Unchained (Men in Chains Book 3)

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Unchained (Men in Chains Book 3) Page 4

by Caris Roane

  Her first musings went to the obvious, her overwhelming attraction to Marius, which made her current predicament even that much more complicated. The last thing she wanted to do was to make a decision about this strange chain-bonding, weapon-finding plan of Marius’s simply because the breadth of his chest made her weak in the knees.

  It didn’t help that she hadn’t been with a man since her breakup a year ago with Michelson. She’d wasted six months on him. But even after what seemed like a decent twelve-month interval, she still wasn’t quite over him. He’d done something to her during their brief relationship, step by step tearing at her self-esteem so that in the end she’d allowed him to do things to her she hadn’t confessed to a living soul.

  So it came as a complete shock that when she finally felt the powerful stirrings of interest in another man, it was with a vampire.

  She closed her eyes and leaned back against the pillows once more. She needed to stop thinking about her interest in Marius and instead focus on making sense of all that he’d just told her. A decision needed to be made.

  Opening her eyes, she met his gaze once more. “The thing is, Marius, though I can appreciate that you’ve essentially asked for my help in resolving an issue in your world, I don’t see how I can agree to help. What you’re asking goes against everything I believe in. I’ve discovered a new secret world, but the last thing I should do is launch into an intervention. At the very least, I should make a study of what’s actually happening. Perhaps in time I might come around to helping you, but it wouldn’t be right to dive in with only your version of events.”

  Her adrenaline kicked in. “Of course, I would love to study your world, to perhaps visit a number of your caverns, to speak with a cross section of your people, which would help me to begin understanding your culture. But assisting you without sufficient knowledge is out of the question.”

  He remained leaning back against the chair. His jaw shifted slightly. “You do realize I could force you to help me.”

  “Yes. I suppose you could.” She frowned, wondering if he would do just that. Her thumb rubbed the links back and forth, which increased her sense of him. He was incredibly determined, and that frightened her. “But you wouldn’t, would you?”

  “No, but I think maybe we need to take a trip.”

  “A trip?”

  He nodded. “To another part of my world, something I think you need to see. You said you needed more information and I’ll happily supply it.”

  His eyes suddenly took on a haunted look. Maybe she needed to make things clear. “I want you to take me home, Marius. I have no intention of forging this strange tracking-pair thing with you. I’m not an adventurous type, for one thing, but I think I’ve already explained my reasons. I will not intervene, not without a systematic review over a period of months, even years. My conscience won’t allow it.”

  “It’s not that simple. If Daniel gets the weapon…” His gaze slid away from hers and she knew he’d started thinking hard. He rose to pace to the fireplace and back.

  Finally, he returned to stand in front of her. “Shayna, you don’t know how much my thinking is aligned with yours on this subject, philosophically I mean, but I’m desperate here. For that reason, I want to show you something, and it won’t be pleasant, but you need to see what I’ve lived with for such a long time. You said you can sense my guilt, and you’re right. I live with tremendous guilt all the time because I haven’t been able to help eradicate the worst criminal to impact our world in my lifetime.

  “But even until a few days ago, even I didn’t understand the level of horror he’s inflicted on women of your world. Not just women of my world but yours. I want you to see for yourself what he’s done. Then, if you still want me to take you home, I will. Would you at least agree to do that, to see what Daniel has done to your people?” He drew a deep breath. “Again, it may be one of the hardest things you’ll ever have to see.”

  Shayna saw the philosophical loophole, since he’d spoken about women in her world. But she wasn’t happy about the position he’d just put her in at all. If humans were involved, maybe she had responsibility after all.

  She had a couple of questions she needed answered before she agreed to go. “Are we talking human slavery?”

  “Of the worst, most brutal kind, but it will mean going deep into Daniel’s Dark Cave system, which will be dangerous.”

  Shayna frowned. She couldn’t believe how clearly she could sense him, almost reading his mind. “He tortured you there recently, didn’t he? I say that because some of your guilt comes from there, doesn’t it?”

  He nodded slowly.

  Her throat began to ache. Why was this on her? She was a university student, not a soldier. She didn’t have the kinds of abilities Marius possessed. Yet he’d brought her here and asked for her help, assuring her she had something of tremendous value in the situation.

  But what did she owe him really?

  Tears burned her eyes. She hated being put in this position—as some kind of savior in his world. She’d never asked for this, and she definitely didn’t want any part of it.

  And yet as Marius stared at her, a fire in his eyes, and as she felt the chain still wrapped around her fist, she could sense his desperation. She knew then that she couldn’t refuse to take the trip with him. She had to at least agree to do that much, if only to assuage her conscience once she gave him her final answer.

  Afterward, she could simply tell him to take her home and be done with the whole horrible thing.

  Despite what was going on in his world, she didn’t want to travel this path. She wanted to go back to her life, her careful plans to spend a year in the field then return to the University of Washington and work steadily on her dissertation. She had a doctorate to earn and she truly hoped one day to make a serious contribution to the field of cultural anthropology.

  She didn’t look at him as she said, “I’ll go with you, but only because I can sense this is what you need from me in order to let this whole thing go.” Finally, she lifted her gaze to him.

  “Thank you,” he said. “And I promise you that I do know how much I’m asking of you and that none of this is fair to you.”

  “How can you possibly understand what I’m feeling? You don’t know what it is to be human and whipped into the air suddenly by a species that’s only supposed to exist in folklore.”

  He smiled ruefully, then put his hand on the chain he wore. “In the same way you can feel my guilt, I can sense how you want more than anything to just go home right now.”

  Of course the street ran both ways. “Right.”

  He moved the chair back to its original position, angling it by the armoire. “We should go now. I suggest you put the blood-chain in your pocket while we fly. You can keep siphoning my power by touching it, but you need to be prepared that the flight will hurt despite the chains. Only vampires of special power, called Ancestrals, can fly humans around our globe pain-free. But you’ll able to stream the healing power, and that will help.”

  She’d just gotten rid of the pain and could hardly stand the thought of launching into flight once more. But she’d never been one for holding back once a decision was made; she’d always had a tendency to jump in with both feet.

  She pushed the comforter back and slid off the bed. With the chain secured in her pocket, and her hand tucked inside so that she could grip it at the same time, she nodded to him. “I’m ready.”

  * * *

  Marius found himself admiring the woman in front of her. She had principles she tried to live by, and she’d just agreed to do something that would physically hurt her. She could have thrown a fit, gotten hysterical, but she didn’t.

  He held out his arm to her, and when she didn’t move toward him, he remembered that all she knew about flying was what had happened in Seattle when he’d grabbed her and launched into the air. She didn’t know the drill. “Step onto my right foot with both of yours and put your arm around my neck.”

e didn’t hesitate, another thing he liked about her: Once she made the decision, she was committed. But would this trip to Daniel’s heinous Dark Cave system be enough to persuade her to join him?

  He clamped his arm around her waist, pulling her tight against his side. “Do you feel secure?”


  “Good. You were unconscious for most of the trip here, but you probably won’t be for this one because you’re siphoning my power. You have hold of the chain?”

  “In my tight, frightened fist, yes.”

  “Just wanted to be sure. I can feel my power streaming in your direction, but I needed to know what it was like on your end. As for the journey itself, we’ll be able to communicate telepathically the entire distance.” He switched just to be sure. You okay with that?

  She turned into him so that she could look him in the eyes, a half smile on her lips. Because he held her pinned against him, his ever-present desire for her swelled. She was exquisite, and something about the blue of her eyes—or maybe it was the shape of her nose or possibly her smile—hit the center of his brain like a drug.

  You’re beautiful.

  She frowned slightly. Thank you. I … I wasn’t expecting you to say that.

  Right. What the hell was he doing talking to her like that? He pulled himself together. You ready?


  Good. Let me switch to altered flight so you can feel the difference this time. I’d apologize again for just shooting us both up into the air in Seattle, but you already know why I had to do it.

  I do. Go ahead.

  He watched her for a second. Her gaze flitted around his room as though studying the space, categorizing maybe.

  With the experience of four hundred years, he levitated into the air then switched to altered flight. What do you feel?

  Her eyes flitted once more. A soft vibration, and the air appears to have gentle waves through it.

  You might want to close your eyes for this next part. We’ll be flying through solid rock.


  You’re surprised?

  Well, sure. She glanced toward the doorway. Are you saying this cave doesn’t have an outlet? That you didn’t enter through, like, a front door?

  He chuckled. No, nothing like that.

  So this isn’t just flying.

  We call it “altered” flight because it allows us to fly through anything solid.

  Wow. Okay, but I’m not closing my eyes. I want to see this, to experience it.

  When he took off, he headed straight up so that she wouldn’t see a solid mass of rock coming straight at her.

  It’s like fog or something. And there’s the sky. It’s still dark. Where are we exactly?

  South America.

  That would explain it. So which direction are we traveling? I’m feeling like we’re going east.

  We are.

  He felt her excitement so he kept the pace slow for now. Slower would mean less pain, and she could look around at the passing landscape below. Eventually, he’d have to move faster, because at this speed they were visible to other vampires either in the air or on the ground.

  My head doesn’t hurt. Is it the chains?

  I’m not sure. Are you feeling any discomfort?

  No, not really, but I’m holding the chains tight in my fist and I do feel your power like a steady pulse through me.

  That might change once we go faster.

  Okay. I’ll be ready.

  Her arm tightened around his neck as she leaned forward and looked down. He wished he could show her more of the earth right now—what it would be like, for instance, to pass over one of the bigger human cities like Rio de Janeiro.

  When his instincts suddenly told him that vampires were nearby, he started to speed up. He never ignored it when his senses warned him of the proximity of his kind. For all he knew they could be friendly, but he couldn’t take the chance. Gotta do this, Shayna. We’ve got vampires around here and I don’t know if they’re part of Daniel’s crew or not.

  Go for it, but my head is starting to hurt.

  I know. Just hold on to the chain in your pocket and focus on streaming my healing power. Can you do that?

  She turned into him and nestled her head beneath his chin and damn him for liking it so much. What was it about Shayna, whom he barely knew, that got to him?

  Had to be the blood-chains. But even if it was, the chains could only enhance what was already there. Which meant that on a very basic level, he was into her. And the feeling seemed to be mutual.

  Just what he needed, the situation to become complicated with his desire for her. How much easier this would be if he didn’t like who she was as a human female.

  This hurts so bad.

  But you haven’t passed out. That’s a good sign, Shayna. Hold tight. This won’t take longer than ten minutes.

  I know and streaming your power really does help. She rubbed her head beneath his chin, and even in the middle of altered flight, as he crossed over the African continent, he was hot for her. She was in pain, and he wanted to kiss her and do other things. Mostly, he wanted his fangs buried in a quick strike and her blood flowing so that he could taste what smelled so sweetly floral right now.

  What are you thinking about? Even her voice in his head sounded wonderful.

  You really don’t want to know.

  He felt her chuckle. The chains have clued me in, and it helps if I think of you in that way as well. My head doesn’t hurt so much. So I’m going with it. I’m really attracted to you, Marius. And the way you look in your T-shirt. I’m glad you didn’t put your coat back on. Is this bothering you? Should I stop talking like this?

  Is it really helping? He should discourage her. He was liking the flirtation way too much.

  Yes, it’s helping, more than I can say. Once more, she rubbed her head against his neck and beneath his chin.

  She stuck close and kept nuzzling him. But he felt her breathing hitch and he knew it wasn’t good. It’s getting worse?


  He hated the idea that something they might end up having to do often would be a source of pain for her. He sought around in his mind and finally said, Listen, I don’t know if this will work, but get a good grip on the chain in your hand then lift it to touch the chain at my neck. Can you do that?

  Yes and right now I’d try anything.

  He felt her movements as she worked her hand out of the pocket of her jeans, gliding her fist up his chest to make sure she didn’t drop the chain.

  She shifted just enough to bring her hand against his neck. The moment the chains connected, he felt a sudden jolt of power erupt between them and Shayna cried out.

  Are you okay? Had he just hurt her?

  It’s so much better. I can’t believe it. The connection has created a surge and the pain is leaving.

  Good. I was hoping for that.

  He breathed a little easier. The chains were functioning in a surprising way even though she hadn’t yet put hers on. That she could siphon his power without actually wearing the chain and forging the bond meant something, though he wasn’t sure what. The only thing he could deduce was that, for whatever reason, they were extremely compatible in terms of his power and her ability to siphon.

  A few minutes later he swung north then began his descent into the Dark Cave system, miles away from the nearest improved cave. He knew Daniel’s setup well, since a good year prior he’d snuck inside and spied on it, believing one day he’d return to tear the operation apart. He hadn’t exactly planned on bringing a human female here, but she needed to see what was happening to tens of thousands of innocent human women every day.

  He landed her at the far northern end of the system, a place he knew Daniel ignored. During several scouting missions, he’d never once seen a security team in the vicinity.

  Shayna glanced around then smiled. “Hey, this is just a cave.”

  “Yep. Stalagmites and stalactites. Completely unimproved.”

  She stepped o
ff his foot and took a moment to rearrange the chain, wrapping it around her wrist several times, then lacing it afterward through her fingers. Clearly, she didn’t want to lose it, and he didn’t blame her.

  She turned in a circle. “I’m still so stunned how well I can see in the dark.”

  “You’ve definitely tapped into my power. And you really do feel okay?”

  Shifting to face him, she nodded. “The moment my chain connected with yours, the resulting wave of power quickly wiped out the headache. It was amazing. So yeah, I’m fine.”

  He stared at her and what he’d felt on the sidewalk in Seattle, as well as in flight, returned. He was so drawn to her. He moved close and took her arm gently in hand. “I’m glad you’re okay.”

  His heart pounded as he stared into her light-blue eyes. He wanted to kiss her again, but he wouldn’t do that to her.

  He watched her lips part as a sliver of concern appeared in her eyes. “Of all that I’ve experienced so far,” she said, shaking her head slowly, “what has surprised me the most is this.” She waved her hand between them. “I know you want to kiss me and I want you to as well, which makes no sense. I don’t really know you, and yet it’s as though I’ve always known you.” She lifted her hand that held the chain. “And these don’t lie.”

  “No, they don’t. They can only amplify what’s already there.”

  “I know this won’t make sense, but what comes through is that I can trust you. It would be foolish to act on it, though, wouldn’t it? I mean, even another kiss might be asking for trouble.” Her gaze fell to his lips. He sensed her desire, as well as her astonishment, that she was even thinking about kissing him.

  “Completely foolish,” he murmured. The air crackled between them, and he drew a little closer, not surprised when she took a small step as well so that only inches separated them.

  Maybe because he thought it possible he’d never get the chance again, he closed the distance, pulled her into his arms, and settled his lips over hers.

  Shayna’s voice moved softly through his head, Marius … yes.

  She surrounded his neck with both arms, pressing up against him.


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