside me Ashlinn utters, “Sweet baby Jesus. That cannot be. That’s San Francisco. What just happened?!” She demands. “Why could we see San Francisco?”

  Dagda is the first to respond, “Ceann beag, the veil between The Realms is failing. Soon The Mortal Realm and The Otherworld will be open to the other. We can na delay any more. We must march at daybreak. We must save our two worlds before they collide and are irrevocably tied to one another. The two realms will destroy one another if the veil is not restored. I’m sorry. We are simply out of time.”

  Nodding, I acknowledge his wise council, before pulling Ashlinn to my side. Nothing is certain at this point and the scales are definitely tipped in The Morrígan’s favor, but I have to have faith that our Creator has planned for all possible outcomes.

  Chapter 34


  I wake with a start. My nightmare lingers with me, it’s still dark as I try to figure out where I am. Images of death and blood haunt me. The feeling of grief and vengeance swirl within me. My mind suddenly comes back online, I wake fully, and my nightmare makes sense. Today I will face my enemy. And somehow or another, I realize that I will be facing my past. A past that I have no recollection of. A past that I chose to leave behind for a reason and a purpose. Nothing good can come from this.

  I slip out from under our covers and quickly dress, and then trace to Taisclainne Anam. I appear under the Tree of Life in this realm and for a moment I open up my link to her and allow her calm to wash over me. I find her silvery bark fascinating as well as the violet of her leaves. This place is majical and it’s as if this world is always stuck in a perpetual twilight state with the stars so close you can imagine reaching out and touching them. Colorful nebulas and distant solar systems appear to swirl around the heavens.

  “Have faith, Ashlinn.” I hear her serene voice, “You are strong. We are strong. We all must face our past at some point. Remember, our creator does not give us more than we can bear.”

  “I know… I’m just ready to be done with this. It’s just getting to the end that has me twisted in knots. I know that we will be fine once we get past today.”

  I sense Alaric before he appears beside me, he takes my hand in his own and threads our fingers together, before whispering, “You two having a good conversation?”

  Smiling up at my handsome guardian, I nod, “Yeah, we are,” with my other hand I reach out to stroke her silvery bark before leaving her. Looking back at Alaric, I say, “Let’s go see the children for a few minutes before heading back.”

  “Why don’t you go ahead, I’ll go get Declan and Lexie, so they can see Sammy as well before we get the day underway.”

“Okay, see you in a few.” Alaric winks out of sight, and I start walking toward the castle like structure in the distance. It’s more like a large manor and I can hear tiny tinkling laughter on the breeze. A smile tugs at my lips as I can make out Lachlan’s squeals of delight. Rounding the corner to the gardens I see that all three children are being entertained by Jasmine as she swoops in for a tickle attack while the fox pups are excitedly licking at his face. My poor son is giggling so hard he begins hiccupping and I can’t help but laugh at the scene in front of me.

  As soon as he hears my laughter, he looks my way and struggles to sit up, smiling, he says, “Mama.” The next thing I know his arms are wrapped around my neck and he is hugging me fiercely, all the while he jabbers, “My Mama, my Mama.”

  “Miss me?” I wrap my arms around my sweet boy and hug him tightly to me.

  He looks up at my face lovingly and pats my cheek with his chubby little hand, all the while he continues gibber jabbering, “My mama.” Then he lands a wet smacking kiss on my cheek. Making me laugh, and then I begin smothering him with kisses.

  Jasmine has Lillie in her arms beside me and I swap with her so that I can love on my baby girl, and whisper, “I’ve missed you Lillie Joanna.” She smiles back at me and lays her head on my shoulder in contentment and I sigh, because right now in this moment all is right in our little world. Looking over to Jasmine, I ask, “How long have you been here?”


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