The Liberation Trilogy Box Set

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The Liberation Trilogy Box Set Page 213

by Rick Atkinson


  Enigma codes




  Etna, Mount

  Etna Line

  Everett, Lt. William E.

  Eversole, St. Frank “Buck”

  Fairbanks, Douglas, Jr.

  Fargnoli, Pietro

  Fasci de Combattimento

  Faulkner, William

  Faust, Frederick Schiller


  Feltre conference

  Fergen, Sgt. Thomas B.

  Field Order No. 1 (Patton)

  Fields, Gracie


  FISCHFANG, Operation

  Flint, Col. Harry A. “Paddy”

  “flooding program”


  Florence Nightingale, U.S.S.

  Foggia airdromes

  food shortages

  forced labor


  Fort Athabaska, H.M.S.

  Four Freedoms


  Francis, St.


  Frascati headquarters

  Frazior, Maj. David M.

  Frederick, Col. Robert T.

  Frederick the Great

  Freeman, Douglas Southall

  Freeman, Lt. Col. Leslie G.

  French 1st French Infantry Division

  French 2nd Moroccan Infantry Division

  French 3rd Algerian Infantry Division

  French 4th Moroccan Mountain Division

  French Expeditionary Corps (FEC)

  French forces

  French Goumiers (Berbers, goums)

  Freyberg, Lt. Gen. Bernard C. “Spadger”

  friendly fire incidents


  Cassino bombing



  Primosole Bridge

  Fritz-X (FX-1400, guided bomb)


  Frost, Lt. Col. John


  Fulbright, Sgt Newton H.

  Fuller, J.F.C.

  Funston, U.S.S.

  FW-190s (Focke-Wulfe)

  Gairdner, Lt. Gen. Sir Charles

  Gallipoli, battle of

  Gardiner, Col. William T.

  Gardiner, Lt. Col. Henry E.

  Garigliano River

  Gavin, Col. James Maurice


  battle of


  Gellhorn, Martha

  Geneva Conventions

  Gennaro, Saint

  George VI, King of England

  German I Parachute Corps

  German 1st Parachute Division “Green Devils”

  German 3rd Panzer Grenadier Division

  German 3rd Parachute Regiment

  German Tenth Army

  German Fourteenth Army

  German XIV Panzer Corps

  German 15th Panzer Grenadier Division

  German 16th Panzer Division

  German 26th Panzer Division

  German 29th Panzer Grenadiers

  German LI Mountain Corps

  German 65th Infantry Division

  German 71st Panther Grenadier Regiment

  German LXXVI Panzer Corps

  German 90th Panzer Grenadier Division

  German 94th Grenadier Division

  German 362nd Division

  German 715th Division

  German Afrika Korps

  German Bozen Police Regiment

  German Hermann Göring Panzer Division

  German high command (Berlin)

  German Infantry Lehr Regiment

  German Luftwaffe

  German POWs

  German SS

  German Wehrmacht

  German Wehrmacht 71st Division

  Germany (Germans). See also Hitler; and specific generals and military campaigns and units

  Allied air power vs.

  Allies underestimate

  Anschluss with Austria

  Anzio and

  art looted by

  atrocities by


  Calabrian retreat and

  codes of

  demolitions by

  DIADEM and

  Eastern Front and North Africa

  evacuations and

  fight for Italy not foreseen by

  gas warfare and

  Greece and

  Gustav Line, Cassino and

  Gustav Line, Rapido River and

  HUSKY and

  impact of Italian campaign on

  invasion of Italy to divert

  Italian surrender and takeover by

  Messina evacuation and

  Mussolini and

  Naples rebellion and demolitions in

  reprisals by, vs. Italians

  Rome and

  Salerno and

  scorched earth retreat of

  Sicily and

  submariner casualty rate

  territory controlled by, in May 1943

  “total war” and

  war economy of

  Winter Line and

  Gervasi, Frank


  Gettysburg, battle of

  GIANT II, Operation

  Gibbon, Edward


  Gildersleeve, Lt. Wilf

  GINNY OSS mission

  “Global Strategy of the War” (TRIDENT memo)

  “God of Battles” (Patton)

  Goebbels, Joseph


  GOLDRUSH, Project

  Gonzaga, Gen. Don Ferrante


  Göring, Emmy

  Göring, Hermann

  Gothic Line

  Gran Sasso, Mussolini escape from

  Grant, Cary

  Grant, Gen. Ulysses S.

  Gray, J. Glenn

  Great Britain. See also specific individuals and military units

  decline of

  empire and

  history of overseas campaigns

  Ike and

  Malta and

  OVERLORD preparations in



  Greece, ancient

  Grenville, H.M.S.

  Gruenther, Maj. Gen. Alfred M.

  Gunman’s Reckoning (Brand)

  Gunther, John


  Gustav Line

  Hall, Rear Adm. John L.

  Hamilton, Nigel

  Handbook of Irregular Warfare

  Hangman’s Hill


  Hanssen, Otto Henry “Bud”

  Harding, Lt. Gen. A. F. “John”

  Harmon, Maj. Gen. Ernest N. “Ernie”

  Harris, Sgt. Randall

  Hart, B. H. Liddell

  Hawkesworth, Maj. Gen. John “Ginger”

  Heidrich, Maj. Gen. Richard

  Helena, Queen of Italy

  Helgeson, Capt. Donald V.

  Heller, Lt. Joseph

  Hellman, Lillian

  Hell’s Half-Acre medical compound

  Henderson, G.F.R.

  Hendrickson, Ranger

  Henry IV, Part 2 (Shakespeare)

  Hersey, John

  Hewitt, Vice Adm. Henry Kent

  Highway 5

  Highway 6 (Victory Road)

  Highway 7 (Appian Way)

  Highway 16

  Highway 17

  Highway 18

  Highway 19

  Highway 82

  Highway 87

  Highway 91

  Hilary, H.M.S.

  Himmler, Heinrich

  Hindman, Lt. Laura R.

  Hitler, Adolf

  Anzio and

  campaign after fall of Rome and

  cross-Channel invasion avoided by

  DIADEM and

  gas warfare and

  Italian surrender and

  Kesselring and

  Kursk offensive and

  motives of

  Mussolini and

  reprisals and<
br />
  retreat and

  Salerno and

  Sicily and

  Soviet Union invaded by

  Tunisia and

  Winter Line and

  Hitler Line

  Hooks, Ranger

  Hoover, J. Edgar

  Hope, Bob

  Hopkins, Harry



  Horrocks, Lt. Gen. Brian

  hospitals. See also medical care and medicine

  15th Evacuation Hospital

  23rd General Hospital

  45th General Hospital

  56th Evacuation Hospital

  93rd Evacuation Hospital

  95th Evacuation Hospital

  98th General Hospital

  Howard, Michael

  Howze, Col. Hamilton H.

  Huebner, Klaus H.

  Huebner, Maj. Gen. Clarence R.

  Hughes, Maj. Gen. Everett S.


  Hurtado, Ranger

  HUSKY. See also Sicily

  airborne problems and

  amphibious fleet gathered for

  amphibious landings

  Axis defense in early hours of

  benefits and deficits of

  Churchill and invasion of mainland after

  decision and planning of Gela and

  Ike at Malta for

  Ike in Sicily and

  inland push after landing

  map of

  Messina and

  Patton and

  preparations and plan for

  topography and

  Troina and

  weather and

  Huston, John

  Hynes, Samuel

  Ibis (Italian corvette)


  Indian 4th Division

  Indian 8th Division

  Indian 9th Gurkha Rifles

  Indian Rajputana Rifles

  Infantry Journal

  Inferno (Dante)

  intelligence. See also Ultra



  international law

  Iowa, U.S.S.

  Iowa National Guard

  Irish Guards

  Ismay, Lt. Gen. Hastings

  Isola Bella

  Italian 1st Motorized Group

  Italian XII Corps

  Italian air force

  Italian Aosta Division

  Italian Assietta Division

  Italian Brigade Group

  Italian campaign. See also specific battles, operations, and places

  Ike’s assessment of

  strategic mission of and value of

  Italian Comando Supremo

  Italian Fascist party

  Italian Finance Ministry

  Italian fleet

  Italian forces

  disarmed by Germans after armistice

  HUSKY and

  surrender by, at Palermo

  Italian Grand Council of Fascism

  Italian Livorno Division

  Italian Motorized Brigade Group

  Italian navy

  Italian partisans

  Italian Red Cross

  Italian refugees

  Italian Social Republic

  Italian winter campaign

  Anzio landing to break, pushed by Churchill

  assault on Cassino and Rapido River

  Bari bombing and

  Christmas and New Year’s in

  Montgomery and Eight Army advance on Adriatic front

  Monty replaced by Leese


  Patton in Sicily during

  San Pietro and

  stalemate of, and doubts about leadership

  weather and

  Italy. See also Italian winter campaign; and specific battles, operations, and places

  aftermath and assessment of campaign in

  airpower and

  Badoglio and surrender of

  battles on side of Allies

  campaign in, after fall of Rome

  decision to press to mainland and

  German reprisals in

  German retreat in

  Germany diverts forces to

  Ike leaves, for OVERLORD

  Jews deported from

  Mussolini ousted from power in

  social disintegration in

  topography of

  TRIDENT and decision to invade

  weather and

  Iwo Jima

  Jackson, Gen. W.G.F.

  Jackson, Stonewall

  Jacob, Brig. Ian

  Jamison, Lt. Clarence

  Janus, H.M.S.


  Jefferson Bible


  Jim Crow laws

  Jodl, Gen. Alfred

  John Bascom

  John Harvey, SS

  John L. Motley

  Jolson, Al

  Joseph T. Dickman, U.S.S.

  Joseph Wheeler

  Juergensen, Hans

  Juin, Gen. Alphonse Pierre



  Kammerer, Col. Malcolm R.

  Kappler, Lt. Col. Herbert

  Kasserine Pass, battle of

  Keats, John

  Keegan, John

  Keitel, Field Marshal Wilhelm

  Kennan, George F.

  Kennedy, David M.

  Kennedy, Maj. Gen. John

  Keough, Ranger

  Keren (former liner)

  Kerwin, Walter T., Jr., “Dutch”

  Kesselring, Field Marshal Albert

  Anzio and

  appointed supreme commander in Italy

  art and

  assessment of Italian campaign and


  background of

  campaign after fall of Rome and

  DIADEM and

  Gustav Line and

  HUSKY and

  Italian armistice announcement and German takeover of Italy

  Messina and

  Naples and

  Rapido and

  Rome and

  supplies and

  Winter Line and

  Keyes, Maj. Gen. Geoffrey

  Keynes, John Maynard

  King, Adm. Ernest J.

  King, Lt. Col. William E.

  Kipling, Rudyard

  Kippenberger, Brig. Howard K.

  Kirby, Sgt. Billy

  Kirkman, Lt. Gen. Sidney C.

  Knight, U.S.S.

  Knights of Malta

  Komer, Pvt. Robert W.

  Korean War

  Kuhl, Charles H.


  La Bohème (opera)

  LADBROOKE, Operation

  La Marsa, Tunisia

  landing craft

  “Landing Operations on Hostile Shores” (Army field manual)

  Landry, Maj. Milton J.

  Lang, Will

  Langford, Frances

  Lardner, John

  Larrabee, Eric

  La Saadia, Morocco

  Lawrence, D.H.

  LCI 32

  LCIs (landing craft, infantry)

  LCTs (landing craft, tank)

  League of Nations

  Leahy, Adm. William D.

  Lee, Gen. Robert E.

  Leese, Gen. Oliver W. H.

  Lee’s Lieutenants (Freeman)

  LEHRGANG, Operation

  Lemelsen, Gen. Joachim

  Lemnitzer, Brig. Gen. Lyman L.

  Lend-Lease program

  Leningrad, battle of

  Leonardo da Vinci

  Lercara Friddi

  Lewin, Ronald

  Lewis, Norman

  Liberty ships



  Liebenstein, Capt. Gustav von

  Liebling, A. J.


  Life and Morals of Jesus of Nazareth, The

  Life of Jesus (Ricciotti)

  “Lili Marlene” (song)

  Lincoln, Abraham

  Liri Valley

  Littorio rail yards



  Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth

  Longstop Hill


  Loren, Sophia

  Louis Hennepin, SS

  Louis IX, King of France

  Low Countries

  LSIs (landing ship, infantry)

  LST 313

  LST 336

  LST 357

  LST 365

  LST 375

  LST 379

  LST 386

  LST 422

  LST 430

  LSTs (landing ship)

  Lucas, Maj. Gen. John Porter

  Ludendorff, Gen. Erich

  Ludlum, Capt. David M.

  LUDLUM, Operation

  Lwów (Polish freighter)

  Lynch, Col. George E.

  MacArthur, Gen. Douglas

  Mackensen, Gen. Eberhard von

  Macmillan, Harold

  Madama Butterfly (opera)

  Maddox, U.S.S.

  Maher, Marty

  Maidstone, H.M.S.

  Majdalany, Fred



  Maltese Falcon, The (film)

  Mälzer, Lt. Gen. Kurt

  Mariana Islands

  Mark IV Tiger tanks

  Mark V Panther tanks

  Marlborough, Duke of

  Marne, battle of

  Marrakesh, Churchill recuperates and plans Anzio in


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