Real Girl: Aston Creek High (Book 4)

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Real Girl: Aston Creek High (Book 4) Page 4

by Sheridan Anne

  I shake my head and lower my voice. “I would have rather died than come back here.”

  She sucks in a deep breath. “What happened to you, Sky?” she whispers. “If I’d known there was some awful reason keeping you from coming home, I wouldn’t have spent every day in Lucien’s office trying to find you.”

  “Wait…what do you mean you spent every day in Lucien’s office?”

  “Yeah,” she scoffs, not impressed with herself. “How stupid could I have been? He called me right after you left and asked if I could help track you down. We’ve been working together ever since, but it turns out that was all bullshit…”

  “Yeah,” I tell her, reaching for her hand while wondering what his game plan was. “He knew where I was heading before I even knew.”

  “I don’t understand it,” she murmurs. “Why would he act as though he didn’t know where you were? It’s like he was desperate to find you. He missed you so much. He would tell me every day that you and Blake were everything to him. Maria too. She was devastated. Did they really deserve that? They’ve done everything for you and Blake. They gave you guys a home and raised you as if you were their own.”

  “Luce,” I groan. “How could you be so naive?”

  She instantly takes offense, hating being called out like that. “What’s that supposed to mean?”

  “Maria and Lucien aren’t the doting parents you’ve always wanted to believe they were. They’re awful. Maria is the reason my parents are dead. Blake and I were targeted by her and they paid Anton Mathers a lot of money to get us.”

  She shakes her head. “You’re kidding, right? That seems a little far fetched.”

  “I’m not joking, Luce. I’d never joke where my parents are concerned. We weren’t adopted like Maria and Lucien tell everyone. We were kidnapped and raised by awful people.”

  “No…I don’t believe it.”

  “I met with Anton, Luce. I finally got the other half of the story. Maria is his cousin and hired him to complete the job because she hated my mom.”

  “You’re not kidding, are you?”

  “No, I’m not.”

  “Fuck. You’re sure about this? Anton could have lied.”

  I shake my head, absolutely certain. “No. it’s true. Maria and Lucien went to school in Aston Creek with my mom. That’s how they know her.”

  “Shit, Sky. I’m so sorry. All this time you’ve been living with kidnappers! That’s fucking wild. I mean, I’ve been here how many times? Shit.”


  “But…wait.” Her brows furrow. “If you found that out while visiting Anton, then that doesn’t explain why you ran.”

  My eyes drop away, that familiar shame creeping up on me. “I kinda knew bits and pieces,” I admit. “I’ve always known we weren’t adopted. I remember being taken after my parents were killed and when Anton Mathers is involved, I was smart to assume we were just sold to the highest bidder. I always thought Lucien was behind how we got here. I never knew it was Maria.”

  “You’re avoiding the question.”

  I bite down on my lip. I hate how she knows me so damn well.

  Letting out a sigh, I meet her eyes and let her see the horror deep within that I’ve had to deal with since I was fourteen years old. “Lucien sold me for a business deal nearly four years ago and in twelve days, on my birthday, I’m due to marry Marcus Mahony.”

  She sucks in a sharp breath, her hand flying to her mouth. “Marcus Mahony?” she gasps in horror, knowing exactly who he is after her father ended up in hot water with the guy over a shitty deal that went south.

  “Shit, Luce, that’s not even close to scratching the surface yet.”

  “What’s been going on?” she demands in a no-bullshit tone.

  I let out a sigh, deciding not to sugar coat it. If I’m going to tell her this, then I need to be straight with her. “Marcus and Lucien have been sexually assaulting me since I was fourteen and the night I ran…the night I packed up my shit and finally left it all behind, was the night that Lucien snuck into my room and raped me.”

  Luce’s eyes grow watery with tears. “Please tell me this is some twisted joke?” she begs.

  “Fuck, Luce. You don’t know how desperately I wish that it was.”

  She pulls me into a tight hug and I feel her tears dropping down onto my shoulder. “I’m so sorry. This was going on for nearly four years?”


  “How could I have been so blind to this? I’m so sorry. I wish you felt like you could have told me.”

  “No,” I pull back, finding it important for her to truly understand what I’m about to tell her. “You and Blake were the only good in my life. You were my escape after a shitty night. I could go to you and know that I didn’t need to think about it. I could just be me and pretend that part of my life didn’t exist. Trust me, not having you know was the only thing that was getting me through it.”

  Luce’s eyes drop and I reach for her hands. “I don’t know whether to be happy or sad about that,” she tells me. “One part of me is happy that I could be that escape for you but the other really wishes that you would have told me so I could have done something about it.”

  “There’s nothing you could have done, Luce. This is Lucien and Maria Valentine. They have every police officer on this side of the globe in their back pocket and of the few who aren’t, they’re terrified of them.”

  She shakes her head, lost in thought. “I can’t believe I agreed to help him find you. How could I be so stupid?”

  “Don’t,” I tell her. “You didn’t know and that’s on me. You were just trying to help bring me home where you needed me to belong.”

  “You don’t know how true that is.”

  Tears continue falling down both of our cheeks but when a loud, domineering voice echoes through the kitchen, Luce’s back straightens as shivers run through my body. “It’s time to go home, Lucy,” Lucien warns in a tone that suggests she gets absolutely no say.

  Luce’s head whips around to Lucien and she narrows her eyes, being the defiant best friend I’ve always known her as. Within seconds, Lucien knows that I’ve told her the truth and for a moment, I fear for her well-being. Then I’m reminded that her parents can be just as bad as Lucien and Maria. When it comes to protecting their little girl, they’re unstoppable.

  Luce is safe. Lucien may want to hurt her and the thought of taking out the girl who now knows his secret is most likely going to keep him up at night, but he’ll never touch her. That’s just asking for trouble that not even he is stupid enough to get involved in.

  “Now,” he bellows.

  Luce turns to me with a cringe. “I’m sorry,” she whispers. Lucien may not be stupid, but neither is she. She needs to go and she needs to do it now. “Call me.”

  I give her a tight smile and grumble under my breath. “Smuggle me a phone and I will.”

  Luce nods in understanding before getting to her feet and walking out the door. I’m left with a scowling Lucien who instantly turns his back. “My office. NOW.”

  I reluctantly get up and follow the monster, knowing that if I don’t he’ll just grab a handful of hair and drag my ass there. One way or another, I’m going to end up in his office. My only saving grace is that it isn’t his private study where he likes to hold his all-important ‘business meetings.’

  I step into his office and my eyes instantly narrow as he offers me his desk chair. “Now, Skylah,” he demands when I remain hovering in his doorway for a moment too long.

  My eyes flick around the room. One of his security guards is here and I don’t know what to make of it. That could either be a good sign or a really shitty one, but with no choice, I do as I’m told.

  Taking the seat, I keep my eyes on Lucien. “Monitors,” he tells me.

  My brows furrow and I reluctantly peel my eyes away from Lucien knowing not watching him could severely bite me in the ass. My gaze flicks toward the monitor and with a gasp, I see a familiar Dodge RAM stopp
ed at the front gates.

  No. What’s he doing here?

  Lucien steps up to the desk and places a gun down on the hardwood in front of the security guard. “If her eyes move off of that monitor for even one second, shoot her.”

  The guard nods and my eyes bug out of my head as I flick my gaze back toward the monitor.

  Fuck…that couldn’t be good. What is he going to do to Slade that he so desperately wants me to watch?

  My gut sinks, knowing exactly how that man works.

  This isn’t good. This really isn’t good.

  I’m going to be sick.

  As if approving of my submissive behavior, Lucien scoffs with pride and strides out the door. I’m left with my eyes glued to the monitor, desperate for a glimpse of the man I love while also begging for him to never show his face here again.

  Chapter 5


  I drive through the streets of the wealthiest area I’ve ever been in. This place is so fucking insane that it’s ridiculous. Every mansion I drive past practically has its own area code. They’re all guarded by heavy black metal gates while some even have security guards standing out front, making me wonder what kind of people live in these homes. If Lucien is anything to go by, I think I can safely assume that the rest of the pretentious assholes who live around here are exactly like him.

  I count the mansions as I drive. 185. 187. 189.

  191. There. The home that my girl grew up in. The home she was abused and the very place she lost her soul to the darkness. To think she’s back in there again…fuck.

  I have to get her out of here.

  I pull into the drive and am instantly stopped by one of those big gates that every house on the block is rocking, though luckily for me, this one doesn’t have two guards posted out front. Though, that could have something to do with the fact that Lucien is currently evading his arrest warrant and wants to appear as though he’s not home.

  From here, all I really see is the long-ass driveway leading toward the house. There are trees on either side, a massive water fountain in the center of the circle drive, and a shitload of marble, stone, and privilege.

  The gate doesn’t move but I don’t expect it to. It’s not as though the owner of this home is about to let his kidnapped princess’ rescuer through willingly. Hell, maybe I should be screaming ‘open sesame’ at the gate or throwing gold at it. Surely, there must be some kind of trick to getting in.

  There are cameras on either side of the gate and a few further down the fence line so I don’t doubt that he already knows I’m here. There’s no point hiding and trying to be discreet. Hell, the neighbors would know I don’t belong just because I’m in a truck and not in some fancy Aston Martin, Ferarri, or Lamborghini.

  I study the gate. It looks like reinforced metal and there’s no way in hell I’ll be able to ram it with my truck. I’ll just end up making a fucking fool of myself and wasting time.

  Swinging my door wide, I jump down from my truck and glance around. If I can’t go through the gate, then I’ll find another way. Either way, I’m getting on the other side and finding my girl.

  As I walk up and down the front of the gate, searching for a way in, I notice the camera swiveling back and forth, tracking my every movement. I grin up at it and flip it the bird, figuring it’s most likely Lucien or one of his henchmen on the other side, watching and waiting to take me out.

  Reaching the side of the wide gate, I look up. If I jump, I might just be able to reach the top and haul myself over it.

  I take a few steps back and just like I would on the court, I sprint toward the gate and launch myself up into the air. The gate is a shitload higher than any hoop I’ve dunked into, but it’s nothing I can’t handle.

  My fingers hook onto the top and I pull myself up, finally able to get a good view of the place Skylah and Blake called home for thirteen long years. Scratch that, this shit ain’t no home. It’s a fucking mansion built for the elite of the elite.

  I can only imagine the kinds of parties these guys would have had here. I would have fucking loved growing up in a home like this, you know if Maria and Lucien weren’t there too. I bet Blake had a fucking indoor court.

  I jump down from the gate, landing in a low crouch and I stare up at the property. It’s going to take me forever to make my way up this long drive, but I’ve got nothing to lose. I’ve come all this way, sat in my truck for hours on end. I’m not turning around now. My girl is inside those walls and the only way I’m leaving without her is if he kills me first.

  After climbing the grand stairs, I get to the front door of the house, and to be honest, I’m fucking surprised I’ve gotten this far without security coming at me or freaking hounds. Lucien seems like the kind to have attack dogs, though, I’m sure he also likes to be the one doing the attacking.

  I try the handle and upon finding the door locked, I slam my fist down on the hardwood. “Open the fucking door,” I demand, assuming the fucker is waiting just on the other side, but when nothing happens, I bang my fist again. “Give me my fucking girl and we’ll leave peacefully.”

  I wait for a beat and again; nothing.

  I should have known he wasn’t going to play this easily. I guess it’s time for plan B.

  I jog down the stairs and start making my way around the property, glancing into every window, and struggling not to be shocked by the kind of money these people have on display around their home. It’s fucking ridiculous.

  I pass a tennis court and a pool that’s bigger than my fucking house. There’s a huge outdoor entertaining area complete with a cinema and recliners. There's a bar, a fucking kitchen, a basketball court with a seating area, and who can forget the fancy gardens with a maze made out of hedge bushes.

  This shit is seriously insane. I don’t understand the appeal. I mean, sure, I understand wanting to be comfortable and being able to buy nice things for your family, but this is taking it to a whole other level. This is fucking sick. I’m actually kind of embarrassed to say this guy is my biological father.

  I cut through the outdoor cinema to a huge bay window and glance in. The place looks fucking dead inside. A home like this should have staff wandering around everywhere, maids dusting and groundsmen pruning, but nothing. It feels cold and lonely and I’m left wondering if Skylah’s whole life has been like that or if it’s just like this now while Lucien is laying low.

  I look around for some sign of movement, something that tells me that Skylah is here, but there’s nothing. No lights on, no sound, not even a scrap of dirt that suggests someone’s been in here.

  I keep walking.

  “SKY?” I holler.

  I may as well let myself be known. They know I’m here anyway and now they need to know that I’m not about to back out without a fight. “VIRAGO? Where are you?”

  I glance up at the second story. That’s going to be an issue. This isn’t some Romeo and Juliet scene where I have a balcony I can climb. There’s literally nothing. If I want to check the second story, I have to get inside.

  I have to walk out into the grass to keep going and as I glance in the next window from afar, I finally find her. She's sitting at a desk, looking at something to the side of the room.

  “SKYLAH,” I yell.

  Her head whips around and even from here, I see the tears heavy in her eyes.

  Sky flies up off the desk chair and runs to the window, throwing her hands against the glass. She looks fucking terrified. There’s only been one time I’ve seen her looking like that and that was when we were in the middle of the fucking river, struggling to free ourselves.

  Something’s wrong.

  I start running and as she screams, Lucien steps out in front of me, gun held high, aimed right at my chest.

  I come to a startling halt, my hands up and raised as my eyes flick between Lucien and Skylah. As she scrambles to unlatch the window, someone steps in behind her, raising a gun to the back of her head.

  Oh, no, no, no, baby. Don’t you fuck
ing move.

  I need to get her out of here.

  Skylah pauses, not moving a single muscle in her body. We’re at a fucking loss here. I’m more than willing to risk my life to save hers. I would lay my life down for her any fucking day of the week, but I will not put her in harm’s way like this. I fucking refuse. If I knew she would have ended up with a gun at her head, I would have stayed at home. I would have found another way.

  I don’t know what the fuck to do.

  If I move, Lucien won’t hesitate to shoot me. If she moves, she dies and I can guarantee if she gets shot, I’ll end up dead because there’s no way in hell that I’ll have the strength to hold back from trying to kill these motherfuckers myself.

  I meet Skylah’s eyes. They’re so fucking beautiful, so full of love, and the promise of an incredible future, but they’re also fucking terrified. For the first time, I’m starting to believe that I might never see her again.

  All I know is that right now, we’re both fucked.

  Chapter 6

  Fuck. Fuck. FUCK!

  How did we get into this situation?

  Why the hell would he be so stupid? Why did he come here?

  I stand with my hands against the window and a gun trained at the back of my head, silently begging Slade to walk away. If he doesn’t move, if he just stops looking this way and promises to never come back, Lucien just might let him go.

  He needs to let him go. I need him to let Slade go.

  How am I ever supposed to go on knowing that Slade was killed here today? It’s one thing being able to survive knowing that he’s living a full and happy life. I could at least breathe knowing he was living his dreams, having all the babies in the world, and marrying a beautiful supermodel. Him not living at all? I couldn’t survive that. I couldn’t get up every day in a world that he didn’t exist in. I could never forgive myself for bringing him into this. Slade deserves so much better.

  He should have just stayed at home. What did he think was going to happen when he walked in here? He came strutting in, jumping the fence like he’s broken into a million properties and started making his way around the place as though he owned it.


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