Unchained (Men in Chains Book 3)

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Unchained (Men in Chains Book 3) Page 22

by Caris Roane

The vibrations grew increasingly higher-pitched and as his own eardrums began to ache, the women started to scream, holding their hands to their ears.

  It all happened so fast, the women tearing around wildly, ramming into one another, screaming, followed by blood pouring from their eyes, noses, and ears.

  They began to drop suddenly, one by one in quick succession, and he knew they died, just like that. Quill appeared to be safe while in altered flight. He nodded a second time to the woman, who flipped the switch once more and the vibration stopped.

  As the vision ended, Marius opened his eyes. He realized he’d let go of Shayna’s hand to press his palms against his ears. The vision hadn’t carried the full measure of the vibrations, but his ears hurt and the pain extended through his skull.

  “Are you okay?”

  He felt Shayna’s hand on his back and nodded. “I’m fine, but they’re all dead.”

  “They are and it was horrible for them and so fast,” she said. “I didn’t think it would be so quick.”

  He sent healing power to his ears and to his mind so that after a minute, he no longer hurt, just his chest because of the mass murder.

  He gave himself another minute to absorb and to recover, then turned to Shayna. “Can you tell me if the weapon is still in that location?”

  He watched her close her eyes again. She shook her head, but she suddenly gripped his hand. “Marius, I’ve found it, but you have to see this. I don’t understand why it’s in this place. This makes no sense.”

  “Go ahead and stream it.”

  The images arrived like a new onslaught. The weapon sat on a land bridge within a large cavern. Below were a couple hundred human slaves, all staring up, milling around, nervous. Something was going on.

  He opened his eyes and met her gaze. “This isn’t a vision, is it?”

  She shook her head. “It’s just the location, here and now.”

  “The Dark Cave system?”

  She nodded. “Yes, but it feels like a trap.”

  “I couldn’t agree more.”

  This time her shoulders rose and fell with a quick intake of breath. “We have to go get it.”

  “Yes, we do.”

  “But how? Because I’m convinced we’ll be attacked.”

  “Let’s get you dressed, then we’ll make a plan.”

  “I need to get my dress.” She stood up and headed back into the bathroom.

  He followed after her and watched her start tidying up the space, something she didn’t need to do. He didn’t understand at first until he saw that her fingers trembled as she wrapped up the hair dryer and put it away on a wood shelf beneath the sink.

  She was in shock.

  When she started wiping down the sink, he went to her. He turned her to face him and surrounded her with his arms. “It’ll be okay.”

  She hugged him hard. “I’m scared,” she mumbled against his shoulder. “I don’t want to be, but I am. It was awful to watch them die.”

  “I know and you have every right to be freaking out right now.”

  “I want to be stronger than this.”

  He rubbed her back up and down. “You’re doing just fine. I’m so proud of you.”

  After a moment, she calmed down and gathered up her clothes. “I’m ready.”

  He flew her to her original room. She went immediately to the closet and he picked up his phone again and placed a call to his brother. When he heard Adrien’s voice, guilt poured over him once more, that old remorse that lived in him like a wound that would never heal. “Marius. We’ve been hoping we’d hear from you, but didn’t want to call.” A phone ringing at the wrong time could alert the enemy.

  “I wanted to let you and Lucian know what’s going on. And I want you to share with Gabriel what I’m about to tell you.” He quickly outlined all that had happened, beginning with his call to Rumy and the later explosion. “I knew his mind, Adrien. He’d always said if Daniel started moving in on The Erotic Passage, he’d destroy the whole system before he let that bastard take over anything.”

  Adrien was silent for a moment. “Sounds like Daniel’s serious this time. He’s making his move.”

  “We think so, too. Shayna and I are going after the weapon. She’s seen the location. I know you’re in hiding, but if things go wrong, you may need to go after the weapon yourself. I know your woman, Lily, has the same tracking ability as Shayna. I need you both to be our backup in case things go south.”

  “We will. Just keep us informed.”

  “And there’s something else; Daniel had Quill kill off a number of vampire sex slaves by firing up the weapon. It happened so quick; they died so damn fast.” He then relayed the vision that Shayna had streamed for him, answering any questions that came to Adrien’s mind.

  Adrien huffed a heavy sigh. “Daniel has to be stopped.”

  “I’m getting the feeling that something big is on the horizon.”

  The tension level in Adrien’s voice rose a notch. “What do you mean?”

  He shifted to look at Shayna, watching her slide into a pair of jeans, then zip up. She already wore a long-sleeved T-shirt, cut low, which she mitigated by putting on a dark blue tank top backward like before. She sat down on the edge of the bed to put on socks and a pair of running shoes.

  “Just a feeling. Be sure to let Gabriel know. And be ready. I might need your help in the next few hours.”

  “I’ll tell both Lucian and Gabriel. And don’t worry. We’ll contact Rumy and see what’s going on. We’ve got your back.”

  Marius hung up and slid his phone into the deep pocket of his battle leathers. He turned to Shayna and told her what was going on.

  “I heard most of it,” she said, standing up and straightening the outer T-shirt at the hem.

  He crossed to her and once more took her shoulders in hand, meeting her gaze straight on. “Shayna, I can go by myself on this one. You’d be safe here with Rumy and the other refugees.”

  She shook her head and had never looked more serious. “No, you’ll need me. That much I know. I can feel it.”

  She patted his vest and down the sides of his pants. “Good. You’re fully armed.”

  He couldn’t help it; his lips twisted into a smile. Shayna was checking to make sure he was ready for war. “Of course I’m armed.”

  “I guess that was a silly thing for me to do, but I’m nervous.”

  “Me, too.”

  She rolled her eyes. “You are not.”

  “I hide it really well, but only an idiot goes into battle unafraid.”


  “Okay, then.”

  He opened his arm and she hopped onto his foot, slinging her arm around his neck. She held his gaze for a moment, then kissed him full on the lips. “Let’s go get that weapon, warrior.”

  * * *

  Shayna had never been so frightened before, though she didn’t really understand why this situation was worse than any of the others. Except that Quill could fire up the weapon and Marius could die, which would mean she would be trapped in Daniel’s lair. There was that.

  As he flew her east, in the direction of the Dark Cave system, she thought back on all that had happened beginning with first meeting Marius in Seattle, seeing him from the corner of her eye in flight and wondering if someone had slipped her a roofie at the club she’d been at.

  Now she was here, flying once more, experiencing no pain, just an almost paralyzing fear because of what might await them or the thousand things that could go wrong.

  The flight took way too long, yet wasn’t long enough at the same time. When he made his descent and they began to pass through rock, the sound of her heartbeat pounded in her ears.

  He broke through the main cavern and there it was, the last of the extinction weapons, sitting on an eight-foot-wide land bridge above a large pit at least eighty feet across. She couldn’t imagine what Daniel was thinking by putting it there except that it looked like a piece of bait. So if this was a trap, how did they get the we
apon and not fall prey?

  The ceiling of the cave rose another couple hundred feet. In the pit, all the human women, shackled, emaciated, and bruised, huddled at the edges, forming a large circle well away from anything that could fall from the bridge.

  Her gaze became fixed on the weapon. A large hook in the center of the red top was probably used for transport. Maybe the original concept involved cranes for placement.

  Shayna, Daniel is already here.

  Where? I don’t see him.

  He’s beyond the land bridge hovering about thirty feet away, with a very large force.

  If we shift out of altered flight, can you sink a dagger between his eyes? Once the words left her mind, she realized just how deep she was into this world. She couldn’t imagine Shayna-the-college-student ever talking so easily about killing someone.

  Marius, I’ve been holding back siphoning your power, believing that you needed it to fight, but I think I should change that strategy. I need to see Daniel for myself. I need to see everything that’s going on. Can I take more?

  He turned toward her slightly. Don’t hold back. Take as much power of mine as you need. We’re in this together and you’re a big part of the equation. And you definitely need to see what we’re dealing with here.

  She held his gaze for a moment, and some of her trembling stopped. He was counting on her, on all her weird abilities in his world, and she wanted to be ready for whatever Daniel threw at them both. We’re improvising, then.

  Not sure we have a choice, but given Daniel’s level of power, it’s probably best anyway. If he had an inkling of any plan we might have, he could anticipate my maneuvers and block them.

  She nodded and shifted her gaze back to the weapon. Focusing on the blood-chain at her neck, she centered her thoughts on siphoning what she needed.

  As the power began to flow, her ability to see through Daniel’s disguise sharpened. The layers started to melt away until he and at least fifty of his men came into view. Her heart seized. They were all dressed in black and big like Marius, all hovering in the air, daggers and chains in battle-ready positions. Rough them up a bit and they’d look like a biker gang.

  Daniel, smiling as always, hovered in the middle, Quill and Lev on each side.

  She trembled all over again. Too much adrenaline. Once more she worked to calm herself. How were they supposed to defeat an overwhelming force like that?

  Shayna, I can see a way out, but we’ll have to play this just right, so let me ask you something. Could you levitate if I let go of you?

  She searched her abilities and her body. Yes, but only in brief spurts.

  Altered flight?

  Yes. The same. Very limited.

  Good. That’s all we’ll need for this. For now, I’m going to keep holding on to you, hoping that Daniel and his boys missed that you’ve got these skills.

  She began to see the direction of his thoughts. The only way out of this is to set off the weapon and I’ll have to do it, human that I am.

  That’s what I’m thinking. I may have gained speed, but not enough to battle fifty soldiers, Daniel, and his sons all at once. But the timing has to be right.

  Shayna gathered her courage. And first, we have to lure them out of altered flight.

  Shit, you’re trembling. There’s still time to go back, Shayna.

  At that, she laughed. Not on your life. I didn’t come all this way to run-and-hide now, but I appreciate the thought. As for the way I’m shaking, just ignore it. Call it battle nerves or something.

  You’re doing fine. You’re one helluva woman, and I’m proud to know you.

  Marius smiled at her. In the middle of all this nonsense, he smiled. Her heart swelled, liking this man so much.

  And he was proud of her.

  Reverting her attention to the weapon, she said, There’s a switch in front. Do you see it?

  Yes. Marius’s arm tightened around her waist.

  It’s off to the left, so be sure to position me on that side.

  I’m going to move in now, Marius said.

  Go for it.

  He shifted from altered flight to levitation and flew steadily toward the land bridge. Daniel held his arm up, a gesture that appeared to keep his force in check.

  “I’m here to take the weapon, Daniel. I can’t let you keep it since I’ve already seen what it can do.” He landed on the thick stone bridge, still holding Shayna tight against him.

  Daniel moved slowly in his direction, shifting out of altered flight. Quill and Lev, and the rest of his force, remained behind. His penetrating gaze moved from Marius to Shayna. When he held her gaze, she felt him reaching for her mind, wanting to talk to her telepathically, but she blocked him. A chill went down her spine. If evil could take a form, it would look just like Daniel Briggs.

  “Hello, Shayna. I see you’ve been enjoying my son. He’s magnificent, isn’t he? Marius was my best creation, he just doesn’t know it yet.”

  Shayna wasn’t sure where her boldness came from, but she said, “Are you sure this was your doing? I mean, I just don’t see the resemblance at all.” She glanced at Marius and back to Daniel. “I never saw his mother, of course, but I’m thinking he must take after her. I understand she was an exceptional woman.”

  Daniel’s eyes narrowed. Shayna expected steam to start coming out his ears. Instead he shifted his gaze back to Marius. “You should discipline your woman, teach her not to poke the bear.”

  Marius didn’t hesitate. “Shayna has a mind of her own and can say whatever she likes. It’s not my place to censure her on any level. Besides, I think what she’s said is true. I do take after my mother.”

  “More’s the pity, son. She tried to make a weakling out of you, always coddling you and hugging you. But I made you a man.”

  Shayna felt Marius stiffen, his muscles flexing and unflexing. Hey, relax. That ego maniac is so full of shit.

  Marius glanced at her quickly, then laughed. You’re right.

  “Isn’t this charming, but I should remind you that telepathy in company is very rude.”

  Again, Shayna spoke boldly, meeting Daniel’s gaze again. “You think this is rude? Want to know what I think falls into the category of a social faux pas? How about killing off your female vampire slaves to test your extinction weapon? Yeah, I think that’s rude.”

  Daniel stared at her. “So how did you know about that? Ah, of course, you had one of your visions. But I’m losing patience.”

  “And you’re pissing me off.”

  Daniel physically moved to place himself in a direct line with Marius, purposefully ignoring Shayna. He was now only ten feet away. “How about we have a little contest and the winner takes the weapon?”

  “What do you have in mind?” Marius’s voice sounded dark to Shayna, full of intention.

  “You split and each of your forms, primary and secondary, takes on ten of my men. You win, I let you cart off the weapon. You lose, well, you lose everything: You’ll join me in my new government, I’ll get the weapon, and Shayna, of course, will be sent to work in one of my clubs here. She’d do very well. And one more thing. While you’re battling, Shayna stands beside me.” He smiled, that horrible oily smile of his. “I’ll keep her safe if weapons start to fly.”

  Shayna wasn’t sure how she expected Marius to respond, especially since his muscles were twitching and he ground his jaw. She also had no idea what Daniel meant about primary and secondary forms. She hadn’t come across that concept before. A dozen questions rose in her mind like a sudden burst of air bubbles rising to the surface, but she suppressed them.

  “What do you say, son?”

  “Agreed,” Marius said. “But I want Quill and Lev to remain at the far cavern wall.”

  Daniel nodded, and his obedient sons immediately flew and hovered against the far stone wall.

  Marius! What are you doing?

  We need Daniel’s troops out of altered flight, and this appears to be as good a way to get the job done as any. I want you n
ear the switch and ready for my order.

  There really wasn’t time for him to explain further, she got that. So she responded, I’m all in.


  He released her and Daniel flew straight for her, grabbing her by the arm and dragging her off to the side. He pinched her beneath her arm so that she cried out.

  “What the fuck?” Marius shouted. “What did you just do to her?”

  Daniel apologized. “I must have caught her delicate human skin between my fingers when I took her arm. Just an accident.” He addressed Shayna. “Are you all right, my dear?”

  She met his gaze, grimacing. “Don’t you ‘my dear’ me, you sick fuck.”

  His nostrils flared. “You know I could destroy you with a thought.”

  “Well, that’s what you’re good at: destruction. I’d like to see you actually build anything of merit.”

  This time she watched Daniel grind his teeth. She knew he wanted to hit her or maybe even throw her off the land bridge, but he worked to control himself. After flaring his nostrils again, he nodded to Marius. “Now let’s see what you can do.”

  “First, choose the men I’m to fight so that I can get a good look at them.”

  Daniel lifted his arm once and the entire force moved from altered flight to levitation. After that, he made a few gestures and twenty warriors separated from the main force, ten grouping off to one side, ten to the other.

  Shayna felt Marius’s sudden burst of excitement. He’d just accomplished the first part of their makeshift plan. But she wasn’t prepared at all for what he did next.

  She felt a profound vibration flow through her blood-chain, then watched as Marius suddenly became two of himself.

  She stared in utter astonishment, unable to believe what she was seeing. And the division of his physical self was completely equal because each wore the same clothes and had the same number of weapons.

  She could tell that the Marius at the right was his primary self, though she didn’t know how exactly. He just felt stronger in some way, more present perhaps. But how was he doing something that seemed so impossible? Did he control the secondary Marius? Were they one consciousness but two bodies? Yes, lots of questions.

  “We’re a much superior race,” Daniel said. “You should get used to that fact right away. Your days are numbered, Shayna. Human earth’s as well. It’s only a matter of time.”


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