68. Chapter Nine
By the time we got back to my place, I’d already texted Katie and my mom asking them both to come over.
Of course, when I made my way into my apartment, Katie had let herself in, and her spare key was sitting on the counter. She looked up from the book she was reading.
“What was the emergency?”
Dean stepped into the kitchen carrying four bags of everything that I could think of that we might maybe need.
“A potential investor,” I said, without realizing that wouldn’t give her all the information she needed. She stared at me blankly. I sighed and started over. “Dean has a friend who has been thinking about investing in something food related, like a hot chocolate business.”
Katie’s jaw dropped. “Oh, my God. You’re fucking digging me, right?”
“Nope.” But I glanced at Dean just to be sure of it. He laughed softly.
“No, I’m not fucking kidding. I would not have let you go buy all this crap if I was kidding.” His eyes shone as he shook his head. “But thanks for having faith in me you two.”
He didn’t sound upset; he sounded more like he was teasing us. My cheeks flushed, but Katie laughed.
“Alright, what do you need help with?”
I paused, looking at my best friend. What did I need help with? I bit my lip trying to figure it out.
“What?” both Dean and Katie said together.
“I need statics.” I liked them. “I need you to find out some stuff for me to include in my pitch.” I wanted it to be interesting—and yes, I thought statistics were interesting.
I rushed over to where Dean was standing with the bags of ingredients we’d just bought. I was going to pretty much start from scratch, but that was okay. I would make it work—right?
Of course, you will, I told myself.
I pulled out a bunch of the stuff and drew in a deep breath, looking it over. If I started with modifications to the base, that would be the best way to go; after all, you couldn’t have a crappy base and good anything else.
So, I grabbed the cocoa powder—the expensive stuff that Dean had insisted that we buy—and crossed over to the counter where I pulled out a bowl for mixing.
Knock, knock.
“Will you grab that?” I glanced at Dean and then towards where Katie sat in front of a computer already making notes.
I grinned, I couldn’t believe this was happening.
“What’s wrong?” my mom asked the second Dean answered the door. “Oh, Dean. I’m sorry, I didn’t think … I thought it would be Becca who answered the door.” She stepped past him and rounded on me. “What is going on?”
I took a deep breath and in under 60 seconds explained everything to my mother. When I was done, she just stared blankly. “So um, I needed someone else to come help test. I mean, it has to be perfect, right?”
She nodded. “Of course. I’m sorry … that’s just … amazing.”
Yea, that was one word for it. I bit my lip, breathing deeply again as I fought back the urge to have a fucking panic attack. I inhaled deeply and exhaled. Just like I’ve been doing all my life, I told myself.
“So, how can I help?” My mom looked around.
I glanced at Dean. “Honestly, I just need someone picky to tell me if it is actually good or not.” My mom snorted.
“Gee, thanks.”
“Anytime.” I gave her a wide smile before returning my attention to the mixture in front of me.
By 4:00, I had almost everything ready. Dean had even managed to find a cute DIY way to package everything in nice single serving packages, and we had over three dozen samples of three different flavors. Thirteen of each, to be exact. I bit my lip, looking everything over.
Alright, now that it was ready, and everyone had told me a couple billion times that everything was actually really good, I had to get myself ready. I was covered in cocoa powder and reeked of vanilla. The vanilla I could stand, but I wanted to be sorta clean when I met this girl, and so I excused myself and went to my bedroom. I was thankful when Dean didn’t follow me in there.
I heard their hushed voices talking—probably about me because it was quiet enough that I couldn’t hear them, and honestly, I was glad. I didn’t want to know what they were saying right now; I just wanted to focus on myself.
I changed into stockings, a black shirt and a green blouse. I knew I had to look professional and modern at the same time because let’s face it—no one was going to want to go into business with someone who either looked outdated or sloppy.
Nervousness tugged at the pit of my stomach. I tried to ignore it, just like I had been doing all day, but it wasn’t working. I felt like I was about to puke, and if I did that, I wasn’t going to be getting out of the bathroom. If I allowed myself to be that weak, I wasn’t going to be able to do this. So I took a deep breath, put a pair of earrings on and looked around, mulling over whether or not I should wear any of my rings.
I decided against it, grabbed a pair of pumps and headed to the bathroom where I applied a quick coat of makeup before returning to the living room.
The second they saw me, everyone fell silent.
Dean looked me over. “You look great; I’m sure she will like what she sees.” He smiled widely.
My mom seemed about to cry. “This is such a big deal.”
“Gee, thanks for reminding me.” I gave my mom a soft smile. “So, I’m going to have to bail on that dinner tonight.”
She actually laughed. “I figured.”
“I’m sorry. Gail is very hard to get hold of; she doesn’t give her time to many people. I didn’t want to try to reschedule with her on this,” Dean said.
My mom waved it away. “If this is what my daughter wants to do with her life, it’s more important than a dinner we can do any other time.”
“Thanks for understanding, Mom.” I pulled her into a hug, and as I pulled away, I looked at my best friend. She handed me a sheet of paper.
“I um, took the liberty of crafting a couple options for you. Of course,” she glanced at Dean. “I had help.”
“I can’t put into words how amazing you all are.” I shook my head. “I don’t know what I would do without you guys.” I really had no clue. They were all so incredibly supportive. I cleared my throat before I started getting sappy on everyone. “So,” I turned to Dean. “When do we have to meet this girl?”
I wished it was sooner, but there was nothing I could do about that. Again, I looked around the room and felt the urge to cry. I knew I couldn’t be here without Dean’s help. I’d never have the chance to talk to this person without him, but the truth was, it wasn’t just him who was a major factor here. I laughed softly, turning away from everyone. “So, Katie, how’s life?” We’d hardly talked at all recently between everything going on with Dean and I, and, of course, us both being busy with our own day to day life shit.
“Well, nothing too crazy. I’m still … sorta seeing that guy I told you about.”
“Only sorta?”
She looked at me with a blush on her cheeks. “Yea, some shit happened.”
I wrinkled my nose. “I’m sorry. Is there anything I can do?”
“Let’s just … have a girl’s day sometime soon, okay?”
“Sounds perfect.” That was a promise I was going to have to fulfill, along with dinner at my mom’s to meet her new boyfriend.
69. Chapter Ten
I felt like I was going to puke. Actually, as we made our way up the steps to the office building she’d given us an address to, I was pretty sure I was going to puke. I carried my samples in my purse and had even brought a kettle, just in case I needed it. Needless to say, I’d gone with a very oversized purse today.
“It’s going to be okay,” Dean promised me.
“I hope so.” I wasn’t so sure, but all I could do was try, right? I had memorized one of the pitches Katie had come up with for me; according to De
an, she had done a wonderful job, which meant as soon as I had more products, I was going to make her a huge fucking gift basket filled with a lifetime supply of hot chocolate.
I reached out and took her hand as we exited the elevator on the second floor where she told me to meet her.
“It’s going to be fine; she’s really nice,” I whispered.
I could tell by her expression that she wasn’t so sure of what I was saying, but she nodded.
“Just remember, this is your first time. You don’t need to be perfect. It’s okay to be nervous.” Again, she nodded, but I don’t think she was actually listening. We stopped in front of a door, and I turned to face her. “No matter what happens, it’s a learning experience, alright? Trust me, I didn’t do half as good as you’re going to do my first time.”
A smile touched her lips. “Thank you.”
I reached out and knocked on the door.
70. Chapter Eleven
“Come in!” she called. Her voice sounded nice.
Dean opened the door and motioned for me to go in first. My heart did a backflip as I stepped inside and saw the woman in front of me.
She was shorter than I was, with green eyes and grey hair, and wore a well-fitted suit and high heels. Stepping out from around her desk, she came over to me.
“Hi,” I forced my voice to work as I reached out to shake your hand. “Thank you so much for taking the time out of your day to meet with us.”
She looked at me for several seconds with a hard stare. Her head tilted to the left, and then she turned to look at Dean.
“She’s never done it before, has she?”
“No,” Dean admitted.
She turned her attention back to me and smiled. “Come on in, take a seat. Dean says you make some amazing hot chocolate; I could use a cup right now.” She turned her back on me and returned to the desk. “Once we get the hot chocolate going, you can tell me a little bit more about your business plan and yourself.” She paused. “You do have a business plan, right?”
Oh, God, I was so thankful I had a business plan. I strode to a counter where a kettle already sat full and touched the plastic to see how hot it was. I blew out a deep breath.
She had clearly been ready for us.
An hour later I headed out of the building. I honestly felt like I was about to fall over. I was drained, and my body was way past nervous. I held onto Dean’s arm as we entered the parking lot and strolled towards his car, pretty sure that if I weren’t holding onto him right now, I would have fallen over. I was amazed my legs were still working.
I can’t believe it.
I wanted to cry. I knew it was stupid, but I wanted to cry.
A tear of joy slipped down my cheek, and I let out a laugh. I couldn’t believe I was crying with joy, having never cried from joy before.
“I can’t believe she said yes.” I laughed.
“I can.” Dean smiled, pulling me closer to him and wrapping his arm around my shoulder. He glanced down at his phone. “You know, if we hurry, we can probably stop by your mom’s for a little while; what do you think about that?”
I bit my lip. Honestly, I wanted nothing more than to go home and sleep, but I also wanted to go celebrate and tell someone what had happened. I mean, someone other than Dean had to hear the good news, right?
I pulled my phone out of my purse and checked it. No text from her to see how it had gone. She’s probably with that teacher.
She’d told me about a teacher a few weeks back. Something about him asking her out on a date and her saying yes, and today it hadn’t seemed like everything was okay between them. I bit my lip. I need to spend more time with her, I thought as we stopped outside the car for a fraction of a second and Dean unlocked it.
As soon as the door was unlocked, I slid in and sat down. “Yea, I’ll text my mom to see if she still wants to get together,” I said, pulling my phone out of my pocket.
I’m done meeting with that person; you still wanna do dinner? We can grab a pizza or something on our way over.
My screen hadn’t even gone black before my mother replied.
OMG, how did it go? Yes! Come over, I want you to meet Mark!
“I told her we would grab a pizza on the way over,” I said to Dean as he drove out of the parking lot. “I know this great little place along the way.”
“Sounds perfect.”
My mom still lived in the house where I grew up. I loved going to visit her just because it reminded me of growing up—when I wasn’t an adult and didn’t have to worry about all this adult crap. But today, after stopping at the same pizza place I’d been going to since I was 12, as we pulled into the double driveway of the two-story house that hadn’t changed a bit since I moved out—I felt a new feeling—like a successful grown up or something close to it.
I had this amazing boyfriend; I had an investor in my business, and I was on my way to meet my mom’s new boyfriend. I climbed the steps and knocked before entering the house without waiting for my mom to answer it.
“Hello!” I called, looking around. I didn’t see anyone around until my mom’s head peeked out from the corner of the kitchen.
“How did it go?” She rushed over to me and tried to take the pizza box. I didn’t let go of it; after all, I didn’t want her to drop it.
“I got my first investor.” I sounded calm when I said it like it wasn’t a big deal. Trust me, I was still going crazy inside.
My mom’s jaw dropped. “You did?” she squealed.
“Yup.” I stepped past her and hurried into the kitchen to put the box down. “We’re going to get together next week and talk about things a little more to make sure we’re both on the same page.”
“Oh, my God, that’s amazing! I’m so proud of you.” As I put the box down on the counter, I felt my mom’s arms wrap around my body from behind me. She let go of me after a couple seconds.
I turned to see the man sitting at the table.
He looked about my mom’s age, with gray hair and wrinkles around his eyes. He wore a pair of dirty jeans and a black T-shirt.
I stepped towards him. “You must be Mark.”
“And you must be Rebecca.”
I held my hand out to him as I closed the distance between us, and he stood. “It’s nice to meet you,” I said as we shook.
“It’s nice to finally meet you. Your mom was telling me about what you were doing before you came over here. That sounds amazing, and congrats on getting an investor.”
After Dean and Mark had shaken hands, I helped my mom grab us all a couple slices of pizza and beer, and we all sat down at the table.
I hadn’t realized how hungry I was until I took a bit of the pizza and let out a soft moan as the grease dripped down onto my chin.
I don’t even remember if I ate today or not.
I had felt sick most of the day and hadn’t wanted to risk eating, because if I puked, it was going to be hella hard to come back from that.
“So,” my mom looked at me as I took another huge bite of pizza and swallowed. “When can we buy your hot chocolate?”
I snorted. I honestly had no clue when we would actually begin selling but really wanted to get everything out as soon as I could. I glanced at Dean.
“Do you have any idea?” I mean, he knew about businesses, right?
Dean bit his lip. “I know it will probably be at least six months. Depending on how hard you work, and as much as I hate saying this, you might want to quit your job.”
My jaw dropped. “What?”
“Trust me, I don’t like saying it. I really like having you around, and you’re a wonderful worker, but the fact is, you could spend all that time working on your own product. It would make the most sense.”
Was I getting fired? I bit my lip. I knew he made sense, but I wasn’t sure I could live off what I had in my bank account. “I could lower my hours, I guess …” I mulled it over. The idea of having m
ore time to work on my hot chocolate. It would be a good idea.
Dean touched my knee under the table. “We’ll talk to Melina about it; I’m sure the three of us can come up with something perfect.”
My heart skipped a beat as I realized just how lucky I was. Yes, I had an awesome boyfriend, but it wasn’t just that. I had awesome friends, awesome family, and I was building my dream.
I wasn’t surprised Becca got the investment, but I wasn’t willing to show just how excited I was about it; otherwise, she might think I hadn’t had faith in her.
“Mark seems nice,” I said as we made our way into her apartment.
“He does. And he seems to make my mom really happy, which is what really matters, I guess.”
“You don’t sound impressed.”
“No, it’s not that it’s just … my mom has never dated. It will take me a little bit of getting used to.” She shrugged, tossing her purse onto the counter and kicking her shoes off. I slipped out of my shoes and followed her into the living room.
“So, it’s going to be a little bit challenging over the next couple of months.” I dropped down on the couch beside her and reached out to take her hand. “But you know I’ll be there the entire time.”
“Thanks, babe.” Becca rested her head on my shoulder, letting out a deep breath as she closed her eyes. I stared down at her. It had only been one day of being a new business owner, and she already looked like she was going to need to sleep for a couple of weeks. Today was a hard one on her, I thought, remembering my first time.
“You’re doing really good with everything.” Okay, that didn’t come out right. “I mean, I know how hard it is when you first start out. I remember how scary it was to go to my first investor, and I remember feeling dead tired after it; of course, my first investor turned me down.” I chuckled thinking about how devastated I had been. “But it gets easier,” I promised her.
She looked up at me, pulling away. “Thank you.”
“I mean it; it will get easier on you. Next time you have to meet with investors, you will know what to expect, and that will help. Then, over time, you’ll be more confident. Opening up the shop will be hard, but you’ll figure it out—we will. And, over time, you’ll learn how to make everything easier on you. You’ll pick up tricks that will make everything easier. And, by the way, I think you did a really good job on your presentation.”
The Billionaire X-MAS Wonder: A Billionaire Christmal Novel Page 42