Fool's Desire

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Fool's Desire Page 12

by Poppy Flynn

  A light shiver rippled her skin, replaced by the sting of his punishment as he started to spank her hard and fast. There was no warm up here, just a rain of merciless slapping that set fire to her butt. She could hear Joel grunt with the sheer exertion, but her endorphin coated brain interpreted every blow as pure bliss.

  God, she loved the feel of his hand. More often, Joel used a crop or a paddle, but his bare palm on her backside was so much more intimate, and she gloried in that touch like a brat who misbehaves, just to get attention.

  Desi was disappointed when he stopped the spanking at the count of thirty, but her heart soared as he directed five more slaps against her dripping pussy. Her clit swelled and her climax was so very close, she could almost taste it.

  Pulling away, Joel reached beneath her and found her peaked nipples. He twisted them cruelly, pulling them taut over and over, and Desi's sex clenched deliciously in reply, as if it was attached by an invisible cord.

  Eventually, Joel stood, and she heard him undoing the laces on his leathers and listened to the distinct ripping of a foil wrapper in eager anticipation. She longed to feel him fill her, the waiting was becoming unbearable and she knew he purposely took his time sheathing himself with the condom, teasing her control.

  At last, he dropped down behind her, his big hand like a brand on the base of her spine, sending frissons of electricity into her extremities. She felt him nudge slowly up behind her, and the anticipation threatened to erupt as soon as she felt him line up his cockhead.

  Joel shoved inside in one single thrust, and Desi couldn't help the widening of her eyes and the parting of her lips at the invasion. She knew the shock of his penetration probably showed on her face, but Desi was more amazed that she had found the willpower to avoid spontaneous combustion.

  She felt wonderfully stretched and the burn added yet another layer of pleasurable pain. It had been so very long. She was balanced on a precipice, about to tumble over into the most luscious vortex of pleasure and her body was racing recklessly towards the finish line quite heedless of her mind's desire to obey Joel's commands.

  Joel froze, just for a second, not to allow her the time to adjust to the intrusion, though it served the same purpose, but to savour his own fulfilment, and Desi heard him let out a long, heartfelt groan as he threw his head back in gratification.

  Then he was pounding into her mercilessly, his hands grasping her hips in a bruising grip as he levered himself back and forth.

  Each thrust bottomed out against her cervix, causing an explosion of delight, each pass stroked her g-spot, sending her higher and higher. The force of his thrusts sent his balls swinging so that with each penetration they slapped against her clit. Her breath shortened into light pants, her thighs quivered as she strained to hold back. Joel grasped her hair and wrenched back her head and grated, "Come for me. Now!"

  Desi exploded. She closed her eyes and parted her lips, relaxing her throat against the desire to scream until her lungs collapsed. She could barely catch her breath, the overwhelming blast of sheer ecstasy making her lightheaded. She felt the twisting maelstrom of joy and elation and euphoria electrify her soul and worked hard to internalise the exhilarating sensations. With no other outlet, they bombarded her senses with primal responses until her body and brain could take absolutely no more and she momentarily lost consciousness, drunk on endorphins and pleasure.

  Joel collapsed back onto his haunches sucking air into his deprived lungs as his head reeled and his body still quaked from his completion. The entire scene with Desi had been off the scale and Joel visibly struggled to regain his composure.

  The room had erupted in appreciative applause, and even in this dazed state, he knew that Desi's performance had been outstanding.

  Joel fumbled to dispose of the condom. He knew he had to get to Desi fast, but his body felt mired in lethargy and he couldn't seem to act quickly enough. She hadn't moved a muscle, not even so much as blinked, and although Joel guessed that she might have passed out and his conscious mind had started to panic, he couldn't seem to unglue his brain from the stupor that had overcome him.

  He was selfishly pleased that she couldn't witness the state he was in. He didn't want her to know how much she affected him or just how much of his precious control she could undermine.

  Vaguely, he was aware that Jake had rushed to Desi's side and had started to release her from the restraints. He didn't object. Wouldn't have, even if he'd been capable, since for all intents and purposes, Desi was wearing Jake's collar. It may only be for show, but that still placed her as firmly under Jake's protection as his own.

  Joel tore at the buckles on the other side as he desperately tried to clear his head while Jake rose to find a soft subbie blanket.

  His friends rallied around him, Connor searching the tiny fridge and Logan ushering the onlookers out of the room to give them some privacy.

  Joel scooped Desi's limp body into his arms and collapsed into a chair. Jake tucked the blanket around her and dropped to his knees while he rubbed on her hands and wrists to help her circulation after the confinement. Logan closed the door behind the last of the spectators and moved to close the blinds while Connor approached, carrying a bottle of water and a bar of chocolate. It was Connor who final broke the silence.

  "Well, that was quite spectacular!" he commented, obviously impressed. "I have to admit that I really did think she was a myth. All those stories you told me about the perfection of your ideal submissive, I honestly believed were tinged with over exaggeration and wishful thinking."

  Desi started to stir and Joel adjusted her position on his knee, lifting the bottle of water to her lips.

  She drank thirstily, desperately quenching her parched throat, and Joel had to slow her down. Connor passed him the chocolate and he placed a square on her tongue.

  "Suck it!" he demanded earning himself a smouldering look from her heavy-lidded eyes.

  A smile tugged at Joel's stern lips and he winked at her. Desi sighed in contentment and snuggled into his shoulder.

  Joel gave his cousin a pointed look, and Jake rose to his feet, then bent to kiss Desi on the forehead.

  "Call if you need me," he whispered in her ear, stroking her hair before he turned back to Joel.

  "Make sure you look after her," he reprimanded sternly. "It's been eleven years since she last scened and the potential for sub-drop is colossal."

  Joel's lips thinned in annoyance and he stared his cousin down. He didn't need or appreciate the reminder, but he supposed he couldn't fault Jake's concern.

  He didn't bother answering, but he knew they understood each other. Jake was finally satisfied enough to leave. Connor and Logan followed behind him, and at last, he and Desi were alone.

  Chapter 7

  Joel gazed down at the small bundle of woman curled up in his lap like a contented kitten and flexed the muscles in his back.

  "The first thing I'm going to do, if we buy this place, is invest in some comfortable aftercare seating," he mused, tightening his arms around her.

  "Mmhmm." Desi nuzzled his neck as she nodded, and he felt the tiny movement arrow straight to his groin. Good grief, there was no way he could be getting hard again. Joel almost groaned. He was completely spent. He wasn't sure he had the energy to even pull himself up and walk out of here. He just wanted to collapse in his bed and sleep for a week, but clearly, his cock was not on board with that plan and had an agenda all of its own.

  Joel sighed. He'd have to spend the weekend with her. He'd thought that scening with her would provide a cure for his raging lust, but evidently, it had yet to be slaked.

  That was fine, though. He needed to stay with her anyway to watch for sub-drop. He could kill two birds with one stone.

  Yeah. A weekend with Desi would fix him.

  His mind wandered back over their scene as he fed her another piece of chocolate and placed the bottle of water into her hand. Damn, she was so soft and cute! Lying in his arms right now, naked, sleepy and dishevelled
—this was the Daisy he remembered.

  He hadn't gone easy on her, the opposite, if anything. He hadn't realised it had been so long since she'd scened last, though he'd had an inkling that it had been a while, based on the results of her background check. Eleven years, that meant she hadn't been involved in the lifestyle since…him. Joel wasn't sure he wanted to dissect that piece of information, so he put it away for later.

  He hadn't deliberately set her up to fail, well, not exactly. Somewhere in his subconscious, he had realised that he wanted to test her restraint, he'd wanted to push her. So maybe he was guilty of wanting her to lose control since she constantly had him on the edge of his own. He resented the fact that whenever he was around her, he always felt like he was hanging by a thread.

  And deep down, he had wondered if his memory of her was false. If, as Connor had suggested, he had built her up into something that she was not, setting his ideals on an impossible reality that could never exist, that never had existed.

  He hadn't wanted to demean Desi, but he did want to prove to himself that he was chasing a dream. Simply so he could put it aside and finally be happy with something…less.

  But damn, if she hadn't gone and outshone even his memories, chasing away his dusty recollections with an even more impressive reality. What the hell was he supposed to do now?

  Closing his eyes briefly against his inner turmoil, Joel decided that all he could do was deal with the present.

  "Hey." He tipped Desi's chin up to look at her. "How are you doing now?"

  Desi stretched, carefully testing her limbs. She winced a little as she rolled her shoulders, and Joel noticed the movement.

  "Come on, let's get you out of here and back to someplace where I can give those muscles a rub and you can have a nice relaxing bath." Joel frowned as he looked around him. "There sure isn't anywhere to do it here. I don't think they even have separate aftercare rooms."

  He helped her to her feet and saw she was still a little wobbly.

  "Here, sit yourself down, while I fetch your clothes."

  Joel helped her dress and insisted she eat a little more chocolate and finish the bottle of water, then he took her hand and led her back downstairs, hugging her close to his side and supporting her through the crowd.

  He beckoned to Jake as they headed for the exit.

  "I'm taking Desi home," he informed his cousin. "I'll stay with her for the weekend."

  Jake nodded his approval, but Desi raised her eyebrow in query.

  "No arguments!" Jake and Joel both exclaimed together.

  Desi raised her hands in supplication. "I never said a word!" she mumbled, and Jake grinned.

  "Good girl." He winked, patting her cheek and slapping Joel on the back. "I'll see you both on Monday."

  Joel settled Desi into his luxury rental car and set off in the direction of her apartment. It was after two am and the streets were quiet in the upscale area where she lived on the edge of the city.

  "You don't have to stay," Desi said quietly as he pulled up in the secure private parking facility underneath her building.

  "Well, I can't leave you," he replied, and Desi stiffened, suddenly feeling uncomfortable as the words he chose made her feel more like an obligation or a chore.

  Joel didn't wait for a response; he jumped out of the car, rounding the hood and opening Desi's door.

  Once they were inside, he followed to her bedroom, checking out the en suite and starting the water running in the large tub to which he added a generous handful of the scented bath salts he found in her cabinet.

  Returning to her bedroom, he once again helped her with the laces on her corset, but this time, his fingers were all business.

  Desi felt ridiculously shy as she undressed in front of him and had to curb the urge to cover up. Why on earth did things suddenly seem so awkward?

  She dropped onto the bed with a little bounce, bringing her legs close together and folding her arms into her lap, trying to cover up as much skin as possible without being obvious about it.

  Joel turned to look at her and noticed how lost Desi looked. Crouching in front of her, he crooked a finger under her chin and lifted her head up. "Come on, let's get you into that bath and start those muscles soaking before they knot up."

  Desi softened at his gentle tone. "Will you join me?" she asked almost shyly.

  Joel dropped his hand and stood abruptly. "I thought I'd go and raid your kitchen and find us something to eat."

  Desi lowered her eyes again and accepted the brush off with a small nod, her face carefully blank.

  Damn it, he wasn't handling this well. At this rate, he'd be pushing her into sub-drop, instead of preventing it. He didn't mean to deliberately push her away. It was just that, for some reason, the little intimacies were scaring the hell out of him, since he was finding that he couldn't seem to approach them with the usual degree of separation with which he normally regarded his subs.

  He took a breath and raised his face to the ceiling. Screwing up his eyes, he exhaled and finally looked at Desi, who hadn't moved, but who had a worryingly vacant look about her. He tried again. "You need something warm and nutritious inside you, sweetheart, and so do I."

  Joel took Desi's hand and pulled her up, leading her gently into the bathroom and checking the temperature of the water before he settled her in.

  Desi sighed audibly as she submerged beneath the water, immersing her entire head, then pushing her shoulders back out as she drew up one leg and rested her foot next to the tap.

  Joel gritted his teeth as his cock went back on alert at the sight of her dripping body and the breathy noises she made. "I'll be right back." he choked, backing out of the room before he threw cation to the wind and sank himself into that lush, wet heat…and he sure as hell wasn't thinking of the bath.

  Desi closed her eyes and mentally cursed as Joel hightailed it out of the door. How would they ever manage to get through this weekend when they were both tiptoeing on eggshells around each other? Joel clearly wasn't comfortable, and every time his discomfort showed, Desi felt defensive and withdrew, which made Joel feel guilty enough to try harder and then the cycle started all over again.

  Desi had never experienced sub-drop before, where coming off of the high caused by subspace had the same kind of effects as a hangover coupled with the type of downer experienced by drug addicts—exhaustion, depression and extreme emotions while the body and mind rebalanced themselves. The key to combatting sub-drop, which usually occurred after more intense scenes, was good aftercare.

  She recognised that the events of this night had all the cautionary indicators associated with sub-drop, but she wasn't convinced that the current atmosphere was conducive to avoiding it. Maybe she should just send Joel home and ring Jake or maybe even Charlotte. As she finished washing her hair, Desi decided to tackle him about it when she got out of the bath.

  Grabbing a soft, warm robe off the back of the door, Desi walked back into the bedroom to find Joel had returned carrying a tray laden with two bowls of stew which he must have dug out of her freezer and zapped in the microwave and a couple of crusty rolls spread with a generous amount of butter. She also noticed a single mug of steaming hot chocolate topped with mini marshmallows.

  He set the tray down on her bedside cabinet and patted the bed, then balanced the tray on her knee after she climbed in. Sitting down next to her, Joel put the mug back on the cabinet and grabbed his own bowl and spoon.

  They ate in a fairly amicable silence until most of the food was gone.

  "I'm not sure this is working." Desi finally put into words what was on her mind.

  Joel paused with his spoon halfway to his mouth, then deliberately finished his mouthful.

  "I know it's a little awkward, Desi," he eventually replied. "It's been a long time, and our issues from the past have never been properly resolved."

  She opened her mouth to speak, but he continued. "But it's too late now to change anything."

  Desi wasn't sure if he was
referring to the current situation or their history.

  "It's three am. Let's just sleep on it and see how things are in the morning." Joel would be damned if he'd let her call Jake over and have his cousin thinking he didn't have a handle on things.

  "Now drink your hot chocolate while I rinse these dishes, and I'll give your shoulders a rub."

  Hel swapped the bowl for the mug and ended any further discussion by leaving the room. He returned a few minutes later with an overnight bag and a small bottle of massage oil he'd picked up at the club.

  Desi watched as Joel stripped off his leathers and hung them in her wardrobe. He stood before her in just a pair of black jersey boxer shorts that hugged his muscular thighs and highlighted his perfect ass and did nothing to conceal his generous manhood.

  She licked lips that were, once again, suddenly parched and looked her fill at his delicious body, now that she didn't have to avert her gaze. Following the contours of his well-defined pecs, down to his lean waist and washboard abs, along the path of the dusting of chest hair which narrowed to a pencil width and dipped out of sight at his waistband. She itched to run her fingers through that hair, to trace his happy-trail, but Joel had never tolerated that kind of familiarity, even eleven years ago. Her eyes drifted down his long, muscular legs and her breath hitched at the image of those powerful hips pumping against her softness, sending a rush of moisture to bloom between her thighs. She tried to drag her mind out of the gutter by focussing on the least interesting part of his frame, but jeez, even his bare feet were somehow sexy. Damn, she had it bad!


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