Truly Yours

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Truly Yours Page 23

by Kennedy Fox

  Liam stands in front of us and cracks his knuckles. “Want me to go rough him up a bit? Tell him he made his bed and now he can lie in it?” He flashes a knowing grin, but I roll my eyes at his awful timing of a joke.

  “What I really want is to hear it from Serena. She owes me an explanation,” Mason says. “Because until then, I won’t really believe it.”

  Chapter Twenty-One


  Mason: Please tell me it’s not true.

  I hit send and hold my breath when I see the jumping dots on the screen. Then they disappear.

  Mason: Don’t lie to me.

  Serena: I’m sorry.

  Mason: That’s it? That’s all you’re going to say?

  Serena: I fucked up, Mason. I’m so sorry.

  I toss my phone, shaking my head, not wanting to believe it. Being betrayed by my father is nothing new, but Serena? She was the closest thing I had to a sister. Now I don’t know what to think. My dad’s a sleazeball, and he’ll never change. How the hell did Serena end up with him?

  Deciding I need to blow off steam, I pack my workout bag and head to the gym. Tyler isn’t there to box with me, so I work solo with a punching bag until my hands are sore and sweat drips into my eyes. The pain feels good, and it helps clear my head as usual, but the frustration returns once I’m home, and the memory of my father telling me the news returns.

  After I shower and hide up in my room for a half hour, I hear a knock on my bedroom door, and Liam slowly opens it, giving me a pitiful look. Sophie knew I needed some time and left me to wallow alone. I know she wants to be here for me but didn’t push when I insisted I just needed a minute to think this through.

  “You’ve got a visitor,” he finally says.

  I furrow my brows, not in the mood to talk to anyone. “Who is it?”

  Liam looks at the floor, then at me. “Serena. She looks like shit. Like she’s been crying.”

  I groan, letting my head fall back. “Fuck.” Brushing a hand through my hair, I push myself up and follow him down the hall. When I get to the bottom of the stairs, I frown when I notice how distraught she is.

  “Can we talk? Please?” she asks when I stand in front of her. I look over my shoulder at Sophie who’s sitting on the couch with a book. She meets my gaze and gives me a small smile and nods.

  “Yeah, let’s go in the back room.” I lead her through the living room and kitchen until we’re there. The pool table sits in the middle, and it’s been untouched for weeks. “Want a drink?” I ask as she takes a seat on one of the chairs against the wall. “Of water,” I add.

  “No, I’m okay. Thanks, though.” She wipes away the tears on her cheeks. “I’m sorry to just show up, but I didn’t want to talk over text. You deserve an explanation face to face.”

  I sit across from her, leaning back with my arms crossed. “I agree.”

  Serena inhales a sharp breath, nodding. “I tried telling you so many times but kept chickening out. It’s why I was coming around more. The guilt of what I did was eating at me, but every time I told myself I needed to just rip off the Band-Aid, I got so scared of losing you.”

  “You should’ve told me,” I snap. “A lot fucking sooner than this.”

  “I know.” Her face falls into her hands before she looks up at me again. “I caused so much shit between you and Sophie when I should’ve just been up front, but like I said, I was scared to lose you as a friend and also worried after everything you two had been through.”

  “I could’ve handled hearing it from you, Serena. But having to hear it from the man I hate was a real low blow.”

  Serena nods, wiping her cheeks. “We weren’t like hooking up regularly or anything, in case you wondered. It only happened twice. Not that it matters at this point, but I just don’t want you thinking I was sneaking around and lying to you.”

  “So how’d it happen? You being with my dad alone?” I ask, not wanting the gross details, but I need something to help ease this frustration that weighs heavy on my chest.

  “He asked to meet with me a few weeks after your plea hearing, and so I did, thinking it was about your case. I mean, it started that way. We discussed the Westbrooks, and he didn’t think you were out of the woods yet, then asked me to keep an eye on you. Then he started asking me questions about us, like if we were dating. When I explained our friendship, something shifted. We started drinking, mostly because I was nervous around him. He’s the DA, and the last thing I wanted was to make a bad impression because I’m your lawyer. After shit went down with Emma, I wasn’t sure how he’d treat me. Then as the conversation moved to things more personal, I let my inhibitions go and allowed the alcohol to direct my actions. I know it’s not an excuse, and you have every right to be pissed at me or hell, hate me, because I hate myself a little right now too.”

  “So you got drunk and slept together? That’s what happened?”

  “The first time, yes. It was reckless, and I should’ve known better. The second time was the night Sophie and I had that fight, and I left here upset. I ended up at the bar and stupidly drunk texted him. I don’t know what I was thinking, and I know that’s a shit excuse, but he picked me up, and we hooked up again. I regretted it the moment it happened. Last week, I realized I was late, and that’s when I took a pregnancy test. He didn’t take the news very well, as you can imagine.” Her bloodshot eyes lower. She’s been crying a lot.

  “What’d he do when you told him?” I ask harshly. My father isn’t a sensitive man, so I doubt he was kind.

  “Told me he wanted to pay for an abortion. When I told him I wouldn’t do that, he threatened my career. When I still didn’t fold to his demands, he said he was going to make a deal so no one found out.”

  “Did he explain what the deal was?” I ask.

  “Only a few hours ago. He called and said that you offered to take responsibility and that from now on, I was to have no contact with him until a paternity test could be done. He said if it was confirmed, he’d pay financially but that was it.”

  “Such a fucking asshole,” I growl. “He marched in here, throwing around threats for me to clean up his mess. I told him to fuck right off.”

  “Mason, I’m so sorry,” Serena says between sobs. “I don’t know why he thinks he has to involve you. I’m not going to tell the media he’s the father anyway.”

  “This is his way of covering his tracks in case you decide to blast him anytime in the future. His whole job is doing damage control for all his shady practices. Perhaps you should sell your story. Someone needs to burst his image bubble.” I huff.

  “That puts you at risk, Mason. I’d never do that to you.”

  I shrug. “He can’t be sure of the outcome, so he’s throwing out theories. Even if one of my cases got reopened, I have the best lawyer in the state to help me fight it.” I throw her a wink, and she smiles for the first time since she got here.

  “Mason, are you sure? You tell your dad no, and he’s going to lose his shit.”

  “He’s tried to control me my whole life. I’m not about to let him start now. He can walk around looking over his shoulder for once, waiting to see if you blow his cover.”

  “I’m not going to say anything, but it’d be nice to have the upper hand by letting him think I could.” She smirks, which makes me grin.

  “Thatta girl. Don’t let him be a douchebag to you. Make him pay child support and anything else you need, and don’t allow him to get away with this. If he didn’t want to jeopardize his name, then he should’ve thought about that years ago.”

  “Thank you,” she says softly. “I’ve been sick over this and how to tell you. You’re one of my best friends, and I royally fucked up.”

  I stand with a smirk, and I pull her into a hug. “Come here.”

  Serena wraps her arms around my waist, and I hold her tight against me.

  “You know the baby is going to technically be my sister or brother.” I chuckle.

  She giggles. “I know. Weird, right?”
  I pull back, laughing. “Very.”

  We stroll into the living room, and Sophie quickly sets her book down and stands. “Hey. Everything okay?”

  “Yeah, it will be,” I tell her, glancing at Serena. “My father’s a fuckwad, but that’s nothing new.” I shrug.

  “Serena, I want to say how sorry I am for the way I acted the last time you were here. I never should’ve—”

  “No, you have nothing to apologize for,” Serena cuts her off. “You’re protective of your relationship with Mason, which confirms how much you love him. No need to be sorry for that.” Serena smiles at her and me. “I really am happy you two are together.”

  “Thank you,” Sophie says. “Congrats on the baby, even if the circumstances aren’t what you expected.”

  Serena nods and wipes away her tears, but smiles. “Thanks. Even if things aren’t ideal, I am excited to be a mom and have this baby. Even if I have to do it alone.”

  “You won’t be alone,” I immediately tell her. “You know I’m not going anywhere.”

  “My sister Lennon is pregnant with her second, and I’m sure she can give you mom tips. She’s really helpful, and you two would get along.”

  “You’re both more than I deserve.” Serena gives Sophie a hug, then me. “I’ll keep you updated. I have my first appointment next week.”

  “You have everything packed?” I ask Sophie the morning after Thanksgiving. It’s been three weeks since I learned about Serena and my dad. After telling him to kiss my ass and that neither me nor Serena were going to lie on his behalf, he basically told me to “prepare” for the worst. Then I told him to fuck off and blocked his number. He should be kissing my ass, considering I could tell his wife, and she could do whatever she wants with the information. But knowing Hallie, she won’t do anything. She loves her luxurious lifestyle too much to rock the boat. On top of that, it’d be my little sister Michaela paying the price, and I don’t want her involved in any of his scandals either. She’s only five, and even if our father’s a piece of shit, he spends time with her and gives her anything she wants. I’d rather she have some kind of father figure than be left with nothing.

  “Just about ready!” she calls out.

  When I walk into her room and lean against the doorframe, I smirk at the mess on her bed. “What are you doing?” I ask with a chuckle. It doesn’t look like she’s even started.

  “Wondering if I have room for one more book…” She looks through three large books and hums.

  “You plan to read on this date?” I tease, walking in and spinning her around. “Because I’m thinking you’re going to be a little too busy.”

  Sophie wraps her arms around my neck and pulls me in for a kiss. “Haven’t you learned by now that I’m quite good at multitasking?”

  “You think that’s funny, but…”

  She cuts me off with another kiss.

  “It’s funny because it’s true.” She winks. “Plus, I don’t even know where we’re going, so maybe I can read in the car. I don’t even know what type of clothes to pack.” She turns around, facing the empty suitcase. “Sweater weather?”

  I tighten my grip on her stomach as my chest presses against her back. “You’re going to be naked, so you don’t even need clothes.”

  She smirks at me over her shoulder. “Well, I’m not going to go out to eat naked, so tell me what to bring.”

  It’s in the sixties this time of year, so I tell her to take some sweaters and mostly comfortable clothes. That seems to be helpful enough for her to grab things out of her closet.

  An hour later, we’re zipping our suitcases, and once I finish loading up my truck, I walk inside to grab my wallet and phone. “I better not come back to a trashed house,” I warn Liam who’s sitting on the couch eating a huge bowl of cereal. He’s practically naked and already acting like we aren’t home.

  “I’ll have my dates clean it up. Don’t worry.” He snickers.

  “Don’t burn the house down,” Sophie adds. “Towels don’t belong on the stovetop.”

  “That was one time!” Liam defends, but neither of us laughs at his stupidity from a couple of weeks ago.

  “We’re coming home to ashes, aren’t we?” Sophie deadpans.

  “You two act like I’ve never been home alone before…” Liam finally glances at us over the couch. “If I promise not to cook, will you two finally leave?”

  Sophie laughs, then leans down to give him a hug. “Be good, Hulk. Stay out of my room.”

  “Mine too,” I add for fun.

  “Yeah, yeah. Go have a bangin’ weekend. Ha! Get it?” Liam laughs at his own joke while Sophie rolls her eyes.

  “So what’re you going to do for the next few days?” Sophie asks. At first, she felt bad leaving him behind on a holiday weekend, but I doubt it’s going to be a hardship for him, considering how much he travels alone. He’s used to it and probably prefers it.

  “Eat chocolate and watch PornHub,” Liam answers without a beat.

  “And that’s our cue to go.”

  “What? There are some good videos on there!” Liam calls over his shoulder as we make a beeline for the door.

  “Sadly, he’s not joking,” I mock with a laugh.

  “Bye, Liam!” Sophie calls out before we shut the door and walk to the truck.

  I open her door and kiss her before she gets inside. I can’t wait to surprise her. This date has been months in the making, and there have been some holdups, but it’s finally happening. If all goes right, it’s going to be the most magical weekend of her life.

  Over two hours later, we arrive at Tahoe City, and the look on Sophie’s face is worth every moment of planning it took. “Oh my God. It’s beautiful here!”

  I booked three nights at a lodge resort where we’ll be able to do some hiking, eat at a romantic restaurant overlooking the water and mountains, and enjoy the cozy fireplace inside our suite. I have a couple’s massage schedule for tomorrow, and then we’ll go on an afternoon boat ride.

  “Have you been here before?” I ask, taking our locked hands and kissing her knuckles.

  “No,” she answers with a smile.

  “Good. I wanted to take you somewhere super special for our first date.” I flash her a wink, then cup her face and slant my mouth over hers.

  “I have a feeling it’s going to be the best first date I’ve ever had.”

  “Well, I hope it’s your last first date.” I smirk and waggle my brows at her.

  Sophie blushes, then grins. “Maybe, if you play your cards right.”

  Chuckling, I bring her lips back to mine. “That sweet mouth sure turns sassy.”

  Once I grab our luggage and we check in, we’re led to a large suite. As soon as we enter, Sophie gasps. “It’s beautiful! Oh my God, it’s perfect!” I look around and see the large bouquet of roses I requested, then drop our suitcases. “You did good, Mason Holt.”

  She looks at me before launching herself into my arms. I catch her and hold her to my chest, inhaling the sweet scent of her strawberry shampoo. “I want everything to be perfect for you,” I tell her. “You deserve it, baby.”

  “It’s been one hell of a year, hasn’t it?” she asks earnestly, and I know exactly what she’s talking about.

  “Simultaneously the worst and best,” I tell her honestly. “The worst was thinking I’d lost you. But the best was how it brought us together, and even after the challenges that tried to push us apart, we only grew stronger together.”

  Sophie looks up at me with tears in her eyes. “I couldn’t agree more.”

  I cup her beautiful face and press a soft kiss to her mouth before sliding my tongue between her lips and taking more of her. She melts into my chest, and soon, we’re a tangled mess of limbs falling on the bed.

  “Just so you know, I don’t usually have sex on the first date,” I tell her when I lay between her legs, kissing down her jaw.

  “I think you lost your right to say that when you pulled me into a bar bathroom,” she
retorts, and I chuckle against her neck.

  “Aren’t you the one who said it’d take more than one drink to seduce you?” I taunt. “Pretty sure you were flirting with me.”

  “You bought my drink without even asking!” she fires back. “Just assumed I’d want you to buy me a drink.”

  I lift up and look into her gorgeous brown eyes. “I didn’t hear any complaining.” I smirk, arching a brow because I know I have her there. “In fact, I remember a lot of moaning…”

  “Okay, smartass,” she says, laughing. “We’ll call that our prequel date.”

  The corner of my lips tilts up. “Prequel to what?”

  “To a wild, exciting, sometimes scary ride. I don’t regret a thing, though. Not when it brought us here, to this very moment.”

  “I like to think we would’ve eventually found our way to one another. Maybe.”

  Sophie’s brows shoot up, clearly not agreeing with me. “Oh really? If I recall, you were hell-bent on pretending I didn’t exist. Took three years to get that fire burning under your ass.”

  My head falls as I laugh in defeat. “Hey, I had my reasons.”

  “I know, babe. We weren’t ready back then, but I know nothing could tear us apart now. I think we’ve proven that time and time again this year.”

  Brushing a strand of her hair behind her ear, I smile at the woman I love more than my own life. She’s talented, sweet, and so damn caring. She doesn’t have a mean bone in her body, and my world starts and ends with her.

  “I love you, Sophie.” I press a kiss to her lips, cupping her face. “I never thought I’d be ready to say that again after Emma, but with you, saying it to you for the first time was effortless. So many crazy circumstances may have brought us together, but my life is a million times better with you in it.”

  “Thank you.” Sophie brings our mouths together for a searing hot kiss, wrapping her legs around my waist and arching her hips to create friction against my erection.


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