Esoteric Astrology

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Esoteric Astrology Page 64

by Alice A Bailey

  surmounting, 475

  Crocodile. See Capricorn.


  mystery, 158

  symbolism, 153



  attainment, 153, 350

  awareness, 153

  centre controlling, 297

  commencement and culmination on, 151

  definitions, 91-92, 93, 109, 144

  expression, 315-316

  four arms, interpretation, 239-241

  function, 287

  impotence of Saturn, 105, 163

  influences, 94, 151-152, 323

  initiate, 396

  integration, 574

  involutionary stage, 161

  mounting, 90, 92, 95, 96, 108, 109, 152, 161, 163, 240

  potency, 161

  rays and planets governing, 248-249

  relation to Creative Hierarchies, 161-162

  relation to Fixed, 98, 241

  secret, 314, 315

  significance, 316

  solar system, 279-280

  study by astrologer, 335

  sun aspect active, 297

  See also Cross of the Risen Christ.


  influence, 94

  liberation from, 96, 105

  See also Cross, Mutable.

  Cosmic, symbol, 348-349

  esoteric meaning, 336


  activity on, today, 161

  aspirant on reversed Wheel, 396

  attainment, 153, 157, 350

  centres active, 297

  commencement and culmination, 151

  consciousness, 104

  definition, 109, 144

  discipleship, 151

  effects, 140, 141, 293

  energies, 199

  esoteric functioning, beginning, 160

  four arms, 555

  function, 287

  influence, 94

  initiation on, 143-144

  integration, 574

  liberation from, 96, 105

  light, 293

  man on, 221-223, 225-226

  mantram, 571-573

  mounting, 96, 106, 109, 119, 144-145, 199, 279, 569, 570

  mystery, 315

  nature of, 293

  objective and effect, 293

  of right Orientation, 573

  on Atlantis, 160

  relation to historic and cosmic Christ, 565-566

  secret, 314

  solar system, 279

  study by astrologers, 335

  sun aspect active, 297

  task, 185

  three emerging conditions, 573-574

  See also Cross of the Crucified Christ.


  attainment, 153, 350

  characteristics, 121-123

  commencement and culmination, 151

  consciousness, 104

  definitions, 109, 121, 144, 177, 185

  effect of Sun via Jupiter, 297

  four arms, 554

  function, 287-288

  goal, 161

  Holy Spirit, 194

  influence of Pointer, 196

  integration, 574

  invocation, 573

  mounting, 117

  mystery of form, 314

  on Lemuria, 160

  planets governing, 126-128

  preparation for mounting Fixed, 279

  progress on, 151

  revelation, 315

  significance, 257-258, 350

  signs, rulers, 184

  solar system, 279

  study by astrologers, 335

  symbology, 182

  transition from, 569-570, 573

  unevolved man, 395

  See also Cross, Common; Cross of Hidden Christ


  acquiescence and aspiration, 559, 562

  consciousness of Plan, 559

  consummation, 556, 559

  Crucified Christ, 554-555, 557, 558, 559, 560-561, 562, 565-566, 568, 571-574

  Crucified Christ See also Cross, Fixed.

  Discipleship, 143-144, 554

  Father, 558

  form, 554, 557

  Hidden Christ, 553-554, 557-565

  Hidden Christ See also Cross, Mutable.

  Holy Spirit, 558

  human cycle, 558, 561

  initiation, 555, 562

  integration, 557

  light, 554, 556

  monadic manifestation, 557-558, 561

  omnipresence, omniscience, and omnipotence, 556

  personality, 553, 557, 559, 560

  planetary Hierarchy, 558

  Risen Christ, 555-557, 558-559, 561, 567-568, 574, 575

  Risen Christ. See also Cross, Cardinal.

  Shamballa, 558

  Son, 558

  soul, 554, 557


  and Saturn, 105

  and signs, 81-90

  and triple Sun, 111

  commencement and consummation on, 151

  cosmic, relations, 80

  definition, 257, 336

  dominating signs, 345

  effects, 106, 107

  energy, comparison, 149

  evolution on, 121-123, 182

  graphic symbols, 560-561

  indication to astrologer, 468

  of initiation, 204

  of the Christs, 121

  relation to four kingdoms in nature, 147

  revolution, 93-94


  cosmic, inter-relation, 357

  functioning in life of Jesus, 565

  importance in future astrology, 464

  influences, keynote, 563

  linkage and merging, 98

  on Mt. Golgotha, symbolism, 82

  on Path of Initiation, 166

  place in soul life, 480

  response to, 514

  theme, 563


  cosmic, significance, 315

  of historic Christ, 314-315

  of Spirit, 555

  Cusps, erroneous idea, 137

  Cyclic impulse, group, 326-327



  centre, ray and service, 523-524

  outlet for spiritual life, 459

  rays and sign, 458

  Dark night of the soul, 276-277


  act of intuition, 599

  agents, 509

  conquest, 593, 595, 596-597, 615, 616, 624, 630

  definition, 615

  dissolution, and detachment, planet ruling, 538

  from Pluto, 187, 214

  in Capricorn, 379

  in Scorpio, 96, 212, 213-215, 341

  liberation from, 274

  of forms, 438, 619

  of negation, 597

  of personality, 17-18, 95-99

  relation to Pisces and first ray, 141, 214

  seeds, emergence, 599

  seeds in Capricorn, 158

  significance, 596

  symbolic, preparation for, 103

  triumphant, 545

  Deaths, three, 95-98

  Decanate, entrance of disciple, 283


  purpose, 203

  study, 105-106


  balancing in Libra, 232, 244-245

  conquest, 52, 204-205, 225

  contrast with will, 388-389, 583-584

  definition, 388

  history, 232

  in Capricorn, 153-154

  material, exhaustion, 569

  mergence into aspiration, results, 259-260

  of Taurus, 144-145, 200, 232, 244, 370, 371, 375, 379, 388-389

  relinquishment, 200

  sublimation, 391

  tests, 205, 206

  transmutation, 108, 185, 200, 297-298

  Desire-mind, influence, 190-191

  Destroyer Ray. See Ray I.


  evolution, Logoic centre, 456

  Hierarchies, 36

  Devotion, Ray.
See Ray VI.

  Dictators, attitude, 285


  ability to stand as transforming will, 618

  awareness, 284

  centres, energies from triangle, 421

  destiny, indications, 513-514

  duty, 23

  effect of energy of Great Bear, 460-467

  effect of zodiacal signs, 22

  entrance into sign, 283

  goal, 185

  guidance, 196

  horoscope, casting, 21, 69-70, 89-90, 318, 514

  identification, 192

  in Sagittarius, 61, 166, 187, 188, 218, 277

  individual, unfoldment, 472, 473, 476-477

  influence of Saturn, 70, 148, 440-441

  influences of Scorpio, 61, 162, 224, 243, 319, 538

  liberation from human kingdom, 475

  Mercury and Sun interchangeable, 284

  pledged, attitude, 177

  ready for second initiation, 298

  response to Leo-Pisces-Capricorn influence, 450-452

  response to Shamballa force, warning, 451

  sensitivity, 322

  task, 128

  Taurian, goal, 394

  transmission, transformation, and transfiguration, 618-619

  trials, self-initiated, 207-208

  triumphant, constellations, planets, and ray, 67

  world, preparation for initiation, 239

  world, tests, 203


  centres affected, 24

  constellations and planetary rulers, 60-67

  gauging by Masters, 90

  initiation, 540

  interplay of opposite signs, 338-339

  planets ruling, 513

  problems, 498, 510, 514

  reaction to influences, factor in horoscope, 69-70

  response mechanism, 198

  testing, 162

  using solar plexus as clearing house, 76

  with awakened heart and head centres, 76

  world, influences, 162-163

  world, relationships, 162-163


  Cross of, 554

  Saturn, 440-441

  today, 148

  See also Path of Discipleship.

  Divine Androgyne, manifestation, 40

  Dog Star. See Sirius.

  Dragon constellation, relationship, 46

  Dragons of Wisdom, advent, 46


  absence in initiate, 60

  creative, four signs, 272


  evolutionary concern, four constellations, 549

  interplay stabilised, forecast, 328


  established by Mercury and Venus, 354-355

  in evolutionary process, 60, 115-117, 120, 177

  Martian, 211-212

  of solar system, 54-55, 56

  Dweller on the Threshold–

  and Angel of the Presence, mutual knowledge, 55

  confronting the Angel, 207

  definition, 207

  planetary, 164

  See also Personality.



  axis, orientation changes, 408, 409

  body of expression, 22

  centres. See Centres, planetary.

  conflict leading to balance, 360

  destiny, 481, 530-531

  difficulty, cause, 519

  effect of Gemini-Aries-Mercury triangle, 358

  emanation, effect, correspondence, 29

  energy, 12-13

  esoteric ruler of Sagittarius, 356

  etheric body, nature and transformation, 479

  etheric centres, energies from triangle, 421

  hierarchical ruler of Gemini, 356, 361

  horoscope, 32, 351

  influence, 15

  informing life, five energies, 483

  meanings, 126, 127

  personality, forces affecting, 24

  planet of sorrow, 361

  planetary status, 453

  polar opposite, 24

  polarity, shift, 408, 409

  ray, 187, 189, 200, 393-394

  relationships, 355, 357, 358, 361, 362

  ruler of Sagittarius, 184

  rulers, 507

  sacred planet in future, 481, 482

  source of energy, 12-13

  spirit of, 59

  vital body of Logos, 362

  Earth-Mars-Mercury triangle, 687-688

  Earth-Mars-Pluto triangle, 507-508

  Earth-Venus-Mercury triangle, 362

  Economics and distribution of money, planet governing, 538

  Education, recommendations, 237

  Egos, seven groups on mental plane, 48

  Eighth sphere, precipitation into, 41

  Electrical energies of Third Creative Hierarchy, 41

  Electricity, cosmic, sixth type, 39

  Eleven, significance today, 542

  Emotion-desire transmutation, 297-298


  cosmic, 609-634

  electrical, of Third Creative Hierarchy, 41

  esoteric combinations to transform Earth, 481

  from cosmic Sources, 5, 7, 9, 11, 13-15, 19-24, 26, 28, 53

  from Zodiac, distribution, 266-269

  hindering effects, 19

  interlocking, 30

  new, release on Earth, 519-520

  nine, in Virgo, task, 279

  of constellations, blending with seven rays, 53

  of constellations, blending with twelve planets, 53

  of seven solar systems, focussed, 467

  of signs, attraction, 266-267

  of solar system, medium of transmission, 10, 11

  originating within solar system, 654-655

  ray, equivalent and corresponding, 27

  ray, septenary, from Great Bear, 421

  response apparatus, 267, 268

  See Septenate of Energies

  sources, 7, 13-15, 31, 32

  stimulating effects, 19

  stream, from Monad to physical man, 611-612

  stream, from Ursa Major, distribution and focussing, 609-611

  subjective, definition, 388-389

  systemic, passing through Hierarchy, 411

  three basic, relation and effect, importance, 424-425

  three groups, 28, 427-428

  transforming humanity, 482

  Zodiacal, passing through Shamballa, 411, 416


  and force, distinction, 389

  buddhic, 471

  distribution to fifth subplanes, 47-48

  divine, great reservoir, 196

  dynamic, constellations, Crosses, and Hierarchies, 50

  esoteric triangle, 386

  from Shamballa and seventh ray, use, 445

  from solar Logos, 47

  magnetic, from Creative Hierarchies, 50

  manasic, influx, 45

  nine streams, 264-265, 266


  constellation, fusion with energy of planets, 51

  earth, 12-13

  fire, 586-587

  first ray, source, 99

  Leo, focus and distribution, 297

  shaktis, 35

  twelve Creative Hierarchies, 34-35

  on Fixed and Mutable Crosses, 149

  planetary, outlets for spiritual force, 457-458

  ray, effects and interplay, 27

  ray, in major or minor expression, 488

  serpent, 45

  Shamballa. See Shamballa.

  See also Will, energy.

  Environment, astrological indications, 51


  today, 544-545

  See also Libra.


  planets. See Planets.

  teaching, 693-695

  Ether of space, importance, 9, 11

  Etheric body. See Body, etheric.


  ancient focussed, inflow, 585

  cosmic, 445

estruction, 541, 583, 584, 585, 586, 588

  entities obsessing German leaders, 544

  resistance to, 444

  Evocation of–

  evil and Light, 544

  hierarchical response, 572-573

  Pisces, 545

  response from Shamballa, 574

  will, 574

  will-to-good, 572-573


  aim, 494

  cycle, 474

  definition, 626

  goal, 251-252, 494

  human, history, 450

  of consciousness, 121-123, 178-180, 245, 247, 306, 455-456, 483, 492, 493

  of forms, 591

  of Logos, 628

  of souls of solar system, earth, and man, 467

  on Crosses, 121-123, 182

  point attained, importance, 19, 21, 103, 334, 335, 339, 510, 514-515

  progress, mode, 291-292

  steps, 83-84

  study, 106-108

  subjective approach, 64

  synthesis, 562

  three Wheels and Crosses, 94-95

  triple potencies, 40

  Experience, effect, spiritual, 90

  Extremes, meeting, 225

  Eye of–

  Bull. See Eye of Taurus.

  light, 154, 162

  Taurus, 154, 162, 376, 379, 381, 384, 393, 403, 566

  Eye of Father-Eye of Son-Eye of Mother triangle, 430

  Eye, right eye-left eye-Eye of Shiva triangle, 429-430


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