Crooked River (Jack Francis Novel)

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Crooked River (Jack Francis Novel) Page 11

by MP Murphy

  Whether or not I could trust someone didn’t determine their usefulness to me. Each person was different and if I knew where they stood, then I could determine what was truth and what was a blatant lie. Sometimes identifying the lies could tell you more than the truth. Getting information out of someone depended on the proper use of the right techniques. Since Alex now held middle ground with me, she would be the first person I went after, the Gilmores second, and I would leave Colin to his own devices. His information would come willingly but only when he could give it to me.

  The day after Levi Zeitlin’s body was found in the back of Chelsea Gilmore’s car, the rain finally began to taper off. The air was cool and damp, almost misty, and I took it as a precursor to a cold winter to come. With any luck I would escape Cleveland’s snowy weather for a warmer climate before it buried me in. For now, I stood looking out of my condo window at a miserable day at the end of August. I still had a few months to get out of town before the cold came down across the lake from Canada. I turned from the window and focused my thoughts to Alex, sitting on the sofa sipping some Earl Grey.

  “I told you already Jack I cannot help you with any of this,” Alex said, breaking to take a sip of her tea. “Not unless I want to end up on the bottom of the river too.”

  “I’m not asking you do to anything involved with your work.”

  “How so?”

  “Because I am not asking about you, Kershaw, or anyone else you might be involved with. I just want to know about the Zeitlin kid. I need some information on him so I can try to figure out a motive.”

  “I’m sure your FBI pal has the resources for that,” Alex said.

  “For some of it, sure, but not for what I want.” I moved to the chair and sat looking at Alex face to face. “Now don’t take this the wrong way, but I need to know if he was involved in something a little seedier, something that someone in your position might hear about as a rumor.”

  “Talk about something illegal, is that what you’re asking? Find out if the kid stuck his nose in someone else’s business.?”

  “Sorry, I wasn’t insinuating anything.” I had noticed a change in her tone but she waved her hand as if to say no apology was needed. “I’m just trying to use all the resources available to me that’s all. I didn’t mean anything by it.”

  Alex got up from the sofa and went into the kitchen where I heard the water begin to run as she rinsed out her tea cup. She spoke as she came back into the living room. “I’ll see what I can do but if I find something out it doesn’t mean I have to tell you.”

  “Why not?”

  She came over and sat on my lap with her arms around my neck and her face close to mine. “Jack why did you have to make this complicated. We could have been great friends with benefits but now you want me to be your sidekick and I just can’t do that. I’ll give you anything I find, but I will not jeopardize my life for you. I think we both know where all of your digging will lead and we know that the chances are I won’t be able to follow you there without finding myself in trouble.”

  “Are we still talking about the case or us?” I asked sincerely.

  “Does it matter?”

  “Yes, because I’m getting confused.”

  “Well then let me simplify it for you. No matter what my feelings are for you Jack, I won’t allow them to make me do something stupid.”

  “I would never ask you to do more than what is right.”

  “Your definition of what is right and mine probably differ some.”

  “Alex you’ll know what to do if, and when, you find yourself in a position to help.”

  “Come here,” Alex said kissing me and ruffling my hair. “Sometimes you are so naïve.” All I could do was smile and stare into her big eyes hoping I had judged the woman correctly.

  Chapter 45

  After several failed attempts at trying to hunt down Chelsea, I decided to go for another approach. I had staked out the house and a couple of her favorite bars with no luck. Either the young woman was locked in the house or out of the city. Captain Gilmore was the next person I wanted a word with, but each time I tried, his assistant Douglas blocked me and reminded me of my unemployed status with the old man. Douglas was polite enough until I pressed a little too far and he cut off contact with me as well. The only person out of the Gilmores willing to speak to me was Madeline, but even that had been hard to negotiate. It was only after an extensive amount of badgering on my part did she finally decide to give me a bone to chew on.

  Madeline had been willing to meet me at the Greenhouse Tavern where Katya worked behind the bar. I was hoping Katya’s presence would help to put pressure on Madeline to tell me the truth. I also figured Katya would be able to read Madeline a little bit better than I could, having known her longer.

  “I still don’t know why you want to bring that woman in here,” Katya said placing my bourbon in front of me. I sat gnawing on a plate of gravy frites trying to avoid her glare. “I have no interest in seeing her.”

  “I am hoping she feels the same about you. It would be nice to have her distracted or at least get her emotions running so she might slip up.”

  “Good luck, lying comes second nature in that family.”

  Within seconds of Katya’s comments, the door opened and like a whirlwind Madeline entered pulling off her jacket and purse in one motion. She tossed them onto the stool next to her as she swiftly sat down. “How are we today, Katya?” she asked using the royal “we.”

  “I’m good Maddie. I know it’s never too early for you to drink, so what will it be?” Katya fired back with vile.

  “Glad to see you are still playing the role of good little servant.” I almost choked on Madeline’s comment as I stuffed a pile of gravy and mozzarella covered frites in my mouth. “I’ll have bourbon. Whatever Jack is drinking will do.”

  Shit, I thought, don’t pull me into this. It was too late though Madeline had already set her eyes on me. “Glad to see you are in a good mood today Madeline,” I said finally swallowing my food. Katya set a bourbon on the rocks down in front of Madeline and walked to the other end of the bar. She stood with arms crossed and eyes glaring death right in our direction. “Are we in the mood to talk today?” I asked Madeline throwing the royal “we” back at her.

  “It depends. Chelsea is off limits.”

  “Why are you protecting her? I’m not out to hurt your sister.”

  “She’s my sister and I’m looking out for her. Besides she’s not around to talk to you but I am here, so what is it you want from me?”

  “She’s not around,” I was surprised by her direct use of those words. “Where is she?”

  “Chelsea is off limits period. Now I’m here so talk to me.” Madeline’s jaw hardened with stubbornness.

  “Alright,” I relented. “Tell me what you know about Levi Zeitlin.”

  “Friends with my sister, parents dead and left every penny to him, and now he runs around like a little playboy,” she listed.

  “Is that it?”

  “Pretty much, why?”

  “Well,” I paused a moment, “his body was pulled from the Cuyahoga River last night.”

  “My God that is terrible, but I never hung out with him like Chelsea did.”

  I found it funny that when a dead body was back in the discussion, Chelsea’s name resurfaced. Madeline didn’t want to talk about her sister, but the topic was becoming impossible to avoid.

  “Why are you telling me all of this?” Madeline asked.

  I wondered if she knew what was coming next.

  “I really wanted to have this conversation with your sister, but since you and your father will not allow it, you are the next best thing.” Madeline looked as if she wanted to speak but I kept moving so she would not have a chance. “There is something else you should know before you say anything more. His body was found in the trunk of Chelsea’s missing car. The one nobody bothered to tell me was missing.”

  Madeline played shocked very well. “How,”
came out first and then, “Why weren’t we called and told the car was found?”

  “Your father is probably getting the call right now.” Colin had pulled some strings to have the call held off for awhile so I could get a chance to talk to Madeline. She seemed almost angry at what was happening but she was only able to show very little emotion. Instead she looked away and reached for her cell phone in her purse. As she stood I fired one last comment , “If you are calling your father tell him I said hi, and if you are calling Chelsea then ask her why someone would want to kill Levi.” Madeline gave me a long hard look then turned towards the ladies room.

  Katya came back over the moment Madeline had gone to the restroom. “She looked genuinely surprised.”

  “But was it because of the news or because Madeline realized she had been played. Let’s hope it was the news and maybe it will help draw something out of her.”

  Chapter 46

  When Madeline returned from the restroom the cell phone had been put away and she had regained her strong composure. Rigid, firm, and confident, she walked back to her bar stool and stared Katya down as Katya retreated from us once more.

  “Have the two of you been conspiring in my absence?” Madeline nodded towards Katya now at the end of the bar speaking with another customer.

  “Friendly chat that’s all. Is the family all up to date?

  “It seems you had this all planned out.” Madeline did not appear amused with that reality.

  “I don’t follow.” I said in attempt to feign innocence.

  “Colin was the one to call father about the car. It seems a little odd that it was him and not the local police.”

  “Isn’t he friends with the family? Maybe it was a courtesy to your old man.”

  “You can call it what you want but I think he held off the news until you had gotten your chance to talk to me.”

  Smart girl, I thought. “Maybe, but what does it matter.”

  “It matters because I need to be able to trust you Jack.”

  “What, like I can trust you? Have you been the least bit honest during this whole escapade with your sister?”

  “I have never lied to you.”

  I laughed with no remorse for the woman. “I’m not sure if that’s true, but what I do know is you are a professional at pushing the boundaries of the truth.”

  “Withholding information is not lying.”

  “Not much different than lying, in my book.”

  “You are welcome to your opinion.” Madeline seemed a little frustrated and the easy loss of composure made me realize something big must be bothering her. When I first met her she was a rock, never flinching. Now she anxiously played with the glass in front of her, twirling it between her hands.

  “I don’t want to sit here and debate ethics with you. What I want is anything you have withheld from me. Anything at all I might be able to use in finding Levi Zeitlin’s killer.”

  “Why do you even care? My father paid you well, so why not just forget about Levi and let the local police do their job?”

  “Your father gave me a job to finish. For some reason your family believes that it’s done, but I do not. There is more here, and when I take something on I like to follow it through to the end.”

  “What is it Jack, something with your moral conscious?”

  “Seems like it.”

  “Believe it or not, you are a very selfish person.” Madeline’s eyes were tired and I hoped she was breaking down from all the banter. Making a person really think about a situation usually helped them open up to the right road.

  “Moral to a fault then I guess.” I smiled at her hoping to warm her up a little more. It appeared my morality was something I could occasionally use to my advantage, and today was one of those times.

  “Its Colin’s fault I guess.” Madeline glanced down the bar towards Katya. “He recommended you to my father. I bet he even knew how you would respond. I bet he knew all about your never give up attitude. It’s just like Colin to do something like that since he’s a save the day cowboy too.”

  I laughed again, not trying to ease the mood, but because she was right. Well, the cowboy thing was way off but she nailed the rest right on the head. “Madeline, why not help me then if you know I won’t quit?”

  “Because my family comes first.”

  “You are as stubborn as your old man. None of you give a shit about Levi’s death at all. Only thing you care about is protecting your precious Gilmore name.”

  “Levi Zeitlin was a waste of a life to start with. It is probably better off he is dead because now his inheritance will go to charity and not up his nose. You know Jack, if he was still alive he would have probably overdosed eventually, or killed someone else driving intoxicated all over this town.” Madeline was really fired up and any remorse toward Levi was definitely not there.

  “Wow, Madeline, why so cold?”

  “It is simply the truth. Just because someone is dead doesn’t mean I have to change my opinion of them.” She stood up and put her coat on. Her purse was pulled over her shoulder with the force of a defiant teenager. “Jack, I don’t know why Levi was killed or why Chelsea had to be blackmailed. The reality of it is Chelsea’s blackmailer is gone and she is off the hook.”

  “Convenient,” I quickly interjected.

  She rolled her eyes at me and continued on her little speech. “I’m sorry Levi is dead but it is still no concern of mine. For all I know it had to do with his drug habit, his gambling habit, or his little mistress. There are too many reasons someone could want a kid like Levi killed.”

  “Who is his mistress?” I had never heard of her before and was already thinking about the possibility of another lead.

  “I have no idea. Chelsea seemed to think he had one.”

  “So you did talk to Chelsea again?”

  “Not important.”

  “It might be.”

  “Drop it Jack. Chelsea just mentioned that Levi was prone to running off sometimes with a married woman. It was always a spur of the moment thing. She had no idea who and neither do I.” She turned toward the door and began to leave.


  “That’s all I’ve got for you Jack.”

  “Madeline,” I called again.

  “What?” Finally turning back to look at me.

  “Thanks.” No response other than a cold shoulder as she walked out of the bar.

  Katya came back down to my end of the bar almost immediately. “I told you she was trouble. The woman is simply frustrating.”

  “Stubborn too,” I added.

  “She’s hiding something from you,” Katya said.

  “Probably, but she appeared to be truthful about Levi.”

  “Makes me really want to know what she’s hiding then.”

  “I’m not sure I really want to know,” thinking about where the possibilities might lead.

  Chapter 47

  There was no reason to trust Lee Kershaw and no reason to want to, but Alex had questions that only he could answer. The late summer sun had finally returned to Cleveland with a vengeance and Alex sat soaking up every bit of it at a café table on East 4th. Wearing a low-cut sun dress, she had put her hair up in a ponytail and donned a pair of tortoise shell Wayfarers. She liked looking her best when meeting with Kershaw, because he was known to become distracted by a woman’s assets. It was the only way she knew to get through some of his defenses.

  Everywhere around her the street was brimming full of people sharing the nice weather and the last days of summer. There was one who stood out and completely out of place.

  “Jesus Lee,” Alex said, “lose the suit it’s over ninety and you look like you’re sweating to death. Haven’t you noticed everyone around you is dressed for summer?”

  “It was a fine thing to wear until you made me come outside.” Kershaw sat in the chair across the table from her, and dabbed sweat from his forehead with a handkerchief he pulled out of his pants pocket. “Why not pick a table inside a
nd do me a favor for once?”

  “I’m working on my tan. In a few months I’ll have to pay for one, and besides I was smart enough to dress for the weather.”

  “I can see that,” Kershaw said as he sloppily looked her over.

  “Stop staring at my tits, Lee. Why does every conversation we have start with me telling you that.”

  “Alright,” he said as he gained his composure a little. “So what is you want from me anyway?”

  “I wanted to report in.”


  “I am still working a job for you or am I wrong?”

  Kershaw seemed flustered by the thought, almost as if he had forgotten about the job he had sent Alex on only days ago. “No, you’re right. I’ve just been busy. What is it you’ve got for me?”

  “Nothing,” Alex said. “It appears the Gilmores have recovered the antique dealer’s blackmail evidence though.”

  “Did you let Jack Francis beat you to it?”

  “Not quite. Apparently the photos were recovered by another unknown party. I can guarantee that it’s not Mr. Francis. I also know Mr. Francis is equally clueless as to who it is.”

  “Are you sure?” asked Kershaw.

  “I’m sure,” Alex said with a mischievous smile.

  “Do I need to ask how?”

  “Don’t bother Lee. Anyways, the Gilmores are in possession of the photos, so where does that leave us?”

  “Stuck I guess. I don’t know if Mr. Shaw is going to be pleased with this news, but with the Gilmores holding onto those pictures of Chelsea, we can be certain they’ll never get out.”

  “So it was Daniel Shaw this whole time.” Alex had assumed as much, but she never dreamed the words would come from Kershaw’s lips.

  “Not like you didn’t already know.” Kershaw was still perspiring through his suit as he sat uneasy in his chair.


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