Libra Ascending: An Epic Urban Fantasy Romance (Zodiac Guardians Book 1)

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Libra Ascending: An Epic Urban Fantasy Romance (Zodiac Guardians Book 1) Page 23

by Tamar Sloan

  “Thank you,” she sobs. “There’s nothing I want more in the whole world!”

  They stand like that for several long minutes, holding each other, and Brielle can’t tell whose tears are soaking whose clothing. A warmth ignites in the center of this hug-fest. It’s the feeling of unconditional love, something Brielle has never known. It’s a feeling that tells her everything is going to be okay...somehow.

  When they finally pull away, Brielle and Bea wipe their faces and laugh out their relief.

  “We’ll be by to pick you up in the morning and help you pack your things,” Frank says. Then he points a paternal finger and jokes, “But no running off again, young lady.”

  A shaky laugh rolls out of Brielle’s lungs. “I promise.”

  Bea purses her smiling lips and rubs Brielle’s shoulders, looking as though she’s not ready to leave her. “Have a good night, my darling girl.” She caresses Brielle’s cheek, then finally steps away.

  The two wave goodbye and head out the door.

  Brielle is left standing there, bewildered at how events transpired.

  She has a family now. A real family. Even after she ghosted them with no explanation.

  The joy in her chest rivals the ache left by Chardis’s abuse, and she wonders if her weakened ribcage can take the pressure of so much bliss.

  Sister Agatha comes up to Brielle. “I had a feeling they were finally the right couple. I’m so happy for you.” She clasps her hands in front of her, and Brielle almost believes the nun wants to hug her but is holding back. “I will be both sad and proud to see you leave in the morning.”

  “Thank you, Sister Agatha,” Brielle says, her eyes stinging at the realization that she’s truly leaving. “I’ll miss you, too.”

  Sister Agatha’s owl-like eyes seem to shine. Is she actually holding back tears? “You’ve had a long night and it’s far past time for you to get some needed sleep. On with you to your room.”

  “Goodnight, Sister.” And as she all but skips to her room for hopefully the last time, her oldest friend creeps up on her.


  How is it fair that, on the night Tristan loses his family, she gets one? How can she allow herself to feel so grateful when he’s so heartbroken? It’s not fair that she gets to walk into a full and loving home while Tristan goes back to an empty one.

  The Universe is a cruel mistress. And yet, they’re doing all of this to save it.

  The battle is far from over. Even though this night ended in a win for her, she knows there will be much more pain and loss to come.

  All she can do is enjoy the good while it lasts. And right now, she’s loving it.



  Two marble headstones.

  Although they rise from the grass right in front of Tristan, the sun failing to warm their cold, hard surface, he still can’t believe it.

  In all the ways he saw this fight against Chardis playing out, Zarius and Tess were there, in every one of them.

  Every. Single. One.

  Except, now he’s alone.

  No parents.

  No soulmate.

  No clue as to who or where the next Zodiac Guardian is.

  Tristan locks his knees as they try to give out. He’s already discovered the tears don’t help the loneliness. The hopelessness.

  The what the hell do I do next.

  Mirror Point Cemetery is quiet this early in the morning, which is what Tristan wanted. In the week since their deaths, he’s visited them every day. He still talks to them.

  Still waits for some sort of sign.

  A movement from the corner of his eye has Tristan spinning to the right. He’s been so caught up in his grief, in the assumption that Chardis is off licking his guilt-ridden wounds somewhere, that he’s let his guard down.

  Zarius would be disappointed…

  But there’s no one there. Just more rows of headstones, two much larger than the others only a few down. Tristan frowns as he peers closer. They’re not tombstones, they’re a memorial of some sort. And it looks like flames are licking across the top of them.

  He rubs his eyes and looks again. The tendrils of fire are gone.

  Turning away, Tristan’s shoulders slump. The lack of sleep is getting to him.

  And so is losing everything he owns in the house fire the Skins started. He’d returned to his house to find it ablaze, firefighters and trucks scrambling to keep it under control. They’d stopped it from spreading. But hadn’t been able to stop the last home he shared with Zarius and Tess from becoming little more than ash.

  Tristan hadn’t been surprised. He’d considered whether he needed to do it himself. But still…it’d been the cherry that garnished the worst day of his life.

  Now, he’s homeless. Alone. And seeing fire where it doesn’t exist.

  “What do I do, Zarius?” he whispers.

  Zarius had always been his guide, his mentor. The one with all the answers.

  And Tess…she was their light, their hope. The one with all the smiles.

  Tristan’s hands spear into his hair, trying to contain the anguish. It’s during these moments, it feels too big, too overwhelming.

  Too impossible as Brielle turns to him, wondering what’s next.

  His cell phone rings and he answers it automatically, assuming it’s her. Although they’re not soulmates, their Zodiac Guardian bond is a strong one. They often do uncanny things like call only to find the other was just thinking of them.

  But it’s a male voice that jolts into his ear. “Good day. Am I speaking to Tristan Ayers?”

  Tristan’s instantly on alert. Someone he doesn’t know calling him out of the blue can’t be a good thing.

  “Yes, you are,” he says brusquely, not giving him any more than that.

  “Wonderful. I tried coming by your house, but… Terrible tragedy, I’m so sorry.”

  Tristan doesn’t answer. There’s nothing to say.

  The man clears his throat, introducing himself and the firm he’s from—of course, both bearing the same name. “I’d like to coordinate a meeting as soon as possible.”

  “I’m pretty busy…” Tristan tries to figure out how to finish that sentence.

  Busy doing what? Trying to find a comfortable position in his truck to sleep in?

  Coordinating a team of non-existent Zodiac Guardians?

  Never eating waffles again?

  “It’s to discuss Alden’s estate, seeing as you’re the sole beneficiary of it.”

  Tristan blinks. “I beg your pardon?”

  “Yes, his last will and testament is very clear. The house, the contents, and his fortune are all yours, irrespective of your age.”



  Tristan glances around, wondering if he’s hearing things as well as seeing them. “Ah, sure. I can come around this afternoon.”

  “Wonderful,” the man says warmly and Tristan realizes he should’ve paid attention to his name.

  They coordinate a time and Tristan hangs up, staring at his cell for long moments. He turns back to the headstones.

  Zarius would’ve known about this. He and Alden were Guardians. Their job was to ensure the fight could continue.

  Zarius’s final words echo through Tristan’s mind.

  Find them.

  Tristan’s arms fall to his side, his shoulders pulling back as he fills his lungs. He wanted a sign, and he just got one.

  Zarius and Tess and Alden didn’t just die for him. They died for the fight they believe in. A fight to save more souls than any one mind could ever imagine.

  Their loss won’t be for nothing. In fact, their deaths just made this personal. Chardis winning isn’t an option.

  It’s not over, he vows.

  The battle to save the Universe has only just begun.

  Ready for the next installment in the Zodiac Guardians series?


  Capricorn Conjured



  Jareth prefers to be alone. After losing his parents in a tragic accident, he knows it’s the safest thing he can do. For everyone.

  But when Veronica marches into his life, she refuses to leave him to his solitary existence, surrounded by nothing but his art. Vibrant and full of laughter, she won’t take no for an answer. Despite himself, Jareth starts to wonder whether his heart could trust again…

  Except two more strangers arrive, also refusing to leave. Tristan, determined to prove Jareth has powers, and Brielle, the girl who’s searching for family just like Jareth is. They believe he’s a Zodiac Guardian.

  And that he must join them to defeat a great evil.

  After a close brush with death, Jareth’s safe world implodes. He discovers Veronica isn’t who she claims she is. He learns that Tristan has foreseen his death.

  And he begins to suspect that the loss of his parents may not have been an accident.

  Jareth will be forced to decide. Run for his life? Or join a small group of teens claiming they’re destined to save the Universe…

  Be swept away by this epic 12 book Sailor Moon meets Avengers series from USA Today Best-Selling authors Tricia Barr and Tamar Sloan! Grab your copy HERE!

  About the Authors

  By day, Tricia is a full time mom to two beautiful toddler girls and a wife/business partner to a handsome hard-working husband. By night—and nap times—she’s a USA Today Bestselling Author of unique and thrilling teen and adult fantasies inspired by her vivid, somewhat creepy dreams and her own adventures around the world.

  Tamar hasn’t decided whether she’s a psychologist who loves writing, or a writer with a lifelong fascination with psychology. She must’ve been someone pretty awesome in a previous life (past life regression indicates a Care Bear), because she gets to do both. When not reading, writing, or working with teens, Tamar can be found with her husband and two sons enjoying country life in their small slice of the Australian bush.

  More series to fall in love with…


  The Bound Ones Series

  The Amarant Series

  Shifter Academy Series

  Heavenly Sinners Series


  Cursed Touch Series

  The Thaw Chronicles

  Descendants of the Gods Series

  Prime Prophecy Series




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