The Billionaire X-MAS Wonder: A Billionaire Christmal Novel

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The Billionaire X-MAS Wonder: A Billionaire Christmal Novel Page 39

by Sarah J. Brooks

  “Why were you scared?”


  “You said you were scared he was going to sleep with her. What made you scared that he was going to sleep with her?”

  I swallowed dryly. Maybe I would have to fess up. “I just … was.” I knew it was a bad answer, but I kept going before either of them could say something. “And when I tried to tell him about her, he didn’t believe me.” I sounded defeated.

  “That must have hurt.” Of course, it fucking did! But I just nodded. “And this girl, is she still working for you, Dean?”

  “No. I fired her recently after realizing some things.”

  “That’s good. It would be very hard for you two to work through this if she was still around. You do plan on working through it, I assume, right?”

  I nodded as Dean spoke. “Oh, yes.”

  I had no doubt that I wanted to work through it with him but had no clue how we were going to do it. I squeezed his hand gently as his eyes locked on mine. He gave me a soft smile, and it was like that simple word changed everything. Like I knew then and there that we were going to work through this.

  My therapist cleared her throat. “I can tell just by looking at you that you two want to work things okay, and that’s great! You seem like a really strong couple, but it seems like maybe you aren’t communicating about your needs enough.” She tilted her head to the left. “Because of that, I’m going to print off a couple exercises for you guys to do over the next couple of weeks so that you can practice improving that, and everything around you.” She stood and continued, “The important thing is that you both take the time to talk and listen to the other, that’s why I suggest you do it with a timer. Give yourselves a set amount of time to talk about your most important thing, and then your partner will listen before they say anything else.”

  Without another word, she strode out of the room, leaving Dean and me alone together.

  “So, this is …. going to be interesting,” he said.

  “You don’t think it’s a good idea?”

  “I didn’t say that. I’m just not looking forward to it.”

  I honestly couldn’t say I was either, but I was looking forward to being able to put this behind us. So when my therapist came back into the room and handed us five sheets of paper, I took them and thanked her before Dean and I left the building. I looked him up and down as we walked out of the building, and then reached out and took his hand unable to stop thinking about what he had said in there. He’s probably had enough of spilling his feelings for now. I’ll ask him about it later.

  “You know, she said we should take some more time just for us,” Dean said.

  “Yea, I was listening.” Where was he going with this?

  “I was just thinking, maybe we could take another short vacation.”

  “No!” Oh, God, I couldn’t afford that. “You’ve got a business to run, and I’ve got rent to pay.” It sounded so silly, but there it was out in the open.

  Dean laughed.

  I rounded on him with my eyebrows raised. What the hell did he think was so fucking funny?

  “Babe, I’m not going to knock your pay because you’re spending time with me. You have more than enough reason to take months off if you want, after everything you’ve been through.”

  “No.” I didn’t want to be a victim to this; I didn’t want to let it control my life. I wasn’t going to let it. “I just … don’t think it’s a good idea for me to be hanging around doing nothing is all. I need to keep busy.”

  “Alright, well how about we take a weekend off? Is that alright with you?”

  “Well, except the fact that the weekends are when you’re needed most.” I mean, come on, the casino would be packed on weekends.

  “Fine, how about a two-day vacation midweek? How does that sound?”

  I mulled it over as we strode to his car and I slid into the passenger seat. I glanced at him, for a split second, admiring the man beside me. I gave him a smile. “I like the sounds of that.” I reached out and touched his muscular arms, squeezing gently and then swallowed dryly. I wonder if she ever touched him. I took a deep breath, getting ready to ask the one question that had been on my mind since all of this had happened.

  I’d asked him if she tried to sleep with him when I confronted him and who she really was—but he’d never given me a real answer.

  “Shit,” Dean muttered, pulling his phone out of his pocket. He closed his eyes and took a deep breath. Opening his eyes, he looked at me. “So, I have to head back to the casino; I’m sorry, but Melina came by a couple of issues. I can drop you off at home first.”

  “No, it’s alright. I’ll go with you.”

  “You don’t have to.”

  “You want someone who wants to help you work late, right?” I raised an eyebrow. That’s what he had said yesterday. “Well, I want to help, so don’t try to push me away.” I reached out and took his hand. “Alright?”

  He grinned softly. “Yea, alright.”

  63. Chapter Four

  We spent three hours at the office after closing hours, and Becca didn’t complain once. Actually, she’d been a hell of a helping hand.

  “I mean it, I couldn’t have done it without you.”

  “I know.” She beamed. “I’m just glad you let me help.” She spun to face me as we entered my house and kicked off her shoes, pulling me into her arms and kissing me before breaking away. “So, did you get a chance to look at those papers that she gave us?” she asked, getting them out of her purse. Since she had them the entire time, I guessed she knew the answer, but I didn’t say anything. She kept talking anyways. “Some of it actually isn’t that bad.” Handing me the list, she let out a yawn.

  I didn’t look at them; instead, I focused on her. “Tired?”

  “Yea, I think I’m going to go to bed.”

  I followed her as she headed into the bedroom. “I’m going to stay up a little longer, alright?”

  “For sure.” She slipped out of her shirt and tossed it down onto the floor. I closed the distance between us, my hands touching the small of her back and pulling her close to me. She let out a soft moan as my lips brushed her neck, pushing her hair out of the way. “You shouldn’t tease me.”

  Her hand touched my hip as she leaned against me.

  “Who said anything about teasing?” I pushed her down onto the bed gently and she grinned as I crawled on top of her.

  My lips brushed their way up her back ever so gently. I could feel the blood flow change in my body, but sex was the last thing I wanted right now.

  I sat up, straddling her legs, and my knuckles pressed into her skin gently between her shoulder blades. She sucked in a deep breath before letting out a soft moan.

  “Oh, God,” she whispered as my knuckles worked over her back gently. “I didn’t realize I was going to get a massage.”

  “I figured with how hard you’re working, you could use one, and you more than deserve it.”

  I heard her laugh gently. “I’m glad you think so.”

  “I do.”

  I really did. There was no doubt in my mind she was working her ass off, and I knew that was my fault on some level because if we weren’t together, she wouldn’t be this dedicated to proving that she could get the work done. And she wouldn’t be going through all this mental bullshit that you brought on. I hated myself for thinking it, not because of the thoughts themselves, but because they were true.

  We sat there in silence for a while as I massaged her, but soon I realized the deep breathing coming from under me. I slipped off her silently, trying not to wake her as I grabbed the blankets and pulled them over her body, making a mental note to grab myself another blanket before coming to bed.

  As I left the bedroom, I pulled the papers she had given me from my pocket and looked at them while making my way to the island. Normally, I would check email or do last minute work that I forgot to do at the office. I glanced at the clock and let out a deep breath, closing my eyes. We were
going to be opening the casino up later next month, and in turn, we’d be staying open later; by this time next month, we’d still be at the casino wrapping things up. I closed my eyes, letting out a deep breath and resting my head in the palm of my hands.

  I didn’t realize just how tense I was until I started trying to relax and found it almost impossible.

  Since it wasn’t working, I shook it off and looked down at the paper on top of the other four from Becca’s therapist. I took a deep breath and focused on reading it, despite the fact of wanting nothing more than to join her in bed right now.

  Five Quick Tips for Couples.

  When you start dating someone, often it’s instant. It’s like a spark that brings you together, and the longer you are together, sometimes that spark fades. That’s okay.

  When we are with someone for a lengthy period, sometimes we forget to provide the attention that we used to give them. Life gets busy, it gets in the way, and we forget, or we just put it off, telling ourselves that we will ‘do it later’ or ‘do it on the weekend’, but when we do that, we just keep putting off spending time with our partner, taking an interest in them and making them feel like they are wanted.

  These five quick tips (just like your choice to come to counseling with them) are made to be an easy reminder for yourself and your partner that you love them, and you don’t want anyone else. That you have committed yourself to them.

  Today, find something that you and your partner never agree on. Talk to them about whatever it is and ask them to come up with a compromise. Work together to come up with three options.

  Catch your partner doing something good! Something you know they always do or something they are doing to surprise you; whatever it is, catch them and validate them. Let them know how much it means to you that they did this for you.

  Surprise your partner with something small today. Something thoughtful will always be better than something expensive. It doesn’t have to be lavish to let your partner know you were thinking about them.

  Make time for your partner today. When you are relaxing at the end of the day with the TV on, turn it off and turn your attention to your partner, ask them about their day and really listen. Ask follow up questions.

  Learn to listen. Not just with your ears but with your eyes as well. Learn how your partner reacts when they are upset. Learn what gives them away when they are angry- not so you can hold it against them but so you can help to understand them, and you clear up communication errors. Listen to your partner as they talk and ask them follow up questions that will move the conversation along; find out how you can help them and how you can help them help themselves.

  TV and media give us this idea that relationships are easy, or that if they aren’t, then they are not meant to be, but that is not the case. The truth is that every relationship is hard—be it sexual or otherwise. When you join two lives together, it is not easy; it takes years of work and often more than a few bumps in the road to make things work. What matters is that both you and your partner are committed to making this work, and that will be the deciding factor.

  With hard work and the tools provided to you by A New Way therapy group, you will be able to overcome any of your issues.

  I stared at the paper, taking it all in. I really did hope that we could make it through this. I really, really hoped we could. I’m going to do every fucking thing on this list tomorrow, I promised myself.

  But right now, it was bedtime. I should have stayed up a little longer and gotten a little extra work done so I could get a jumpstart on tomorrow, but I didn’t care. I was going to bed. After all, a guy had to pamper himself every now and then, right?

  64. Chapter Five

  I hung my purse up on a hook before changing and heading out. This didn’t happen very often. I was actually one of the later starting shifts, which meant I had the entire morning to wake up and relax. Of course, Dean had been at work when I woke up, but he had left me a note and kissed me goodbye before leaving.

  “Hey ...” I poked my head into his office before I had to start my shift. “I brought you a snack.”

  I’d done some baking since I had time to and handed him a Tupperware filled with cookies. He looked me up and down.

  “Thank you, that was so kind of you.” He beamed. “I always love getting baked goods.”

  “Really?” I raised an eyebrow. “What’s your favorite?”

  “Chocolate chip cookies.” He grinned. “Really, Becca, thank you. It means a lot.”

  My heart skipped a beat. He was being really appreciative. I returned his smile feeling kinda awesome, actually. My smile widened as I realized what was going on. “You read the first page, didn’t you?”

  He looked at me blankly and then laughed.

  “Yes,” he admitted.

  I chuckled. Stepping into the room and closing the distance between us, I placed a kiss on top of his head. “Well, so did I. I hope you like the cookies.” I lowered my lips to his ear. “They’re chocolate chip.” I placed a quick kiss on his cheek before straightening myself. “Let me know if you need anything else! I get off at 5:00, so I can stay late to help or just to keep you company.”

  I turned around, determined to make this work. I was going to use every single one of those five tips today and was going to prove to him that I was dedicated to making this work.

  My smile widened upon catching Melina’s eye. She actually looked startled by it for a couple seconds before returning my smile as I passed her and headed for the bar. I almost froze seeing the horde of people, and poor Natalie was the only staff member there. She looked like she was running herself into the ground. By this time of day, it wasn’t abnormal for the bar to be busy, but I’d never seen it this busy before.

  Natalie caught sight of me, and I saw her let out a deep breath of relief.

  “Hey! Please tell me you’re here to help.”

  “Yup, my shift starts in five, but I think I can start a little early.” My eyes sparkled as I stepped behind the bar and instantly had three men come up to me.

  I took a deep breath and cleared my throat, looking at all the people in front of me. There had to be at least a dozen.

  “Alright!” I put my childhood acting lessons to use and spoke from my stomach to project my voice. “Let’s get ya’ll drinks! Who wants a beer?” I counted out three men with their hands raised and nodded before turning my back to them and reaching for the fridge. There were four kinds of beer; I grabbed one of each between my fingers and spun around. I went up to one man and held my hand out to him; he took one before paying me, and I turned to the next guy. “If you’re brand specific, let me know, and I’ll be sure to grab that brand for you,” I said, speaking loudly enough that they could hear me.

  “What can I get you?” I heard Natalie asking another customer. She already sounded so much calmer, and I grinned to myself, alright. Today was going to kick ass. No, I’m going to kick ass today.

  My therapist always said I should use more positive self-talk, that counted, right?

  Within a couple of minutes, the crowd at the bar was gone.

  “Thank you, so much.” Natalie looked whipped.

  “Go take a break,” I suggested, giving her a smile.

  “Break isn’t for another fifteen.” She glanced at the clock.

  “Take it early if you want. If Dean tries to give you shit, let him know I told you to do it and that he can take it up with me.” I laughed softly.

  Natalie stared at me wide-eyed. “Thank you,” was all she said, and I could tell she really meant it. As she walked away, I pulled my phone out of my pocket and pulled up Dean’s number.

  Natalie taking break early. I told her to, she looked whipped—had over a dozen customers when I came over here. She was worried she would get in trouble, be nice.

  I sent the text and looked around. Now there wasn’t a single person at the bar who wanted a drink. Damn.

  I perked up seeing an old man come into the room. He looked around before
ambling to the bar and sitting down.

  “Hi!” I beamed. “What can I get for you?”

  “Whisky, please.” He looked me up and down. Despite the fact that he had gray hair and thick glasses, it seemed like he was going to creep on me. Yay.

  My phone buzzed as I was pouring the man his drink. I handed it to him and checked the phone quickly.

  If she was working hard, she deserves the early break. Glad to know the girls are working hard. Thanks, wouldn’t have wanted to give her shit after she just busted her ass. Love you.

  I tucked my phone back into my pocket, thrilled I’d made the right choice.

  Natalie returned before her 15 minutes were up, with a smile on her face. “Thanks,” she said again. “I really needed that.” I nodded, letting her know I’d heard.

  “Excuse me.” The older man was still sitting at the bar. “Could I get a refill?”

  “For sure.” I grabbed his glass and filled it with whiskey before he handed me a bill.

  “Keep the change.”

  “Thank you so much!” I tucked the bill into the cash register and glanced up at the clock. Despite the fact that I’d only been here for a little while, it felt like I’d gotten a lot done.

  “Could I get a burger and fries, too?” the man asked.

  Without a second’s thought, I headed to the backroom where the kitchen was. Normally, I didn’t have much to do with the kitchen. I grabbed a menu and returned to the bar, handing it to him. “We’ve got some awesome gourmet burgers that were even featured on National TV.” It was sorta true. Dean was using the same recipes that he was at his other casinos, and those had been featured. “Would you like to take a quick look?”


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