Truly Yours

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Truly Yours Page 18

by Kennedy Fox

  I bounce Allie on my knee. “Sweet girl, you’re going to have a baby brother! How exciting for you!” She has no clue what I’m saying, but I like to pretend she does.

  Hunter bends down and cups Lennon’s face, then kisses her. I feel my emotions start to bubble over as I see how happy they are. After their adorable moment, Hunter turns around and holds out his hand. “You owe me fifty bucks, Mads!”

  “Wait, you bet in real life?” I ask, looking at them and laughing at Maddie’s annoyed expression.

  Once Cassie finishes getting everything she needs for the doctor, she prints off half a dozen ultrasound photos. After Lennon cleans off her belly and readjusts her clothes, Hunter helps her up and whispers sweet nothings that make her blush. Then Maddie takes Lennon’s phone and forces all three of them to pose with the print out. Cassie tells us to get together so she can snap a photo for us even though we’re all crammed into the little room.

  Before we even make it outside, Lennon is on FaceTime with our parents, letting them know the exciting news. She’s crying and keeps saying she doesn’t know why she’s crying, but I know why. Happiness like hers is hard to keep in. Not to mention, her hormones are going haywire.

  As we’re walking through the lobby, I hand Allie over to Hunter. As he carries her outside, he tells her she’s going to be the best sister in the world, and it’s so cute the way he talks to her. As we walk to our cars, Lennon stops in the middle of the parking lot. “I forgot to tell you the other good news! Pregnancy brain!”

  “More good news?” Maddie asks. I wait impatiently, wanting to know what else she could tell us.

  “You’re getting a puppy?” I ask.

  “Nope.” Lennon grins.

  “You bought a house?” Maddie bounces on her feet. “With a spare room so I can move in?”

  “Oh hell no,” Hunter blurts out.

  “Language!” Lennon gives him the evil eye. “We don’t need our kid’s first words being that.”

  “I give up,” I finally say.

  “Same,” Maddie agrees.

  “We chose our wedding date,” Lennon exclaims.

  I pull her into a hug. “Oh my gosh, that’s so exciting.”

  “May seventh. It gives me a little time after the baby’s born to get back in shape, and then we can focus on finding a house after all the wedding planning is done.”

  “Aww…I think it’s perfect,” I tell her, giving her a hug, and then her tears start again. “You’re a hormonal mess.” I laugh.

  She nods. “I know. God. I cried over a diaper commercial yesterday. It was the stupidest thing. The baby was happy and walking, and I just burst into tears.”

  I snort. “I can see that.”

  “Have I mentioned how I can’t wait to start practicing making babies?” Maddie blurts out, looking at her nails with a smirk.

  Lennon and I both glare at her.

  “Practicing making babies actually makes babies.” Lennon points down at her tummy. “Don’t forget that.”

  Hunter agrees as we make it to their car, and he puts Allie in her car seat and buckles her up. “So much truth to that.”

  “Well, don’t forget that after this one is born,” I tease. “Then again, I want more nieces or nephews so…”

  “Can I have this baby first before you’re pushing for a basketball team of them?” Lennon groans.

  “I guess. But just know, they’ll be waiting a while before they get cousins, so they need siblings to play with for now.” I flash her a shit-eating smirk because she knows I’m right.

  “Well, I don’t know…” Hunter begins. “According to Maddie, she’s ready to have Liam’s offspring yesterday.”

  Lennon rolls her eyes and nudges him. “We aren’t encouraging that.”

  Snickering, I pull Lennon into another hug and tell her how much I love her. Maddie wraps her arms around the both of us then, and we just stand there in an emotional mess and hold each other. “I love you two so much,” I say. “I don’t take a day of being here with you guys for granted.”

  Lennon’s bottom lip trembles. “Stop, or I’ll be crying all damn day.”

  Hunter turns and looks at us and shakes his head with a smile.

  I wipe my face. “Okay. Okay, I’m going now. Maddie, you need a ride?”

  “Nah. I’m gonna bother Lennon and Hunter for a few more hours.” She giggles.

  Lennon looks at me. “She volunteered to babysit, so Hunter and I can have brunch without food being thrown on the floor.”

  “Ahh, alright then. Love you. I’ll see you both sooner rather than later, okay?”

  We say our goodbyes, then I go to my car and climb inside. I suck in a deep breath, feeling elated for Lennon and Hunter, considering they wanted this so badly. After not knowing if Hunter could have children, to finding out he could, and then not immediately getting pregnant, it’s been an emotional ride for them. In the end, though, it seemed to all work out just the way it’s supposed to.

  I wipe away my happy tears, then drive to work. I show up to rehearsal a little late and play my ass off since our fall concert is set for the end of the month.

  At first, I thought I was too broken and had lost my passion for playing again, but once I got over my mental block, I was able to find myself in the music again. Instead of dreading being around my colleagues, I’ve started looking forward to it. No one has really asked me any questions about what happened, and I’m grateful most musicians are introverts and mind their own business. There’s zero drama, which is exactly what I need. I’ve had enough to last me a lifetime.

  We play through our setlist several times, then we’re released an hour early. Most of us could play the songs in our sleep anyway. Instead of going back to the house right away, I decide to go to the grocery store and pick up some steaks and potatoes for dinner tonight. Being the nice roommate I am, I grab some for Liam too, then check out and head home.

  I’m excited to tell Mason and Liam the news about the wedding and the gender of the baby. Though, I’m sure by now Hunter’s already texted and told them, and if not him, then Maddie definitely spilled the beans to Liam. She’ll use any conversation starter to talk to him.

  As I pull into the driveway, I see Serena’s car parked in my spot. A lump forms in my throat, and I try to swallow it down as I grab the grocery bags and my violin. I remind myself that they’re just friends, Mason doesn’t want her, and that I have nothing to worry about. But when I walk into the living room, she’s laughing and leaning her head on Mason’s shoulder, and I see red.

  Why is she so close to him?

  Why does he let her touch him like that?

  Am I really being unreasonable for not wanting another woman all over him?

  “Hey, Sophie,” she says when she notices me. With flared nostrils, I narrow my eyes at the two of them, then walk to the kitchen. Liam instigates the situation by telling Mason he’s in trouble now. After I put the food in the fridge, I grab my violin and walk past the three of them.

  “Well, hello to you too,” she mutters under her breath.

  I stop and turn on my heels. “What’re you doing here?” I wave my arms out. “Why are you always hanging on Mason?”

  “What’s your problem? I was just trying to be polite,” she says.

  Mason shifts away, creating the much-needed space between them, but before he can intervene, I continue my rant.

  “What’s my problem?” I repeat her words with disdain. “You’re my problem. Call me crazy, but I don’t particularly like other women hanging all over my boyfriend, for starters. He’s mine, which I think you pretty much know at this point. So back the fuck off.” I glare at her, begging her to push me. Her mouth opens and closes, but she doesn’t say a damn word.

  “Soph…” Mason says my name soft and calmly, but I’m not calm. He stands, and I point my finger at him not to even bother.

  “Don’t.” I turn on my heels and walk to my room and put my violin case on my bed.

  I hear Liam
in the living room hollering and clapping. “Oooh, girl fight. Fifty bucks on Sophie. Sorry, Serena.” He snickers, which only enrages my emotions.

  If he doesn’t shut the hell up, I might kick his ass after I kick hers. My heart is racing, ready to burst out of my chest, though I’m already wearing it on my sleeve. I take in a few deep breaths through my nose and release them through my mouth. I repeat this a few more times, and once I’ve calmed down, I walk out of my room where I see Liam and Serena. Mason is nowhere to be found.

  “What are you still doing here?” I look directly at Serena. I’m not afraid of her or her attitude. She crossed a line, and I’m more than pissed at this point. I’ve taken it over and over and am tired of it. From the text message she sent Mason weeks ago, she knows damn well Mason and I are in a relationship.

  “Seriously?” She looks at me like I’ve lost my mind, and maybe I have. Seeing her that close and touching him was my last straw, and I’ve cracked.

  “I’m dead serious.”

  “GIRL FIGHT!” Liam stands, starting shit again. “Rip off each other’s clothes!”

  “Shut up,” we say in unison.

  Mason enters with a bottle of water, and Serena stands. He stops in his tracks as if he’s glued to the floor.

  Serena turns to Mason. “I guess I’m no longer welcome here.” Then she faces me, her eyes narrowed. “Just know, Sophie. I was here first,” she threatens, grabbing her Louis Vuitton off the coffee table.

  “Bye.” I wave my fingers at her and stand my ground as she storms past me and slams the door behind her.

  I glare at Liam, pointing my finger at him. “You’re a dick.”

  “And you, my friend, were a total bitch. Proud of you.” He gives me a smile and holds out his hand for a high five, but I leave him hanging. He looks back and forth between Mason and me, noticing the awkward tension, then says he’s going to grab a drink. We both watch as he grabs his keys and leaves. I should feel guilty for how I reacted, but I don’t.

  Mason clears his throat, and I turn and look at him. The air is so thick, I feel as if I can’t breathe.

  “You hungry?” he asks, effectively changing the subject, and my head almost spins.

  I swallow hard when I look into his eyes. He should be mad for the way I just screamed at his friend, and I’m pissed he allowed her that close to him. But arguing with him won’t change anything, and I’m so tired of this are-we or aren’t-we situation. So I decide not to push it.

  “Starving. It’s why I bought the steaks.”

  “I saw the potatoes. Let me cook for you.” Mason turns on his heels and heads back to the kitchen. After I follow, I watch as he pulls two wine glasses from the cabinet, then fills them. I take it willingly, but I nearly break my jaw as I clench my teeth, thinking about Mason and Serena together.

  As I take a seat at the table, I accidentally release a frustrated groan, and Mason turns and looks at me with a small smile before he throws our steaks in a skillet and our potatoes in the oven. Luckily, he doesn’t push the matter either. I’m mesmerized as I watch him work around the kitchen, preparing the food. It seems like he magically cooked everything because soon he’s placing our steaks on a plate and putting butter and cheese in our baked potatoes. We’ve exchanged no words, just stolen glances.

  Silence fills the room, and I don’t even know what to say, but the wine has helped calm me down for now. My steak is cooked exactly the way I like it, and it nearly melts in my mouth. When I look up at Mason, I see he’s studying me with a cheesy grin.

  I swallow down my food. “What?”

  He shrugs and continues to cut into his steak. “Nothing.”

  “Thank you for cooking. This is really good,” I say before sipping my wine.

  “No problem.” He winks, and I can’t help but wonder why he’s so giddy.

  After our plates are cleared, he picks them up and rinses them in the sink. I finish my wine, making sure to get each drop and so does Mason. We walk into the living room, and he still has that goofy smile plastered on his face.

  I grow more agitated, placing my hands on my hips and glaring at him when he turns to face me. “Do I have pepper in my teeth or something?”

  Mason takes four steps forward, removing all the space between us. My breath hitches as our eyes meet, and I immediately feel as if I’m falling. His hands land on my hips, and he pulls me to his chest. “You called me your boyfriend.”

  “That’s what you focused on?” I half-chuckle. “I was two seconds away from taking her out.”

  He shrugs. “I wasn’t worried.” Mason arches a brow as if he’s waiting for me to confirm those words came from my mouth.

  “Well, are you expecting me to deny it or something?” I ask with an eyebrow popped.

  He smirks. “Well, we’ve been in limbo so—”

  Before he can finish his thought, I wrap my arms around his neck and pull his mouth to mine, tasting the wine on his lips, wanting to devour him whole. I’m breathless as his hands trail up my back, and I feel as if I can’t get close enough to him as our tongues dance together. When I push away, I feel lightheaded and nearly stumble as if he stole my breath. I’m literally weak in the knees, and he holds me close to his strong body.

  “Soph,” he whispers, then swallows hard. Before he can say anything else, I place my fingers over his mouth. I don’t want the moment ruined. I don’t want broken promises or expectations. I just want him.

  It’s so fucking hard to pull away from him, but somehow I do, and I immediately feel the loss.

  Mason places his palm on my cheek, and I lean into it, my eyes fluttering closed.

  “I’m going to walk away and go to bed before I do something I’ll regret.” He inhales a sharp breath as if holding back is physically hard. “Thanks for eating dinner with me.” Then he kisses my cheek and drops his hands. “Good night, my sweet Sophie.”

  “Good night, Mason,” I whisper, my chest pounding so hard I’m sure he felt it.

  I watch as he climbs the stairs, then disappears. I feel as if I just let Mason walk away forever by not stopping him.

  But the truth is my heart longs for him so damn much, and he deserves to know.

  Chapter Seventeen


  I hadn’t expected tonight to turn out the way it did.

  I especially didn’t expect Sophie to go off on Serena, and I was almost too stunned to do anything about it. Knowing how Sophie felt about her, I should’ve realized that we were too close, but I honestly didn’t think about it because we’re always this way. Before Sophie, Serena was the only woman in my life, and though I think of Serena as a sister, I should’ve been more considerate of Sophie’s feelings and moved away from her the moment the lines were crossed.

  As I think about it in bed, analyzing it all, I’m not exactly sure how I’m going to fix this feud between the woman I’m in love with and the woman who’s been there for me through all my shit. I’d rather they get along, but if Liam is right and Serena is hoping for a romantic relationship with me, then there’s definitely no way our friendship can continue. I’d be upset about it, though, because she’s been a great friend.

  Tossing and turning, unable to get comfortable and thinking about Sophie’s soft lips against mine, I groan. She kissed me. She made the first move, something I’ve been patiently waiting for, but I didn’t want to push for anything more. It’s a step forward and hearing her call me her boyfriend is enough for me. It means she’s just as protective of me as I am of her.

  Just when I’m able to finally calm my pounding heart, I hear feet padding in the hallway, and then a second later, my door swings open.


  The light from the hallway filters behind her as a smirk marks her face. She’s only wearing a long shirt that leaves nothing to my imagination. My T-shirt. Pulling the covers back, I swing my legs off the bed and stand, studying her gorgeous silhouette. She shuts the door, then stalks toward me.

  “What are you doing? Are you o

  “I’m perfect,” she says in that sweet, seductive tone of hers that always gets me hard. “Are you okay?” The streetlights shine through my blinds, but it only brightens the room enough for me to focus on her eyes and lips.

  “Uh yeah,” I say, chuckling and wrapping a strand of her hair around her ear. “Especially when my stunning girlfriend sneaks into my room without pants.” Or hell, without a bra too.

  Silently, Sophie pushes against my bare chest, and I stumble backward onto the bed. I catch myself on my elbows, and before I can say another word, she’s on top of me, straddling my lap.

  Grinding herself against me, I wrap my hands around her waist, then slide them down to her luscious ass.

  “Baby, what are you—?”

  “I want you.” She leans forward, whispering against my lips. “You left me a little hot and bothered down there, and I’m ready.”

  “Sophie,” I growl, arching my hips to meet hers. “Fuck, are you sure?”

  “You’re the only thing I’m sure about these days, and I don’t want to wait any longer. I love you, Mason.”

  If that doesn’t sound like fucking heaven coming from her, nothing does.

  “I love you so much, Soph. You have no idea.” I palm her cheeks, bringing our foreheads together as she rocks against me. “Jesus, you’re driving me insane already.”

  “Do you have any condoms?” She searches my face, her voice softer as if she’s embarrassed to ask. I haven’t had a need for condoms, considering she’s the last person I had sex with years ago. However, the moment Sophie and I became more than friends, I made sure to buy some for when the time came.

  “Yeah, I bought a twenty-four pack,” I tell her honestly, smirking.

  “Oh my God,” she says, laughing. “A little presumptuous, don’t you think?”

  I shrug with a cocky grin. “Well, buying in bulk gives you a better cost per unit. I was just being price savvy.”

  “Riiiiight.” She chuckles, wrapping her hands around my neck. “Savvy.”

  I squeeze her ass cheeks as our bodies move together, and my cock is wide-fucking-awake. Her little whimpers and moans against my lips are enough to get me off in seconds. However, I’m not about to let that happen. Not after all this time.


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