I wanted to hate the idea, but the truth is, I kind of liked it. I didn’t dare say that out loud, but he must have figured out that I didn’t hate the idea because he kept going.
“I’ll make you wear a skirt that day, so I can just unzip my pants and slide right into you; of course, I’ll have to be careful not to get your uniform too dirty.” He rolled on top of me, grinning widely.
I returned his grin, pulling him into a kiss.
“And if I don’t want to have sex with you in your office?”
“Then I’ll give you a good spanking. But I’ll let you leave my office, the spanking will be after.”
I swallowed dryly. Oh, I liked the sound of both of those. “It will be hard deciding which one I want more.”
“We can always do both.” He rolled off me and pulled me into his arms. “Of course, the sucky part about having sex at work is that we can’t cuddle afterwards.”
I closed my eyes and just savored every moment of us cuddling here. I knew there was a bed just a few feet away, but this felt … intimate more than anything. I didn’t want to move. I just lay there on the ground, rolling over to rest my head on Dean’s chest as I let out a deep breath. Something Kirra had said was on my mind.
“So, when I was talking to Kirra, she said you weren’t very nice to Brad.”
“Are you worried I hurt his feelings?” His eyes sparkled. My cheeks flushed. It was sad to admit, but I kinda was.
“I mean … I just—you weren’t rude, were you?”
“I was a little rude, yes.”
I wasn’t going to deny the fact I was rude. But I also wasn’t going to let her be mad at me for it. I took a deep breath and explained what had happened. Becca listened quietly until I finished.
“Oh … Kirra made it sound much worse. I’m sorry, I just … needed to be sure that he hadn’t said anything too wrong.”
My lips touched the top of her head. Have a little faith in me, I thought, but I didn’t say it out loud. It was kind of understandable if she didn’t have faith in me; I mean, why should she? I’d betrayed her before. And for some reason, she’s still here with me. I bit the inside of my cheek trying not to think about it. I couldn’t figure out why she wasn’t mad at me or how she could tell me she loved me. I wanted her to tell me she hated me—it was what I deserved, and I hated myself for putting her in that danger.
It’s in the past, I tried to tell myself, but I’d been doing that since the day it all happened. It wasn’t doing me any good. I still felt dreadful for hurting her. I could have gotten her killed and still could. There was nothing to say that Keith wouldn’t get away with what he did or get out eventually and come after me again.
I pulled her closer to me.
I should just end things with her.
I felt a tear prickle in the corner of my eye as I let out a deep breath and pulled away from her, turning my head so she didn’t see the look on my face.
“What’s up, babe?” She sounded worried.
How did I manage to meet someone like her?
“I …” I cleared my throat. “Dinner. We should grab some dinner.”
I felt her hand on my back. “Are you alright?”
“I’m fine, yea.” Swallowing back the urge to cry, I headed for the bathroom to get cleaned up. “Get dressed; we can go out for dinner tonight.” You know, because we had much of another option.
I frowned, watching him as he made his way into the bathroom. He was so not fine. But I wasn’t going to call him on it. There was no doubting the fact that everything going on was affecting him almost as much as it was affecting me. I didn’t need him to say it more than once to know that he blamed himself for what happened, despite the fact that I didn’t.
Bang. Bang. Bang.
My body froze. My heart raced all of a sudden. Oh, God. I took a deep breath, trying to calm my heart. No. This wasn’t what I thought it was. it’s just someone knocking on someone’s door. I rationalized.
But that didn’t really help. My heart was still racing. Pounding in my chest. Thump. Thump. Thump.
I gasped for air as I headed to the bed, sat down and closed my eyes.
I could feel the end of the gun against my head, shaking as the police told him to drop the weapon. I’d thought I was going to die. And sitting here on the bed in Italy, I knew that feeling again.
Not because I was actually in danger but because I couldn’t stop remembering how I’d felt standing behind the casino that day. I looked down at my shaking body, swallowing back a dry laugh. This could not be happening.
I was nowhere near the casino, but it felt so real. I inhaled sharply, feeling a tear run down my cheek. Even with my eyes open, I could still feel his gun on my head.
This is stupid. I knew it was, but I couldn’t make it stop. I tried to focus on my breathing. The therapist had talked to me about this happening. She said it might be common. I didn’t want it to be common. In and out. In and out. I’ve been doing it all my life, just focus on your breathing, and it will stop.
Okay, I wasn’t actually sure if it would, but it didn’t hurt to lie to myself— did it?
“Oh, my God, Becca.” Dean rushed towards me, and his arms wrapped around me before I pulled away shaking my head. Him touching me just made me think of Keith. I didn’t want to think of Keith when Dean touched me. I opened my mouth to say something, but I couldn’t seem to make my words work. I closed my eyes, letting out a whimper. I felt weak. I hated feeling weak.
“It’s okay, babe.” Tentatively, he reached out and touched my shoulder. “What can I do?”
What could he do? Nothing. I shrugged.
“Alright. It’s okay.” He took my hand and squeezed gently. “It’s okay. We’re going to get through this together, right? You hear me? We’re going to get through this together.”
Tears rolled down my cheek. “T-thank you,” I stuttered. I wasn’t sure if I was thanking him for being nice and understanding what I was going through or if I was thanking him because he said we’d get through together. I pulled away from him and wiped tears away from my wet cheeks, taking a deep breath. “Alright …” I was going to get over this. I wasn’t going to let it control me. “Just … just let me go put some makeup on, and then we can go out.” I sniffed back tears.
“We don’t have to go out if you don’t want.”
“No, let’s go out.” I swallowed dryly, trying to make sure I didn’t cry. Right now, I wanted nothing more than to cuddle up alone in bed, because having people around didn’t make me feel that much better, and I knew going out in public wasn’t going to be good for me, but I wasn’t going to let this control me. I made my way into the bathroom and stared at myself in the mirror. Come on, get your shit together, Rebecca. I bit my lip, staring at my red eyes before angrily wiping away the tears that started to fall from them.
“Babe, I really don’t mind if you want to stay here. I can go grab us some pizza, and we can just hang out here for the night.”
“It’s fine. I’m fine.” I forced a smile over my lips as I reached for my foundation.
“You were just having a panic attack, right?”
I think so. But I didn’t say anything for a couple of seconds. “It had all the signs that the therapist had told me about,” I admitted.
I didn’t like admitting that I was having panic attacks. I shouldn’t be thinking about anything like this.
“It was bound to happen. It’s okay.”
“Really?” I didn’t mean to snap, but I did. I sighed deeply. “It just doesn’t feel like it. It feels like a really crappy thing to do when my boyfriend takes me to Italy.”
“Have you been having fun here?”
“Of course.”
“Then that’s all that matters.” He gave me a soft smile. “Now, I’m going to go grab us some pizza, alright?”
“No! I want to try going out. If I’m not up for it, I’ll let you know.”
p; I turned my attention to the mirror and applied a quick layer of foundation. Thankfully, I’d learnt the five-minute face years ago. Next came the mascara, and then the lip gloss while I waited for the mascara to dry. I ran a brush through my hair, tied it into a quick braid, and then applied a little eyeliner and looked myself over. It wasn’t anything special, but I had to admit I thought I looked good. I grinned at myself in the mirror. With the foundation, I hardly even looked like I’d been crying. Other than the small amount of red around my eyes.
I took a deep breath and turned to face Dean. “Well, how do I look?”
“Gorgeous as ever.” He smiled, and my cheeks flushed as I headed towards the door to our hotel room, slipped into some flats and grabbed my new leather purse. I held the door open for Dean, and we headed towards the elevator—thankfully, I didn’t run into Brad or Kirra in it because I wasn’t sure I could handle that right now. I was pretty sure I’d end out killing someone within the time it took us to get to the main floor.
I was not as lucky as soon as we stepped out onto the main floor. My heart dropped into the pit of my stomach as I saw Brad and Kirra.
She caught my eye but looked away quickly. It didn’t take much for me to realize her eyes were bloodshot too. My heart tightened. Had she broken up with him? I tried to look at Brad, but he looked just as professional as ever, talking to someone and shaking their hands with a wide smile across his face.
“He’s kinda a dick, isn’t he?” Dean whispered as we made our way towards the exit and onto the street.
“Kinda doesn’t begin to sum it up.” I shook my head. “But fuck them, we’re here to enjoy our time together, right?”
I could see the grin spread across Dean’s face as he pulled me into his arms, and then froze. “I um … am I allowed to do that now?”
“Yea … I just—it reminded me of Keith touching me.” I felt his hold on me loosen. “No! I don’t mind now. Now it’s fine. I just … it wasn’t before.” His arms tightened around me.
“Have you had a flashback before that I didn’t know about?”
“No.” And that was the truth. I hadn’t before back there in the hotel. My arm hooked around his hip as I let him lead the way towards the pizza place. “Hey, have you been here before?”
“I came for a night on business a couple years back, but I wasn’t staying in this area.”
I bit my lip. Just how much traveling have you done? I wondered. If we stayed together, would we do more traveling together?
“Maybe when you’ve got that famous hot chocolate business, I can teach you the ropes of getting international support.” His eyes sparkled as he looked down at me.
“That would be handy.”
He was silent for a couple seconds as we made our way into a restaurant. “You know, I really like that about you.”
“Like what?”
“The fact that you have your own goals …” He paused as a waitress led us to a table and offered to bring us each a drink.
“Water, please,” we both said in unison.
As soon as the waitress walked away, leaving us with our menus, Dean turned his attention back to me. “I mean the fact that you have a goal in mind. A business.” He smiled. “I mean, if we last—not saying I don’t have faith we will, but it is something to consider; we’ll both be business owners, not co-owners like most couples do, but we’ll both have our own successful business.”
“Hey, speak for yourself; I’m not promising my business is going to be anywhere close to successful.” I grinned, but it was the truth. I had no clue of whether could cut it.
“Oh, it will be; trust me.”
47. Chapter Seven
“Oh, wait!” I skidded to a stop in front of a small chocolate shop. I still needed to pick stuff up for everyone.
“We just ate!”
“It’s not for me.” I pulled him into the shop and looked around. “I still need to get favors for everyone. Katie is going to fucking kill me if I don’t get her something.”
Dean laughed softly as he let me pull him around. I reached out and grabbed a small bag of chocolate. That wasn’t enough, but I wanted to get both my mom and Katie some chocolate from Italy. And snacks from everywhere I went. After being here, I’d decided last night that I was going to make it my goal to travel the world. Ideally with Dean at my side.
I grabbed another bag of chocolate and looked around the store for a couple seconds. There were so many options. I bit my lip mulling it over. “Perfume or wine? It really was a hard choice.
“Both.” Without warning, Dean grabbed them and headed for the counter. I opened my mouth to protest, but he was already at the counter, and they were getting scanned. I rushed over there and pulled my wallet out of my purse before he could reach for his pocket.
I shot him a grin. “I’m not going to let you pay for everything.”
“Fine.” He shrugged, but his grin widened as the girl rang up my total. The price was better than I thought. I didn’t even have to worry about whether or not my card would be accepted.
“Thank you; have a great day.” The girl handed me a small paper bag with all my favors in it and gave us a smile.
“Thanks, you too!” I called as I turned around and we headed for the door. I have to admit, I was going to miss this. There was something about shopping in Italy that was so much better than shopping in Las Vegas. I mean, Vegas had the better prices, but I was willing to bet most of the stuff in Italy was better quality, at least the stuff in these little shops that were so close to the hotel.
We ended out not really doing anything today, and we had to head out to catch our flight in a couple hours, but thanks to my recent trauma, I hadn’t felt like going out, Dean was understanding and went out to get us some coffees while I packed our bags. After that, we had to head out so I could get a couple of last minute things before we headed back to the good old USA.
I have to admit it felt good to be home. I mean, don’t get me wrong, I loved being in Italy, but it’s true. There was no place better than home.
It was well past midnight, and we were both beyond tired when I closed the door to my apartment and we headed for my bedroom, leaving our bags where we had dropped them in the kitchen.
“That. Was. Amazing.” I touched Dean’s back softly as we crossed to the bed. “Thank you. I know … I know I was hard to deal with, but it means a lot to me that you did that. It means a lot to me that you wanted to help.”
“You weren’t hard to deal with, babe. Don’t you get that?” He smiled, turning to face me as he sat down on the bed. He pulled me into his arms and placed a soft kiss on my belly. I stood there staring down at him. With him sitting and me standing, I was a two or three feet taller than him. My fingers tangled in his hair. “I didn’t think you were hard to deal with once this trip. I mean, I get that you’re going through stuff, and I don’t want to make it seem like it’s not a big deal, but I expect things to be a little hard on you. I’m surprised you were alright going out as much as we did, and in retrospect, maybe it wasn’t a good idea to have so much planned.”
“I really enjoyed it.” I didn’t want him to feel bad for anything he did.
“And that’s all that matters.” He smiled widely. “So, where do you want to go next?” He raised an eyebrow. “I was thinking somewhere Asian; how does that sound to you?”
My eyes widened. “That sounds amazing. I’ve always wanted to go to Japan.”
“We’ll go there in May.” His smile widened further. “The cherry blossoms are gorgeous that time of year. I think you would really like it.”
He pulled me down onto the bed and placed a kiss on my forehead. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath. I wasn’t sure what I had done to deserve someone as amazing as him but sure did know I was lucky to have him. My arms wrapped around his chest and I pulled him into a kiss.
“I love you, Dean.”
“I love you too, Rebecca.”
I cuddled close to him in my own bed and felt a s
ense of calm that I hadn’t experienced in a long time.
48. Chapter Eight
When I woke up, Dean wasn’t there, not that I was surprised. I knew he’d be heading into work early today, and I had an early therapy appointment. I slid out of bed and dressed quickly before stopping by Katie’s to see if she would give me a lift—and, of course, give her the favors I’d picked up for her.
Sitting down in my therapist’s office this time was actually okay. As we talked, I started to relax more. I’m not sure if I was still just in a good mood from the trip or what, but today I wasn’t scared to talk to her about stuff.
“So, you went away for a couple days?” My therapist looked me up and down.
“Yup.” I took a deep breath, looking anywhere but at her.
“And how was that?”
“It was … interesting. I ran into an ex-boyfriend and his current girlfriend.”
“Really? That must have been interesting.”
“It was, but more than anything, it put things into perspective for me about Dean and myself. I realized that I’m actually really happy with him.” And I was; I mean I knew that before I ran into Brad and Kirra, but I did know for sure that Dean made me happy. He was kind and sweet and caring—obviously caring enough to send me to therapy and take me to Italy. “Dean’s going to come to one of our sessions,” I blurted out.
“Really? That’s great! Was that your idea or his?”
An hour passed without me even realizing it. It was like going in there this time had felt 1000% different than it had the first time I went. This time, I was actually looking forward to talking about things. I’m not sure what changed in me, but I was eager to make changes. She wanted me to start working on my goals more, and she thought it was great that Dean and I were going to pay her a couple visits.
Katie waved me over to where she was parked. I hadn’t felt like going out alone today, and Dean couldn’t take me, so Katie had offered to drive me as soon as she heard I wasn’t feeling too great about it.
The Billionaire X-MAS Wonder: A Billionaire Christmal Novel Page 30