I turned on my heel, hoping he hadn’t seen me and rushed back to my office, closing my door as I stepped in there. I turned to lock it just in time to see Melina and Becca follow me inside.
“What do you want to do?”
I looked at them. What was going on?
“There’s nothing we can do. They are just here enjoying themselves. At least, that’s what they will tell everyone.”
“We have to be able to do something—”
“What is going on?” I cut Melina off. Dean actually looked scared. “Does this … does this have to do with Jessica?”
Melina and Dean turned to stare at me.
All the color had drained from Dean’s face. I wasn’t sure what Melina looked like. I didn’t care. I kept my eyes locked on Dean.
“How do you know about her?”
“I found out … a little. I … I don’t know much,” I admitted. “But I know there is something about her.” I stood there, my eyes locked on him, standing my ground.
“You can’t get involved in this.”
“She’s already involved,” Melina whispered.
“No, she doesn’t have to be.” Dean spoke to Melina, not me.
I frowned anger nipping at me. I was a grown woman here. Why were they acting like I was a little kid? “Um, excuse me. You guys can’t tell me what I can and can’t do.”
“No, but I can fire you and end things between us. And I will if it keeps you safe.”
Melina gasped.
I didn’t break eye contact. “Is that what you’re going to do? Is that how little you care about me, Dean?”
He stared at me. “I don’t want to,” he whispered. “But you need to be safe.”
“And what about what I want?”
Melina cleared her throat. “You two need some time to think. I’ll … I’ll give you guys some time.” And without another word, she walked out of the office.
I could feel tears sting my eyes. “So, that’s how much I mean to you? You’re just going to up and break things off when they get a little rough?”
“You don’t get it.”
“Obviously, something from the past is coming up. I’m not stupid; I actually sort of understand what is going on.”
“Only sort of though.”
“Because you won’t explain it to me!” I crossed my arms over my chest and blew out a deep breath. “Why can’t we be in this together?”
“Because this isn’t your mess to clean up; what don’t you get about that?”
“I just want to support you, is that so much to ask?”
“You don’t get what kind of people I’m dealing with.”
“That’s not my fault,” I uttered, pacing to the desk. “I don’t know how I’m supposed to say it in a way you will understand, but I want to be involved. I want to help.”
Dean looked away from me. “I’m not sure I can let you do that. I’ve already ruined a lot of people’s lives. I can’t ruin yours; I care about you way too much to do that to you.”
I stared at Dean for a couple seconds. That was all I needed to hear. He cared about me; that was all that mattered, which meant I was going to do everything I could to help him. Tears pricked at the corner of my eye.
“Fine.” I took a deep breath, fighting back the urge to cry, and bit my lip. “I understand.” And without another word, I turned on my heel.
“Becca, wait.” I stopped but didn’t dare turn to face him. “I … I don’t want to end things with you; please, just give me time to sort this out. I … I really care about you.”
Why did he keep telling me that but still not let me help? I swallowed dryly. “Alright.” My voice broke as I spoke, reaching for the door and heading out.
I didn’t turn back to the lobby; instead, I went to the door leading outside. As I pushed open the door leading outside, I froze.
Melina stared at me, a smoke in her hand. She gave me a soft smile. “I know, it’s a nasty habit … I’ve been working on it but … with everything going on. With Keith here …” she swallowed as I stepped outside and let the door close behind me. “How did it go?”
For some reason, her question was enough to send me over the edge. A whimper passed through my lips as a tear ran down my cheek.
“Oh, honey,” The cigarette dropped from her hands, and she crossed over to me, pulling me into her arms. “It’s okay; he’ll come around.”
“I doubt it,” I mumbled into her shoulder as tears rolled down my cheek. The next thing I knew, I was full on crying as Melina hugged me. I gasped for breath, stepping away from her and wiping my eyes. “I just don’t get why he won’t let me in. I don’t understand what he could have done that would make him think I’ll hate him that much.”
Melina looked at me, and for a fraction of a second, she looked sad.
“You have to understand … we all have our regrets, and Dean’s haunts him … he feels like he made a much bigger mistake than he ever did, and that’s because of what people have told him. What people told him he did.” She paused. “He didn’t tell you anything, did he?”
Melina bit her lip, looking around. “You have to understand … I can’t tell you his secrets. But you’re right, it does have to do with Jess … it has a lot to do with you; what do you know about her?”
“I—I know they used to own a casino together and that she died … that she was killed.”
“They were a lot more than business partners.” Melina’s voice was low. “And … well, I’m not telling you anything, but Jess had a big brother, a very protective one. And he … he’s never forgiven Dean. He thinks that Dean did it.”
“Do you?”
“No … I know Dean didn’t.” How? I opened my mouth to ask, but Melina cut me off. “But it doesn’t matter, no one believed it. The cops hardly did … Anyways, Keith … I’m sure you could find all this out on the internet if you looked hard enough … which if he asks, that’s where you found it.”
“I won’t rat on you.”
“I’ll kick your ass if you do.” She gave me a smile, but I believed it. “Keith is Jessica’s brother. His name is Keith Bright. He … he’s always hated Dean, even when Jess was … with us.”
“And what, he has it out for Dean?”
I nodded. So why was she telling me this? What was I supposed to do?
“I know Dean said he was going to hire someone to look into it, but you’re right. The cops need to be called. Dean can’t do this on his own.”
“He doesn’t seem to care what I think.”
Melina gave me a smile as she looked down at her watch. “I’d better get back in there. Before he thinks we’re out here talking about him.”
I watched Melina head back into the casino before I pulled my phone out of my pocket and stared at it. I bit my lip. If this Keith guy blamed Dean for what happened to his sister … I thought about the article I’d seen the other day with Dean in the hospital. I wonder if he did that … I bit my lip staring at my phone.
Screw it.
I dialed the local police station and lifted my phone to my ear. It took three rings before someone answered the phone.
“Hello, Las Vegas police, how may I help you?”
“Hi, um …” I took a deep breath, trying to figure out what to say. “I’m not even sure if I should be calling you honestly … but my boyfriend … he’s been …”I paused and took a deep breath. “I think he’s in trouble … I think someone wants to hurt him.”
“Alright.” The girl on the other line sounded calm, and for some reason that made me feel better. “Where are you right now?”
“The Casino on 22nd Street. I … I’m not sure. It’s just …”
“It’s alright ma’am. You did the right thing by calling us.” Yea, I wasn’t so sure Dean would agree. “We’re going to send a couple officers down just to check in on things, alright?”
“Yes. Thank you �
“Have a good night, ma’am.”
And with that, our conversation ended. I tucked my phone back in my pocket.
Fingers curled around my elbow.
“You really shouldn’t have done that.”
My heart skipped a beat. I didn’t know that voice. I could feel my pulse racing, thumping against my chest as I took a deep breath, willing myself to do what I knew I needed to do.
My heart racing, I spun to face the person who had spoken. He stared at me with almost black eyes. “Now.” He pulled me close to him, covering my mouth with his hand. “You’re going to do me a favor.”
I struggled to break free of his grip, but it was no use; his fingers tightened around me. I tried to scream, but his hand muffled it.
“I don’t want to hurt you, but I will.” I froze. “Are you going to behave and help me?”
I swallowed dryly. I knew the cops were on their way, which meant I just had to buy a little bit of time, right? That was it. That was all.
I nodded.
If I played along with what he wanted, if I pretended to help him, maybe he would trust me, and I’d be able to get an upper hand. I inhaled deeply.
“I’m going to let go of you, but if you scream, I’ll knock you out, got it?”
My heart skipped a beat. I nodded.
He removed his hand from my mouth and stared at me. For a split second, I got a good look at him. What caught my eyes was the scar on his cheek.
“You’re going to text your boyfriend and tell him to meet you out here.”
“I … I don’t think he’s going to reply to me.” I felt tears running down my cheeks again, not because I was sad, but because it hit me that I could get killed. “I … he just broke up with me. He told me he wanted nothing to do with me, and that he hated me.” Okay, that part was a lie, but I needed to stall.
“He’ll come. I saw the way he looked at you.”
My fingers fumbled, reaching for the pocket of my jeans. “You’re her brother, aren’t you?”
He stared at me as I realized what a mistake I’d just made. I was pretty sure I was about to get slapped.
“How do you know about her? Did he tell you?”
“No … he … I figured it out. He had a picture of her.” I didn’t think telling him it was a box of pictures would do Dean any good. “I … when he wouldn’t talk about it, I figured it out on my own.”
“Your boyfriend killed my sister.”
“I told you; he’s not my boyfriend.” If he thought Dean was my boyfriend, I’d never be able to win him over. “I… I tried to confront him about it, and he wouldn’t tell me anything, instead he just … broke things off.”
It was almost scary how well I was making this lie up as I went.
“Just text him,” Keith snapped.
“Are you going to let me go after I do?” I asked, typing out a text to Dean. I knew he probably wouldn’t, but maybe if I asked, he would think I wasn’t going to tell anyone. That maybe I was on his side.
“No. Now come on, we need privacy. ”
38. Chapter Six
“Have you seen Becca?” I asked Melina. I wanted to talk to her, maybe telling her the truth was better than losing her. As soon as she walked out of the office, I’d known what I needed to do.
“I thought I saw her head outside.”
“I poked my head out there; I didn’t see her.”
Damnit why had I waited so long? I should have gone after her right away, as soon as she walked out of the office.
“Are you sure?” Melina’s brow furrowed. “I could have sworn on a stack of Bibles that she was out there.”
My heart skipped a beat. “Have you seen Keith?”
“Do you think—”
Yes. That was exactly what I thought had happened. I mean, what else could have happened? Sure she could have just gone home, but I didn’t see it. She wanted to help; if I knew her half as well as I hoped I did, I knew she hadn’t left. She was here somewhere.
“I’m going to check the tapes.” I headed for my office.
“We don’t have any outside.” Melina followed me.
“No, but I will be able to see where Keith went, and with that, I’ll be able to find her.”
My phone buzzed in my pocket.
Need to talk. Meet me outback.
That was all she said.
My heart dropped into the pit of my stomach.
“Is it from her?”
I held my phone out so Melina could see the text.
“I’m calling the cops.” Melina ripped the phone from my hand. “Go get her. If he’s alone with her for too long …”
“I know; I can’t let him hurt her.”
My heart was still pounding as I sat on the picnic bench. He had a gun. He had a mother fucking gun. How was I going to warn Dean? Keith had taken my phone, so I couldn’t try to text anyone. I closed my eyes. Please, please, show up soon … but even if the cops did show up soon, would they know where we were? I had to hope that Dean was smart enough not to come until the cops had shown up, or that they were there before he headed out here. Or that he wouldn’t even come out here—that was the smart thing to do.
I bit my lip.
“I’m not going to kill you.”
“That’s not very comforting when you have a gun.” I opened my eyes and looked at the man in front of me. How could I stall him? How could I make him change his mind? “Has this been all you’re focus … since …?”
“He deserves to pay for what he did to her.”
I knew I had to be careful; I was walking on very thin ice, and I did not want to drown tonight. I chewed the inside of my cheek. “I have to ask, what makes you so sure he did it? I mean … I …”
“I know he did it. The way he treated her. It was obvious he just wanted her for her money.” He turned to me then laughed dryly. “Oh, he didn’t tell you? Did you think it was him who had all the money? No, she paid for them to open the casino, that was the only reason they got together in the first place. I told her again and again that was why he was in the relationship with her, but she wouldn’t listen.”
“You must really love her.”
“Of course, I do. I pretty much raised her.”
“Look,” I took a deep breath. “I’m sorry, but I gotta ask—is this really what she would want you to do? I mean, what if you get caught? You’re going to go to jail.”
“I’ve already been to jail. That doesn’t scare me anymore.”
My mind raced as I thought about the news article I’d found online. Dean had been beaten; the article had said that they had a strong lead on a suspect.
I bit my tongue not saying anything. If I overstepped my bounds, he would realize I wasn’t here to help him.
My heart raced as I headed out of my office and caught sight of the men in police uniforms.
I rushed over to them. “Hello.”
“Sir, we need to speak to the manager.”
“I own this place.” I stared at the one in front of me. He was a foot taller than me, so I had to look up to lock eyes on him.
“We got a call from woman; she said she was worried about her boyfriend’s safety.” My heart skipped a couple beats. An hour ago, I would have been mad at her for doing it but now … now it was the only thing that could maybe get us both out of this.
“She was calling about me.”
“Excuse me.”
I took a deep breath. “There is a man name Keith Bright here. He is here to hurt me and now … and now he has Becca.” I realized the cop probably had no clue who I was talking about. “The girl who called you, and I just got a text saying that she was out back and that I should go meet her.”
“Sir, stay here. We will deal with this.”
I opened my mouth to protest, but they’d already started walking away, out the front door.
Fuck that. I wasn’t going to sit around and wait while Becca was
in danger. I bolted for the side door.
“Dean!” Melina called after me, but I didn’t pay any attention to her. I knew that if I didn’t get out there first, Becca was going to be in danger.
Before I realized it, I was out the door. The cool air touched my skin, but it didn’t matter. I felt sweat touch the small of my back. God, please make sure she’s okay.
I wasn’t normally the praying type, but I would give (or try) anything to make sure she was okay. She didn’t deserve to be hurt because of me. This was my fault. Keith, Jessica’s death—it was my fault. I deserved whatever he wanted to do to me, but Becca didn’t deserve to have this happen to her.
He saw me as soon as I rounded the corner. Grabbing Becca, he held a gun to her head.
“If you care about this one, don’t come any closer.”
My heart rate picked up again as he grabbed me and pulled me close to him. I gasped. The cool metal of a gun touched my temple. I tried to scream, but his hand went to my mouth. Instead, I choked on my scream, and it turned into a sob.
“If you care about this one, don’t come any closer,” he hissed.
Dean held his arms up in the air. “Just let her go. She doesn’t have anything to do with this. I’ll trade places with her … please, just—”
“Shut up!” Keith shouted.
Dean didn’t say a word.
Damnit. He shouldn’t have come. He should have just waited. But he gave me a soft smile as he stepped forward; his eyes locked on mine.
“Becca, listen to me. It’s going to be okay.” He turned his attention to Keith. “Are you here to finish the job?”
“Yes.” Keith turned the gun from me to Dean. I tried to scream, but he still had my mouth covered. “I’m going to kill you for what you did to my sister.”
I struggled against his hold, but he kept a firm arm around me so I couldn’t move. I heard the safety on the gun click. My scream, although muffled by his hand came out louder. My heart raced; I had to do something. I had to save him. I had no clue how I was going to do that, but there wasn’t another option.
“Police!” A man shouted behind me. “Drop your gun, and let the girl go!”
Keith didn’t move. He stood there frozen. The barrel of the gun quivered against my temple. I whimpered. My heart raced.
The Billionaire X-MAS Wonder: A Billionaire Christmal Novel Page 24