Home > Romance > MAYBE BABY > Page 48


  The thought of that made me wetter.

  Trey lifted me, withdrawing his fingers from my sex. (No, don’t stop, please!)

  He placed me on the top of the desk, while he undid his belt, unbuttoned his fly, and lowered the zipper of his chinos, his erect penis springing free.

  (Oh my!)

  He tilted his chair back, pulling me back onto him my backside resting on his left thigh. He pushed my dress up to my waist as he balanced me on one thigh. His right hand reached up, pulling my silk panties aside at the leg making my sex available for entrance. His thumb gently plied it apart; my breath caught in my throat.

  (This is so fucking hot!)

  He lifted me slightly, positioning me above his erect manhood, and gently lowered me down on top of it, his hands bracing my hips. I slid down slowly, feeling once again the pleasure of having him deep inside of me. Once inside, he slowly rocked back and forth in his swivel chair, the head of his penis finding its mark inside me.

  We were facing each other, his mouth finding my released breast again, tenderly sucking it while my hips gyrated on him feeling the heat building up at my core. He lifted me up and down, up and down; my hips continued their circular motions encasing him inside of me, squeezing his penis, greedy for another release.

  “Baby, are you going to come for me?” he asked softly, freeing my other breast and taking it into his mouth as I rode him, up and down; and around and around the swivel chair now making rhythmic squeaks as our thrusting intensified.

  “Trey, I’m almost there…”

  I was at the edge; I just needed a tiny little push.

  His hands squeezed my buttocks hard, and then released them.

  (What? Where did they go?)

  They were back in a second, roughly lowering my panties. My buttocks was now exposed; Trey cupped both of my butt cheeks in his palms, then released them, abruptly bringing his palms back with a stinging slap to each of them. It stung! He repeated it again, this time thrusting his pelvis upward deeply as the stinging slaps hit my tender skin; the third time my orgasm exploded around him. I bit my hand to keep from screaming with the pleasure I felt as my climax was unleashed.

  Trey was right with me, his body going rigid as I continued to ride up and down on his thick penis; he shuddered several times as he emptied himself into me, moaning with the pleasure of his own release. Our hearts were beating so loudly and our breathing was ragged with the exertion and ultimate fulfillment of our coupling. My hormones had rolled over and lit a cigarette with this one.

  We slowly relaxed in the afterglow. Trey gently lifted me up off of him. He was definitely going to have to change his trousers I mused. He grinned, recognizing the same thing.

  My black dress had survived. Unfortunately, my silk panties had not. Trey and I quietly slipped out of the study and up the back staircase to his suite. Thankfully, the staff had been in there taking the breakfast tray and putting the room back in order. We washed up in his bathroom. I slipped a fresh pair of panties on once I had cleaned myself up. I wasn’t going to take another shower or bath. After all, it was Trey; I liked having his scent on me.

  Trey put on a pair of dark brown corduroy slacks that went well with his sweater. We both fixed our ‘just fucked’ hair. No one would ever guess what we’d been up to in the study.

  I grabbed my new Blackberry asking Trey to program in the numbers from my old phone which happened to be in my purse as well. It took him just a few minutes to do this.

  I phoned Gina. She was over at Becky’s. She and Ian had arrived at noon. They weren't going to eat until 6 p.m. so

  she wanted me to come over if Trey was okay with it. He was so she said she would be by to pick me up in a few minutes.

  Trey’s parents had left before noon to help out at a soup kitchen that serves Thanksgiving meals to the homeless or less fortunate each year. They were due back at 3 p.m. so

  he asked that I be back by then. That gave me over two hours with Gina which was fine.

  Trey had offered me the use of his car to drive over to Becky’s. Mighty generous of him I thought; especially since he knew damn well that I couldn’t drive a stick shift!

  I heard a car honking outside just as I had descended the stairway into the foyer.

  “Take your coat,” Trey reminded me as he went back down the hallway towards his study.

  I followed him down the hallway to the closet.

  “Did you forget something, Trey?” I called after him as I took my coat from the hanger.

  He turned to look back at me at the doorway to his study with a questioning expression.

  “A kiss?”

  He smiled, retracing his steps back to me, pulling me into his arms. I raised my face to his, as he lowered his mouth to mine placing soft kisses on my lips.

  “You smell like sex Tylar,” he whispered against my lips.

  I felt his smile against my mouth. Just then Thatcher cleared his throat behind us. He had just exited the study, carrying a small can of WD-40 in his hand.

  “I took the liberty of oiling your chair, sir.”

  “Thank you, Thatcher,” Trey replied, a devilish grin gracing his lips. I blushed crimson.

  Gina was driving Becky’s car.

  “Hey girlfriend!” she screamed as I got into the passenger side. She reached over, grabbing me for a hug.

  “Look at those fucking tits,” she said, assessing me from the driver’s seat. “Youza! I bet Trey is making those his new playground,” she laughed.

  I blushed knowing how close to the truth that was. Maybe he would buy me a boob job in exchange for me squeezing his firstborn out of that not so big opening I thought.

  “So, how is my godchild?” she asked.

  “Growing,” I replied, rubbing my baby bump. “Trey and I felt him moving last night.”

  “Him?” Gina questioned.

  “I don’t know yet, I just refer to it as him. I guess I’m hoping for another Trey,” I said smiling.

  “Oh Jeez, just what the world needs; another Nazi control freak!” she replied.

  “Stop, Gina,” I said, laughing a little. “He’s doing better with that,” I lied.

  “Well, girlfriend,” she reminded me, “You still need to fill me in on how all this came down as far as him finding out about the baby. Your text messages left out a lot of details.”

  “I’m sorry,” I said, sincerely. “I know that I owe you more than just text messages. It just seems like time flies by being busy settling in, with my job, and now with Trey for a long weekend.”

  I blushed noticeably and Gina didn’t miss it.

  “What, you two having a regular 24/7 fuck fest?” she asked, her eyes wide with curiosity.

  “I don’t know if it’s the pregnancy hormones, or the pre-natal vitamins that I’m taking, but I swear to God, Gina, I am freakin horny all of the time.”

  “And, that’s a problem for whom?”

  “Well, to be honest about it me,” I answered honestly.


  “Because Trey and I don’t live together, obviously. I mean he wants me in Atlanta with him, but I’ve sort of developed a plan of my own in Radcliff.”

  “Look, girlfriend,” Gina says as we pulled into Becky’s driveway. “I’d love nothing more than to have you close by in Atlanta. But hey, I get that you have your own plans made and far be it from me to side with the Hot Nazi. As far as your other issue, there are alternatives.”

  “What? I’m not going to be with another man, Gina. For God’s sake, I’m carrying Trey’s baby!”

  I was flabbergasted that Gina would even suggest something like that.

  "You misunderstood me Ty," she said chuckling. "Hey today is all about family and stuffing ourselves with turkey. Tomorrow is Black Friday. Let's go shopping!"

  “Fine with me,” I acquiesced.

  I hadn’t even started any Christmas shopping so this would be fun. I didn’t know how much I could possibly take on the plane, but I figured I could always s
hip stuff UPS if it came down to it.

  I enjoyed my couple of hours spent with Gina, Ian and the rest of Becky’s family. Gina and I agreed she would pick me up tomorrow around 11 a.m. to do our Black Friday shopping in Bristol. She dropped me back off at the Sinclair's right at 3 p.m. Trey was pacing in the foyer when I walked in. I saw the look of relief cross his face as I approached him.

  “Is everything alright, Trey?” I questioned.

  “Yes of course,” he replied. “I was just worried that you wouldn’t make it back in time to change for dinner.”

  “Trey,” I said pointedly, “I’ve no intention of changing out of this dress. There is no need. It is appropriate. Why are you bringing this up again right now?” I was puzzled. I thought this issue had been put to rest. Thatcher was right there, taking my coat to hang in the guest closet. Trey frowned, once again pissed because he wasn’t getting his way.

  I climbed the staircase, wanting to freshen up and take a comfort break before the company arrived. The manor smelled of delicious food cooking.

  The aroma gnawed at my stomach since I had very little breakfast. I ran a brush through my hair. Good to go.

  I heard the bell ring from downstairs. I spritzed a bit of my Eternity cologne on, straightened my black dress and descended the staircase to stand near Trey when the introductions were made.

  He looked up at me appreciatively as I came down to stand near him. He was simply gorgeous, as usual. It amazed me at how little effort he had to put into it.

  Thatcher opened the front door, greeting the guests. There was an older couple, and a younger gentleman that tagged in behind them. I looked up at Trey hoping for some clue as to who the younger man was. His face darkened perceptibly. Mr. & Mrs. Sinclair walked across the marble foyer, greeting their guests as Thatcher took their wraps.

  “Claudia,” Susan greeted, hugging her friend, “How well you look. How was St. Thomas?”

  “Glorious,” the woman answered, returning the hug. “Tess and Zach were along and we had an absolutely festive time! Oh, Nigel and Caroline were with us as well. They send their love.”

  There was that name, ‘Tess.” I felt Trey stiffen beside me. I continued to observe. The older gentleman with Claudia greeted Susan, both of them hugging Clive as well. His name was Nelson. The younger man, very handsome also greeted the senior Sinclair’s.

  Finally, Susan turned to Trey and I, still holding Claudia’s hand as she led her over. Trey stepped forward immediately, taking Claudia’s hand and raising it to his mouth, brushing his lips against her knuckles.

  “Claudia,” he said, in his smooth and silky voice, “It’s so nice to see you again after all this time. May I introduce

  you to a close friend of mine? This is Tylar Preston. Tylar, this is Claudia Andrews.”

  I was numb as I held my hand to this woman in greeting. Trey continued with the introduction of her husband and evidently Tess’s father, Nelson Andrews.

  I was still in a hazy fog. Finally the younger man approached. He was evidently their son (Tess’s brother) and he was introduced to me as Landon Andrews. He raised my hand to his lips, softly brushing them across my knuckles. Trey’s expression darkened once again.

  “What a pleasure it is to meet you, Ms. Preston,” he greeted warmly.

  His smile was charming and he gave me a wink as he turned to greet Trey’s parents. Trey grabbed my hand, pulling me alongside him as we made our way to the formal dining room.

  I was seething just a bit. How did Trey possibly think that we were going to get through Thanksgiving dinner with me not figuring out that his parents’ long time friends were in fact Tess’s parents? Did he really take me for a fool? I could tell that Trey was extremely fidgety about the whole situation. He didn’t leave my side as we headed toward the bar that had been set up. He ordered himself a Maker’s Mark and soda, and a straight sparkling water for me.

  As we mingled within the formal dining room, the staff was putting fresh appetizers out on the sideboard, Trey continued to hold my hand as if he feared I would sprint off. What the fuck was up with that? Landon approached us as we mingled, and I could feel Trey stiffen.

  “So, Trey,” he said, “Wherever did you meet such a perfect specimen of beauty?”

  Landon eyes flickered down me, stopping at my generous cleavage to take it all in. This infuriated Trey all the more. Trey’s hold on me tightened.

  “Fuck you, Landon,” he snapped quietly.

  I was totally taken aback by Trey’s demeanor, particularly in his parents’ home on Thanksgiving. The shock must have shown on my face. Landon smiled, reaching out and patting my arm that was locked in Trey’s hold.

  “You’ll have to forgive us, dear Tylar,” he said, soothingly. “It appears that Trey is still not comfortable being around his ex-fiancée’s brother. My parents may

  have forgiven his callous and self-serving behavior; however Trey knows that I have not.”

  Trey was seething and at this moment in time, all I wanted was to not be caught in the crossfire. My best bet was to divert Trey’s attention to something – anything else in the room.

  “If you will excuse us Landon,” I said sweetly, “I’m famished as I had very little to eat today. Trey, could you please direct me to where the crab cake appetizers are?

  I’ve a craving all of a sudden it seems.”

  As soon as we were out of earshot, I pulled my arm away from his. He stared at me a bit startled by my sudden change in demeanor.

  “What was that all about?” I asked. “Why the hell didn’t you tell me that your parents’ old friends coming for Thanksgiving dinner just happened to be your ex-fiancée’s parents?”

  I was pissed and rightfully so. This wasn’t a small detail that had been overlooked. I found my way to the appetizer buffet, grabbing a small plate and filling it quickly with various delicacies. My peripheral vision indicated that Landon was still observing us from the corner of the room.

  Trey was at my side, trying to appear as if everything was normal. Nothing in this situation was normal. I wouldn’t give Landon the benefit of thinking that he had stirred shit up between Trey and I even though he had. I owed that much loyalty to Trey. After all, who the hell was Tess to me?

  One thing that I was sure of and that was before the night was over here at Sinclair Stables, I would have some information from Trey about the whole Tess situation and why Landon felt that somehow Trey had betrayed her.

  Just then the servants entered the formal dining room bringing platters of turkey and roast beef to set on the sideboards. The side dishes were soon to follow. Trey and I sat down to dinner with the rest of the group. I was famished and ate until I was uncomfortable.

  Everyone was mingling until dessert was served. I was feeling full and tired. I was in desperate need of a walk. I went to the guest closet to get my coat. Just as I was ready to walk out the front door, Trey spied me and was immediately at my side.

  “Where do you think you are going?” he asked, his eyes blazing.

  “Trey, I need some exercise and some air.”

  “You are not going out alone. It’s dark out.”

  He grabbed his jacket from the closet and took my arm, leading me out into the crispy but starry evening. It felt so much better just being out in the clean night air.

  “Can we visit Derringer?” I asked.

  “Certainly,” he smiled. “Tylar, about Landon…”

  “Trey, not now,” I said, too weary from the day to want to start a discussion that would undoubtedly be long and complex. “Please, let’s just go and visit Derringer, okay?”

  He nodded, pulling me close against the fall wind that was blowing.

  Once inside the stable, I rushed to Derringer’s stall. He was beautiful and congenial as I rubbed his neck, and brushed his mane. He was fit and healthy. I wondered who had been taking care of him. As if reading my mind, Trey spoke up.

  “Mark is still here,” he said. “He continues to work with Derringer and in fact
is training another rider.”

  My heart sank even though I knew that it had no right to. Derringer was born for dressage; I should be grateful that Mark continued to work with him and train a new rider so that this horse could meet his full potential. Trey guessed that I was feeling a bit lethargic about the situation. He pulled me close, pressing me to him.

  “I’m sorry,” he said gently, “That was insensitive of me not to realize how that would affect you. It seems like I am forever saying the wrong thing to you, baby.”

  “It’s okay,” I replied. “What a waste it would be not to utilize Derringer’s talents. It's always been the horse, Trey."

  "A rider is only as good as the horse he or she mounts. I’ve known that since I took my first riding lesson.”

  “You are amazing, Tylar,” he said. “You intrigue me on a daily basis it seems.”

  He pulled me closer, wrapping his strong arms around me, pressing me close. His fingers ran through my hair gently. I could feel his heartbeat against my chest.

  His fingers lifted my chin, tilting my face up to his. He leaned forward, kissing my lips sensually, lingering

  on them as if he didn’t want us to part. Finally, he drew back, his eyes searching mine.

  “I know that I haven’t told you this, and I should have awhile back. Tylar, I never thought that I wanted children. I know that I am a selfish, controlling bastard at times. It was for those very reasons I felt that I had no business being a father. I have to tell you this though; from the moment I knew that you were having our baby, my world has become magical and promising. I know in my heart that whatever I lack as a father, you will make up for as a mother. I will depend upon you to show me the way. Will you do that?”

  At that moment I had never loved Trey more. He knew and admitted his shortcomings, but the important thing was that he wanted to be a father. Not only that, he wanted to be a good father. There was nothing more that I could have hoped for than that.

  I lunged into his arms once again, hugging him tightly. Our lips met and we kissed long and passionately. A noise interrupted our interlude. Footsteps in the stable; someone cleared their throat.

  Trey and I broke apart, turning in the direction from where the sound came. It was Landon. He walked up to where we were standing outside of Derringer’s stall.


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