For the remainder of this section on the Science of Triangles, I shall take up those triangles which are at this time and in this world cycle producing effects in the human consciousness. These effects are of two kinds: those which are general, not so easily discernible and which affect the masses of men, and those which are more specific in their results, more tangibly effective and which serve to condition the consciousness of the world aspirants, disciples and initiates. Today, this dual movement of energies is going on, producing a slow, steady awakening of the mass consciousness so that individual self-consciousness on a large scale will be the result and the more rapid stimulation of [485] the already awakened consciousness of advanced humanity so that initiation will be achieved.
The effectiveness of this dual process can be seen if it is realised that three great signs—Leo, Sagittarius, Aquarius—are today exceedingly active and working in close relation with each other. They are the three signs whose energies are affecting humanity as a whole—as a kingdom in nature. Leo: the sign of the self-conscious individual is potent in its mass effect and today, through the stress of circumstance and the dire results of certain events, thousands of men and women are stepping out of the ranks of the mass-conscious herd and out of the deep sleep of irresponsibility and becoming aware of themselves as detached, functioning entities. Sagittarius is powerfully affecting the world aspirants and leading them towards those attitudes of mind which will produce an unswerving allegiance to the spiritual values and an unalterable adherence to the good of humanity. Aquarius is—with equal potency—affecting the world disciples and initiates, leading them to world service on a large scale, producing group activity and that living usefulness which is the hall-mark of the pledged disciple. The influence of these three constellations is felt through their esoteric planets, and the mass movement in consciousness (for which Leo is responsible) can be noted as possible even by the novice when he realises that the ruling planets in Leo are, from all three angles—exoteric, esoteric and hierarchical—the Sun. The mass movement towards individual self-consciousness is today enormously intensified as is the paralleling individual movement towards initiation.
Leo appears again in another important triangle at this time: Aries, Leo, Virgo—a triangle which potently aids in inaugurating the New Age. That New Age will be distinguished [486] by a truly self-aware humanity, conditioned by a steadily manifesting Christ consciousness. The potency of Aries, as it initiates those happenings which will set in motion the causes that will produce the New Age, can be seen today in the trend of all the new movements, in the formulation of the various world orders, in the discoveries of science and in the emergence of the new types in the different kingdoms in nature. This activity has only been felt since 1835; the potency of Leo can be traced since then in the vast number of people who are achieving the integration of the personality and becoming self-conscious, as well as in the emergence of thousands of self-conscious world aspirants who are subordinating gradually their integrated personalities to the good of the group. The influence of Virgo appears in the many religious, spiritual and mental organisations and movements which indicate so directly the awakening of the Christ consciousness in humanity. These triangles thus can be seen as vibrant living factors, producing world changes and giving a tremendous push onward to human unfoldment.
It is interesting to bear in mind that just as each sign is divided into three decanates which are ruled by specific planets, so the zodiac itself is a part of a still greater zodiac and is also divided into three parts. The three-fold division of the zodiac is ruled by three constellations which are to this greater zodiac what the planets are to the decanates. The three ruling constellations are Scorpio (on the Fixed Cross), Taurus (also on the Fixed Cross), and Pisces (on the Mutable Cross). This would necessarily be so because testing, trial, desire, illumination, matter, form and salvation are the keynotes of our solar system and of our Earth in particular. This solar system is a system which is expressing the second aspect of divinity and hence the [487] emphasis upon the forces pouring through Scorpio, Taurus and Pisces. Ponder on this. A hint is there conveyed anent our zodiac which is of supreme importance to the astrologer of the future. In the cosmic decanates to which I here refer, it will be found that three great sons of God have expressed for us the quality, the keynote and the development which is expressive of each decanate:
Hercules—Scorpio.—Strength through testing.
Buddha—Taurus.—Illumination through struggle.
Christ—Pisces.—Resurrection through sacrifice.
In a peculiar sense, these three constitute a triangle of initiation and are of paramount potency in the initiation process. They express strength, illumination and love in full expression.
Leo appears again in this world situation as a part of a triangle of crisis, for the combination of the three constellations involved invariably produces crisis. These three are Leo, Libra and Capricorn. Leo, when dominating the triangle, produced in the past the crisis of individualisation. Later in human history, when the point of balance was reached, Leo was again potent. H.P.B. pointed out that there came a time when the balance was reached between spirit and matter and from that time on the tendency of humanity was towards evolution out of matter and not involution into matter; humanity turned towards the Path of Return and not the Path of Outgoing; this has become increasingly apparent. Today, Capricorn is producing a third crisis in the long, long history of mankind—a crisis of initiation, and the possibility of this crisis proving effective and producing the appearance of a new kingdom of nature on Earth is steadily becoming more and more possible. I would like here to remind you of an earlier reference [488] to still another triangle in which Leo is active and to another of the great triangles conditioning humanity: Taurus, Leo, Aquarius. Taurus incites towards experience and towards the gaining of knowledge; Leo leads to the expression of that experience in daily life and to the effort to justify knowledge; Aquarius takes that experience and the knowledge gained thereby, and turns it to conscious use in the service of the group. We might phrase it thus:
Taurus—in the final stage of development demonstrates as the illumined consciousness.
Leo—produces the truly Self-conscious man.
Aquarius—is the man of spirit, of life, and of consecration to the divine expression of service.
It is here that the importance of the esoteric rulers can be seen. These triangles, composed of three constellations are (according to cyclic law) dominated at any one time by one of the three, the other two being subordinated. These triangles are called in the Archives of the Lodge “Triangles in Revolution”; at one time, one of the three constellations will be the controlling factor; at another time another will swing into effectiveness and later a third. Each of these in turn pours its force through its esoteric ruler and the other two energies become of secondary importance. When this information is connected with the teaching upon the rays, it will be apparent how necessary it is to know which of the triangles is the focal point of transmission, because in this way it will be discovered which ray energy is in major or minor expression.
Leo, as we have seen, is for instance a most important transmitting agency in the present world crisis. This means, therefore, that Rays I and V are exceedingly active; it means, secondly, that the Sun’s influence is potent, both [489] exoterically and esoterically. It means also that the planets which are related to these two rays will be very active and, therefore, that Pluto and Venus are dominant in producing world results. I cite this as an instance of the interrelation of planets, constellations and rays; a close study of the world crisis will indicate the plausibility of the premise as to the activity of Leo as a major force in the triangle at present responsible for producing the world situation.
Earlier in this treatise, I gave you the relation between the rays and the constellations and stated that each of the seven rays expressed itself through the medium of three constellations or through a triangle of energies. This relation is
the basis of the entire Science of Triangles and, therefore, of astrology itself; it is also related to the rays, the constellations, their ruling planets and our Earth in a great synthesis of energies; it relates our solar system to the larger whole and our tiny non-sacred planet to the solar system. Let me repeat that statement and thus indicate to you some vital facts anent this world of interweaving energies. The Rays pour through, are expressed by and are transmitted through the following constellations:
Ray I . . . . . . . . . . Aries . . . . . . . . . . Leo . . . . . . . . . . . . Capricorn
Ray II. . . . . . . . . . Gemini . . . . . . . . Virgo . . . . . . . . . . Pisces
Ray III . . . . . . . . . Cancer . . . . . . . . . Libra . . . . . . . . . . Capricorn
Ray IV . . . . . . . . . Taurus . . . . . . . . . Scorpio . . . . . . . . Sagittarius
Ray V . . . . . . . . . Leo . . . . . . . . . . . Sagittarius . . . . . . Aquarius
Ray VI . . . . . . . . . Virgo . . . . . . . . . . Sagittarius . . . . . . Pisces
Ray VII . . . . . . . . Aries . . . . . . . . . . Cancer . . . . . . . . . Capricorn
Certain interesting facts emerge if this tabulation is carefully studied. Let me list some of them for you, leaving you to apply the information as may seem best to you.
1. This interrelation is effective in this world cycle and will remain so until the end of the Aquarian Age. By [490] this I mean, that these seven triangles of energy are today pouring their force through one of the constellations in each triangle.
2. Today, the following points of the triangles of energy or the following constellations in the triangles are the controlling factors:
Ray I.—Aries: This constellation, as might be expected, is the source of the initial energy, producing the New Age.
Ray II.—Virgo: This constellation produces the increased activity of the Christ principle in the heart of humanity.
Ray III.—Cancer: The mass movement towards liberty, release and light, so dominant today, is caused by the energy of this sign.
Ray IV.—Scorpio: Through this constellation comes the testing of humanity, the world disciple.
Ray V.—Leo: This sign produces the growth of individualism and of self-consciousness, so prevalent today on a world scale.
Ray VI.—Sagittarius: This sign produces the focussed one-pointed effort of the world aspirant.
Ray VII.—Capricorn: This Capricornian energy produces initiation and the overcoming of materialism.
3. It will be noted in this tabulation that several of the constellations find themselves in one or more of the triangles of energy, showing, therefore, that:
a. Ray IV is relatively inactive. [491]
b. Ray VII like Ray I is active through all three points, even though Aries is the most potent and active.
c. Ray VI as might be expected, is equally expressive and effective.
4. Five of the constellations—Taurus, Gemini, Libra, Scorpio and Aquarius—are only found in one of the various triangles.
a. Taurus (Ray IV) is not active exoterically as the fourth ray is not in manifestation at this time.
b. Through Scorpio, Ray IV is focussing esoterically the work of the world disciples, preparing them for initiation.
c. Gemini is only found in the triangle of Ray II and at this time, Virgo and Pisces are carrying the major task of transmitting second ray energy. Today the world is focussed (spiritually or materially) and the fluctuations of the pairs of opposites are much lessened temporarily. Gemini, therefore, is the inactive point of the triangle, though still potent from the esoteric angle of the individual disciple or initiate.
d. Libra is also found relatively inactive in the triangle of Ray III. Today there is no true balance but the opposition of spirit and matter is so violent that the Libran force is relatively quiescent. Ray III is expressing itself through Cancer, as far as the mass is concerned and through Capricorn, on a much smaller scale, in relation to the world disciples. Capricorn esoterically leads towards the externalisation of the Mysteries. [492]
e. Aquarius is not today the active point for the transmission of the energy of Ray V. However, shortly, as the Sun passes more fully into the sign Aquarius, the triangle will again revolve and bring the Aquarian point into a controlling position.
5. It is interesting to have in mind that Ray V governs the evolution of consciousness through the revolution of its triangle: Leo, Sagittarius and Aquarius. This is from the angle of hierarchical effort, as I earlier pointed out. Throughout human evolution, this major triangle governs the relation of humanity, through the mind, to the Hierarchy and the approach of that Hierarchy to the human centre of energy. Let me recall to your attention the following facts in this connection:
Sagittarius The Approach of the Hierarchy . . . . Lemurian in date. Proceeding steadily always.
The PAST . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Impetus then given still persists.
Mental unfoldment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Instinct. Intellect. Intuition.
The work of the Master Mason . . . . To raise humanity to the mountain top of initiation.
Leo The Work of the Hierarchy . . . . . . . . To raise the mass consciousness.
The PRESENT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . To capitalise on the original impetus of this sign.
Psychic development . . . . . . . . . . . . The growth of the response apparatus and the synthesis of the inner awareness.
The work of the Entered Apprentice. To learn and acquire knowledge.
Aquarius The Achievement of the Hierarchy. . The self-consciousness of Leo gives place to the group consciousness of Aquarius.
The FUTURE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . The merging of the human centre Aquarius and the Hierarchy.
Soul Expansion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Recognition of relation.
The work of the Fellow Craft . . . . . . The building and service of the temple of humanity.
[493] From the standpoint of our theme (the evolution of consciousness) it must never be forgotten that the aim is to bring the solar Angel, the Son of Mind (called in The Secret Doctrine, the Divine Manasaputra) into the seat of power. This task is pre-eminently entrusted to the three great Lives Who function through Gemini-Libra-Aquarius.
A point arises here which is one of real moment or perhaps, I should say that a question might here be asked: How does it happen that one tiny non-sacred planet should be considered of such importance that these great Lives should be concerned with the unfoldment of mind in humanity? The answer is that they are not. It is humanity which—under the urge of great inflowing and outflowing energies—is concerned with the problem of mental development. In the last analysis, the problem of response to and interpretation of the environing contacts is one which is to be found on every planet and particularly upon the non-sacred planets. This response must be evoked, not only in the fourth kingdom in nature but in all the kingdoms. Our solar system is one in which sensitivity to contact is the dominant quality; it is in process of becoming cosmically aware; it is driven by need and environing cosmic circumstance to develop love-wisdom and both these words are [494] descriptive and expressive of the consciousness aspect. Love is response to contact and this—in the human being—means understanding, inclusiveness and identification. Wisdom connotes skill in action as the result of developed love and the light of understanding; it is awareness of requirements and ability to bring together into a fused relationship the need and that which will meet it. Service is essentially a scientific mode of expressing love-wisdom under the influence of one or other of the seven rays, according to the soul ray of the serving disciple. The whole problem is one concerning our planetary Logos. It might be said (in order to make our theme comprehensible to you) that the evolutionary process—from the standpoint of the ordinary human being—is to make the non-sacred planet, our Earth, responsive to cosmic impacts thus bringing more inter-related and inner integration into the logoic body of expression. There are other purposes but it is only after the thi
rd initiation that a man begins to comprehend them.
These three constellations, cyclically and eternally, leading the “Eternal Pilgrim” along the path of mental unfoldment produce in him the final stage of mental evolution upon the Path of Initiation. Illumination, the term applied to that final stage, is a synthesis of instinct, intellect and intuition. Students must bear in mind that:
1. Gemini—expresses the relation of the pairs of opposites as they swing the man into activity and evoke his mental perception. With the aid of the ruling planets (Mercury and Venus) the mind begins to function and when the esoteric planet comes into expression and transmitting potency “the Messenger and the Angel exchange their understanding.” (Venus and the divine Manasaputras are closely connected. A.A.B.) [495]
2. Libra—expresses the point of balance achieved, prior to a secondary activity and the period of assimilation by the mind of past experience. These processes, when successfully carried forward, evoke the intuition and this brings into activity what is called the super-mind which is the response of the illumined mind to the Mind of God.
3. Aquarius—expresses the activity of the mind which has been initiated into the purposes of the Universal Mind. It is the sign which brings the soul into active cooperation with the inner plan of God. This we call service.
Esoteric Astrology Page 45