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Page 29

by Jana LaPelle

I rise up to meet Lain and smile in my spiritual form. Reaching out for Lainn I pull him with me as we begin to soar upwards to The Overworld. Alaric my tether. Always protecting my physical and spiritual form. Smiling I watch his spectral form circle around the golden wisps of his soul soaring in its freedom. He is literally glowing. In the distance I can see the gateway to heaven, its alight with a multitude of color, a bridge between our world and the next, and I say, “Go, she’s waiting for you. Go… Be happy. You deserve it.” I watch as his ghostly form races upward toward the bridge to wink out of sight.

  It is done.

  I race back to my physical form, just in time to hear a loud blast ricochet across the meadow of the Isle of Tears. The sonic boom echoes in everyone’s ears as we all stagger backward to see the red light below recede. Alaric and I trace down to the bottom of the crypt to see that it looks as if it has been untouched all this time. Not a rock or stone out of place.

  Lugh is quick to follow, he drops to his knees, and bows his head, “It is done.”

  Chapter 41


  We always knew that sacrifices would be made, but somehow, I had convinced myself that all of us would make it through to the end. I was wrong. Somehow, along the way, Garrik became an important member of my hand-picked Guardians for Ashlinn, and we lost him to Morríganna’s need for revenge. We were still reeling from his loss when we marched to battle.

  The battle at Lár Domhain brought us another loss, one that I can hardly bear. Tolin. There were so many more that died that day and we have since honored them all. But was it enough? I have questioned myself and my actions in battle that day, every day since. How did I get so far from Ash? So quickly? If I had of stayed closer to them would things be different? My last image of Tolin is one of utter contentment. As if he had fulfilled a life-long goal. From across the battlefield, I watched the light leave his eyes as Ashlinn clutched him to her. The image haunts me nightly, in my dreams.

  Two months have passed since that day and peace around Faerie is being celebrated by all, and yet those who fought the fight still struggle to put it behind us. Ashlinn and I both suffer from nightmares of that day. Thank the Creator that we have one another, and we can find comfort in each other’s arms.

  During this time, Ashlinn and Lexie have found solace in Nessa. She is a powerful witch and Lexie’s great aunt, she has made her home here with us, and they are thick as thieves. Nessa is mischievous and fun loving. She and Neamhain have forged an unbreakable friendship and the five of them, including Jasmine, are all but inseparable. I’m happy for them.

  The Guardians, on the other hand are struggling to put our losses behind us. Especially Torin. He has not been the same since his brother’s death. Who could blame him? We have all vowed to give him time, and we will.

  I on the other hand, I am thankful for my children and Ashlinn. They have helped immensely during this time of mourning. By the creator, I love them so.

  Chapter 42

  The Accords


  It is the beginning of change for The Mortal Realm. Five months after the veil between our realms began to falter, and humans around the globe bore witness to our world, we are set to meet on neutral ground for the very first time in just mere moments. Since our battle with the Morrígna, the battlefield on which we fought has been transformed into a beautiful monument for all those that died here that day, for those who fought to keep all The Realms safe from certain annihilation. It is now our new meeting place for The Accords between The Realms. It’s an outdoor colosseum of sorts, except that it is open to embrace the beauty of the land around the newly constructed stone circle. The marble gleams under the attention of the setting sun, and majical faerie lights begin to illuminate the center of the amphitheater, drawing everyone’s eye to where The Dagda sits with his Chosen mate to his right, and my mother, Danu to his left with my father and their newborn son. They look every bit the god and goddess, the High King and Queen of The Otherworld, their regal demeanor befitting their stations as they sit with their chosen mates. Behind them there are five intricately carved columns that soar upward high above us, spaced at least four feet apart from one another with a beautiful marble topper that sits atop all the pillars. The flags that represent the four main territories of Faerie hang between the columns and are gently swaying in the breeze. Their colors range from red and gold representing the Southern Territories, to midnight blue and silver for the Northern Territories, to green and blue, the East, and last but not least, black with a combination of silver and gold for the West. That now represents The Horde as well, by default.

  Alaric and I are seated just below and to the left of my mother and father, each of us are holding one of our twins. Their fox companions sitting at our feet who are now fully grown. Tarron is to our right further down the dais and has been granted the privilege of representing The Horde and the West. He is seated just below and to the right of Dagda and Sasha, Looking a bit uncomfortable on his own. I can’t help but smile when he hooks his finger under his collar and moves his head from side to side looking infinitely uncomfortable. Looking out over the masses, I can safely say that just about every race in Faerie is represented here tonight for the first of many meetings between us and the mortals. Honestly, we are all anxiously awaiting their arrival. Lexie and Declan are sitting close to us with a squirming Sammy. He’s trying to get to Jaz who is sitting behind them teasing him, her face bright with mischief. Cameron is shaking his head at their antics while Declan turns a fierce look in Jasmine’s direction, his frustration clearly written all over his face.

  Smiling, I look down at Lachlan who is watching them intently. He’s getting to be so big. He looks back up at me pleadingly, and I shake my head and whisper, “It’s almost time. You three can play later, my little Elf-Man.” He pouts but sits perfectly still while continuing to watch Jasmine. My attention is drawn to the sky as the sun appears to kiss the western horizon. It sits perched in all its glory teasing the night sky in their everlasting struggle for dominance over the heavens. The sky above us begins to light up in a multitude of colors just before Dray and several of his Drakon guardians wink into sight, carrying the mortal’s contingent. While we were making things right here in The Otherworld, The Mortal Realm has been at war with one another. A little over five years has passed on Earth and in that time the world leaders have all but lost control of their planet. They are beginning to see that government as they knew it will have to evolve. That is not sitting well with all the different countries battling to be heard, all of whom are wanting entrance into Faerie. The ambassadors arriving here tonight have been hand-picked by a new governing order that is beginning to emerge, the United World Governing Council.

  The Drakon Dragons gracefully land in the distance. Their riders dismount with a look of utter disorientation, mingled with a look of pure astonishment as they look around their surroundings. The young woman in their midst looks utterly enchanted. She smiles as she makes her way toward us with several following in her wake. We all stand in greeting as she climbs the few steps to reach the raised platform where we are seated. At that moment, a mighty warm breeze brushes over us and the hanging banners for Faerie’s territories whip wildly in the gust. Their flapping in the wind gains everyone’s attention.

  An older, rather distinguished looking man from The Mortal Realm steps forward with a scowl and announces, “I see that we have no representation here.”

  Dagda is the first to speak up, his tone is friendly, but booming none the less, “That is not necessarily true, my friend, there are several amongst us here that have advised us on the ways of your world. That is until we were able to arrange this meeting.”

  “There is no one here that has any right to speak for us! To speak for our world!”

  The young woman steps forward and lays a gentle hand on the man’s arm, “Father, please, this is not the way. Let’s hear them out.”

  He eyes his daughter and then nods before murmuring, “A
lright then, Victoria.” His expression severe.

  Dagda nods in my direction and I step down to greet our guest and Lexie moves to my side, both of us holding our children. I take Lexie’s hand and squeeze it gently before letting it go and addressing the older man before us, smiling, I say in greeting, “Hello. My name is Ashlinn, and this is Alexia, she is known as Lexie to most of us. We grew up in the United States. To be exact, eastern Kentucky. Lexie is all that I have left of my family in The Mortal Realm. We were brought up together and share a bond that rivals most. You see, I was born an elven demigoddess that was hidden away on Earth for a while. Until it was time for my awakening. Both Lexie and I have a very good understanding of The Mortal Realm. While The Mortal Realm continues to war amongst themselves, we have advised the best we could until representatives could be sent to us.”

  “You are just two teenage girls that know nothing of diplomacy. You lack experience and know nothing of what it takes to govern a people, the sacrifices that are required. The tough decisions that need to be made. You are not qualified to represent the people of Earth.” The sour man argues, dismissing me and all that we have lost.

  Now he is just pissing me off. I step forward gaining his attention, “We have not even been introduced and you have the audacity to stand here, judging me?” I demand hotly, not really expecting an answer. “How dare you! You have no idea what I do or do not know about diplomacy. You have absolutely no clue what I or my family have been through to get to this point. Yet you stand here passing judgement on me. On my people! I suggest that you start these Accords with an open mind, sir, or we will not get very far. We fought a battle to save our Realms and yet you seek to destroy your own planet. We’ve been watching your Realm these past months, what was once my home world. The lengths that you will go to rule over one another is disheartening. I don’t know why we even bother to call this meeting between our worlds. Your attitude leaves much to be desired. You have no idea who or what you are dealing with. If the people of The Otherworld wanted to take over The Mortal Realm there would really be nothing you and your pathetic war toys could do about it. Look around you, mister, whatever your name is, we have dragons, we have gods and goddesses, there are the light and dark elves, dwarfs, Fomorian, dryads, nyads, trolls, we have sprites, and trust me… You really don’t want to piss them off. Not to mention witches, and the Druids who seek council from their Mother Druid,” I gesture to Lexie, before continuing, “And many more, so you see, you are out gunned. You are out gunned by majical creatures that you are completely ignorant of. Trust me, I’ve been in your shoes. The fae of this realm are diverse, they are fierce, and we… will… do… what we must… to protect Faerie from the likes of you and your realm. Have I made myself clear?!”

  “You may not want to anger my daughter. The teenager before you is an old soul. First born of angel fire, created by our almighty Father, she has been reborn to ascend to her station. She is the Mother Keeper of Souls, the Goddess of Life. You will do well to remember your place here in our realm.” My mother is now standing and with her words all matter of light and dark fae kneel before their High Queen as she asserts herself into this meeting.

  The sour man simply regards her before glaring down at me, and then looks around, seeing that he and his small group are surrounded by all sorts of fae, who look none too pleased at his audacity. Alaric has joined me, Declan now stands by Lexie, Jasmine and Camoryn have closed ranks, not to mention my Guardians. All the males are outfitted in their dress battle gear. Dagda, my father, and Tarron all step forward. The Drakon all roar in response.

  Victoria moves forward to gain her father’s attention, “That is enough, Father. We are here to negotiate a peaceful existence between our world and theirs. This is not the way. I think it is high time that we outline how our worlds are going to co-exist with one another. Ashlinn is right, we need to meet with an open mind, not accusations and disdain.”

  From that moment on, we were able to put our differences aside. The young people of The Mortal council are the ones that take over the meeting, forcing the older more jaded ambassadors to the background. Which was fine by me. We enter into discussions on how we will allow mortals into this realm and vice versa. We discuss if and when majic would be allowed in The Mortal Realm and where, what type of fae would be welcome and vice versa, etcetera and so on. We make it perfectly clear that The Drakon are to be the Guardians of the Veil between our Realms. No one without permission would be able to pass between the Realms. We addressed not only The Mortal Realm but the dark Fae that followed the Morrígna and how they should be handled should they be apprehended.

  Both parties agreed that this would be just the beginning, that we should reconvene to reassess often to maintain peace. To continue to forge a bridge between our worlds. The first meeting of The Accords was deemed to be a success.



  It’s been a year and a half since our battle with The Morrígna and all of their misled followers. Those loyal to Morríganna fought until the bitter end, and our losses on both sides were immense. Since that time, the land has had time to mourn, time to heal, and time to accept change. So today is to be a day of great celebration across the land of Faerie and The Mortal Realm. Today we celebrate the accords that were signed and put into place one year ago for both of the realms. It was needed since the rift between the realms weakened the veil between our worlds. The rift was repaired between The Underworld, The Otherworld, and The Mortal Realm, but the damage had been done, and once more we are in need of the Drakon Dragons. They were the perfect choice to guard the weakened veil between our two worlds. Dray was the perfect Drakon to head up the Guardians of the Realms.

  I find myself sitting in quiet reflection in the subdued library this morning. Happy memories of those we lost in order to get here haunt me today as echoes of the not so distant past are front in center in my mind. My lips tug upwards into a bittersweet smile as I remember the look on Tolin’s face when I lobbed a fire ball at his head. We were on the back lawn and he was trying to get me to blow off some steam before Tarron evoke the blood contract. That day seems so very long ago, but then again it feels like yesterday. My God… my heart still aches from his loss. It was just like him to make me promise not to mourn him. Which, by the way, was not very fair of him at all, because no matter what my mind knows to be true, my heart still hurts and mourns his loss. I miss that Fomorian Guardian warrior every damn day. I miss his calling me Little Bit and I miss the banter and light-hearted teasing between him and his brother, Torin. My TNT. We not only lost Tolin that day, but Torin as well. He has not been the same since the battle. It’s been months since we have last seen him. He sends correspondence occasionally, just to let us know he’s doing well. I can see how Torin’s absence has affected Lexie and Declan as well. He promised to come back when he was ready, and so, we wait. My only consolation to our loss is that one day Tolin’s beautiful soul will walk with us once again. He chose not to ascend to The Overworld, but rather to be ushered to the Soul Reliquary where one day his soul will once more walk this land, and I for one can’t wait to meet him all over again.

  Sighing, I stand and try to put my woeful thoughts aside. Today is meant to be a day of celebration, a day of healing for all the lands. It’s a beautiful day. The sun is shining, and we’re gathering for a family celebration prior to tonight’s festivities. We are all expected to make an appearance tonight, but today is just for family. Alaric’s thoughts gently brush against my own, checking in on me. I can’t imagine having taken this journey without my amazingly handsome and loving Elf-Man. Being with him and our children have made this journey worth-while. He’s close, and I turn to watch him as he walks into the library with Lillie and Lachlan in tow. The two toddlers are animated and quite independent with their fox companions nipping at their heels. My family. They are all smiles and they’re playing keep away. My hand lands on my rounded belly, and I caress the child that grows there. He or she is thriving, a
nd I smile as I’m rewarded with a staccato of thumps and kicks against the hands that I have splayed against my abdomen.

  Alaric reaches me and twirls me in a circle, making me laugh, before saying, “Mo grá, look at you. You are glowing today.” Pulling away, his hand lands on my rounded bump. His eyes light up as they meet mine and his smile is radiant, his dimples popping out, and I know… I can deny this male of mine nothing. He is mine and I am his.

  Smiling, I pull his handsome face to mine for a gentle kiss. As soon as his lips land on mine, I’m caught up in a tidal wave of yearning, need, and love. We deepen the kiss as we are temporarily lost in one another. Pulling away, I chuckle, a little breathlessly, and say, “You’re just saying that because you know that I will become quite unbearable to be around in the coming month as this child will more than double in size.”

  “No, Ash, you know that I adore seeing you carrying my children.” Alaric takes my hand and pulls me outside. There is a picnic sat up under the bright spring sun. All of my loved ones are in attendance. All of those that remain in this realm. I smile as we approach. My mother and father are chasing after my little brother, Lexie and Declan are chasing after Sammy, which is becoming more difficult for Lexie now. She makes her way to me, a slight waddle in her gait. I grab hold of her hand and smile. Pulling her to me, I hug her close, our baby bumps collide.

  She whispers, “I know. I miss them too.” We lean on one another for a moment, lost in our memories, before letting go.

  Sighing, I pull away, “Lexie, come on, let’s get you off your feet.” I pat her belly and I’m rewarded with a kick, and she groans before lowering herself on the pillowed ground. Her labored efforts have her situated in a hugely pillowed area.

  “Who thought having a picnic on the ground with only pillows to sit on was a good idea with pregnant females in attendance?” Lexie demands, “Well?” Her fiery temper flares as she struggles to get comfortable.


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