A Dom and a Sub to Love

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A Dom and a Sub to Love Page 8

by Eileen Green

  It wasn't long before he felt a burning in his lower back, and he knew it would he’d find bliss soon. Victor opened his eyes and turned his head towards his lover of nearly six years. Todd was watching Eliza's bobbing head in Victor's lap, his eyes large and filled with lust and desire. Victor looked back down at Eliza and held tighter to her head as white-hot lava raced down to his balls and up his dick to shoot into her hot decadent mouth. Jet after jet ejaculated from him until he was dry, Eliza taking all of his jism.

  He felt Todd release his hand right before the man slid off the bench to his knees. Eliza pulled off Victor, and he watched in awe as Todd turned Eliza’s head towards him and then slammed his mouth onto hers. Eliza's jaw opened as the kiss deepened. Todd groaned.

  * * * *

  Tasting his lover and slave’s seed in his potential lover’s mouth was sexy and heavenly. Todd couldn’t believe Eliza had given in to his demand so easily, but he wasn’t going to think of the possibility of her backing out. Their tongues danced between his mouth and hers as he drank down some of Victor’s essence and let Eliza have the rest.

  He felt her hands grasp the sides of his neck, her thumbs holding his jaw as they kissed passionately. It felt as if she was giving him her all, tangling her tongue with his and sucking on it as well. He caught soft moans from her as he kissed her in return.

  Slowly, he pulled out of the kiss, peppering her lips with half a dozen small kisses before he leaned his forehead on hers and drew in deep breaths. He heard her breathing as heavily as him, and he was at a loss for words.

  Yesterday, he had wanted more than a hug from her. He had wanted to throw her on the floor, ravish her body with his tongue until she couldn’t come anymore, and then he would fuck her raw. His heart pounded in his chest at how things were moving along.

  Her submissive side had leaked out when she did what he had told her to do. He knew she held on to her dominance like a dog holds onto a bone. It had to be difficult for her to let that subbie part of her out, but she had, and that had pleased him greatly.

  The feel of Victor’s hand on his shoulder brought Todd back to the scene at hand. He knew it was Victor’s because Eliza still had her hands on his neck. Turning his head slight but retaining touch with Eliza’s forehead, Todd saw Victor smiling down at him. Desire and lust warred within the man’s hazel eyes. Also, Todd couldn’t miss the fact that Victor’s cock was hard and demanding attention again.

  Despite the heated scene that had just occurred between Eliza and Victor, Todd needed to spend a few moments to make sure the newcomer to his family was truly all right with what just took place. He pulled his head back a bit to look at her.

  “Are you all right, baby girl?” Todd inquired, trying to hold the worry from his voice. He could feel the tremors shake her body. He hoped he hadn’t pushed her too far too soon.

  It took a few more seconds before she finally nodded slowly. She wouldn’t look up at him but a high-pitched “Uh-huh” sounded from her.

  “Look at me, Eliza.” Todd tried to sound calm, but his voice quivered slightly. His heart was also pounding in his chest. He really wanted this to work out and he was afraid it was slipping away.

  “Can you look at me, please?” he pleaded.

  Victor’s hand was still on Todd’s shoulder, and Todd noticed he had his other hand on Eliza’s shoulder. It was as if he needed to have a connection to both of them.

  Eliza breathed in loudly before she raised her head to look at Todd. Tears sparkled in her eyes and her brow was creased. “Why?” she whispered.

  “I don’t understand, baby girl?” Did I read her wrong!

  “Why did you want me to do that?”

  Todd sat back on his heels but continued to hold her upper arms. “Did you not like sucking on our boy?”

  “I don’t want to play games, Todd. I lost Victor once before. I can’t do it again. He’s yours now. Not mine.” She looked so sad.

  “I’m sorry that I don’t remember a lot, Eliza.” Victor sucked in a ragged breath before going on. “But I want you in my life. I want you and Todd.”

  “That’s just it, babe. You have a new life, with Todd,” she whispered, keeping her gaze on Todd.

  Victor stood, moved around Eliza, and then sat on the travertine tile floor so his knees touched both Todd and Eliza. He then placed his hands on their closest knees. “I am remembering things now that I’m around you, Eliza. I remember being happy, and the love we had. I want you, sweetie.”

  Todd slid his hands down to Eliza’s and held them gently. She was such a strong woman, but her hands were dainty and spoke of her womanhood. She looked up at Todd. “We don’t know each other. How could you want me?”

  He smiled. “Because of Victor, I see the love in your heart. The night we saw you on the news, I knew you were a woman worth knowing, worth taking a risk for. I would like for us to try.”

  “We can’t,” she whispered. “I have a life here, a law practice. I can’t move.”

  “Love is worth moving for, isn’t it, Master?” Victor questioned, an expectant look on his face.

  Todd was like Eliza. He had a successful practice in Washington D.C. and had patients that included Senators, Congressmen, and other influential people in politics. He had lived in Virginia most of his life, except when he went to college and had thought he would reside there until he retired.

  As he looked at the loving faces of the most important man in his life, and the woman who was quickly grabbing a hold of his heart, Todd knew he had some planning to do. However, for the moment, he replied, “We’ll work it out. Eliza will keep her practice, and we’ll have to arrange some things, but we’ll work on it.”

  Victor’s smile was bright, and it reached his eyes. Eliza appeared to be hesitant still, which Todd understood. Just the appearance of Victor had shaken her, and they had just thrown her for another loop. Todd knew he was going to have to be patient and not push Eliza. What happened would be determined By her.

  Eliza seemed to be pondering what was said. She was nibbling on her bottom lip, and Todd wished it was him she was nibbling on. “I don’t know about this,” she finally mumbled.

  He could respect her hesitancy. He had his own trepidations. However, sitting to his left was a man who really seemed to want this. Todd nodded his understanding. “How about we do a trial run? If at the end of next week we don’t feel like it’s going to work out, we’ll go back to Virginia and we’ll just be friends.”

  As he spoke, Eliza looked between him, then Victor, and then back to Todd. She probably had the biggest stake to lose. Losing Victor once had obviously taken a lot out of her. If she lost him again, Todd feared for her sanity.

  There was one thing that niggled in the back of Todd’s brain though. There was a possibility Victor could choose to stay with Eliza. That had been his biggest fear of them coming here. He didn’t know if he could survive losing Victor, but if he didn’t try with Eliza, that wasn’t fair to Victor either. This was the only option at this point, and he would deal with the fallout if it came.

  After a quick nod, Eliza uttered the word that gave Todd some hope. “Okay.”

  His heart soared as he pulled her into his arms. There was a slight hesitation before he felt Eliza’s hands slip around his waist to his back. Once the two of them were fully intwined, Todd felt Victor’s arms slide across his shoulder, and he figured his lover was holding both him and Eliza.

  As much as Todd wanted them to go upstairs and make love to seal the deal so to speak, there were still discussions to be had. But for now, he would savor the closeness.

  The hug was short-lived for Eliza’s phone began ringing. Releasing her, and feeling Victor release both of them, he watched her reach for her briefcase. She grabbed her phone from it and hit a button. “Hello?”

  She looked at her watch as the person on the other end spoke. “No. I can be there in half an hour.”

  Todd and Victor stood quickly, and Victor pulled his sweatpants up over his softening co
ck. As much as Todd wanted to spend time in bed with his slave, he thought it would be best to wait until Eliza was with them.

  After she ended the call, Eliza began to get up. Both men were there to help her. She brushed off her slacks and slid her phone into her pants pocket. She disappeared around the corner into the powder room, leaving Victor and Todd to look at each other. Todd could hear her brushing her teeth. She must have had an extra toothbrush in there. When she returned, she appeared all business as she grabbed her briefcase. “I shouldn’t be too late,” she informed them. She smoothed down her sweater. “I can order dinner when I get home, but I have a class at the club, so I won’t be home until nearly midnight.”

  It was a Friday, and Todd remembered Alex telling them she taught on Wednesday and Friday nights. He wouldn’t mind going to watch her. “Can we go with you? Perhaps after class we could play?”

  “I’m not sure if the students would welcome newcomers this far into the session. However, I’m sure you guys could go to the club and play while I’m teaching.”

  Taking a step towards her, Todd stood just inches away. “With this new arrangement, there will be no sex, and no play, except when we’re all together. That way, we’re on an even keel.” If he was going to be Dom to both of them, he needed to take control. However, they did have to discuss her dominance also.

  Without a blink of her beautiful sky-blue eyes, she nodded, then agreed, “Understood. Now, if you’ll excuse me.”

  Todd grasped her shoulder with one hand, wrapped the other around her nape, and pulled her to him and plastered his mouth onto hers. She opened to him and they both fought for supremacy. Eliza ceded to him, but he only kissed her another few seconds before pulling away.

  With a slight hesitancy, she turned towards Victor. She cupped both of his cheeks and pulled him forward. Victor’s face lit up and love shone brightly in his eyes before the two locked lips and kissed with a gentleness that made Todd’s heart ache. He had that with Victor, but he knew Victor had that with Eliza, even though he might not remember. There was a passion from what Todd could tell, but it was more of a kiss between two lovers. When she ended it, Victor’s eyes were still closed. He whispered, “I always loved your kisses, sweetie.”

  Eliza’s eyes grew large at his words. “You remember me kissing you?” she asked in surprise.

  Opening his eyes, Victor smiled. “I did. Just now.”

  She removed her hands from his face. “I’m glad. We’ll talk more about it later, because I have got to go.”

  Todd opened the door for her for he knew she had parked out front last night. Victor rushed out ahead of her and was at her car door before she got there. He opened it and held it for her. She got in, started the engine, smiled at them, and then drove away.

  Chapter Nine

  “A word, Senator?” the voice asked from the door. He had tapped twice. However, Senator Howard Spencer had wanted to ignore any visitors. The call he had just gotten off of on his cell phone bothered him.

  Glancing up, he saw an old colleague standing there. Tall, Caucasian, and blond, he looked like the perfect man. At least in Howard’s world.

  “Mark!” he exclaimed as he stood. Both men walked towards each other, across the expanse of Howard’s large office, and then shook hands when they met in the middle. “Sit, sit,” Howard insisted as he went to close the door before returning to his desk.

  Mark sat in one of the wood and leather chairs in front of the huge oak desk of Howard’s.

  “How’s the family?” Mark inquired.


  “Denise is good, and the girls are as well. They’re giving me a run for my money now that they’re dating.” That was a sore subject for Howard at the moment.

  “I take it the boys they’re interested in don’t live up to your standards?”

  Perceptive. But then again, Howard and Mark belonged to the same secret organization.

  Howard nodded sadly. His oldest, Leslie, was sneaking out to see a Latino boy, but Howard had a P.I. following her and he would have the filth taken care of shortly.

  “Unfortunately, until we rid this country of the lowlifes, our girls aren’t safe. Our society has taken such a nose-dive in the past seven to eight decades since people started screaming for civil rights. And don’t get me started on this immigration shit. As soon as that wall is built to keep out the riffraff, we’ll all be better off.”

  Mark crossed one leg over the other, his ankle resting on his knee, and began drumming his fingers on his calf. “I agree with you whole-heartedly. However, sometimes I think it might be too late for us. The wolves are already in the hen house. Are we really going to be able to get all of them out?”

  “Don’t get discouraged. You know we can take care of all this. There will be a lot of dirty work to take care of, but we can do it. Let the House keep fighting the President, and soon we’ll be able to get our guy in the Oval Office. Then, things will change. You’ll see.”

  Plans were in motion Howard was certain would change America back to better days when people knew their places, and he was going to be as near the top to make sure he not only cashed in but kept America pure. He would have the President’s ear to keep it that way.

  “So, Mark. What do I owe the pleasure of your company?” Howard finally asked.

  Mark squirmed in his chair before he finally pulled a photo from the inside of his suit coat and handed it over the desk to Howard.

  Looking at the photo sent a chill up Howard’s spine. This was something that was supposed to have been taken care of years before, but now it appeared it was coming back to haunt him, and hopefully not bite him in the ass.

  Most people in Washington would say what he had done was criminal, but Howard saw the bigger picture of what needed to be done for this country and to keep it safe and clean for future generations.

  However, why was this bomb being dropped in his lap now?

  “Why?” was all Howard could ask.

  “I’m not sure.” Mark ran his tongue across his upper lip nervously. “Sammy saw him boarding a plane at Dulles, and this was sent to me. I’m as surprised as you are.”

  Tossing the photo onto his desk, Howard scrubbed a hand down his face. This was not supposed to be happening.

  * * * *

  It had been an unusual day. First her misunderstanding with Victor, and then her giving him a blow job in her foyer with his lover watching. It had been five years since she had been given an order, and if she really admitted it to herself, Todd’s commanding tone had sent ripples of desire through her system, and she wanted to hear it again.

  She hadn’t forgotten what it felt like to be dominated, and she never imagined she would want to again after the last time, but here she was wanting more. However, she had brought her own dominant streak out and she wanted to hold on to it. That was one fear she had with Todd. He suggested they try a trial relationship. He was very dominant, and Eliza knew he would top her, but she was afraid he would try to make her into a submissive again. There were discussions to be had.

  At the office, after she left Todd and Victor, she had to deal with Mallory’s idiot ex-husband. Dale Renton had shown up at Mallory’s townhouse the previous night demanding to see the kids. The police had shown up after a neighbor had heard Dale yelling outside the front door. Mallory had pressed charges of harassment, but he had made bail this morning of course. Coming from a wealthy family could open so many doors for a person.

  While Mallory and Eliza were meeting at the office, Dale had shown up, threatening both women. Standing between the two former partners while Cindy, Eliza’s assistant, called the police, Dale swung out and slammed his fist into Eliza’s face. Since Eliza, and the building her office sat in, employed Shane Owens’ security company, the security guard showed up quickly and had subdued Dale before he could do anymore damage. However, the damage had been done to Eliza’s face and her cheek and eye were swelling quickly.

  Cindy and Mallory, who had been a nurse be
fore marrying Dale, had tended to Eliza. Cindy collecting ice from the fridge in the breakroom, and they had applied it gently to Eliza’s face. By the time the entire debacle had ended, and Dale was carted off to jail for the second time in less than fifteen hours, she looked as if she had gone at least one round in the ring. Black and blue was predominant on the right side of her face.

  Wanting to avoid any questioning and worrying by Victor and Todd, Eliza had forgone going home after she was able to secure a restraining order against Mr. Renton. She worked at the office until it was time to go to the club for her class. Unfortunately, Shane Owens had informed Alex, Jackson, and Thomas of what had transpired at the office, so none of them were surprised to see her battle wound. They were surprised to see her show up for the class itself, which Alex tried to talk her out of.

  Now, standing in front of the class, concerned students gazed at her. Several of the men had offered to take care of the brute who had hit a woman, their champion alter-egos coming to the surface. Smiling, she cringed at the pain but thanked them and said the situation had been taken care of. Sadness sat on the women’s faces as they watched her, and again, she again felt the love she had felt a few nights ago in the presence of people she had always thought of as acquaintances.

  “D/s is what you make it,” she began. “Each relationship is different, and D/s is no different. In marriages, or hopefully before the wedding, each partner communicates what their roles will be. Who’s going to cook, clean. Who is the fixit person? Who takes care of the landscaping and maintenance on the car? Who does the shopping? Who takes care of the kids? And so on.

  “In D/s, there’s a sub and a Dom. There are also switches, which we’ll cover at a later date. As we have stated repeatedly, communication is the most important aspect of D/s. If you don’t communicate, someone can get hurt. No just physically, but mentally as well. Before you rush into a relationship, subs, you need to write down what you desire from a D/s relationship. Being new to this lifestyle, you’re going to want to experiment on what makes you happy, or what you find distasteful or too painful. Do you like floggings, whippings, paddlings? Do you like to be tied up, gagged, humiliated? In the club, you can always find a Top who’s willing to use you as a bottom so you can experience different kinks. Discuss with them what you’d like to try, and then, if you like it, you can put that down as a want in your notebook if you want to do it again.


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