Esoteric Astrology

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by Alice A Bailey

  17. “The seven planets are the Sun’s brothers and not his sons.” (S.D. I. 483.)

  18. “The Planetary Spirits, are the informing spirits of the stars in general and of the planet especially. They rule the destinies of men who are all born under one or other of their constellations.” (S.D. I. 153.)

  19. “Each of the planets (of which seven only are called sacred because ruled by the highest Regents or Gods) ... is a septenary”.... (S.D. I. 176.)

  20. The following tabulation is suggestive:

  a. God the Father—1st Logos—Electric Fire. Great Bear. Sun.

  b. God the Son—2nd Logos—Solar Fire—Sirius. Venus and Mercury.

  c. God the Holy Spirit—3rd Logos—Fire by friction—Pleiades. Saturn (C.F. 96.)

  21. “The planetary Spirit is another term for the Logos of a planet, Who is one of the “seven Spirits before the Throne of God” and therefore one of the seven Heavenly Men. He is on the evolutionary arc of the Universe and has passed many stages beyond the human. The planetary Entity is on the involutionary arc and is a very low grade entity. He is the sum total of all the elemental lives of the planet.” (C.F. 105, note.)

  22. “The seven sacred Planets are composed of matter of [645] the fourth ether and the planetary Logoi (the seven Heavenly Men) whose bodies the planets are, function normally on the fourth plane of the system, the buddhic plane.” (C.F. 121.)

  23. “Certain of the planets are to the Logos what the permanent atoms are to man. They embody principles. Certain planets afford only temporary homes to these principles. This is one of the distinctions between a sacred and a non-sacred planet.” (C.F. 299.)

  24. “Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn and Vulcan are still developing the mind principle.” (C.F. 403.)

  25. “Those who are working in the Uranus, the Neptune and the Saturn scheme work somewhat differently to those functioning in the Venus, the Vulcan, the Mars, the Mercury, the Jupiter, the Earth and the exoteric Saturn scheme, and so do the Manasadevas (the solar Angels) of the inner round. We should note here that we again have a triplicity of groups, representing a triplicity of forces and herein lies a hint. In the others, the higher group and the middle group hold sway as these planets are the most occult and sacred in manifestation, and are concerned with egos who are on the Path, and who are therefore group-active. In connection with Uranus, Neptune and Saturn, this might be expected as they are the synthesising planetary schemes, and provide conditions suitable only for the very advanced stages. They are called the ‘reaping’ planets.” (C.F. 777.)

  26. “Mercury and Venus, the Sun and the Moon constitute the ‘Guardian angels of the four corners of the Earth’.”[646]


  a. (The sun and moon veil hidden planets).

  b. These are the four Maharajahs, connected with karma, humanity, cosmos and man.

  c. They are the Sun or its substitute—Michael.

  They are the Moon or its substitute—Gabriel.

  They are Mercury or its substitute—Raphael.

  They are Venus or its substitute—Uriel. (S.D. III. 459.)

  27. “Saturn—governs the devotional faculties.

  Mercury—governs the intellectual faculties.

  Jupiter—governs the sympathetic faculties.

  The Sun—governs the governing faculties.

  Mars—governs the selfish faculties.

  Venus—governs the tenacious faculties.

  Moon—governs the instinctual faculties.” (S.D. III. 463.)

  28. “The seven Angels Who preside over the seven planets are the Builders of the Universe. They are the natural Guardians of the seven regions of our planetary system.” (S.D. III. 115.)

  29. “The seven Builders graft the divine and the beneficent forces on to the gross material nature of the vegetable and mineral kingdoms every Second Round.” (S.D. III. 162; Note, I.)

  30. “The seven planetary Spirits or Angels ... are identical with the Dhyan Chohans of the esoteric doctrine and have been transformed into the archangels and the Spirits of the Presence by the Christian Church.” (S.D. III. 160.)

  31. “The seven chief Deities ... are the rays of the One Boundless Unity.” (S.D. III. 229.) [647]

  32. “Each of the seven chambers of the Pyramid was known by the name of one of the planets.” (S.D. III. 247.)

  33. “The Kabiri were always the seven planets ... who together with their Father, the Sun ... composed a powerful ogdoad.” (S.D. III. 316.)

  34. “The Ancients knew of seven planets besides the sun.... The seventh with two others were mystery planets.” (S.D. III. 316. Note.)

  35. “The solar system is (from the higher cosmic planes), seen as a vast blue lotus and so on down the scale; even the tiny atom of substance can be so considered.... The solar system is a twelve-petalled lotus, each petal being formed of forty-nine lesser petals. The planetary lotuses differ in each scheme and one of the secrets of initiation is revealed when the number of petals of:

  a. Our earth planet

  b. Our planetary polar opposite

  c. Our complementary equilibrising planet

  is committed to the initiate.” (C.F. 1018.).

  36. “Within the Hall of Wisdom, there exists a department of which the modern astrological organisations are dim and uncertain reflections. The Adepts connected with it work not with humanity but concern Themselves specifically with “casting the horoscopes” of the various great lives who inform ... the kingdoms of nature, with ascertaining the nature of the karmic influences working out in the manifestation of the three planetary Logoi (mentioned under point 35 above).... They progress these various horoscopes [648] for the next stated cycle and Their records are of profound interest. I would conjure students to refrain from attempting to form cyclic computations of any kind for as yet the many constellations which exist only in physical matter of an etheric nature are unknown and unseen. Yet they are potent in influence and until etheric vision is developed, all calculations will be full of error.” (C.F. 1057.)

  37. “A planetary Logos is the meeting place for two types of force, spiritual or logoic, which reaches Him ... from the seven Rishis of the Great Bear on Their own plane, and, secondly, of buddhic force which is transmitted via the seven Sisters or the Pleiades from a constellation called The Dragon and from which has come the appellation ‘The Dragon of Wisdom’.” (C.F. 1162.)


  Related to Astrology

  The Rays and the Planets—(According to Besant)

  Ray Method Planet Colour

  I. Will or Power Raja Yoga Uranus Flame



  II. Love-Wisdom

  Intuition Raja Yoga Mercury Yellow. Rose

  III. Higher Mind Higher Venus Indigo. Blue.

  Mathematics Bronze


  IV. Conflict

  Birth of man Tension Saturn Green

  Hatha Yoga

  V. Lower mind Practical Science The Moon Violet

  VI. Devotion Bhakti Yoga Mars Rose. Blue

  VII. Magic Ritual Jupiter Bright Blue

  The Sacred and non-sacred planets and the rays. [649]

  NOTE: This makes a total of 12 planets. It is the Esoteric division.

  38. “The exoteric non-sacred planets are called in occult parlance “the outer round” or outer circle of initiates. Of these our Earth is one but being aligned in a peculiar fashion with certain spheres (or planets) on the inner round a dual opportunity exists for humanity which facilitates, whilst it complicates, the evolutionary process. The sacred planets are called often the ‘seven grades of psychic knowledge’ or the ‘seven divisions of the field of knowledge’.” (C.F. 1175.)

  The following from The Secret Doctrine III, page 455, Diagram II, is suggestive, though exoteric and deliberately misleading as the sacred and non-sacred planets are mixed together and many planets omitted altogether,

  Planet Human Principle Colour Weekday

  1. Mars . . . . . .
. . . . . Kama-rupa . . . . . . . . . . . . Red . . . . . . . . . Tuesday

  2. The Sun . . . . . . . . Prana. Life . . . . . . . . . . . . Orange . . . . . . . Sunday

  3. Mercury . . . . . . . . Buddhi . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Yellow . . . . . . . Wednesday

  4. Saturn . . . . . . . . . . Kama-Manas . . . . . . . . . . Green . . . . . . . . Saturday

  5. Jupiter . . . . . . . . . . Auric envelope . . . . . . . . Blue . . . . . . . . . Thursday

  6. Venus . . . . . . . . . . Manas. Higher mind . . . . Indigo . . . . . . . Friday

  7. The Moon . . . . . . . Linga Sharira . . . . . . . . . . Violet . . . . . . . . Monday

  [650] Such “blinds” are frequent and necessary in the occult teaching but they will be used less and less as humanity becomes more spiritually perceptive.

  Seven great psychological Lives, qualified by seven types of life force, are manifesting through the medium of seven planets. Five other Lives express themselves through five planets, of which two remain to be discovered.

  1. The Sun (Substituted for Vulcan)

  2. Jupiter

  3. Saturn

  I. 4. Mercury

  5. Venus

  6. Mars

  7. The Moon (Substituted for Uranus)

  8. Pluto

  II. 9. Neptune

  10. The Earth

  11. Undiscovered

  III. 12. Undiscovered

  This is the Exoteric division.

  The Kingdoms of Nature and the Planets. In this cycle:

  1. The mineral kingdom—Pluto and Vulcan

  2. The vegetable kingdom—Venus and Jupiter

  3. The animal kingdom—The Moon and Mars

  4. The human kingdom—Mercury and Saturn

  5. The kingdom of souls—Neptune and Uranus

  6. Synthesising these five—The Sun


  [651] Each of the seven sacred planets (of which our Earth is not one) is an expression of one of the seven ray influences. These seven planets may be enumerated as follows, and the rays working through them are accurately given. The student, however, must remember three things:

  1. That every planet is the incarnation of a Life, or an Entity or Being.

  2. That every planet, like a human being, is the expression of two ray forces—the personality and the egoic.

  3. That two rays are therefore in esoteric conflict in each planet.

  It should also be noted that until the mystery of the constellation of the Great Bear is revealed, and until the influence of the Pleiades is comprehended and the true significance of the cosmic triangle formed by:

  a. The seven Rishis of the Great Bear.

  b. The seven Planetary Logoi of our solar system.

  c. The seven Pleiades or Sisters.

  is also revealed, the destiny and true function of the seven sacred planets will remain unknown. Within this cosmic triangle are many lesser ones. Any one of the seven Rishis with one of our planetary Logoi and one of the seven Sisters can form subsidiary triangles and the combinations possible are many and intricate.

  NOTE: In the occult books there are many enumerations of the planets and many of these are simply blinds and the sacred and non-sacred planets are deliberately intermixed. In the Tibetan’s books there are several such enumerations, i.e., the two listed above and the following: [652]

  The Seven Planets, Centres or Schemes

  1. Vulcan—the sun exoterically considered.

  2. Venus.

  3. Mars.

  4. The Earth.

  5. Mercury.

  6. Saturn.

  7. Jupiter.

  The Three Synthesising Planets

  1. Uranus—8.

  2. Neptune—9.

  3. Saturn.

  The One Resolver

  The Sun.

  The first one given above will be regarded as accurate for this world period and will be the basis of our astrological teaching. The informing Lives of the seven sacred planets are called by the following names:

  1. The seven Planetary Logoi.

  2. The seven Spirits before the throne.

  3. The seven Kumaras.

  4. The seven solar Deities.

  5. The primordial Seven.

  6. The seven Builders.

  7. The seven intellectual Breaths.

  8. The seven Manus.

  9. The Flames.

  10. Lords of Love, Knowledge and Sacrifice.


  From the angle of form. Natural order. Retrogression through signs.

  Pisces through the Signs to Aries

  1. Pisces.—And the Word said: Go forth into matter.

  2. Aquarius.—And the Word said: Let desire in form be ruler.

  3. Capricorn.—And the Word said: Let ambition rule and the door stand wide.

  4. Sagittarius.—And the Word said: Let food be sought.

  5. Scorpio.—And the Word said: Let Maya flourish and let deception rule.

  6. Libra.—And the Word said: Let choice be made.

  7. Virgo.—And the Word said: Let matter reign.

  8. Leo.—And the Word said: Let other forms exist. I rule.

  9. Cancer.—And the Word said: Let isolation be the rule and yet the crowd exists.

  10. Gemini.—And the Word said: Let instability do its work.

  11. Taurus.—And the Word said: Let struggle be undismayed.

  12. Aries.—And the Word said: Let form again be sought.

  From the angle of the soul. Spiritual order. Correct passing through sign.

  Aries through the Signs to Pisces

  1. Aries.—I come forth and from the plane of mind I rule. [654]

  2. Taurus.—I see, and when the eye is opened, all is illumined.

  3. Gemini.—I recognise my other self and in the waning of that self I grow and glow.

  4. Cancer.—I build a lighted house and therein dwell.

  5. Leo.—I am That and That am I.

  6. Virgo.—I am the Mother and the Child. I, God, I matter am.

  7. Libra.—I choose the way that leads between the two great lines of force.

  8. Scorpio.—Warrior I am, and from the battle I emerge triumphant.

  9. Sagittarius.—I see the goal. I reach the goal and see another.

  10. Capricorn.—Lost am I in light supernal, yet on that light I turn my back.

  11. Aquarius.—Water of life am I, poured forth for thirsty men.

  12. Pisces.—I leave the Father’s Home and turning back, I save.


  The Solar System

  Entity manifesting.—The solar Logos.

  Body of manifestation.—The solar system.

  Receptive centre.—Pole of the central Sun.

  Surface radiation or emanation.—Solar prana.

  Movement produced.—Systemic rotation.

  Distributive effect.—Solar etheric radiation. (Felt cosmically). [655]

  The Planet

  Entity manifesting.—A planetary Logos.

  Body of manifestation.—A planet.

  Receptive centre.—A planetary pole.

  Surface radiation or emanation.—Planetary prana.

  Movement produced.—Planetary rotation.

  Distributive effect.—Planetary etheric radiation. (Felt within the system.)

  The Human Being

  Entity manifesting.—The Thinker, a Dhyan Chohan.

  Body of manifestation.—Physical body.

  Receptive Centre.—The spleen.

  Surface radiation or emanation.—Health aura.

  Movement produced.—Atomic rotation.

  Distributive effect.—Human etheric radiation. (Felt by environment.)


  References in The Secret Doctrine and A Treatise on Cosmic Fire

  1. “The seven Rishis are the Regents of the seven stars of the Great Bear, and, therefore, of the same nature as the Ang
els of the Planets or the seven great planetary Spirits.” (S.D. II. 332. Note.)

  2. “It is the seven Rishis who mark the time and the duration of events in our septenary life cycle. They are as mysterious as their supposed wives, the Pleiades.” (S.D. II. 579.)

  3. “The first ‘seven stars’ are not planetary. They are the leading stars of seven constellations which turn [656] around with the Great Bear....” (S.D. III. 195.)

  4. “In Egypt, the Great Bear was the constellation ... called the Mother of the Revolutions, and the Dragon with seven heads was assigned to Saturn, who was called the Dragon of Life.” (S.D. III. 195.)

  5. “In the Book of Enoch, the Great Bear is called Leviathan.” (S.D. III. 195.)

  6. “Our solar system with the Pleiades and one of the stars of the Great Bear form a cosmic triangle or an aggregation of three centres in the Body of the One about Whom Naught may be Said.... The seven stars of the Great Bear correspond to the seven head centres of this Great Entity.” (Cosmic Fire, 182.)

  7. “Vibrations (energies) come to our solar system from the seven Rishis of the Great Bear and primarily from those two who are the Prototypes of the seventh and fifth Rays or planetary Logoi.” (Cosmic Fire, 553.)


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