Real Girl: Aston Creek High (Book 4)

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Real Girl: Aston Creek High (Book 4) Page 8

by Sheridan Anne

  “Repeat after me, dear,” the priest murmurs, waiting for me to nod. “I, Skylah Rochelle Valentine, take thee, Marcus Donald Mahony, to be my husband from this day forward.”

  I cringe at the sound of that name. That’s not my name. It’s the one Lucien had my name changed to. I am not a Valentine. I am a Daniels. Always have been and always will be…it’s not like I’m ever going to be a Cruz. That dream died right along with Slade.

  I don’t know how Lucien did it, but I can assure you that it was done illegally and somehow done without raising alarms of who Blake and I were. It’s bullshit. Shaylee had the name change applications filed before we even finished moving in with her, yet those papers somehow seem to have disappeared.

  I keep my eyes on the priest, unable to keep going. Marcus squeezes my hand again, not bold enough to hit me again right before I’m supposed to say my vows but when a zap travels up my leg and nearly paralyzes me, I cave like a little bitch,

  My whole body crumbles and Marcus holds me up as I turn to look at him with tears swelling in my eyes, my voice coming out as barely a whisper. “I, Skylah Rochelle Valentine, take thee, Marcus Donald Mahony, to be my husband from this day forward.”

  “For better, for worse, for richer or poorer.”

  I let out a shaky breath. “For better, for worse, for richer or poorer.”

  The priest continues, looking sick. “In sickness and in health. To love and to cherish. Till death do us part.”

  Shit. How am I supposed to say that? a light zapping returns in my leg and I suck it up. I can get through this. “In sickness and in health. To love and to cherish. Till death do us part.”

  “According to God’s holy ordinance and thereto, I pledge myself to you.”


  “According to God’s holy ordinance and thereto, I pledge myself to you.”

  Marcus grins wide. It’s too fucking late now.

  He practically races through his vows and within seconds, he jams the massive diamond on my finger, practically putting his own on himself.

  The priest nods, looking just to Marcus, his head hung in guilt. “You may kiss your wife.”

  My eyes go wide. No. I can’t kiss another man. Please, don’t take this away from me too. Is it not enough that I’ve already lost Slade?

  Marcus couldn’t give a shit about what I think, doesn’t care about the pleading in my eyes, doesn’t care that my soul is crushed. I’m supposed to be the man’s wife but I shouldn’t be fooled into thinking that’s going to change anything.

  He grabs my face and slams his lips down on mine.

  I’ve been lucky that he’s never actually kissed me before, only touched after begging him not to. He forces his tongue inside my mouth and I hold back vomit as my face scrunches in disgust. His hands move to my waist and squeeze hard, forcing me to participate.

  I taste his stale cigarettes and my tears as they stream down my face and rush into my open mouth.

  I sold my soul to the devil. How could I have done this?

  My will to fight is gone, my life is gone, my friends and family…I doubt I’ll ever see them again.

  Chapter 11

  “NOOOOOO,” I hear screamed from outside the church, moments before a loud crash. I tear my face off Marcus and stare toward the back of the room along with every other guest in the church.

  There was a strange familiarity in the voice, like a tortured desperation that reminds me so much of…

  Shaylee barges through the doors, running full speed ahead with Damian right on her heels. I suck in a sharp, shocked breath, wide-eyed. Two guards race for them as Lucien stands in outrage.

  No, no, no, no, no. If they get them, they’re going to hurt them.

  “LEAVE HER ALONE,” I scream as a guard goes for Shay while Damian’s fist begins flying. He can handle himself, but Shay…I don’t know. She’s five foot nothing, weighs about as much as a feather, and can be tossed around like a ragdoll. She shouldn’t have come. This is too dangerous for her.

  I start to run for her but an electric shock has me crumbling to the ground in agony.

  She keeps running, full steam ahead and just when the guards are about to grab her, I realize that it’s not just Shay and Damian. It’s so much more.

  My eyes bug out of my head, suddenly not caring about the electric charge pulsing through my body. Slade rushes out protectively in front of Shay, meeting the guards with his heavy, capable fist.

  What am I seeing? He’s alive?

  Joy spreads through me as heavy sobs pull from deep within.

  He’s alive and not only that, he’s here for me.

  Marcus races out in front of me, standing before me like some kind of protector, but we all know the truth, he’s not protecting his new wife from a threat. He’s protecting his property from being stolen back to its rightful owner.

  I desperately try to look around him as the guests get to their feet, but not one of them jumps in to help either party.

  I just need to put my eyes on Slade, just one more time.

  He’s fucking alive. Really alive. I know I'm all shades of fucked-up right now but I know what I’m seeing. All six feet and two glorious inches of him, every strong bit of muscle, every hair on his head. It’s all here, imposing and fucking pissed.

  He’s taking me home.

  Slade holds off the guards with Damian, but it’s clear there’s something wrong. He looks like he’s in pain. He’s favoring one side and I wonder if it has something to do with being shot.

  More guards come for them as Shaylee practically climbs over the pews to get around. She breaks free of the crowd and sprints down the aisle as I struggle to get to my feet with the electrical current pulsing through my body.

  I can do this. I’m strong enough.

  Luce gets to her feet, stands on her seat, and launches herself off the pew, her father struggling to grab hold of her as her small little body crashes hard into Marcus and sends them flying into the guests on the opposite side.

  With no one in her way, Shay drops down to me, grabbing my hands and desperately trying to get me to my feet. “Come on,” she demands in a panic, grabbing my arm and trying to haul me up as Luce struggles to keep Marcus down.

  “I…I can’t,” I cry as the electrical voltage is busted up.

  I scream out in pain and Slade’s head whips in my direction, those beautiful eyes on mine, but it’s a distraction that neither of us can afford.

  The guard grabs him as another nails him in the jaw, sending him flying back into the guests, but a little punch isn’t going to discourage him. Slade isn’t a quitter. He never has been.

  Damian is right there at his side, and together, they don’t dare give up. They keep fighting for what’s right.

  How could I have doubted Slade? How could I have believed that he was gone? If I’d known he was still alive, I would have been able to find the strength to fight. I would have found a way to run and I would have done it knowing I left Lucien’s dead body behind.

  Shaylee gets me to my feet and practically has to carry my full weight as I cry out, but right now, the pain is nothing, I’m just glad to have her arm around me with the promise of going home.

  “Oh, no you don’t,” Maria screams, grabbing hold of this ridiculous dress and trying to haul me back.

  Shaylee stops and spins back to her, knowing exactly who this woman is and what kind of role she had in her sister’s death. Now really isn’t the time, but Shaylee isn’t going to let this opportunity slip through her fingers.

  She releases me and I instantly fall into the lap of a guest that I don’t know. He tries to right me but I come down hard on him. The guests around scramble for me, despite not wanting to get involved. When you see a bride go down, your natural reaction is to help.

  Shaylee goes at Maria with her claws out but when I think she’s about to gouge out an eye, her claws turn into strong fists and I silently celebrate as she nails the bitch in the face.

  Being lost in the g
uests, I start ripping the dress up. “Get it off me,” I beg of anyone who will listen, desperately trying to get the electrical band off my thigh.

  They scramble to help me as Lucien finally gets himself involved but when Marcus grabs Luce and throws her clear across the church slamming her back into the wooden pew, her father gets to his feet and goes for him.

  Luce’s dad may be a top businessman with a bad reputation. He may be hard on his daughters and an absolute dick, but when someone touches one of his babies and makes her hurt, he’s out for blood.

  He cuts in front of Lucien and it gives me just a moment longer to tear this bullshit from my leg. I pull this ridiculous veil out of my hair and throw it to the ground, not giving a shit that the diamonds on it cost Maria fifty grand. Actually, if I was smart, I’d take it with me and let Shaylee pawn it for cash. But that’s dirty money and I don’t want anything to do with it.

  Shay gets Maria down on the ground and I laugh at how Lucien doesn’t even help her out, instead, he’s still coming for me.

  Slade breaks through the guards and runs for me while Damian desperately tries to hold them off.

  I throw myself to my feet and run.

  His hand curls around mine as Shay leaves Maria and races toward us. His hand is so damn warm, so full of life and love. Blood from his knuckles spreads all over my hand and dress but I couldn’t give a shit. This dress is going in a dumpster the second I get out of here.

  We’re all going to have to get new identities and move to Antarctica, but it’s so worth it. I don’t even care that I might have to leave my new friends behind. I know the pain of what it’s like to lose somebody you know and I won’t do it again.

  Now we just have to get out of here.

  The guards scramble and start coming for us as Lucien and more of his men come in from behind.

  “Are you good?” Slade demands, pulling hard on my arm and bringing me right into his side, right where I belong.

  “Never been better.”

  “We don’t have time to play catch-ups,” Shay says. “We have to go.”

  We start racing back up the aisle, collecting Damian on the way. All we have to do is break out through the door and we’ll be free, but then come the guns which I’m sure will be aimed at our backs.

  Lucien steps on the long train of this stupid dress and my body is instantly hauled back. Slade pulls but I’m trapped and the second of hesitation gives the guards a moment to catch up. Before they were just doing their job, but now they’re pissed.

  They go for Slade and Damian first as they’re the biggest threat while leaving just one guard to grab Shaylee. He wraps his hands around her, locking her arms by her sides. He lifts and her legs instantly kick out, but it’s no use. This man is huge and Shaylee is tiny like me.

  He starts taking her to the exit while I scramble for freedom, listening to Shaylee’s cries of protest.

  Lucien grabs me and starts to pull me back and I claw my nails against his arms, desperate to get to Slade as the guards crowd the boys. There’s too many of them. They can’t fight them all off. They’re incredible fighters, but against all those trained guards and taking Slade’s healing bullet wound…fuck. It’s like taking a knife to a gunfight.

  Shay is pushed through the door and Damian is slammed down to the floor while Slade is tackled into a headlock.

  Lucien drags me back and I scream. “SLADE.”

  “Just hold on, Virago,” he calls back as they start to drag him out, hauling Damian right along with him. “I’m coming for you. Fight. Don’t fucking give up, do you hear me?”

  Within seconds, Slade disappears and I’m pulled into a side room with the door slamming behind us.

  Chaos erupts outside of the room and not a moment later, Marcus walks in, disheveled, and bloodied with a pissed off Maria at his side. I’m pushed down into a chair as Marcus strides forward, stalking me like some kind of predator.

  His hand slaps hard across my face making my teeth cut into the inside of my cheek. “If they ever come back, I’ll fucking kill them.”

  I spit a mouthful of blood onto the floor, grinning as half of it stains my dress. “Just fucking try me,” I tell him, grinning like a fool knowing that no matter what, they’re coming for me.

  My will has returned with a vengeance and this time, I won’t fail. This time, I’m exactly where I want to be.

  The love of my life is alive and I’ll be damned if I ever let him down again. I might be married to this motherfucker, but I will always belong to Slade Cruz and it’s only a matter of time before he takes me home.

  Chapter 12

  I sit at the bridal table, glaring across the room at my new husband. He’s such a pig. I know he’s a rich prick, but couldn’t Lucien have picked someone a little more…classy? Maybe someone with style, rugged good looks? Hell, maybe even someone who isn’t going to make me hurl when his disgusting morning breath hits me at six am every day for the rest of my life?

  Rest of my life? What the fuck am I talking about? I’m getting out of here. The rest of my life is going to be spent by Slade’s extremely alive side while helping other women get out of abusive homes. Screw going to college and becoming an art major. I want to do something more. I want to make changes in people’s lives and be that person I wish I had when I needed out.

  I want to make a difference. I’m positive that I’m not the only woman out there who’s suffered at the hands of a man. No one deserves this. No one should feel as though they need to be watching over their shoulder, waiting to see if today is going to be their last day. I won’t stand for it anymore.

  I’ve got some work to do. I barely even know how to help myself let alone others, but I’m going to figure it out. I’m going to dedicate my life to it.

  I glance out at the guests. This is such a joke, but right now, it’s nearly impossible to wipe the smile off my face. For the first time in twelve days, I’m freaking ecstatic. I don’t even care that I’m at my own damn funeral…wait. I mean wedding. All that matters to me is that Slade is alive and that he came for me.

  Just seeing his face was enough to light the fire within me, but when his skin touched mine…holy hell. That was enough to make me soar.

  I will not give up. If Slade can survive, then so can I.

  A chuckle pulls from within my throat and I don’t even bother to hold it back. I can only imagine what Maria would be thinking right now. On one hand, she’d be thrilled that there’s a smile on my face and that for the first time all day, I actually appear to be happy about all of this. But on the other hand, she’s not too stupid to figure out that this happiness is for Slade and I’m sure she realizes that it means I’m ready to put up a fight.

  I guess she’s not the one who needs to be concerned about that anymore. I’m not Lucien’s or Maria’s problem now. I’m Marcus’.

  A louder chuckle comes out. Marcus doesn’t know what the fuck he’s in for. I will not submit, I will not surrender, and I sure as hell will not be sticking around.

  If I could, I’d already be out that door but since Slade and Shaylee’s little intervention, the security at this place has tripled and they’re all on edge. I’m sure the security has been told that it was an attempted kidnapping…if only they knew. I’m sure the majority of the guards would turn a blind eye and let me slip out if they knew what fresh hell I was about to endure, but then, they’re on either Marcus’ or Lucien’s payroll and money talks. It always talks.

  I feel a familiar gaze piercing into the side of my face and I turn to find Luce, desperate for my attention. I hold up a finger and check the room. Lucien is laughing with a bunch of other rich dickheads who probably have girls in their basements, Maria is drunk and boasting about her wedding with her country club bitches, while Marcus is seen through the back windows, sucking on the end of a cigar.


  I glance back at Luce and nod.

  She instantly gets up and starts making her way over here but just as she’s about to reac
h the bridal table, a guard steps in front of her and blocks her way.

  “What the hell do you think you’re doing?” Luce demands, scowling up at the guy who looks like he must have spent a lifetime playing college football and then followed that up with a buffet of steroids every day for breakfast.

  “The bride is not currently seeing guests.”

  My brows shoot up and so do I. “Who the hell do you think you are speaking for me?” I growl at his back, making the guard spin around. “It’s my fucking wedding and I’ll see who I want when I want.”

  “Excuse me, Mrs. Mahony, but your husband has requested that you have a few moments to yourself to catch up with the events of the day. Weddings can be overwhelming.”

  “Overwhelming would be my fist in your face,” I tell him, realizing that this guard is one of Marcus’ and not Lucien’s, meaning that by default, he’s now mine too. “Just remember whose payroll you’re now on.”

  His back seems to straighten and I watch as he tries to hold his ground, confused by what actions he should take. I square my jaw in a challenge, letting him know that I’m the real MVP here. “Let her pass or find out first-hand what it would be like to have me as your enemy, and believe me, it’s not something you want. Just think about it. If I can get a guy like Marcus Mahony to marry me, imagine what else I could do.”

  The guard swallows, standing there as he considers his options, and then finally he bows out. “My apologies, Mrs. Mahony,” he says, nodding his head and waving Luce past him before folding back into the side of the room to where he should be seen and not heard.

  Luce strides past him with her head held high as though she’s some kind of tough bitch who can’t be fucked with. “Woah,” she says, stepping around the bridal table and dropping down into Marcus’ vacated seat. “Who are you and what have you done to my best friend? What was that? Where did you learn to be such a bitch, Mrs. Mahony?”


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