Real Girl: Aston Creek High (Book 4)

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Real Girl: Aston Creek High (Book 4) Page 20

by Sheridan Anne

  Damian releases his grip and I run.

  My body crashes into Slade’s and I look up, meeting his eyes as his other hand catches me, steadying me before curling protectively around me. Tears fill my eyes. “You’re hurt.”

  He shakes his head, dropping his forehead to mine as he lets out a deep, relieved sigh. “I’m so fucking glad you’re okay, Virago. Are you alright? Let me see your throat. Are you hurt anywhere else?”

  “Slade,” I cry, needing to repeat myself, annoyed that he isn’t listening. “You’re hurt. She stabbed you.”

  “I know, baby. It’s fine. Just a flesh wound. I’m okay.”

  I let out a breath. If it was anything more, he would have said so. I stay curled into his chest for another minute, listening to the sounds as the cops pull Maria up to her feet and begin reciting her rights.

  One drags her to the door while the other stays behind and the second she’s cleared the threshold of my home, I feel as though I can finally start breathing properly. I step back, and grab the hem of Slade’s shirt, gently raising it to see the wound.

  My face tightens into a cringe. “You’re going to need stitches.”

  He nods, curling his hand around the side of my face, his voice low and soothing. “Then we’ll go to the hospital,” he murmurs as Damian, Nessa, and Shaylee crowd around, needing to check on him while Blake watches on with wide eyes from his home on the couch.

  My eyes never leave Slade’s. “That was so freaking stupid,” I tell him, not needing to explain what I’m referring to. He knows.

  A small smile pulls at his lips. “You didn’t think I was going to let us get this close to the end, only to lose you now?”

  I shake my head, knowing there was no way in hell he would ever have let that happen.

  “Whatever it took,” he promises.

  I push up onto my tippy toes and brush my lips over his as Officer Lucock begins talking to Shay. Cops start pulling up outside and within moments, the house is swarming with police, noise, and yellow tape, yet I’ve only got eyes for him.

  “I love you so much,” I whisper against Slade’s lips, finally feeling completely free, closing the last page in the story from hell.

  I feel Slade’s lips pull into a soft smile as his hand presses against my lower back, pulling me back into his chest. “Forever, Skylah. I’m never going to let you go.”

  His words hold so much meaning and it’s reflected in the love shining through his eyes. It’s a promise, a future, and finality.

  Slade Cruz is completely mine, body, heart, and soul. For now until forever.


  Six Months Later

  The breeze blows in through the open window of Slade’s Dodge RAM, messing up my hair. I groan and do my best, trying to catch it, but it’s no use. The second I let it go, it’s just going to fly free again.

  I tried to put a little effort in today. I wanted to look nice, but it’s ridiculous. It’s not as though they can actually see me. They’re not going to know that I chose a pair of jeans that don’t have any holes in them.

  I glance back at Blake sitting in the back. He’s been excited about this too. Well, maybe excited isn’t the right word. It’s a strange excitement mixed with a bittersweet sadness.

  We’ve been talking about this ever since Maria was arrested and put away. The whole shitshow that was Maria and Lucien Valentine is finally over and now that we’ve closed the book on that bullshit, it’s finally time to get a proper goodbye.

  This moment was robbed from us as kids and I’m not going to lie, I’m actually a little nervous. I’ve pictured this day so many times. What I would say, how I would feel…I just don’t know. Maybe it’ll fill me with strength or maybe it will tear me down and crush my soul into a million shattered pieces.

  It’s something that we’ll have to wait to find out.

  Blake wanted to wait until he was up and walking again. He wanted to walk in there proud and strong, which is exactly what he’s going to do. He’s defied every single doctor who has looked at him over the past few months.

  They all said he wouldn’t be able to walk so soon, he proved them wrong. They said he wouldn’t be able to run, he proved them wrong. They said he wouldn’t be able to play ball, and because he’s a stubborn asshole, he went ahead and proved them wrong there too.

  The little turd is playing his first game of his senior year next week. He’s not the captain like he’d always dreamed about for his senior year, but with the way he’s bouncing back, he’s still going to be the incredible star I always knew he would be. The fact that he can play is just astounding, so he’s happy. It was a hard few months getting him up and going again, but his determination and strength kept us all going.

  Which brings us right to where we are now.

  Slade brings his Dodge RAM to a stop and I look around him at the cemetery as he watches me.

  My mom and dad are in there.

  We’ve driven the few hours into Haven Falls just for this and I kinda can’t wait while I’m also shitting my pants. Deep down I know they’re bones in a fancy box under the ground, but something inside my soul has me feeling as though this is so much more. This is visiting my parents and it feels so real, it’s as though I can imagine walking through those gates and my parents are just going to be there waiting for me.

  Truth be told, I’ve claimed that I was waiting for Blake to be ready, but it was me too. I needed to wait until all this bullshit with Marcus blew over and as of three weeks ago, it finally did. His body was found in the burned mansion and after close examination of his remains, the police opened a murder investigation.

  Lucien went down for his murder after the security cameras in his office provided the evidence I needed of me bolting out of there during the fight. The footage showed the two men fighting and me breaking free the second I could.

  I was lucky that there was no footage from the hallway outside of Lucien’s office, otherwise, I’d be on trial claiming self-defense. I’m certain that a handful of the cops had suspected that I was guilty, but the evidence against Lucien was too damning.

  The fire though…while there was plenty of evidence showing that I was there, Noah had used his knowledge of fires to make it look like a genuine accident. No one could fault that evidence so all we had to do was wait until it all blew over.

  I couldn’t face my parents today with that storm cloud hanging over me.

  “Are you ready?” Slade murmurs, reaching across the center console and taking my hand, rubbing his thumb over my knuckles.

  I nod as a smile pulls at my lips. “I’ve never been so ready.”

  Blake lets out an excited little chuckle and throws the back door open before jumping down and making me gasp. He’s been running for the past month yet I still get a scare every time I see him on his feet.

  “Hurry up,” he hollers over his shoulder, walking to the gates and not waiting for me.

  I look back at Slade with a wide grin. “The dipshit king has spoken.”

  Slade rolls his eyes and releases my hand so he can open his door. We both jump out and I meet Slade around front before following Blake in.

  We walk in silence, him as light as a feather with not a problem in the world while I feel as though I have the weight of the world resting on my shoulders. This moment is no doubt going to affect Blake and I want to be prepared as I can’t get a read on how this is going to go. I don’t know if this is going to set him back, have him in tears, or have him sitting between their graves, telling them ghost stories about the past thirteen years.

  To be honest, I’m leaning towards the ghost stories.

  As we walk down to their graves, we pass a familiar tatted man and I can’t help but smile. Noah Cage. He walks out with a girl, discreetly nodding to me. I never got a chance to thank him for what he did to help me, but now that I’m here, that’s where I’ll be heading after this. Rivers would have had his baby by now so maybe we’ll make a whole trip of it.

  Noah keeps w
alking and I’m grateful. A cemetery isn’t exactly the place to catch up with the guy who helped you burn down your rapist’s home. Though, I know the people who usually do shit like that probably are inclined to have creepy meetings in cemeteries.

  Blake stops up ahead and looks down, his body slumping with a heavy sigh and I realize that he must have found them.

  My heart breaks. He looks absolutely shattered.

  Slade holds back as I race toward Blake, hurrying to be by his side.

  I step in beside him and the emotions hit me like a wrecking ball. It all comes flooding back and I find myself latching onto Blake’s hand while he clutches mine all the same.

  We stand there for what could be minutes or hours with Slade standing back, giving us this moment as a family.

  It’s exactly what I needed.

  Blake starts talking, just as I thought he would, telling mom and dad about our lives, the good, the bad, the ugly, and the amazing. As he talks, I feel that weight lifting off me and before I know it, we’re laughing together, sitting in the grass by our parent's headstones, laughing about all the good times growing up.

  Before I know it, the sun is setting and Slade steps in. We must have been here for at least six hours. “Come on,” he tells me, giving me a warm smile as he takes in the happiness on my face. “I called Rivers. He’s invited us for dinner.”

  My brows shoot up in excitement as Blake helps me to my feet. “Really?”

  “Yeah, Virago. He’s invited Noah and his girl, Henley, too. Said we could crash the night if we wanted. Then you guys can come back here in the morning and spend all day if that’s what you need.”

  I look to Blake who nods, not nearly ready to have this moment over.

  “Alright,” I smile, stepping into Slade’s warm arms. “You’ve got yourself a deal.”

  We walk away with Blake trailing behind and my heart feeling as one, all the small little cracks slowly disappearing.

  I miss my parents so damn much, but today has empowered me and I’m walking away feeling as though nothing and no one will ever have the power to hurt me again.

  I’ve finally come full circle.

  For a while, I believed that this shitshow all started and ended with Maria, but I was wrong. This is the moment that proves once and for all, that it started with the love my parents had for me and Blake and that’s exactly how it will always be.

  There is no end, just the rest of our lives living in peace, happiness, and love.

  Six Years Later

  I stare down at the court, screaming for my man as the game cuts into halftime. It’s been an incredible season. It’s his second year in the NBA and to say that he’s kicking ass is an understatement. His name is mentioned on ESPN every two seconds, he’s getting sponsorship requests every other day, and his ego is the size of our fucking huge-ass house that was bought with money that was earned.

  It’s insane.

  I knew this was always going to be his life. It’s what he worked for, what he dreamed about, and I had all the faith in the world that he was going to make it happen, but there’s no way I could have foreseen the incredible fanbase that came along with it.

  He has girls lining up for his autograph after every game, even if it means waiting out in the cold for hours. Every week we have trespassers trying to get into our home, we’ve had to hire bodyguards and have one of the best security systems money can buy. Just yesterday we found a fan hiding in the back of Slade’s SUV. Don’t get me wrong, we love his fans. The majority of the time he can sign their shirt or whatever they’ve got on them, smile for a photo and they’re on their way. Other times, you’ve got to lay down the law.

  The cheerleaders come out to center court and do their thing as Slade’s team takes a quick, well-deserved break. They’re up by six and it’s been an intense game. The opposition is fighting hard. Every time my boys get the ball through the hoop, the other team is quick to challenge them and win back a few points.

  The next two quarters are going to be tough, but I know Slade and his team will pull through. They always do. They earned their reputation for being the best and prove it every time they step out onto the court.

  Damian and Blake fall into a conversation about the players as I glance over at my best friend sitting beside Blake with his fingers laced through hers. Luce’s hand rests on her precious little baby bump as she stares down the man walking up and down the stands with soda, boxes of popcorn, and hotdogs.

  This whole baby bump thing was a bit of a surprise and came from an accidental, drunk one-night stand. Ever since Luce found out that she was pregnant, the two of them have been inseparable, and honestly, I kind of like it.

  They’re perfect together. At eighteen, I never would have admitted that, but now, it’s everything the two of them need. They’re going to be great parents. I can’t wait to corrupt this child with all my devilish ways and laugh as I watch Blake trying to deal with it.

  His life has been just as crazy as I knew it would be.

  Just as he always dreamed, Blake was signed to the NBA. It just so happens to be for the team which is one of Slade’s biggest competitors. Shit has been intense over the last few months between the two of them, their teams went head to head a few weeks ago and unfortunately for Blake, Slade came out with the bragging rights.

  Nessa’s high-pitched laughter erupts and I shoot my gaze over to her to see her looking up at the jumbo screen.

  A smile tears across my face.

  The kiss cam.

  God, I love that thing. I’ve been caught on it far too many times at Blake’s games when I’m sitting in the stands with Slade. He always puts on a show for the cameras and the crowds love it, but today, it’s not me on display. It’s Blake and Damian.

  The two of them have finally realized that they can’t live without each other and have built an indestructible bromance. It’s irritating as all hell.

  Damian’s eyes light up like the fourth of July as Blake looks horrified, knowing the guy beside him far too well. Damian starts leaning in and throwing caution to the wind, Blake shrugs it off and goes for it.

  I gawk in horror.

  Their lips crush together as Damian’s eyes fly open. He hadn’t expected Blake to play along but the crowds are cheering for them so they give it a second longer.

  Slade stares at the screen looking like he’s about to race up here and kick both of their asses. I mean, this is maybe taking the bromance too far. I haven’t had enough to drink to be dealing with this.

  The guys break apart with a laugh as Nessa, Luce, and I stare with our mouths dropped open. Damian licks his lips, batts his eyelashes, and gives Blake a seductive little pout. “I knew you were always into me.”

  Blake bounces his brows, playing into Damian’s little game. “Wait till you see what else this mouth can do.”

  Okay…and now I need another drink.

  I hop up and start making my way down to the court as I consider my options. I could find the bar which the rest of the stadium is queuing at or I could walk an extra two minutes to the VIP bar for the players and their guests. It's bound to be practically empty.

  There’s hardly a decision to make.

  I get to the bottom and start heading for the VIP area. We have a box that we sometimes use that has its own personal bar staff, but for games like this, we like to be in with the action and able to smell the sweat. Well, at least Nessa likes to smell the sweat. She’s batshit crazy like that.

  I cross past Slade with his team and I hardly get three steps past them when they all stand and start crowding me. I scrunch my face up and groan. The whole team is a bunch of shit stirrers. They laugh and chant my name, huddling me within their big bodies and making it impossible to get free.

  The stands of people laugh and cheer, loving to watch their favorite team enjoying themselves. I’m smooshed between them and before I know it, we’re in the middle of the court, and the cheerleaders are gone.

  The lights of the arena cut while a
spotlight is shone down on me. The boys begin to step away, creating a circle around me.

  My cheeks flame. What the fuck is going on?

  Their circle gets bigger until it’s just me and Slade in the middle, me gaping as he drops down to one knee.

  The whole crowd gasps, realizing they’re about to witness something incredible.

  He’s not seriously proposing to me on live TV, is he? Shay and Ben are going to be at home shitting their pants. Not to mention Daniella and Slade’s little sisters. They would be losing their minds. Daniella must think he knocked me up.

  A spotlight shines down on Slade and with the lights of the arena out and complete silence, it feels as though it’s only the two of us.

  I walk toward him, stopping just before him and grinning at the way he’s nearly my height, even down on one knee.

  I place my hands on his shoulders, watching the way his eyes dance with delight. He’s teasing me. He knows how much I detest being on display, but he also knows that there would be no better way to do this.

  My thumbs stretch out over his shoulders as his eyes soften, ready to get serious.

  “Virago, you have been my whole world since the day you first walked the halls of Aston Creek High. You came in cocky and far too sure of yourself and not a goddamn thing has changed. We went through hell together and I hate that you had it so much worse, but you came out the other end being the incredible, strong, and compassionate woman you are today.”

  My eyes grow watery as I hear Nessa and Luce up in the stands blubbering like babies. Slade reaches up and takes my hand from his shoulder, holding it firmly between his own. “You’re everything to me. I fell in love with you the second I laid my eyes on you and every single day since I fall a little bit more. I never want that feeling to end.”

  I lean into him. “Are you sure?”

  Slade grins, his eyes sparkling with emotion. “I’m so damn sure, baby,” he tells me, bringing his hand up to show me a little black velvet box with a shitload of diamonds shining up at me. No ring, just a big diamond swimming in a sea of other various sized diamonds. “I want to marry you, Skylah. I want to wake up every day and be able to call you my wife, I want to live my life with you by my side, I want to watch your tummy grow with our babies and watch those babies grow and call you mommy. I want it all with you.


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