Crooked River (Jack Francis Novel)

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Crooked River (Jack Francis Novel) Page 5

by MP Murphy

  “Where is she going?” Madeline asked.

  “I’ve got a good idea, Beard’s house. He lives in this neighborhood somewhere.”

  “You haven’t gone to see him there yet?”

  “Nope, it didn’t seem that urgent.”

  “How do you figure?”

  “Well looking at it now, I guess it was pretty stupid not to have gone there yet, but I didn’t think he was going anywhere since he was trying to get money out of your father.”

  “It would have been the first place I checked!” Madeline appeared annoyed with my investigation and she probably had reason.

  “I was going to go first thing in the morning. In all honesty I figured he had run off to hide somewhere. I bet he is still in town, but why would he sit like a target in his house? I’m sure it will turn out to be another dead end like his shop.” Madeline slowed the car as we turned a corner. I noticed the cab pulled over halfway down the street. “That must be it,” I said as Madeline pulled her car behind a minivan to hide it.

  “Has she gotten out yet? I can’t really see.”

  “No she’s just sitting there. Must be paying the cabby.”

  “Why would she come here this late and use a cab no less?”

  “Got me, this whole thing seems strange. It sure doesn’t seem like she’s trying to be very secretive. It could be she just came by on a hunch.” It was then that I noticed Alex getting out of the cab. A northeast wind had kicked up off of the lake earlier in the night and now it blew Alex’s hair across her face. She paused to bend over, sticking her head into the cab window, and spoke to the driver. A moment later she straightened herself, brushing the hair from her face and headed toward the house. The cab stayed parked out front with the engine still running. “Looks like a quick stop,” I said mostly to myself.

  “Should we follow her in?” Madeline asked.

  “Not just yet. I’d say she’s not planning on staying too long.” Within seconds of the words leaving my lips two gun shots rang out into the night. They echoed into the silent neighborhood and both Madeline and I jumped in our seats. I reached for my door and quickly got out of the car in time to catch Alex rushing back to the cab. “Alex!” I yelled out. She paused to look in my direction, and before I knew it, she was back in the cab and sped off down the street.

  “Get back in the car!” Madeline yelled.

  “Go on without me,” I answered. “I want to check the house.”

  Once again squealing her tires on the pavement, Madeline took off after the cab.

  Chapter 19

  I was alone and the neighborhood around me was now eerily quiet. No one seemed to wake from the sound of the gunfire, and I soon realized that in this neighborhood, it wasn’t enough for anyone to call the police. Ohio City bordered some rough areas and it was possible that small arms fire was an occasional occurrence. Unfortunately, that left me alone to go search for the victim of the gun shots I had heard.

  After a few minutes of talking to myself in front of Charles Beard's house, I finally had the courage to climb the porch stairs. I almost knocked on the door when I realized that if anyone was home, they were not going to be able to answer. I gave the door a try and it was locked tight, and blinds on all the windows kept me from peaking through. I tried the door one more time before moving around to the side of the wraparound porch, where I found a side door that was also locked. Alex must have gone around back because she would not have had time to lock up the house when she left. Side steps took me off the porch and onto a gravel driveway. I looked into the garage windows noticing only a small car parked inside. I followed a well-groomed stone path into the backyard where it opened into a small, manicured garden, complete with a bird bath. A undersized landing off of the house led down to the garden, and as I turned to go up I noticed the backdoor was wide open.

  Proceeding slowly up the stairs and into the house, I realized that Alex had covered a lot of ground from the time I heard the shots to when I saw her running towards the cab. The house was completely black and I used a tissue from my pocket to fumble for a light switch on the wall. Track lighting came on, illuminating a very modern kitchen which seemed out of place in the old house.

  “Hello,” I yelled for some unknown reason. “Is anyone home?” It just seemed right to ask. No one responded leaving me more worried about what I was going to find. Slowly, I made my way through the dining room and into the living room where I found the staircase leading up to the second floor. Gravitating towards the first step, I hesitated as I noticed a room off of a small hall on the other side of the stairs. A table lamp was casting light across the walls and hardwood floor, slowly changing the shadows as I walked towards it. Before I even walked into Charles Beard's study I knew what I was about to find, as I could see a pair of feet sticking out from the doorway. Poking my head inside, I wished I hadn't, as I caught sight of the remains of Mr. Beard.

  There had been two shots to the head, at close range, with a medium caliber weapon. One shot took off half his face and the other came in right on target. It was hard to tell because so little was left, most of it having been shot off onto the bookshelf behind him. The hit looked sloppy and quickly done. The kill was not clean.

  Finishing my quick inspection of the body, I stepped over Beard and went to his desk carefully searching for the evidence against Chelsea. The desk was clean and I scanned the bookshelves trying to find a safe or some other hiding place he might have had. I came up empty but I was expecting that. Alex would never have put herself in this situation without at least getting what she came for. At least now I knew that we were after the same thing, but what I still couldn’t figure out was why. I thought about turning on the computer and searching its files, but unfortunately my skills were lacking, and I had to assume that any evidence was well hidden and password-protected……a job for someone else.

  I made my way back through the house turning off lights and trying not to disturb anything. I left the backdoor open just as I had found it and walked down the driveway to the front sidewalk. I pulled out my cell phone and dialed Colin's number.

  “It's late, what do you want?” His voice sounded like he had actually been asleep.

  “I've got something for you.”

  “That girl didn't try to kill you did she?”

  “No, but she might have shot Charles Beard.”

  “You don't say.” Now he was awake. “How do you know this?”

  “Long story. Meet me over at the diner across from the market on West 25th. Buy me a coffee and a corned beef sandwich while I explain it to you. Also send some of your boys to Beard's place to clean up the mess in his study.”

  “Are you there now?”

  “Just leaving. I'm on foot so give me a few minutes to get out of here before you call in the cavalry.”

  “Alright, let me throw some clothes on and I'll meet you at the diner.” Colin hung up.

  I put my phone back into my pocket and walked in the shadows of the night towards West 25th Street. The wind blew and rattled the branches leaving a coolness in the air that we hadn’t had all summer. The smell of rain was coming across the breeze from the lake and the thought of a killer on the loose had me quicken my step as I made my way to the diner.

  Chapter 20

  Shit, this wasn’t good, Alex thought. What the hell had Jack been doing at Beard’s house?

  “Got someone following us, Miss,” the taxi driver said as he maneuvered the cab through nearly empty streets.

  “What?” Alex turned to see a silver Mercedes a block behind them. “There’s an extra hundred in it if you lose them.”

  “Not a problem. Ah Miss.”

  “What now?”

  “Could those have been gun shots I heard coming from the house a few minutes ago?”

  “Another hundred and you didn’t hear a thing.”

  “Got a pretty good memory it’s always been a fault of mine.”

  “How convenient, three hundred to lose the tail and have some frig
gin’ memory loss.”

  “Sounds good Miss.”

  The little bastard was pretty brave to try and take her for more money. How did he know she wouldn’t shoot him dead in his own filthy cab? What a mess the night had become. Jack Francis could become a real problem if she left him to it. The man had made the first half of the night pretty enjoyable. Dinner had been nice and dessert back at his place even better. She would have liked to enjoyed him one more time, but now, well that probably was out. Why did he have to be so damn curious and follow her?

  “I think I lost that Mercedes Miss,” the cabby called back over his shoulder.

  It had been a Mercedes hadn’t it, a silver one with a black convertible if she was correct. She only had a brief look at the thing but Alex had no doubt about what she saw. That car did not belong to Jack so someone else was tailing her. There always was the chance that Jack was with them but that still left another person involved tonight. Silver Mercedes, Alex thought, who could it be? Who else was connected and drove a silver Mercedes convertible? Those damn brats, the Gilmore sisters, that’s who drove that car. Jack must have been hired by the old man and now one of the girls was tagging along. It had to be the older one, since Alex doubted the old man was going to let his youngest go running around town in the middle of the night after everything she had been through. Besides the oldest, Madeline, yeah that was her name, was always flaunting herself around the casino. She would probably enjoy Jack’s company. Alex certainly had.

  “Take me to the Arcade,” she told the driver. The cab could leave her there in front of the hotel and she could easily grab another one home. Alex had no desire to let the driver know where she lived in case he got the idea to swindle more money from her. Better to let him believe she was staying at the hotel than allow him another chance to profit from her activities tonight.

  Alex reached for her purse as the cab pulled up in front of the Arcade. She handed the driver three one hundred-dollar bills.

  “Hey, what about money for the fare?” the cabby hollered.

  “I think you have plenty there,” Alex said nodding to the money she had handed him.

  She got out of the cab in front of the hotel and reached into her purse for her cell phone. Quickly she dialed Lee Kershaw’s phone number from memory, but he must have had his phone off because it went right to voicemail without a single ring.

  “Lee,” Alex began to leave a message, “I was just followed by one of the sisters involved in our antique affair. Could you please look into this for me and get back to me soon with any information.” She hoped he was smart enough to figure out what she meant and needed. Too many details should never be left on a message but she needed Kershaw to work on this right away.

  Chapter 21

  Soft and calm, the voice on the other end of the line was in control. There was a hint of an accent to it, maybe East European. None of these things bothered Lee Kershaw as much as the raspy coldness that also came when the man spoke. Kershaw had never seen the man’s face and he had no desire to. His voice was enough to keep him away but it was his indifference towards human life that really bothered him.

  “As I have told you before,” the man continued, “I am already employed at the moment.”

  “It is important for me to have this done and as always you will be paid well.”

  “I never overextend myself Mr. Kershaw. When one does this they lose their edge.”

  “But this concerns the incompleteness of your last task for me. I need a more thorough job done.”

  “I believe that is an insult Mr. Kershaw. My last job was completed as you requested.”

  “It was not you that failed.”

  “I am aware of your predicament,” the man’s voice was cold and steady “and because I am aware of your predicament, I will listen to your proposal. So please continue.”

  “It is about the job at the Zeitlin place.”

  “Yes, and I cleaned up after the Italian hack you had sent in there before me.”

  “And it was done very well.” Now Kershaw was kissing a little butt to stroke the man’s ego. “But the problem now is with the girl.”

  “She is not of my concern. I would not have been so daft as to leave her alive in the first place.”

  “I understand, but our Italian friend was not as wise.” He was right, Kershaw thought. If he had sent him in the first place none of this would have happened.

  “A genetic fault of his, the man was stupid at birth.”

  “Anyways, she was the younger of Captain Gilmore’s two daughters, as I am sure you know. However, my problem is with the older girl, Madeline. She has decided to become involved with her sister’s troubles and is finding her nose where it doesn’t belong. Becoming too nosey for her own good you might say.” Kershaw paused giving the man a chance to speak.

  “Go on Mr. Kershaw. Ask me what it is you want. I’m still listening.”

  Kershaw felt by the man’s voice that he was already planning. He worked that way and was a cunning adversary. Thank God he is on my payroll, Kershaw thought. “All I need is a warning. Something to let the Gilmores know it’s time to back off. Can you handle it for me?”

  “Fortunately for you Mr. Kershaw my current state of employment puts me in a perfect position to accomplish such a persuasion for you.”

  “Really, who are you working for?”

  “Do not insult me with such questions as the answers are none of your concern.”

  “I apologize, it was simple conversation.”

  “If you will please send the funds to my normal account we can go forth in the matter. Rest assured that once I receive the money what you have asked of me will be completed.”

  “It will be sent immediately.”

  “Mr. Kershaw, your business is always appreciated. You may consider this matter resolved.” The phone went silent.

  Alex’s message on Kershaw’s phone had not hinted at any decisive action, but with so much already going wrong he was not taking any chances. The man’s voice was intimidating and his actions towards the Gilmores would be as well. Kershaw knew he should have sent him from the beginning and if he had, the situation would have never had progressed this far. Jimmy DeLuca would never have been there to screw up and Chelsea Gilmore would now be dead. Another drugged up debutante forgotten.

  Chapter 22

  The coffee was strong and bitter, perfect. The potatoes were lacking seasoning and seemed to have dried out under the heat lamps, yet the diner managed some of the juiciest and most tender corned beef I’ve ever had. If I ever came back for another meal it would be coffee and corned beef only because nothing else was needed. One bite of that corned beef and all the sins of the awful potatoes were suddenly forgiven. It was too bad Colin’s tardiness would not be.

  I had been stuck here stewing for over an hour now. Add that to my walk time and it had been an hour and a half of waiting for his lethargic ass. I had walked a good ten blocks on an increasingly windy night after seeing a man’s brains cover his bookshelf. If Colin had the nerve to fall back asleep I would kill him. My phone rattled in my pocket. “That better be him,” I thought out loud.

  “You still there?” Colin asked.

  “Where else would I be? I’m in a back booth waiting for you.”

  “I’m walking in now.” The phone clicked off and a minute later Colin stormed in through the front door with a sense of urgency. He flopped down in the booth across from me and gave a sigh as the waitress came over. She pushed a coffee in front of him and tried to hand him a menu but he waved it off. “I’m not eating but thanks.”

  “Where have you been?” I asked sounding a little stressed and in need of some bourbon.

  “Well, I was asleep so I had to get dressed. Katya had gotten home from work a few minutes before you called and I had to explain to her why I was dashing off in the middle of the night. On my way here I called the Cleveland Police with information of a shooting at Beard’s. Funny that no one else in the neighborhood had c
alled. No reports of gunfire or anything.”

  “The shooting of Beard,” I stressed.

  “I told them I had information from an anonymous source that they would find Beard dead inside.”

  “I’m a little surprised no one in the neighborhood bothered to report the shooting.”

  “It doesn’t matter, a black and white made the trip over to check the place out.”


  “And,” Colin continued, “you need to stop interrupting me.”

  “Sorry I’m a little impatient it’s been a long night.”

  “Private practice has made you soft. You didn’t used to be so jumpy.”

  “I was mentally prepared for nights like these back when I was with the Bureau, and in the Army I was too young to worry. The whole young and invincible thing I guess. Are you going to continue or are we talking about my psyche all night?”

  “Sorry, well just so you know I think you better get your mind prepared because your night is going to get longer.”

  “Great,” I should have seen it coming. “What is it?”

  “The house was clean.”

  “Impossible the guy’s brains were all over the place. Shit half his face was blown off.”

  “Black and white found the back door wide open checked through the house and found no one home.”

  “How long from when I left until the local boys got there?” Surprisingly I regained my composure pretty quickly.

  “Hour if I had to guess. Not enough time to get a body out and clean the place up.”

  “Apparently it is.”

  “You know,” Colin started, “if the same thing hadn’t happened at the Zeitlin place I would have swore you’d gone crazy. Hallucinating and such.”

  “Wish I had. I wonder what happened to Alex.”

  “Madeline lost her.” I looked at him quizzically. “She called me since she didn’t have your number. She does now by the way.”


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