The Billionaire X-MAS Wonder: A Billionaire Christmal Novel

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The Billionaire X-MAS Wonder: A Billionaire Christmal Novel Page 28

by Sarah J. Brooks

  “So that’s what he does.” Brad sounded like he was actually interested. “You know, I’ve been thinking about branching out into the casino business … Maybe we should talk sometime.”

  I’m pretty sure Kirra and I had the same look on our faces when he said that. But I didn’t say anything. I just kinda grunted and stared straight ahead.

  “We should get together for dinner tonight!”

  My eyes widened as I heard his words. This had to be a joke. Right?

  “Oh, I um … I’m not sure that will work.”

  “Of course. I’m sure you two have some romantic night out planned; I mean, it is Italy. How about lunch tomorrow? I’ve missed you so much.” He reached out and touched my arm.

  It took everything I had not to pull away, and I did take some satisfaction in the fact that Kirra would probably kill him later for so much as touching me, let alone saying that he missed me.

  “I’ll talk to Dean about that. He’s done all the planning for the trip, so I’m not sure what he has in mind for tomorrow, but if we’re free, I’ll let you know.”

  I felt a wave of relief wash over me as the door opened, and I quickly stepped out onto my floor.

  “We’re in room 223,” Brad piped up as the doors started to close.

  “Oh, okay. Well, I’ll be sure to let you know,” I lied as I turned on my heel and headed for our room as fast as I could. Still, I heard Kirra start on him for missing me—I won’t lie; I smiled.

  Unlocking our door, I crossed to the bed, dropping my bags on it before strolling to the bathroom and looking around. After such a long flight and being out, even though it wasn’t that long, I was in need of a little bit of freshening up.


  After half an hour in a jetted tub, I was beginning to feel like a whole new person. I grinned upon hearing the door open.

  “Hey, babe!” I called from the bathroom. Dean appeared in the doorway within seconds, his eyes fleetingly roaming over my body.

  “You know, I think we should get one of those for my place. I think we could spend a lot of time in there having fun.”

  I scuffed at his sexual hint. “Screw that; if we get one of these, all I’m doing in there is relaxing.”

  “Oh, I can make you relax lots.” His eyes sparkled.

  I didn’t say anything, mostly because I was thinking about what he had said. We. If we get one. When did it become we?

  Wasn’t it too soon for we?

  I wanted to ask but didn’t dare bring it to his attention. Sure, we’d said the I love you’s, but that was nothing compared to “we.”

  I sank back into the tub watching as Dean ambled over to the rim and sat down.

  “Who called?”


  “Is everything okay?”

  “Yea, she just had a couple questions about some stuff. Things like where I want the TVs to go.” He grinned. “I think she was just calling to check in on us, honestly.”

  “She worries about you.”

  “I know; she was the only one that was really there for me when everything with Jessica and Keith was going on … when no one believed me, she did.”

  “She’s a good friend.” I watched him closely as I lathered my hands with soap. I’d always wanted to know what kind of relationship they had. “Is that why you brought her here? Because she was such a good friend in your time of need?”

  “That and because she knows what she’s doing.” Dean paused. “She’s a good worker, and she has a way with people; I’m sure you’ve noticed.”

  “She reads people very well.”

  She’d figured out about us the second she saw us together. I smiled thinking about it. When I’d first met Melina, I wasn’t sure if she and Dean had something going on, but as it turned out, she had a boyfriend—one who wasn’t Dean. And more than anything, it just seemed like she was a protective older sister to him.

  Dean grinned as he leaned over and gave me a quick kiss. “So I was thinking we have an early night, get up early tomorrow and do some real sightseeing; how’s that sound?”

  “Sounds perfect to me. Oh and um …” I paused. “Brad wants to have lunch with us tomorrow. I think he has something in mind he wants to talk to you about businesswise.”

  “I thought you said he was a dick?”

  “Oh he is, but he’s a good businessman.”

  Dean shrugged. “No thanks, I don’t like partnering with dicks. You can’t trust them. You never know when they are going to stab you in the back.”

  A smile touched my lips. I wasn’t willing to admit just how happy it made me that he wanted nothing to do with Brad.

  “Oh, and I found out he’s banging another one of his employees. She hated me so much when I was dating him. She looked down at me like I was this filthy scum for dating him, for being in love with him.” I laughed dryly. “Now she’s in the same boat as me, I hope.”

  I knew it was wrong to hope that everyone hated her as much as they hated me, but I did—and I didn’t even feel bad for it. She’d made my life hell. She’d started rumors about me, trying to break me and Brad up; she’d turned everyone against me. She was one of the reasons I woke up dreading going to work, but I’d put on a tough face, and I’d gone to work every day just to show her that it wasn’t going to work.

  Dean raised an eyebrow.


  I’d never seen her sound that mad, well, except at me. But that was during a time in which she really should have been mad. “Do you want me to beat her up for you?” I offered jokingly.

  I had no clue what happened to her at her old work, but I knew it still weighed on her. I’d known all along that she’d been hesitant to date me because of something that happened with another boss. I cleared my throat and headed for the main room. “Hurry up, and we can grab some room service.”

  45. Chapter Five

  I slipped out of bed without her realizing it the next morning, dressed quickly and headed downstairs to grab us some coffee and breakfast.

  Standing in line, I thought about everything I had planned for the day. The whole point of going on this trip was to take her away from everything stressful going on at home, and now here we were in the same hotel as her ex-boyfriend and his new fling.

  “Dean, right?”

  I closed my eyes. Dammit. Speak of the Devil. I turned to see him standing behind me in line with a girl hanging on his arm. She had bright blonde hair and brown eyes. Despite the fact that she was busty with a nice body, there was a sour look on her face that made me want to cringe.

  “Yes. Brad, right?”

  “Yea! Did Becky tell me about you?”

  I bit the inside of my cheek as I heard him call her Becky. It made me want to punch him right then and there.

  “Oh, she’s told me all about you two.” I gave them a soft smile. For a fraction of a second, I could have sworn the girl looked worried.

  “Great!” I looked at Brad. Is he a total moron? Did he not get the hint in there? “So, are you two going to join us for lunch?”

  “No. We’ve got plans for the day to do some sightseeing.”

  “Oh, that’s so romantic,” the girl piped up, moving closer to Brad. “I keep telling Brad we need to take a little time to enjoy the view, but he’s so busy with work.” I could hear the hostility in her voice, and for a second, a smile flashed across my face. I’ll have to make sure to tell Becca that I annoyed her. For some reason, I was pretty sure she’d be happy to hear it.

  I turned my attention back to the line we were standing in and moved up. Thankfully, there was only one person in front of me before I could place my order.

  “What about dinner? I’m not sure if Becky mentioned, but I had something to talk to you about; I think we could make really good partners.” He paused to take a deep breath before going into his sepal, and I took advantage of it.

  “I’m not really looking for any new partners at the moment, and quite frankly, I’m not sure that we would work well together, but if
that ever changes, I’ll be sure to get a hold of you.”

  I knew I was burning a bridge that should have kept up but couldn’t help it. The way he called her “Becky” and the way he jumped at trying to sell me something right off the bat. Hell, even the fact that he wasn’t taking his girlfriend out to do anything while they were in Italy. Everything about him pissed me off, and I was totally okay with burning this bridge. I gave him a polite smile before turning my attention back to the line and stepped forward the first chance I got.

  I placed my order, and neither Brad nor his girlfriend tried to talk to me again. They muttered in low voices, but I did hear Rebecca mentioned once. Something made my body stiffen as I tried to hear what they were saying. I couldn’t make it out, so forcing myself to shake it off, I grabbed my order and hurried up to the hotel room to wake her up.


  I rolled over as I heard the door open.

  “Hey,” I mumbled, pushing the hair out of my face as I sat up and took a deep breath. Yup. Coffee. I grinned, reaching out for the coffee as he came towards me.

  “I ran into your ex-boyfriend.”

  I groaned as my heart dropped into my stomach. “How bad was it?” Was I going to have to complain about him harassing us?

  “I think I shut him down pretty well by telling him I wasn’t interested.” He shrugged but didn’t say anything else as he handed me my coffee.

  “Oh, thank God.” I took a careful sip to test the temperature before taking a gulp.

  “His girlfriend doesn’t seem very happy. Seems like he’s not spending enough time with her.”

  “Yea, I can see that. He never made much time for a relationship.” Dean raised an eyebrow. After a couple seconds, it occurred to me that he was waiting for me to explain. I just shrugged. “He just … always put more time into work than into the relationship. He didn’t like admitting if there was an issue or confronting it. He also didn’t like going on special dates or meeting parents.” Which reminded me … “Oh, and my mom is going to be insistent that we meet her after blowing her off this weekend.”

  We’d been planning to go to dinner, but after the shooting, I just wasn’t in the mood to leave my house. Honestly, I’d kinda been freaked out leaving the house, so my mom was understanding when I called to tell her that we wouldn’t be able to make it.

  She did stop by to see me, but Dean had been at work that night so she still hadn’t met him, and I knew she was itching to.

  “How about next weekend? I’ll take you two out to dinner.”

  “Alright, just make it somewhere nice, tip the odds in your favor with my mom.” I grinned.

  Dean laughed. “Careful what you say; I might just get the restaurant shut down for us.”

  My jaw dropped. He was joking, right? Somehow I doubted it. I had a feeling he would be more than happy to do it.

  “So,” I cleared my throat changing the subject. “You shut Brad down?”

  “Yea, I just told him that you had told me all about him, and that I didn’t’ feel like we would make good partners, but that I would call him if I changed my mind.” He grabbed his own coffee and took a sip. “Mmm.” He held a bag out to me. “Bagels. I didn’t know what you liked on them, so I just had butter put on them.”

  “Just the way I like it.” I put my coffee down on the nightstand and pulled a bagel out of the bag. “So,” I asked through a mouthful of food. “What’s the plan for the day?”

  “Well, I was thinking you could get dressed.” He grinned, his eyes roaming over me as I stood up in my new nightgown that he’d just bought me. He swallowed dryly, and for a split second, I was sure I saw lust in his eyes.

  I crossed over to him quickly and took the coffee cup out of his hand. “Are you sure you want me to get dressed?” My head tilted to the left. We hadn’t had sex last night because as soon as we got to bed I was out cold. I grinned, placing a quick kiss on his neck. “Or would you rather me naked?” I whispered next to his ear.

  Dean let out a deep breath, his arms wrapping around me and pulling me close to him. The rough fabric of his jeans brushed against my thigh softly. I let out a soft moan, my teeth grazing his lower lip as my fingers tangled in his hair.

  “You make this so hard,” he whispered.

  “You make it sound like a bad thing.” I grinned, nipping his lips again. “Hard is good.” My left hand detangled from his hair and slid over his muscular body, lower and lower until it reached the small bulge in his pants. My fingers massaged him gently.

  Dean’s eyes rolled back softly as his fingers dug into my skin. He stepped away from me and almost looked sad.

  “As much as I would love to ruin that $300 slip I just got you by ripping it off, I do have plans for us, and I get the feeling you would be pretty mad at me if I did that.”

  I laughed softly. “Have it your way.” Slipping out of my nightgown, I crossed over to where I’d left my bag and bent over, letting him get a good view of my ass while reaching for clothes for the day. I slipped into my bra and shirt quickly before turning to face Dean. My eyes locked on him as I slipped into my jeans—without panties on.

  I saw him swallow as he watched me. My throat went dry as he reached for his jeans and undid them. Alright. I guess I deserved this.

  I watched his every move as he slipped out of them, his thick cock exploding forward as he slid his boxers down along with his pants. Biting my lip, I closed the distance between us and dropped at his feet. Before my knees touched the ground, he grabbed me and pulled me up.

  “Sorry, babe; you’ll just have to wait.”

  “But …” I batted my eyelashes dramatically. “I want your cock in my mouth.”

  I could tell he was tempted to let me, but he walked away and crossed over to his bag, changing quickly. “I guess you’ll have to think about it all day until we get home.”

  “You’re a tease.” I glared at him, but I couldn’t help the smile that spread across my face.

  “And you fucking love it.”

  Oh, I did. But I wasn’t willing to admit that.


  “Oh, my God, they are so gorgeous.”

  I pulled my camera out of my bag and took a picture before Dean grabbed it from me. “Go pose.” He stepped back, holding the camera towards me, and I smiled widely with the ruins in the background as he snapped a picture.

  “Okay, that is awesome.” I grinned as he showed me the picture. “I honestly can’t believe how cool this entire experience is.” I stared at the man in front of me. What had I done to get so lucky?

  Why, out of all the other gorgeous women in that casino had he decided I was good enough? Because I honestly wasn’t sure I was.

  I wasn’t sure what made me so great. I mentally shook myself, trying not to ruin the day and stepped towards him, pulling him into a hug.

  “This is awesome, thank you.”

  “You’re welcome.” He chuckled softly, pulling away. “Now, come on; we’re not done here yet.”

  When Dean had said he had plans, I didn’t realize that he really had the entire day planned out for us. We weren’t allowed to stay by the ruins too long because we, of course, had to go to the Colosseum.

  “Just the two of us.” He grinned widely as he motioned for me to enter the Colosseum.

  “The shit you do … it makes me think I’m in a dream or something.” My eyes widened as I looked around. I never, ever thought I’d be standing inside a Colosseum that gladiators used to fight in and shook my head as Dean’s hand slipped into my new Italian leather purse and pulled out the camera. He approached a security guard, said something to him, and he nodded before Dean handed the camera over and came back to me. His lips touched my cheek.

  “Look at the camera,” he whispered in my ear. “And smile.”

  I smiled widely as the man took a picture of us, and Dean got the camera back. As we made our way through the Colosseum, I took my camera back.

  “You know, maybe we can use this later to take some more pictures.�
�� I glanced at him just in time to see a blush rise to his cheeks. “I mean, I do have a couple new outfits I could model for you.” He grinned widely.

  “You tempt me.”

  “Just remember, I’m not wearing any panties right now.”

  “Oh, don’t worry, I haven’t stopped thinking about it.” He pulled me close to him as we walked. “I haven’t been able to stop thinking about all the things I’m going to do to you as soon as we get back to that hotel room.”

  His words sent a shiver of heat down my spine. Suddenly, I wanted nothing more than to get back to the hotel room.

  “Maybe we should go.”

  “Nope, not yet. I planned a nice day for you, and you’re going to enjoy it.” His eyes sparkled. “And you’re going to think about every dirty thing I’m going to do to you in the meantime.”

  “You’re a tease,” I muttered, but I didn’t mean it. It was just going to be so much better when I finally got him inside me.

  I grinned widely, thankful that the only people around were security guards. It was kinda nice to have the whole place to ourselves.

  After we were done there, we headed back towards the hotel, but we got out of the cab a few blocks away in front of a pizza parlor. We each got a slice of pizza and slowly made our way back towards the hotel.

  “I have to ask you something.”

  “Alright.” My brow furrowed.

  “How’ve you been feeling these past couple of days?”

  “I’ve been fine—why? Oh … never mind.” It took me a couple seconds to realize what he was getting at, but I figured it out. “I’ve been fine, yea. I mean, I’m not going to lie; I still get freaked out.” Being out in public was a little hard, but for some reason in Italy, it was a hell of a lot easier on me. Maybe it was because we were somewhere else, or maybe it was just because I was having too much fun.

  “So bringing you away was the right thing to do?”

  “Yes, but I have to go back. I mean, I can’t avoid the casino forever.” I took a huge bite out of my pizza.

  Dean groaned. “Your ex’s girlfriend is over there, and it looks like she’s going to come over and say hi.”


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