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Cursed Page 19

by R D Blake

  When the silence of the fortress became too much for him, Erick went out to wander the fields about the ruins, purposely avoiding the orchard and its memories. He had dreamt of both he and No One living here, slowly returning this vale to one with tilled lands and larger gardens, and rebuilding the fortress; but now Erick knew it all to be a mirage such as he’d seen in those southern wastes: an edifice of false hope he had built up in his imagination as he had journeyed over the last year.

  So he was surprised when he saw No One walking toward him as he sat atop a pile of old field stones at the edge of a small stream. Erick tried not to watch her, but his eyes betrayed him and he followed her path across the meadow. She was fully covered again and he could glean little of her mood or thoughts by her movements.

  Arriving, she came to sit beside him saying nothing; but he noticed that both her hands were hidden under gloves once more. Had the ring failed already? Had she cast it off? Erick so wanted to ask her, but he would not allow himself to speak. She had come to him but had not permitted him anything more than that. Though a breeze had kicked up and pulled at his hair and his clothes and billowed out her robes, the silence between seemed deeper than that in the kitchen yesterday morning. He did not know how much more he could bear. It was as though his lungs were beginning to fail him.

  Still she said nothing until a slight sigh issued forth from under her mask. “Take off your tunic.” No further words, no explanation. Erick wanted to refuse her. Why let her see what else had happened to him. Why let her suffer one more indignity? Had she not borne too much already? But Erick stood and did as she wished and sat down looking away from her.

  She did nothing at first and Erick did not know if she even was looking at him, but he jerked when her gloved hand first touched his back and some minute later slowly began to trace one of the whip scars across his shoulders. Then she touched him more and he became aware that she had moved behind him, following the criss-crossed lines on his back, with one hand, then with both. He knew not her purpose in treating him so. There was some pause and then he knew her hands were bare and a finger of each, one smooth, the other rough moved all about as if she wished to memorize each of the punishments he had suffered through at the hands of the trolls. Her fingers soon came to follow his whip lashes around to his shoulders and chest and she moved herself, so that she came to be in front of him and yet Erick could not bring himself to look at her. Still, No One spoke no words until she had explored all of his upper body.

  “How did these come to be here?” her hoarse voice whispered to him.

  “Oh, my lady. They do not matter.”

  Her rough hand pulled at a scar on his chest twisting it until it hurt. “It matters to me!” she protested, spitting out each word with an anger he had come to fear. For he had said nothing to her about the mines, believing at the time they would only add to her suffering.

  But at her command Erick explained how he had been captured and the delay that had caused in his return. And with each word, each phrase and each sentence, he saw his fears come true. She wilted before him, shrinking, if it was possible, within her robes. But when he was done and silence grew uncomfortably between them, she drew up beside him and with her smooth finger caressed his cheek. “What moves a man to endure and do such things?”

  Erick still could not look at her and said in a croaking manner so matching her own voice: “You know, my lady, you know.”

  She drew away from him and looked out across the same fields he did. Finally, she answered, “I do not understand, but I will accept it. And — and what else must needs be done.” Taking a deep breath, she added as if she was in an agonizing torment, “I will meet you on the barricades this night.” Then, as Erick had experienced so often with No One, she fled him.


  The two near giants sat across from each other in Teton’s father’s study. “We cannot challenge the Earl yet, Teton.”

  “But — but — ” Teton stammered out but stopped himself when his father put up his hand to forestall more words.

  “No! We have not the proof or the strength and I will not countenance us dragging Erick back here against his will. That will only make matters worse and bring us to a confrontation we must avoid.”

  “But the king must be told!” Teton insisted, for what he felt was the umpteenth time.

  “Not if Erick refuses. And word has reached me that the king’s health improves. So we might have time, my son. The Earl will not move until it is certain the king will die. We can thank God that the fever and disease have lessened.” The older man went to his feet. “Now, I ride to see him and ascertain the facts for myself.”

  Teton’s father gripped his slightly larger son’s arm. “No word must be said about your friend. None! Understand me in this, Teton. I know what you feel for him. You must remain here and stay by my side. I need you. The kingdom needs you despite the pull I know too well that commands you to go back to his side. Now, you must obey me in this!”

  Knowing that look of his father far too well from past disagreements with him, Teton humbly nodded his assent.


  The bird swooped into her chambers beginning a loud incessant chatter, landing on her bed and hopping about on top of her. Ilena pulled her sheets up about her head, not wanting to face this day. It had been so difficult the evening before. She had almost forsaken her pledge to Nobody and stayed here within her room. But observing the curse move to take back more of her finger, she had steeled herself and met him up by the barricades in the darkness of the night and allowed him to draw back her shroud and touch her in a fashion that no man or boy ever had.

  Ilena had wanted to flee from him the moment he was done, believing it must have been disgusting for him; but he had held her lightly by her shoulders for a moment and then led her back to the kitchen. But she had left him immediately to retreat back here, certain he was washing himself time and time again trying to remove the feel of her from his mind and his body. What man would ever wish to be intimate with a creature like her? But he had said nothing, betrayed none of his thoughts and feelings, and Ilena did not know which was worse: to know or not to know.

  She had thought the turmoil that coursed with her would give her no sleep, but perhaps it was due to the fact that she had not slept the night before that caused her to spend the entire night in deep slumber. But now the fear reared up in her again, for she must face what must be faced. Ilena had covered her hands before she had come to her bed and now she must remove the one on her right to discover the terrible truth.

  She delayed by plumping up her pillows and sitting back on them, then straightening her sheets. Then there was nothing else for her to do. As she pulled at the fingers of her gloves, the bird had gone quiet. It was as nervous as she was. When the edge of the glove lifted above her wrist, Ilena saw white and that gave her hope. With one further yank, it was off and she discovered a hand that was whole. Her hand! All of it! She twisted it about in front of her ascertaining that the part of her finger that had reverted to its former state had become clear and whole again. Then Ilena needed to know more and pulled back on her sleeve. Her wrist, her lower arm all were — all were like so many years ago! But just above her elbow her skin still remained mottled, scaled and horny. So the ring had found renewed power!

  Ilena stripped off her robe and explored herself. Her elation did not ebb despite her discoveries. Only her lower right arm had been freed from the curse, but Ilena could live with that, for now she knew the manner in which the curse would be ended. She donned her clothing again and sat back and thought, stretching her bare arm up in front of her regarding it in wonder. Then when her joy was complete, she bounded to her feet to search for Nobody.


  Chapter Fifteen

  The queasiness which had troubled Marta for days still lay vaguely turbulent within her, but her insides now roiled with what had just transpired. She had been called before the church high council and within
minutes of entering their chamber, she had come to understand the purpose of this conclave. They wished her to surrender a portion of her vows and meet with this Connor. Their arguments, their rationales, and their appeals to her were based upon their deep wish for the church to be free to continue in its holy purpose. So they had said. Would Marta not want to serve God by granting this man a private audience with her? Surely it would not grieve their Lord. What could honour Him more by such obedience in their time of need? The financial constraints and the heavy new levies placed upon their diocese would be relinquished by her adherence to this simple act.

  And there were such other pleadings and rationales. But Marta had remained firm despite their insistence to take their counsel. She could not — would not do such a thing. It soon became clear that her superiors were not prepared to accept her intransigence and pressed her again and again until Marta had felt forced to confess what she had always held secret within herself: the evil that she had committed and what she truly was. That at the last had bought their silence and shortly thereafter they had sent her out to await their decision. And now Marta sat by herself, praying that God would give her strength to remain true to her vows.

  Perhaps she should not have been surprised when the high council called her in and informed her in a few terse words that she would no longer have any part in the church. They had cast her out.


  Ilena searched everywhere for Nobody and had not found him until she had thought to ask the dogs. They raced off in front of her leading her to the gardens. And there he was hoeing and preparing the ground for seeding. Why was he out here when he should have been awaiting the news of the miracle that had just transpired? Oh! Would she ever understand him?!

  She was out of breath from her mad running, stumbling at the last to fall at his feet. “Nobody!” Ilena gasped out.

  She could say no more. Casting all the walls that held her back from him and the world, Ilena pushed herself to her feet and threw her arms about him. The hoe fell from his arms as he returned her embrace. But when she looked up at him she saw dread upon his face. Now, Ilena understood in part. He had feared that what he had done with her last night would make no difference — that it had been too late.

  “Look! Oh look!” Ilena cried out, as she pulled back the sleeve of her robe to reveal her bare right arm. In but a moment, his countenance changed and the joy that filled his face warmed her like no sunshine ever had. Then Nobody cast away all the rules of the game they had played with each other and spun her around and around off her feet. When he had dizzied them both beyond what they could endure, they crumpled to the ground. But they were not left to embrace only themselves, for it seemed that all the birds of the air and all the animals of the fortress and the fields raced to join them and there was such a commotion of happiness and exaltation that the sounds of their joy seemed to echo back from the very peaks of the southern mountains themselves.


  Marta had gathered her meagre belongings into a small pack and looked about her bleak chamber. This had defined her for so many years and now she was being forced to leave. The council had deemed her unworthy of the church because of her sins. They had given her no explanation and no mercy or forgiveness. Yet others within this sanctuary who knew not the truth extended to her some small modicum of kindness. Word had been passed to her by those who stood outside the gates. Connor was waiting for her.

  A part of Marta accepted this as the judgement she deserved for the evil that lived inside her. She had served God and the church not as an act of restitution or as a plea for forgiveness or as a means to beg for mercy. No; that had never been the reason. Now, if she was to be become a possession, a slave, a thing for this man — perhaps she was finally receiving the justice she truly merited.

  There was a knock at her door. It was time. When she opened it, she met not those who would lead her to the exterior of the church but the bishop himself. “Follow. Say no word. And we must be quick!”

  Cryptic words though his face revealed his intent and Marta followed, issuing a silent thanks to a God from whom she deserved no such clemency.


  They stood silently on the battlements together having completed the intimacy that the Pure One said would enhance the power of the ring. Ilena had thought about it all day, impatient for this time to finally come, though she imagined there was no pleasure in it for Nobody. There was little of it for her. For how could horny, warty lips experience such? But Nobody expressed no such revulsion, and as much as she was eager to retire to her bed and have this night over with and see what changes might occur while she slept, Ilena wished to linger here beside Nobody. And so it seemed, he did too.

  For once, the silence they shared together seemed peaceful rather than filled with tension and fear. Ilena wished that he would embrace her, but she understood that Nobody wished not to presume too much and that was because he cared for her. What should not be possible. And yes, Ilena was prepared to carefully admit; perhaps he did love her — in a fashion.


  The next morning, after Ilena woke, she was more than willing to discover what the power of the ring had done to her. Pulling back the sleeve of her night clothes as high as she could, she discovered all was white — clear, unblemished, perfect skin. Then having discarded her robe, she found her entire arm healed of the curse up beyond her shoulder. However, the remainder of her body still was bound up in the geas set upon her. But Ilena felt almost nonchalant about it, as if this should be the natural course of things, and she hurried to dress and find Nobody once more and share this new joy.


  But the course that seemed so sure, so certain, failed Ilena at dawn the following day. She could see nothing that had changed from the day before. She tried to keep her trembling at bay as she dressed and dithered an hour away fearful to leave her chambers to face Nobody. When finally she found the courage to walk down the hallway toward the kitchen, Ilena heard him playing at his lute, with a now familiar, happy song — one she could not share in. She slowed and remained by the doorway unable to find the strength now to face him and admit to the terrible truth.

  In some manner, Nobody sensed her presence; for he turned to regard her and she could not look at him behind her veil, dropping her head to regard the floor beneath her feet. In her grief, it seemed he was suddenly before her and as she glanced up at him, she saw her own fear reflected in his eyes; for he understood her unease. “Tell me,” he said simply. She could no longer dispute that he had earned the right from her to speak first.

  “All remains as it did yesterday morn,” Ilena answered mournfully, her eyes moving downwards once again, her head dropping into his chest.

  “All?” he asked. It seemed he said that single word in a light manner. Anger rose up in her. How dare he! And he added insult to her injury by using his finger to draw her chin upwards. She wanted to slap it away. “I think not.” He was mocking her! Ilena pushed his impertinent hand away and made to turn away from him.

  “Wait!” That one word contained such an authority of command: a power in his voice he had never used on her before. Ilena stopped. He moved closer to her, presuming far too much! “Oh, I would kiss you right now, No One, if it was permitted.”

  Ilena slapped his face. But it did nothing to wipe the callous smile off his face. “You do not see it!” Nobody exclaimed, as he grappled to hold onto her hands. She yanked them out his grasp and raised her first to strike him again. “Observe, No One, how high you can reach!” And now there was more than just laughter in his eyes. There was joy. And that stopped her.

  “What foolishness are you spouting?! Do you not understand? Nothing has changed!” Ilena shouted back at him.

  “Oh, No One, do you not hear your own words? Your own voice?”

  “What?” And then she understood — in part. Her voice was no longer low, hoarse, croaking. It was — it was…

  Nobody’s ey
es danced in front of hers and he brought her raised arms down to rest on his shoulders. “Now, think. What else has changed?” Silently, Ilena regarded her hands and his face so close to her own. Then Ilena realized he had shrunk or — or — or she had grown. Oh! He was so infuriating! Now that she realized what had happened. She didn’t know whether to slap him or hug him.

  Instead she tried out her voice. “I am unbent?”

  “Yes, yes, yes,” Nobody answered. “And I believe you no longer bear a hump on your back. Much changed over this past night.”

  Ilena needed to know more. Impulsively, she uncovered her face to him. “What else?” she demanded.

  For once she did not cringe away from his survey of her. “The fringe along her lower jaw is gone. Your ears? I am unsure about them. They might be smaller. And that ridge of bone on top of your head is gone.” Ilena had not known at all about that! A spasm coursed through her of that old fear of what else might have happened to her if Nobody had not come back to her. Some horned creature?

  But Nobody took all of those dark thoughts away from her, grasping her hands again. “I want to hear your voice. All day. Come, let me play for you and you sing to me, No One. For as long as you are able!”


  The next morning, Ilena saw that the curse had lifted from across her torso, but that was not what excited her, for there were at least two changes that brought back memories of years long past. She discovered a full set of teeth once more in her mouth and she could not stop herself from running her tongue over all of their old familiar contours. And hair had grown down from her scalp: blond, shining, thick! Ilena tangled both of her hands within her short locks recalling old sensations.


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